Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 141 Ju Su: This boy wants to turn the fake into the real, he must not be allowed to stay!

" don't deserve to be a human being!"

Sun Ce cursed loudly.

He has no daughters, only a little sister.

But how old is the little sister?

If he is sent to the palace, he will not be able to see his old father when he goes down in the future.

"Bo Fu, why are you scolding me?"

Zhou Yu frowned and was very puzzled. He was just giving advice, why didn't he become the son of a man?

"My little sister will have to wait at least another three to five years before she can enter the palace!" Sun Ce gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, Zhou Yu's eyes widened instantly and he stared at Sun Ce in disbelief.

"Bo Fu, you... you actually want to send my little sister to the palace! My little sister is just a child now and will not be old enough to get married in another three to five years. How could you have such an idea?"

"If you are really like this, you are worse than a beast! Don't say that people in the world will laugh at you, I will look down on you too!"

Sun Ce was a little confused when he saw Zhou Yu speaking righteously.

Could it be that Gong Jin didn't mean this? Did he have a dirty mind and go astray?

Rao is invincible on the battlefield and is known as the Little Overlord.

At this moment, his handsome face was flushed with embarrassment.

"Gong Jin, it was my fault. Please don't mention this matter again in the future, otherwise I won't be able to see anyone."

Zhou Yu also lectured Sun Ce on what a gentleman should do and what he should not do, and how a man should stand upright and never do anything like a beast.

He didn't give up until he almost dug a hole as Sun Ce said.

"In addition to Erqiao Jiangbei, Lujiang has a girl named Bu Lianshi. She is beautiful and tolerant, and has the beauty of the country. Bo Fu might as well find Bu Lianshi and present it to the emperor."

Sun Ce finally breathed a sigh of relief and nodded quickly.

"I will arrange the manpower to find that trainer."

Youzhou front line, Jizhou military camp.

Inside the Chinese military tent.

Wen Chou's stiff, headless corpse lay coldly on the ground. Yuan Shao looked at the corpse in front of him. He felt heartbroken and extremely annoyed at the same time. He couldn't help but hammered the table hard and cursed: "A mere Yicheng made me fold. One general, thousands of troops!”

For nearly two months, he attacked Yicheng at all costs, but in the end he failed to capture this gateway to Youzhou, and even suffered heavy losses to himself!

There are two reasons for the failure.

The first reason is that Yicheng is easy to defend but difficult to attack and is impregnable;

The second is that Gongsun Zan's men are all elites in hundreds of battles.

Today another Zhao Yun appeared in front of the formation and beheaded his generals, and thousands of troops were able to move in and out freely.

But no matter what the reason is, the result of the fiasco cannot be changed.


Yan Liang took a step forward and said with red eyes: "Tomorrow, please let the last general be the first to lead the troops to attack the city!"

"The final general will definitely kill Gongsun Zan and Zhao Yun's heads with his own hands in order to offer a blood sacrifice to Uncle Evil's heroic soul!"

Yan Liang and Wen Chou have always been on good terms.

Wen Chou was trying to cover his retreat this time, so he was stabbed to death by Zhao Yun. This only added to his guilt. The most important thing was that Wen Chou's head was cut off by Zhao Yun!

Not even a whole body!

After he finished speaking, Jushou stepped forward and said, "My lord, after losing this battle, the morale of the army is low. We should not attack rashly again in the short term."

Yan Liang's eyes suddenly widened and he said angrily to Jushou: "If you don't attack the city? Will you not avenge Uncle Evil? His head is still hanging on the gate tower of Yicheng!"

"This is a great disgrace!"

Jushou said calmly: "General Yan, I can understand your mood. I am also very sad about General Wen's death, but it is really not suitable to attack now. We must consider the overall situation."

"It's a waste of time to think about it! You're just scared!"

Yan Liang was furious when he heard this and cursed Ju Shou directly.

Now he just wants to avenge Wen Chou!


Yuan Shao's face was ashen and he scolded Yan Liang: "I can decide whether to attack or not. Now that we are facing a powerful enemy, are you going to fight among yourself?"

Yan Liang's face was full of reluctance, but he still had no choice but to hold his hands and said: "I will not dare!"

Yuan Shao suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart and ordered: "Take Uncle Evil's body and bury it properly, and carve his head out of sandalwood. When I set foot in Yicheng in the future, I will find his head back!"

"Everyone else, please go out, Mr. and Mrs. Yu will stay."

The generals carried Wen Chou's body and left the camp.

Only Jushou stayed.

Yuan Shao rubbed his head that started to hurt again, and said slightly tiredly: "Today's battle was my fault. I shouldn't have fought against the generals. I should have launched an attack directly."

If he hadn't wanted to use the fight to undermine the enemy's morale in the future, Wen Chou would not have died, nor would he have allowed Zhao Yun to successfully charge into the formation, causing his own morale to plummet while Gongsun Zan's morale greatly increased.

If you launch an attack directly.

Then the outcome is yet to be determined.

