Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 863: season finale

Ximen Yuxin didn't know why he jumped suddenly, and seemed to hear a pitiful roar.

Ximenyu instantly felt a sense of sadness.

Are Blu-ray creatures dangerous?

"No, it can escape even if it won't win. With so much fog here, the old patriarch is not so easy to kill it!" Xi Menyu thought to himself. Blu-ray creatures have been paying off their courage here. One day he plans to be able to avenge his parents. How can he die? He has not avenged yet.

"Robertson, thank you. If it weren't for you, the beast escaped just now. Your high-calorie flame is fatal to it."

Robertson respectfully said: "Sr. Gou, no need to be polite, I was here to assist you and to help you. This is my honor and the honor of our Stark family!"


The elder said to the elder patriarch: "The elder patriarch, Ximenyu, was forced to the crater by us. He jumped into the volcano. We came to you to discuss it. The crater was full of huge poison. Fog, Robertson’s armor has just calculated that the toxicity is violent, and it will paralyze our nerves and cannot be easily entered!"

"Go, go to the crater!"


The old patriarch commanded again: "Drag this animal's body to the crater. Ximenyu's animal must not know that the animal's life is dead. I want him to see this animal's body!"


The elder immediately picked up the body of the blue creature and followed the old patriarch and Robertson to the crater.

The other three elders were guarding the crater. As soon as Ximen Yu came up, he would immediately grab him.

When the old patriarch came, he stood at the crater and shouted, "Ximenyu, you haven't come up yet, do you think you've escaped?"

When Ximenyu heard the old patriarch's voice, he was shocked and shouted: "Old man, what are you doing with the blue creature?"

"Hahaha!" The old patriarch laughed and ordered: "Throw it down!"

"Yes, the old patriarch!" The elder carrying the blue creature walked to the crater and threw the body of the blue creature into the crater. The body of the blue creature fell sharply.

Soon it fell to the position of Ximenyu, and Ximenyu immediately grabbed the body of the blue creature.

"Ah!" When Ximenyu clearly saw the body of the Blu-ray creature, Ximenyu's whole person was nearly collapsed. Ximenyu had tears in his eyes, and he blamed himself. If it were not for him, how could the Blu-ray creature die? .

"I'm sorry, I hurt you. You want to take revenge, but you haven't had time to take revenge, but you die because of me. I will definitely take revenge for you, and your parents' revenge!" Ximenyu swore.

Ximenyu inspected the body of the blue creature and saw that the most fatal injury was the flame. If it was not the flame, it might have a chance to escape. This flame must have been sent by the Iron Man Robertson. Ximenyu gritted his teeth fiercely. Robertson, Ximenyu vowed to kill him.

"Ximenyu, have you seen the beast's corpse? You haven't hurried to catch it. You have no way to escape. Your doomsday has arrived. Why do you struggle anymore, no matter how long you struggle? It's useless!"

Ximenyu tearfully released the body of the blue creature, and the body quickly fell to the bottom of the volcano. Ximenyu said with tears: "Brother, go all the way, reunite with your parents. Give your hatred and mission to me. !"

The corpse of the blue creature continued to fall along the volcanic channel. I didn't know how long it fell, and finally fell into the magma under the crust, and it instantly disappeared into nothingness.

And Ximenyu shouted: "Old blood of the blood wolf family, come down and catch me by yourself."

The old patriarch hummed: "Ximenyu, you are still rampant, you are already dead, and the hatred between us can be resolved today. I think the taste under the volcano is uncomfortable!"

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha!" Ximen Yu issued a series of helpless laughs, is it really the end?

No one has died since ancient times, Ximen Yu has killed so many masters of the blood wolf family, it is worth it.

But Ximenyu will not go out, even if it falls into the magma of the earth's crust, Ximenyu will not go out.

Robertson's disdainful voice came from above: "Ximenyu, you bastard, hide away. If you are still alone, it is better to come out honestly and accept the judgment of fate. You killed so many blood wolf families Master, I’m afraid you can’t get rid of your meat by cutting it off. Come out, don’t hide!”

"Robertson, you are better than you, I will kill you, take off your armor, you are nothing, you bastard, I will break you up!"

"Haha, it's ridiculous. My Stark family originally started relying on Iron Man armor, I am armor, armor is me, you coward, what are you qualified to say me. Well, don't think I have no way to take you, you Really don’t come out, right? Well, you will see me awesome."

"Robertson, what are you doing?" the old patriarch asked.

Robertson said: "He won't come out, I blasted him out with a bomb!"

With that, a small bomb flew from Robertson's arm, and the bomb quickly flew down the crater.

There was also a detection device on the bomb, so I clearly felt the position of Ximenyu, and when he flew ten meters above Ximenyu, the explosion exploded.

The explosion of the crater caused a strong flame and blew up a lot of volcanic muck.

"Ximenyu, don't you come out yet?"

"Okay, then I will continue to blow up, fill the crater, see if you can't come out!"

Robertson instantly released dozens of shells and exploded on the walls of the crater.

"Boom!" Countless gravel fell, almost trying to bury the crater.

At this time, the old patriarch also said: "Ximenyu, if you don't come out again, I will use a sound attack on you, I will not consider catching you alive."

Just then, a strong heat wave rushed up from the depths of the volcano.

It must have been Robertson's movement that triggered the eruption.

"Not good!" Ximenyu immediately rushed upwards, otherwise he would be melted by volcanic magma.

As soon as Ximenyu rushed out of the crater, the magma followed the eruption, erupting at a height of several kilometers.

The people in the crater, wearing steel armor, were not afraid of the heat of magma.

"Humph, you are finally out!"

When the old patriarch hummed, the voice attack instantly reached Ximenyu's mind.

Ximenyu had a headache, and felt that this time the old patriarch obviously strengthened the voice attack. Ximenyu was only a second-order gene. How to resist it, he lost consciousness after a while.

When Ximenyu came to awake, it was a few minutes later, and now he was **** strictly.

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