Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 248 The Emperor's Change of Mindset

This is Liu Xie's second trip since time travel.

As an emperor, he could not leave the palace easily, and the opportunities to go out were really pitiful. The two times he went out were all conducted by the emperor himself.

But the last time he was coerced by Yuan Shao.

And this time it was to defeat Yuan Shao.

Winter is approaching, and the end of Han Dynasty is during the Little Ice Age. The weather is getting colder and colder. As soon as winter comes, the north will really freeze with water.

Even though winter has not yet entered, there is already the chilly feeling of late autumn.

On the dragon chariot, Liu Xie closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Two beauties were waiting on the side.

Not because of anything else, but because as an emperor, his food, clothing, housing and transportation cannot be left to those of the soldiers, so before leaving, Zhen Mi specially prepared two beauties for him.

However, the enemy was at present, and this time he rushed to the front line to fight in person. Liu Xie had no intention of having fun at all. All he could think about was the war that was going to come in the near future.

"Will you win?"

Liu Xie sighed, worried.

The stakes in this battle were too important. Even if he personally fought this battle and asked Zhen's craftsmen to build the trebuchet, he still couldn't completely relax.

Yuan Shao can always do some amazing things when he is in desperate situations. The title of Yuan Shen Nifeng does not come out of thin air.

Liu Xie is different from Yuan Shao. He has been walking on thin ice since time travel. His previous carelessness almost caused him to lose everything, so he is acting more cautiously now.

Suppressing all these thoughts in his mind, Liu Xie reached out to open the car window, and the cool wind poured into the car, dispelling all his fatigue.

"Your Majesty, it's cold outside, so you'd better close the window."

Zhao Yun, who was riding beside the carriage, said.

Liu Xie said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, it's just a little bit of wind and frost... How long until we arrive at Qinghe County?"

They set out from Yecheng this time and passed through Qinghe and Anping counties before arriving at the front line of Hejian County and joining Lu Bu and the others.

It's been two days now.

Zhao Yun said: "Reporting to your majesty, we still have about half a day and we will reach Qinghe County before dark. Please rest assured, your majesty."

Liu Xie nodded slightly and stopped asking.

The convoy drove slowly towards Qinghe County.

Pedestrians can gradually be seen on both sides of the official road, but they are basically refugees with yellow faces and thin muscles and ragged clothes.

They could not recognize that it was the emperor's chariot, but when they saw the army passing by, they all hid aside in fear, looking at the mighty soldiers in armor with fear and envy, and secretly swallowed their saliva.

In this era, being a soldier means having food to eat, but not just anyone can become a soldier. Refugees like them who have little strength cannot even pass the selection.

As we get closer and closer to Qinghe County, there are more and more refugees. There are also large areas of simple tents on the roadside. These are the residences of the refugees.

They lost their land due to the war and were exiled. They could only live outside the city and could not even enter the city.

These refugees are thin and numb, wandering in the wild like zombies, like a group of wandering ghosts.

And once someone falls, they will be swarmed up by a group of people and dragged away...

Liu Xie knew what it meant to be dragged away.

He was once one of the refugees.

When living among refugees, you cannot fall into a coma or fall down, because falling down means that you may never wake up, and even if you are not dead, you will become someone else's meal.

"Help! Help—!"

Just as Liu Xie was recalling the past, a voice filled with panic and fear came over, pulling him back from his thoughts.

Liu Xie looked up and saw a woman in disheveled clothes holding a child, stumbling towards the marching team, being chased by three men holding sticks.

But she did not dare to get too close to the team. When she was still hundreds of steps away, she stopped, knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing and crying: "Fellow soldiers! Please save me and save my children!"

The three men chasing behind her also stopped when they saw this. They wanted to go forward and take the woman away, but they were also wary of the Yulin Guards ahead.

"Bold! How dare you ram the Emperor's chariot!"

"Take them all down!"

No matter what the reason was, the Habayashi Guards were responsible for protecting the emperor's safety. It was a serious crime to ram the emperor's car, so they went directly to take someone away.


The woman and the three men turned pale when they heard this. They never expected that the one this team was protecting would actually be the Emperor!

The three of them turned around and ran away without saying a word.

But how could they possibly outrun the Habayashi Guards?

He was quickly captured.

