Campus Master

Chapter 314

"You can rest assured that our goal this time is to get the dragon ball. We will work together and no one will do anything too much. Such a ghost place can make people crazy if we stay one more second." The sportswear man first jumped out and said.

The other three did not speak, but the expression on their faces fully agreed with Xiao Yifeng's and sportswear man's opinion. All the people present were not fools. Everyone knew that they could not engage in intrigue at this time. In the face of Qinglong, who had the same strength but had more than their own number, no one dared to say that they would win.

Seeing their good attitude, Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang went to the palace side by side, arm in arm. At this time, their true Qi was interlinked, and the phenomenon that could not appear in other practitioners had no influence on them. They had a little bit of the same source of true Qi. Shangguan Lengshuang had been in Xiao Yifeng's body at the same time, and they also had the affinity of fit It's a bit like double cultivation.

There is a forbidden system at the gate of the palace, but this kind of forbidden system only forbids the green dragon flying out of the palace. It doesn't affect the people outside to enter. Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang don't encounter obstacles, so they enter easily. When they enter the palace, they feel nine pairs and eighteen dragon eyes staring at them.

These green dragons didn't directly attack Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang. They are different from the outside golden dragons. Their accomplishments are all in the middle Yuan Dynasty, but their expressions are softer, probably because of the wood attribute aura. Among the five elements, the water attribute and the wood attribute aura are softer. Gold and fire are hot and fight one by one Either one is more belligerent.

Although there are nine green dragons this time, it seems that they are easier to talk than the five golden dragons outside. This also surprised Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang. I didn't expect that the Dragon formed by this aura has the characteristics of aura. If Jiulong can be more friendly, it would be a wonderful thing.

The four people outside also saw this situation. Qinglong was more friendly than expected. They couldn't wait. When facing the enemy, everyone could work together. Everyone knew that the power of separation was not enough to defeat the enemy. Now they felt that there was no danger, and everyone's selfishness came up.

When Xiao Yifeng is less than five meters away from Qinglong, the four people finally can't bear it. They don't want to let them get there first. Regardless of the previous agreement, without waiting for Qinglong to attack, they have already jumped into the palace gate. They can't fly, but their body method is still fast.

Gongmen is only 100 meters away from Jiulong Xizhu. Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang walk slowly to guard against Qinglong's attack. Later, the four people don't have so many worries. The distance of 100 meters is just around the corner. When Qinglong's eyes flash hostility, they are less than 10 meters behind Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang.

Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang also know the movement of the four people. They feel the momentum change of Qinglong, and their hearts are bad. They hate each other. None of them is active. With the mind turning, the aura fills the whole body in an instant, and the forward body turns into a backward dodge.

The two of them are close to the green dragon, and they can feel their changes more clearly. The other four are busy trying to get the dragon ball first, but they ignore such changes. As a result, four practitioners fly forward, and Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang stagger back with them.

When they retreat, their aura is all over their body. Even if the nine green dragons attack together, they should be able to cope with it. What's more, in the wrong body, the four practitioners have gone to the front line, and they will be attacked by the green dragon first.

The four practitioners were afraid that Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang would get ahead of each other. As a result, they became directly confronted with Qinglong because of such a mistake. None of the four practitioners were stupid. There must be something wrong with Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang if they don't advance but retreat. They can only blame themselves for paying too much attention to Longzhu and forgetting Xiao Yifeng's plan.

Even if they wake up now, it's too late. Just a moment after their wrong body, the nine green dragons suddenly burst out a green light from their mouths, and their bodies drifted away, ready to surround the six intruders. It's just because Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang saw the opportunity quickly, they were not besieged, so they had to separate two green dragons to intercept him People.

After the green light erupted, it turned into a huge net. Instead of seizing the four practitioners, they restricted them. Their purpose was obviously to trap them. The remaining seven green dragons went in and out of the big green net. They were different from the Golden Dragon. They were not the kind of Reiki condensates relying solely on physical strength. They actually used magic .

Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang are also a little surprised. They just think that Qinglong wants to do something, so they leave wisely. Qinglong's cultivation seems to be between Bozhong and the outside golden dragon, and they are not the dragon people who are good at fighting. Now because they can use magic, they do more harm.

In fact, you can understand that the Golden Dragon outside is responsible for guarding the entrance of the palace, while the green dragon is guarding the dragon balls. It's only right that the quantity and quality of the dragon balls have been greatly improved. Since there are only two green dragons to deal with them, they seem to be at ease.

Xiao Yifeng didn't become a giant this time. The forbidden space is a very strange existence. It not only limits the people who can't fly, but also can't have too huge transformation. It's impossible to break through that barrier. After all, ordinary practitioners don't have to think about breaking through the forbidden system set by immortals."These green dragons are crazy. How can they be so crazy?" The four practitioners were trapped in the green net by the green dragon, and their reactions were not slow. They released their own magic weapons. The leader's attack and defense magic weapons cooperated, and it was not a problem to choose a green dragon alone. The other three did not have his good equipment, and they were all magic weapons flying. Although they could not defeat the enemy, at least they could protect themselves. The practitioners absolutely surpassed the monsters in this point.

Sportswear men are the most embarrassed. They control the flying sword to resist the endless harassment of green dragon, sometimes magic and sometimes physical attack, while roaring. The most dangerous thing is that they are limited under a green net. Even if they want to leave, they can't do it. Now they all expect Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang to help.

