Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 896: Ruined

Ximen Yudao: "Relax, such a blatant and shameless thing, I disdain to do it! You can rest assured, but, I have a condition!"

"What conditions?"

"If I run out of energy within this month, you must add energy to me!"

Robertson thought and nodded, "Okay, deal!"

Ximenyu said with a smile: "Then you will prepare energy for me now. I only have one percent of energy left. Waiting, I'm afraid I will fall from the sky!"


"Robertson, you said the deal yourself! I think you should not be such a shameless person!"

If it had been known that Ximenyu had no energy, Robertson would definitely not come to this agreement with him again.

"I still have more than 50% of my energy before. Why is it almost gone in a few days?" Robertson asked.

"Sorry, I was in curiosity and rushed into space for a circle!"

"Do you know how expensive energy is!"

"I'm too lazy to care how expensive it is. Anyway, within this month, I must provide me with enough energy, otherwise, even if I can't use armor, I won't give it back to you."

"Humph!" Robertson just hummed, it seemed he wouldn't regret it, the deal was closed.

Ximenyu also breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise, without energy, the armor would be equivalent to scrap iron.

At this moment, both Ximen Yu and Robertson's armor heard a prompt: "The two 369-class missiles of the Chinese government are approaching, and they are expected to arrive within eight seconds!"

Ximen Yu was shocked. Hey, the Chinese government fired missiles towards them, and they were two of the 369-class missiles, known as the strongest, fastest and most accurate.

Robertson snorted, and when the missile shot at them, Robertson rushed up and kicked, and the missile immediately changed direction.

Ximenyu also learned Robertson, kicking the missile off course.

The two missiles continued to fly northeast.

Of course, the two men did not know where the missile flew.

However, in the launch control room on the ground, it broke out.

"It's not good, it didn't hit the target, the missile was deflected towards Japan!"

"Control, control quickly, you can't bombard Japan!"

"It's not good, I don't know what's going on. The missile and the ground are out of control and can't be controlled!"

It must be that when Ximenyu and Robertson kicked the missile, what did they kick and lost contact with the ground control.

Now, people on the ground have calculated that the missile is flying safely to mainland Japan.

"Quick, calculate the time and exact location of the flight to mainland Japan!"


After ten seconds.

"Ah! No, the landing time of the two missiles is twelve minutes and thirty-eight seconds!"

"What about the location?" an officer yelled. However, it turned into China launching missiles directly at Japan. Although the Diaoyu Islands are somewhat controversial, they have not reached the point where they suddenly launched missiles! This can really evolve into war.

"Ah! The missile landing site is Tokyo, Japan."

"Where is Tokyo?"

"The report is incomplete and cannot be calculated accurately, but it is certain that it will land in Tokyo, Japan!"

"Aw, this is awful!"

The ground has broken open.

At this moment, in Tokyo, Japan, in a certain parliament building, many people are sitting in the General Assembly Hall, it seems that they are busy choosing something. In short, the entire Assembly Hall is the country's politicians, brain-level figures.

"Okay, this meeting on the Senkaku Islands (fishing 0 fish islands) ends here. We must let the Self-Defense Forces strengthen law enforcement. All Chinese fishermen who enter the Senkaku Islands area will catch up. It is late today. Everyone breaks up!" Japanese Prime Minister xxichiro said.

Suddenly, just then, the air defense alarm of the Capitol sounded.



The two huge fire groups exploded in the parliament building and razed to the ground. The Japanese heads, who were about to disband the meeting, had nearly three hundred leading officials, all swallowed in the light of fire.

In China

"General, it exploded and landed. It was Tokyo **** Parliament Building!"

The general sighed: "Fortunately, this is a blessing of misfortune. **** Parliament House is not a prosperous urban area. Otherwise, civilians killed or injured cannot be counted! Are you sure where the landing site is?"

"Okay, the Japanese parliament building was razed. I think the number of casualties shouldn't be much. After all, it's too late. There can't be any government officials in this kind of building. At most, there are some guards on guard. Not right!"

The whole of Japan was shocked at this moment because their Japanese prime minister and nearly three hundred heads at the highest level were all bombed to death by missiles, leaving no residue left.

This time, the entire Japan became a group of dragons without a head.

This news came about an hour later, and countries around the world got the news.

"What? The top leader of the entire Japanese government, nearly three hundred of them are dead? You blow it! Why did you deceive you and was hit by two missiles? There is no certainty where the missiles were launched. A large number of troops and experts were sent to Japan to investigate."

"Which country is so bold, and does Japan have no anti-missile defense system? Will it not intercept?"

"Yes, Japan has the highest-tech anti-missile defense system provided by the United States. But, I don't know why, but I didn't stop it, just slammed it and bombed all the 300 top leaders in Japan's meeting! "

"It's over now, isn't Japan no government!"

"That's not true. It's just that the highest-level leaders of the prime minister, all the more than three hundred are gone, only some officials are small, and they are not eligible to participate in the meeting!"

Of course, this is an afterword, saying that after Simon and Robertson kicked the missile in the wrong direction, they ignored it. They all thought that the missile must have landed on the Pacific Ocean. Such a coincidence, so accurate.

"Ximenyu, you're talking!"

"Of course, when will you give me energy?"

Robertson said: "Well, you come back to the United States with me now, I will give you the energy of armor!"

Ximenyu nodded.

So, Simon Yu and Robertson flew in the direction of the United States one after another.

When Ximen Yu arrived, Zong Xiang's plane back to China had already taken off. It took them more than ten hours to make the plane to the end, but Ximen Yu flew with armor, much faster.

Zong Xiang left a message to Ximen Yu: "Ximen Yu, we have to get on the plane first, you have to be careful!"

In fact, Zong Xiang was not too worried, because it seems that the two Iron Man of Robertson and Simon Men seem to be at the same level, and Robertson dare not hurt his armor.

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