Campus Master

Chapter 514

Not all palm techniques are just to destroy other people's bodies. Many palm techniques contain such magic as sky fire and sky thunder, which are enough to hurt people's soul. Monks in the combination and separation periods can't make the spirit come out of the body at the moment when the body is destroyed. In the end, the spirit is burned by the magic fire contained in the devil's palm.

"Xiao Yifeng, do you see that this is their end. Although your cultivation is better than theirs, you are still not my opponent. I will not try to win you over again this time. I am not at ease with your growth speed. I decide to deal with you just like them today." The devil didn't look at the friars, but there was only Xiao Yifeng in his eyes.

Most of the monks who want to escape are deterred by the power of the demon king. They are hesitating and don't know whether they should leave. No one wants to be the next target of the demon king. Similarly, they can't be sure that Xiao Yifeng will stop the demon king's attack. They are in a real dilemma now.

Xiao Yifeng looked at the people of the demon clan and thought that today's affairs were difficult. It was estimated that with his own strength, it would be difficult to save all the practitioners, so he had to say in a cold voice: "Lord demon, although your cultivation is better than me, it's not so easy to deal with me. As long as all the people present help me, you can't do anything to us. ”

his words remind the monks above the period of emergence that they all take out their magic weapons and use their own spiritual power to urge them. At this time, they all know that Xiao Yifeng is the backbone of the people, so they all take him as the center, protect all the practitioners and cover them to leave.

Shangguan Lengshuang's father and Wen Xingyu organize the people to withdraw quickly. Their cultivation is not enough to stay and cover, so they have to leave together. At this time, everyone is surprisingly United. No one will argue who should go first. They all take the initiative to let the weaker ones leave.

When Xiao Yifeng was covering the crowd, he also felt that the practitioners were really a bunch of wonderful flowers. They had to be united in the face of disaster. If they had united earlier, the previous practitioners would not have died. The reason why the practitioners could occupy the realm of cultivation was not because of their cultivation, but because of their magic weapon .

Now these forefathers in the period of emergence take out their own magic weapon, and all of them unite to concentrate their strength. At least two Dharma protectors can't break through. Even if the demon king can break through, it will take a lot of effort. In this way, it's natural for all of them to retreat.

The demon king obviously knew the power of the Terran cultivator's magic weapon. He stood in the air and looked at Xiao Yifeng and the monks who were out of their bodies. He said with a cold smile, "Xiao Yifeng, do you think you can stop the king if you pull up a bottle of waste wood that is not half full of banging? You are not too naive."

His body doesn't move in the air. A big foot appears in the sky of Xiao Yifeng and others. If he steps on it, everyone knows that it will be worse than if he slaps it in the palm of his hand. It seems that everyone has agreed to activate the spirit power together and form a huge shield on Xiao Yifeng's head.

The devil's foot stepped on the protective cover, and the pressure on it was shared by all the practitioners. Even so, the protective cover on Xiao Yi's head began to crack, then it broke and disappeared without a trace. All the practitioners felt as if their bodies had been kicked.

When Xiao Yifeng fought against the devil alone, he could fight against the devil alone. Even if he suffered a loss, he could take his attack. All the people joined hands to share the pressure of the devil. Even if he gathered more magic on it, he could not hurt anyone. With more than 20 monks and the best magic weapons, the devil could not be defeated in a short time Yes.

When they dueled with the demon king, the weaker disciples of other sects withdrew under the arrangement of Shangguan Lengshuang's father and Wen Xingyu. Even if their accomplishments were not too high, their escape speed was not slow. The demon king was fighting with Xiao Yifeng and others, and had no time to care about them.

In fact, the magic commander wanted to chase them, but he had no command from the demon king, so he had to wait here. Moreover, they thought to themselves that although their strength was higher than those who escaped, they could not stop them. After all, the monks in the out of body period could not do this kind of mass destruction, so they were far inferior to the monks in the robbery period.

Xiao Yifeng hurt the left Dharma protector and restrained the right Dharma protector by his own efforts. Others admire him. At this time, Xiao Yifeng is the main one, and naturally he won't have any reservation. It's the first time for Xiao Yifeng to join hands with many experts to fight against the demon king.

This is the other courtyard of Shangguan family. Naturally, it is also a place full of aura. The five elements' aura is completely moved by Xiao Yifeng. It seems that Longzhu is also cooperating with himself. Xiao Yifeng feels that this is the first time that Longzhu has cooperated with himself since his breakthrough in cultivation.

The residents in the mental space see that the "sun" in the sky is shining more and more brightly, and there are colorful lights behind the sun. They don't know that the five element dragon ball is running at a high speed. They just feel that the spiritual power in the mental space is more and more abundant, making people feel more and more comfortable.

As a result, millions of residents chanted miracles and knelt down on the ground together to meditate on the goddess they believed in. All the power of belief was absorbed by Xiao Yifeng's wife, Shangguan Lengshuang's grandparents and Shangguan Yongyi. Naturally, some of it was injected into Xiao Yifeng's body.People only see that Xiao Yifeng's body radiates light, colorful and beautiful, and the most important thing is that these practitioners actually feel that Xiao Yifeng is very sacred, as if he is not a practitioner, but a God. If they did not see that the giant was changed by Xiao Yifeng, they would think that this is a projection of a God in the world.

The demon king didn't expect that his pressure on Xiao Yifeng would bring such a big rebound. He is a demon king who has been practicing for three thousand years and naturally has more knowledge than ordinary people. Even if he doesn't know how Xiao Yifeng did it, he feels very uneasy about his present appearance. This is not the momentum that a monk should have.

