Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 800: Almost undefeated

The dark creatures in the stands cheered for a while, and Ximen Yu thought they would throw stones, but to Ximen Yu's surprise, this time when he came out, there were no dark creatures throwing stones, but instead a few dark creatures threw food to Ximen Yu.

It seems that the scene of Ximenyu almost killing the ground flaming creatures just now is appreciated by many dark creatures. Even if they regard Ximenyu as a beast, they will also like to see the powerful beast.

"In the fourth game, the district government still sent the ground creature just now."

After a while, the opposite cage opened again.

A creature with a snakehead coming out of it.

"The fourth game, the beast sent by the Purple House is a dark spirit snake, please watch it!"

The dark spirit snake threw its tongue out at Ximenyu, and when she spit out her tongue, it was three or four meters in length.

The Purple House just said to the spirit snake that as long as she killed Ximenyu, she could let her go.

Therefore, at this moment this dark spirit snake wants to kill Ximenyu.

The dark spirit snake used to be a species in the age of dinosaurs. At that time, their dark spirit snake species also served some dinosaurs. Such a noble species has not fallen into this way. It lives in the underground river. Because of long-term habits, the darkness The spirit snake, like other species, prefers life in the dark. Otherwise, they would have been killed on the ground long ago, but their species are scarce and they will be extinct sooner or later. So only some powerful people in the world know that this earth is not just human.


The tongue of the dark spirit snake rolled like a whip, and the speed of the tongue's beating almost reached the speed of light.

Therefore, it is notorious that the tongue speed of the dark spirit snake is very flexible. In the era of the once lost dinosaur, the dark spirit snake is also a very famous species among thousands of species.

Unfortunately, she encountered Ximenyu.

Ximenyu instantly released his realm. Within a ten-meter range, Ximenyu's speed almost reached the speed of light, even more sensitive than the dark spirit snake.

"Huh!" Ximen Yu hands up and down.

At the same speed, the response was more sensitive, and Ximenyu easily cut off the tongue of the dark spirit snake.

"Ah!" The dark spirit snake had no tongue, as if it had no hands or feet.

"Pomp!" Ximenyu cut the dark spirit snake into two pieces at once, the part in the cut was seven inches from the snake, and seven inches from the snake. Everyone knew that. Seven inches of the dark spirit snake was indeed her fatal point.

Ximen Yu easily killed the Dark Spirit Snake.

The dark creatures in the stands cheered, and for the dark creatures, the tongue speed of the dark spirit snake was difficult for them to achieve.

Many dark creatures threw food at Ximenyu.

"Fourth game, the beast of the district government wins!"

Ximenyu returned to the cage and took many of the food back.

"Ximenyu, I really have you. Now even the dark creatures in the stands outside don't stone you, it seems that you have won the favor of those dark creatures!"

Ximen Yu hummed: "The more we do, the more we have the opportunity to escape. I don't know if the fifth game will still let me out!"

Zhou Qidao said: "The district government has won three games in five games. In order to give the Zifu family face, it is impossible for you to play!"

Sure enough, after a while, the dark creature with the fourth-order gene came in to choose the beast, but instead of Ximenyu, he chose a beast of another species. One is very weak.

Today's fighting beast ended like this. Ximenyu waited for eight people, and no one died. But this time it didn't, it's not guaranteed that it won't be next time.

"How should we escape?" Ximenyu has been thinking about this problem, but there is no way at all. All around are gene powerful.

In this way, I don't know how long it has passed, it seems to be two days, it seems to be three days. The Colosseum outside was bustling again, and Ximenyu and others knew that there was another animal fight today.

"Everyone, today will be fighting beasts again. Today, the beasts are the District House, White House, and River House. Today's fighting beasts have the same five games. The three beasts fight at the same time, and the last one is the winner. Watch the first game!"

In the first game, Zhou Botong was ordered out.

Zhou Botong and the other two beasts were standing in the Colosseum at the same time.

At the beginning, Zhou Botong was very weak. This was to make the other two creatures feel that Zhou Botong was the weakest. They naturally put Zhou Botong aside first, and then waited for the other to be stronger and then cleaned up. Zhou Botong.

Ten minutes later, one of those two killed each other, and then turned to kill Zhou Botong.

But at this time, Zhou Botong suddenly became stronger, killing the other party five or six minutes later.

In the first game, Zhou Botong survived alone.

Ximenyu was very happy. When Zhou Botong just appeared, Ximenyu and others were worried for him.

In the second scene, unfortunate things happened.

The second Tokugawa Chiyuki was ordered out.

"Ah! Me?" Tokugawa Qianxue was dumbfounded. She was only potentially eighth-order, so weak, that she clearly went out to be a pawn.

"What should I do?" Chika Tokugawa looked at Ximenyu crying.

Ximen Yudao: "Don't worry, the second beast fighting with you must be below the fifteenth order, so I will hold my two silver needles. When the time comes, I will take action. Under the fifteenth order , I can kill it easily with the silver needle!"


Tokugawa Chisuki walked out of the Colosseum diligently.

Sure enough, the other two beasts sent were all 15th potential.

As soon as they appeared, the two beasts ignored Tokugawa Chisen.

Tokugawa Chisue threw two silver needles on the ground as Ximenyu had instructed.

Ximenyu immediately controlled the silver needle and quietly penetrated into the bodies of two creatures.

Then, when the two creatures fought fiercely.

Ximenyu suddenly controlled the silver needle to kill them.

In this case, others thought they were fighting each other and killed themselves.

In the end, Tokugawa Chisen won without any action.

Chika Tokugawa escaped the disaster.

In the third game, Ximen Yu was finally sent out.

When Ximenyu appeared in the Colosseum, many dark creatures cheered Ximenyu and threw food for Ximenyu.

The beasts that Ximenyu is about to fight this time are two eighteen-level water creatures and earth inflammation creatures.

At the beginning, the water creatures and the earth inflammation creatures all besieged Ximenyu together.

More than ten minutes later, Ximenyu beheaded the water squirrel creature and the earth inflammation creature.

In this way, Ximenyu also played in the fourth game, and Ximenyu also won.

Ximenyu was almost undefeated, and in the fifth game, Ximenyu also played, and Ximenyu beheaded the other two creatures together.

(There is still at night)

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