Seeing this, Liu Xie frowned and told Zhao Yun: "Zilong, go over and see what is going on and what happened."


Zhao Yun took the order and left.

He rode his horse and came to the trembling four people. After glancing at the faces of the three men, his eyes fell on the woman and asked: "Why did you ram the emperor's chariot? Do you know that this is a capital crime?"

The woman's face turned pale and her tears couldn't stop flowing, but she still suppressed her fear and said tremblingly: "General, general, they want to take away the children of the women and cook them. The women don't know that this is the emperor's car. Please forgive me, general." Please forgive me, General..."

As he spoke, he kowtowed to Zhao Yun as if he was making a fool of himself.

"Robbing children to eat?"

After hearing this, Zhao Yun was immediately furious. He glanced at the three men with cold eyes, the spear in his hand ready to move.

Zhao Yun fought his way out of a sea of ​​blood and corpses. His eyes almost frightened the three men to death, and one of them even lost control of his bladder.

Feeling Zhao Yun's killing intent, the leader said in a trembling voice: "General, her child is dead. We are not trying to steal her alive to eat!"

"In this chaotic world, everyone is starving. Last month, my child also starved to death. We also shared it with everyone to eat. She even drank a bowl of meat soup!"

Zhao Yun was shocked and looked at the woman's arms.

He then noticed that the baby's face in the woman's arms was already blue and purple, and it was obvious that she had died for a long time.

"You are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense!"

The woman screamed like crazy, holding the child tightly, shaking her head and saying: "My child is not dead, my child is not dead! You just want to eat my child!"

"My dear, mother will not let them eat you, mother will not let them eat you..."

The woman cried and laughed, gently caressed and kissed the dead baby's face, and even wanted to undress her to breastfeed her.

In the carriage, Liu Xie stared at this scene in a daze, without saying a word for a long time, and finally cursed in his heart:

"What a fucking world!"

At this time, Zhao Yun rode back with a complicated expression. Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Liu Xie: "Let those three go, leave some dry food for them, and as for the woman... take her to Qinghe City."


Zhao Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Not long after, the team set off again to Qinghe City, and the woman was taken away together. As for the three men who bumped into the emperor's carriage, they were not punished, but were given a large bag of dry food and stood there at a loss.

After a long time, they reacted and knelt down in the direction where Liu Xie left, kowtowed repeatedly.


Outside Qinghe City.

The heads of the major families in the city had received the news that the emperor was going to lead the army in person and would stay in Qinghe City for one night, so they waited here early.

In order to welcome the emperor, they mobilized many people in Qinghe City to line the streets to welcome him. They prepared a grand ceremonial team and sprinkled water on the streets to clean up the streets. It was extremely grand.

Soon, Liu Xie's team arrived in Qinghe City.

Before the heads of the major families came forward to greet them, Taishi Ci, who led the troops in front, said to them: "Your Majesty has ordered that you just prepare your accommodation. There is no need to mobilize troops or hold any banquets. Everything is simple. We will leave tomorrow."

Hearing this, the heads of the families looked at each other.

They thought that the emperor would stay in Qinghe City for a few days when he came to Qinghe City. They had already thought about how to build relationships. Wouldn't they have prepared in vain?

But the emperor's will was like this, and they couldn't disobey it. They could only respectfully say yes and make way to welcome the Yulin Guards into the city.

Due to the propaganda of the heads of the major families, the people in Qinghe City also learned about the emperor's news. At this time, both sides of the street were full of people who came to watch.

"Your Majesty has come to our Qinghe!"

"Your Majesty will lead the army in person this time, and he will surely defeat the traitor Yuan Shao!"

"Is this the famous Yulin Guard? So majestic."

"Where is your Majesty? Why can't I see him?"

"Long live your Majesty! Long live the Han Dynasty!"


The people were very excited. After all, for a long time they had only heard of the emperor's name, but had never really seen him.

Although Liu Xie had not shown up yet, this was enough to make them excited. They shouted long live the emperor, and even bowed down on the street.

Liu Xie in the carriage was also watching this scene.

His mood was very complicated.

The city and the outside of the city were two different worlds. The people in the city could be called the people, and they had the vitality of "people"; while the refugees outside the city were more like zombies. The contrast was so strong.

A wall separated them, and there was a world of difference.

Liu Xie had never felt so heavy before. It seemed that something was blocking his chest, and it was difficult to spit out a breath of depression.