"Yes, that's not what a monk in the period of emergence should have." This idea flashed through the devil's mind, and then he yelled to the right Dharma protector and the two magic marshals by instinct: "stop him quickly, and you must destroy his momentum. This boy is going to break through again, quick."

The demon king never thought that anyone would dare to break through when fighting against him. This is his biggest contempt and disrespect. But now Xiao Yifeng actually did it. He didn't want to do it. He thought that Xiao Yifeng sent out his own fierce attack. If it wasn't for time, he could lead the disaster.

The right Dharma protector has already stabilized the left Dharma protector's injury and is about to take action. After listening to the demon king's words, he will not hesitate to attack Xiao Yifeng at the same time. The calm left Dharma protector and the two magic marshals also send out their own powerful magic attack together. The target is Xiao Yifeng whose cultivation is rising.

At first, all the practitioners didn't understand what happened to Xiao Yifeng, but now they heard the roar of the demon king. None of the monks who were out of the body had been practicing for thousands of years. Even though they thought such a thing was incredible, they all knew that this was the critical moment for Xiao Yifeng. If he broke through successfully, the Terran cultivation world would have more powerful fighting power. If he failed, he would have more fighting power You will lose a young master.

The masters of the Terran cultivation world show incredible unity when they are in danger. Almost all the monks are unreservedly urging the spiritual power of the whole body, and they don't attack the demons. They just create a protection for Xiao Yifeng to ensure that he can absorb all the power to his heart's content.

The cultivation of the demon master is headed by the demon king, which is far better than the strength of the present Terran practitioners. However, if the Terran practitioners only defend but don't attack, it's not so easy for the opponent to break through their defense. At least within a cup of tea time, Xiao Yifeng's safety is safe. But once the time passes, all the practitioners will exhaust their spiritual power and have no defense.

The willpower of the people led by Xiao Yifeng was so strong that the demon king was very angry. The reason why the Terran practitioners were able to resist the invasion of the demons thousands of years ago was because of this stubborn and almost incomprehensible willpower. Now, after thousands of years, when they fought with a large number of Terran monks, they met the same situation, which really made him gnash his teeth.

The devil thinks that it's Xiao Yifeng who is the culprit of all this. He dares to make a breakthrough at this time. No matter what, he must let Xiao Yifeng die without a place to bury himself. He thinks that his hand is to add infinite magic, which is almost equal to the power of a disaster.

When Xiao Yifeng mobilized the power of dragon ball to resist the demon king, he didn't expect that he would absorb a lot of vitality of heaven and earth at this time. He could feel that his cultivation was increasing, and his cultivation at the top of his body was stuck. However, the more and more spiritual power gathered in his body, together with the belief power of millions of ordinary people, urged his cultivation more and more loose.

He didn't know how powerful the dragon ball was, but he found that he not only absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth scattered in the air, but also absorbed the magic and mana from the attack between the demon masters and the practitioners. The key is to be inclusive. It seems that the dragon ball has become a filter, no matter whether it is harmful to his body or not It's absorbed.

It's only a few minutes. Before the spiritual power of the practitioners has been consumed, the spiritual power in Xiao Yifeng's body has finally accumulated to a certain peak. The state of mind he has worked hard to achieve in the past and this life will not affect his breakthrough. It's very natural for him to enter the period of salvation.

Xiao Yifeng's hundred Zhang body suddenly rises and shrinks in the attack of the demons, and then the colorful light on his body disappears. It seems that he never appears. People even think that Xiao Yifeng's breakthrough fails, and his supernatural power and cultivation are gone. They feel sorry for him.

A very dazzling strong light surged up into the sky and enveloped Xiao Yifeng day after day. Even the protective shield made by the practitioners for him was broken. Instead of feeling uncomfortable, people seemed to get some supplies from his strong light, and the spiritual power consumed before was recovering.

On the contrary, all the attacks of the demons, including the demon king, have been ineffective. They can't hit Xiao Yifeng in the pillar of light, just like the mayfly shaking the tree. Even the demon king who has been practicing for three thousand years doesn't understand this phenomenon, so he has to wave his hand to stop his own people and prepare to watch the change.

Xiao Yifeng's body momentum is rising rapidly in the light. Everyone present can feel the strength. Xiao Yifeng's mind is very clear. He seems to have a premonition that something bad is coming. He says in a loud voice in the light column: "thank you for protecting the Dharma for your younger generation. Xiao remembers this helping hand, but please leave quickly. The devil has me Resist. " With these words, his hands crossed in the air, and a hundred Zhang high earth wall rose up, separating the demon king from the practitioners.It seems that the function of Guangzhu is to protect Xiao Yifeng, but it doesn't prevent him from casting his magic. He gives these monks time to leave. Everyone can see that the situation is strange. Everyone has been practicing for thousands of years. They also vaguely guess that Xiao Yifeng may be going through the robbery. They just give Xiao Yifeng a fist and fly away at the fastest speed.

They have seen that the demon king can't hurt Xiao Yifeng, and they are very relieved to go. They just leave a question in their heart, what kind of monster Xiao Yifeng is, how could he be abnormal!

Under the cover of Xiao Yifeng, all the practitioners withdraw smoothly. Their accomplishments are in the period of leaving the body. If they want to escape with all their strength, even the demon king can't catch them all. Moreover, because of Xiao Yifeng's obstruction, almost no one has a chance to catch them.

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