The four of them faced the siege of seven green dragons. On average, each of them shared almost two green dragons. With the increase of magic weapon, they could at most protect themselves. However, although they could not fight back, they played a very important role, at least dispersing the pressure on Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang.

Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang don't waste time. Xiao Yifeng's body has been used as a treasure. It seems that there is no magic weapon, so he fights with Qinglong with his bare hands. From the angle that people can't see, he always has nine turns of demon fire in his palm. He has already had experience with Fu Jinlong before, and he is afraid of his nine turns of demon fire.

Shangguan Lengshuang doesn't have so many strange skills as Xiao Yifeng, but she also has her own family's excellent skills. Shangguan Lengshuang's cold aura is in the hands of Shangguan Lengshuang, which makes those practitioners open their eyes. They all know Shangguan family a little bit more or less.

The green dragon attacking her is very flexible. Her body strength is enough to counteract Shangguan Lengshuang's flying sword, and she also releases some wood magic from time to time. For ordinary people, even if they won't be defeated, they will be in a hurry. Shangguan Lengshuang doesn't panic at all. When dealing with the green dragon's attack, she releases her cold aura. It doesn't take long for her to be the center of the cold air It was only a few meters in the beginning. By the time she spread out, it was more than 30 meters.

Xiao Yifeng and the green dragon around her are also included in her field of cold ice. Xiao Yifeng is a little close to her in elemental strength. Even in her field, it doesn't affect her actions. The two green dragons are unlucky. The cultivation of these nine green dragons is similar to that of the Golden Dragon outside, but their body length is less than ten meters. Now the field of cold ice aura is thirty or forty meters And they're all trapped in it.

Because of Shangguan Lengshuang's excellent performance, the atmosphere at the scene became strange. Four practitioners were trapped by the big green net made by seven green dragons, while two green dragons were trapped by the ice field made by Shangguan Lengshuang, but relatively speaking, the two green dragons were much more unlucky than the four practitioners.

Because the four practitioners have magic weapons in their hands, they are not so optimistic about whether there will be any danger in a moment and a half. Their bodies are very long, and even though the ice field is very large, they are still not able to move. The most important thing is that they can't kill Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang, so they are the only ones who have bad luck.

In fact, Shangguan Lengshuang's use of cold ice has gone beyond her ability. When she used it, she even had some accidents. She couldn't use it before. In her mind, she didn't know whether she had some changes after she had the affinity with Xiao Yifeng. Otherwise, she couldn't explain.

Since she has leaped over the level, she naturally has not much spare power to deal with the two dragons. However, her first joint defense with Xiao Yifeng shows a very strong fighting capacity. The threat of the two dragons is greatly reduced because of the ice confinement of Shangguan Lengshuang, which is convenient for Xiao Yifeng.

Xiao Yifeng's whole body is a magic weapon, and his action is three points more powerful than that of ordinary practitioners. Just at the beginning of the slow action of the two green dragons, Xiao Yifeng has been riding on one green dragon with infinite power, and his legs seem to have great power. Holding the green dragon, he bumps into another green dragon.

Qinglong naturally is not reconciled, but when he wants to resist, Xiao Yifeng's firm fist falls on his dragon horn. Even though Qinglong is a Reiki condensate and doesn't feel so obvious pain, being hit on the head by Xiao Yifeng's fist is also a flurry of dizziness. His body reacts naturally and bumps into his companion.

Xiao Yifeng's fighting style makes people dumbfounded every time. If it's not for qinglongmen's tireless attack on the four practitioners, the four practitioners really want to stop watching Xiao Yifeng's performance. Even if they are not busy, they still can't help watching how Xiao Yifeng does it. How can this guy be a practitioner? It's a local ruffian fight without the demeanor of practitioners.

No matter what his style is, he seems to have a natural sense of fighting. What's the most simple and direct way, Xiao Yifeng will choose this way. This seemingly simple and rough way of fighting creates an alliance of two green dragons in an instant, and he also has this ability. Other people clearly see that he is very popular, but he just can't learn.

Although the two green dragons have been struggling against Xiao Yifeng's rough tossing, they are still separated by Xiao Yifeng's hard tossing in the cold field of Shangguan's cold frost. The four practitioners seem to be able to hear the four green dragons' subdued chants, just like the previous golden dragon, which is inexplicable.

Xiao Yifeng's fighting style is fierce and direct. Seven green dragons can trap four practitioners, but the two green dragons are as fragile as babies in front of Xiao Yifeng. He doesn't use much energy to let the two green dragons fight each other directly, and then they all disappear.This ending is really speechless. Even if the four practitioners are busy dealing with Qinglong, they can't help but scold him secretly. This boy is absolutely a freak. At the same time, they doubt whether Qinglong, who besieges Xiao Yifeng and Shangguan Lengshuang, is the weakest of these dragons. Otherwise, he can't be easily dealt with.

They only see the surface. Xiao Yifeng seems to be very coquettish on the surface. In fact, he also pays a lot of energy. His magic power, which is precious, costs more energy than his Dharma phase heaven and earth. Of course, it is more powerful. He not only insists on this kind of magic power, but also controls the green dragon. In fact, it is far from as easy as the surface.

Shangguan Lengshuang's consumption is higher than Xiao Yifeng's. If it wasn't for her superb medical skills and her recovery ability, she would not be able to take part in the next battle. Moreover, Xiao Yifeng helped her to adjust her breath immediately after she got rid of the two dragons, and her recovery speed would be faster.

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