Jushou heard this and said: "My lord, this is not your fault. That Zhao Yun is too brave, even as good as Lu Bu. I didn't expect that Gongsun Zan would have such a fierce general under his command."

The previous defeat was acceptable.

But the failure of today's siege was entirely due to Zhao Yun.

Who would have thought that an unknown young general could be as brave as Lu Bu?

Not only did he kill Wen Chou first, he also ran rampant in the formation, no one could stop him; he even fought against Yan Liang, Han Meng, and Chun Yuqiong. In the end, if Ju Yi hadn't taken action, he might have been killed among the thousands of troops. Yuan Shao's head is dead!

Yuan Shao felt scared after thinking about it.

Even though he was protected by a large army and several generals, he could still be suddenly thrust into the face and almost stabbed to death!

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao said to Ju Shou: "We can't let the emperor stay. The army is too dangerous. Where is he now?"

He originally thought that with the protection of the army, the emperor would be safe.

But after Zhao Yun rushed into the battle, he began to have doubts.

If Zhao Yun leads the White Horse Yi Cong to attack his camp and kidnap Liu Xie, then all his previous efforts will be used as a wedding dress for Gongsun Zan!

Jushou replied: "His Majesty is in the camp to comfort the wounded. He said that this defeat has caused low morale in the army, and he wants to do his part for the Lord."

"Take me to see it."

Yuan Shao was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then he stood up and walked out of the tent with Jushou.

Soon they found Liu Xie.

I saw that Liu Xie had taken off his armor and put on casual clothes. He was in the tent where the wounded were, and he personally helped them bandage their wounds and apply medicine. He had no airs or demeanor of the emperor and looked approachable.

And every soldier who had been taken care of by him showed tears of gratitude, and some even couldn't help but be moved to tears.

The emperor took care of them personally.

What an honor!

Yuan Shao watched in the dark for a while and then left, returned to the Chinese army camp, and said with approval: "This guy is indeed a talent, he helped me a lot."

Liu Xie's actions satisfied him very much.

He actually thought of voluntarily taking care of the wounded to relieve the depressing atmosphere caused by the defeat.

This would save him a lot of trouble.

But praise is praise, Yuan Shao still did not forget the business, and ordered: "You have someone to tell him, and we will send someone to escort him back to Yecheng tomorrow."

Although keeping the emperor in the military camp can indeed boost morale.

However, for safety reasons, this cannot be done.

Jushou was a little hesitant. In his opinion, Liu Xie's behavior was just short of winning people's hearts written on his forehead.

He wanted to say something, but looking at Yuan Shao's expression, he seemed unable to listen.

Based on Yuan Shao's character, he believed that Liu Xie was under his control and could not control his life or death. No matter how much he jumped around, it would not help.

What's more, he was very satisfied that Liu Xie helped him calm the morale of the army after the defeat.

Jushou finally chose to shut up, but his eyes contained a fierce light.

"If this child wants to turn false into true, he must not be allowed to stay!"

After leaving the camp, Jushou began to wonder how to get rid of Liu Xie without affecting the situation and Yuan Shao's reputation.

However, he thought hard all night and couldn't come up with a perfect solution.

"The tail is too big to fall off!"

Lying on the couch, Jushou tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

I never thought that in less than two years, Liu Xie would become a leader that could not be lost.

Early the next morning, Liu Xie set off back to Yecheng.

Although he wanted to stay in the military camp to get closer to the soldiers and further establish his character as emperor, Yuan Shao did not give him this opportunity and could only go back reluctantly.

Half a decade later.

Yecheng, outside the imperial palace.

Liu Xie got off the carriage, rubbed his sore buttocks, looked at the palace in front of him after a long absence, and said with emotion: "I'm back!"

This trip home can be described as extremely tortured.

It was different from when I went to the front line in Youzhou. When I came back, it was already the twelfth lunar month of winter, and it was snowing heavily. Sitting in the carriage was cold and bumpy, and I couldn't even get a good night's sleep.

But as long as we can come back safely.

Liu Xie took a long breath and strode into the palace without riding in a carriage.

After returning to the palace, he planned to meet Zhen Mi first.

After all, as an affectionate emperor who has been away from the palace for so long, the first thing he does after returning must be to meet his sweetheart first, so that it fits his personality.

At this time, Zhen Mi was leaning on the small window by the window, reading a book.

Although it was cold winter, the earth dragons in Qingli Palace were burning brightly, and the room was as warm as spring. Zhen Mi only wore a Luo Yi, and a light-colored belt tied around her waist.

Coupled with a small light purple cloak trimmed with white fox, and the fluffy white fox fur clustered around her neck, it made her delicate face look exquisite and pretty, making people unable to take their eyes away.

After Liu Xie came in, he stopped the maid from reporting.

He quietly walked forward and took the book away from Zhen Mi's hand.


Zhen Mi frowned slightly, just wanting to see who was so bold, but when she raised her head, she saw Liu Xie's face that he cared about day and night, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Your Majesty? When did your Majesty come back?"


Liu Xie held the bamboo slip in his hand and said with a disappointed look on his face: "My beloved concubine is so obsessed with reading that she didn't even go to greet me when I returned to the palace. It really makes me sad."

"No, I didn't know that Your Majesty would return to the palace..."

Zhen Mi quickly explained.

She didn't receive the message at all.

After thinking about it, Zhen Mi hesitantly suggested: "How about... Your Majesty, please wait outside the palace for a while, and then I can go and greet you?"


Liu Xie hit her on the head lightly with a bamboo slip and said angrily: "It's just that you didn't come to greet me. Now you want me to be cold outside?"

Zhen Mi blushed and was speechless.

Seeing her naive and silly look, Liu Xie stopped teasing her and said with a smile: "I'm just kidding. How could I blame my beloved concubine? I have been out of the palace for so long, and I miss my beloved concubine so much." ”

Zhen Mi was surprised and happy in her heart. She hugged Liu Xie and asked, "I also miss your majesty very much... Will you leave again after your majesty comes back this time?"

During the time when Liu Xie went to the frontline battlefield.

She worried about him all the time.

Liu Xie shook his head and said, "I won't leave. This time Yuan Shao asked me to go to the front line in Youzhou just to boost morale. I am the emperor, how can I stay on the front line all the time?"

"You can stay in the palace and accompany my beloved concubine."

Zhen Mi was very happy to hear this. She didn't like the days of being separated from Liu Xie. It was simply torture for her.

"By the way, my beloved concubine."

After spending a few moments with Zhen Mi, Liu Xie asked her, "How are the things I asked you to hand over to Zhen last time being studied? Is there any progress?"

He didn't come to Zhen Mi just to chat.

The purpose was to ask about the research progress of those technologies.

Zhen Mi nodded vigorously and said, "Among the skills that your majesty has given me, horseshoes and stirrups have been made."

"In addition, the method of refining fine salt has also been successful!"

"Now the Zhen family can continuously produce fine salt and refined salt."

Zhen Mi originally just wanted to give it a try, but she didn't expect it to be successful, especially the fine salt refining technique, the hidden benefits behind it are simply too huge.

This item alone is enough to make the Zhen family rich!

"What about iron smelting and glass?"

Liu Xie was not surprised that these technologies were successful, because they were the simplest, and he cared about iron smelting.

Whether iron smelting can make further progress determines whether powerful weapons and armor can be made.

As for whether glass can be successful, it seems less important.

Although glass can be sold as a luxury, it is still far behind the profit of salt.

However, when the manufacturing skills are sophisticated in the future, it can create strategic materials such as telescopes!

"These two technologies are still under research."

Zhen Mi shook her head and explained to Liu Xie: "The craftsmen said that what was burned out of the sand was a black mass, not glass at all."

"There has been some progress in iron smelting. The double liquid quenching method has significantly improved the toughness and strength of the weapon, but the steel pouring method has not yet been mastered and needs some time to study."

Hearing this answer, Liu Xie felt a mixture of joy and worry.

He had not expected to succeed in a short time.

"I was too impatient, and it has only been less than two months. Give the craftsmen more time, and mastering the iron smelting and glass refining technology should not be a problem."

"The current results are good enough."

Liu Xie comforted himself in his heart. After all, he himself did not know the specific steps, but only proposed vague concepts. It was indeed unrealistic to expect the craftsmen to master all the technologies immediately.

He looked at Zhen Mi and said, "My beloved, please write a letter and ask Zhen to provide Wen Gong with a batch of money and food, as well as stirrups, horseshoes, and weapons and equipment made by the double-liquid quenching method."

"Now Wen Gong is short of money and food, and needs Zhen's support as soon as possible."

Of course he would not forget Lu Bu when he had good things.

The best way is to equip his own people first!

"Your Majesty, don't worry. As early as ten days ago, the clan had already transferred a batch of food and grass to Xuzhou, and it will be delivered to Wen Gong soon."

"Horseshoes, stirrups, and weapons and equipment are also being mass-produced. After they are manufactured, they will be sent to the merchant ships of Zhen's business as soon as possible."

Zhen Mi understood the importance of this matter.

Liu Xie was trapped in the deep palace, and only Lu Bu was fighting outside. They, Zhen, must fully support Lu Bu in developing his power.

Only when Lu Bu has strong soldiers and horses will he have a chance to fight against Yuan Shao.

Liu Xie nodded and thought to himself: "With the support of money, food and weapons and equipment, what can Sun Ce use to share the territory of Yangzhou with Lu Bu?"

Lu Bu's problem has always been logistics.

If the logistics are guaranteed, he will be invincible!

Liu Xie never doubted this.

After talking about this, Zhen Mi said shyly: "Your Majesty, the daughter of Lord Wen has entered the palace the day before yesterday. I heard that Your Majesty has canonized her as a noble lady..."

My dear ministers, please count the votes. If you get 4,000, I will allow you to enter the palace with swords and shoes, and praise and worship without name.

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