The scenes he saw outside the city today had a great psychological impact on him. Since he became the emperor, he has forgotten his original intention, his experience as a refugee, and the lives of the lowest-level people.

Three years have passed, and the world has completely changed. His identity and status have also changed dramatically.

But the lives of these refugees outside the city have not changed at all.

Who is in power, or even who is the emperor, is not as important to them as a meal of porridge.

Every conquest and every war of the princes will eventually make them bear the consequences.

This is Jizhou, one of the richest and most grain-producing states in the world. Even Jizhou is like this, so what about the other states? How tragic will it be?

"War, all because of war!"

"As long as the world is not unified, the people will not be able to live a stable life, and the tragedy of cannibalism will always happen! I must end it all as soon as possible! I must reform!"

"This is my responsibility as the emperor!"

Liu Xie clenched his fists tightly, his eyes firm.

He is no longer the refugee who traveled through time just to survive. He has visited the Liu family temple and offered sacrifices to the heavens. He is now the emperor of the Han Dynasty!

He has the responsibility and obligation to end this chaotic world where princes fight and human lives are as cheap as grass, bring peace to the world, and then use the knowledge of later generations to try to improve the lives of the people.

Whether it is Yuan Shao or Cao Cao, Liu Biao or Liu Zhang, Sun Quan, Zhou Yu, or even Liu Bei, whoever dares to hinder him from achieving this goal, he will crush him!

He, Liu Xie, is destiny, and even more so the world!

That night, Liu Xie checked in at the Cui family's residence. He went to bed early so that Jia Xu, Guo Jia, and Cui Yan wanted to see him, but they were all turned away.

"Your Majesty, what's going on? You haven't eaten dinner today. Could it be that you think that I, Mrs. Cui, have been too negligent?"

Cui Yan said with some fear and uneasiness.

Guo Jia shook his head and sighed: "No, it should be because he saw the miserable conditions of the refugees on the road during the day, which made His Majesty feel sad."

He heard about the incident with the woman during the day from Zhao Yun not long ago, and when he thought of Liu Xie's behavior, he came up with this guess.

"Is it because of this?"

Cui Yan had a look of confusion on his face, "Now that all states in the world are like this, Jizhou is already relatively good. Why should your majesty feel sad about it?"

He was used to the miserable conditions of the refugees.

Although he also felt that the refugees were pitiful, this was the general situation of this world and could not be changed by human beings. In his opinion, there was no need for the emperor to feel sorry for such things. The most important thing at the moment was to defeat Yuan Shao.

Jia Xu and Guo Jia both frowned when they heard this, glanced at Cui Yan, each found a reason to leave, and then walked together in the garden of the mansion.

"It is really a blessing for the Han Dynasty and the people of the country to have a monarch with iron-blooded methods and a benevolent heart like Your Majesty."

Jia Xu said with emotion.

Liu Xie is undoubtedly a talented and strategic emperor, which he does not deny, but what is even more valuable is his compassion for the people, which is quite similar to Emperor Taizong Xiaowen.

Guo Jia deeply believed in Jia Xu's words. He understood this a few years ago when he heard Liu Xie and Zhang He talk about "the theory of the country and the common people".

"But even though His Majesty is a wise and sage king who is rarely seen in the ages, it is still very difficult to bring peace to the world."

Guo Jia sighed quietly.

Not to mention the other feudal lords on one side, just in the decisive battle with Yuan Shao soon after, I don't know who will win in the end and who will lose, and whether they can destroy this great enemy.

And his ideals and ambitions can only be launched after the world is unified. This road is too long.

Jia Xu laughed when he heard this and said: "Why do you think so much? How can unifying the world be accomplished in one day? You and I will do our best to assist His Majesty."

"Is it possible that Fengxiao is retreating?"

Hearing Jia Xu's slightly provocative words, although he knew he was provoking, Guo Jia still raised his eyebrows and said angrily:

"Wen He should keep the word "retreat" to yourself."

"I will definitely help His Majesty accomplish his great cause!"

Guo Jia's tone was full of no doubt. When had he ever been afraid? No matter how difficult the future is, he will not back down!

"Well said!"

Jia Xu laughed loudly, patted Guo Jia on the shoulder, and strode away.

Early the next morning, Liu Xie set off from Qinghe County again.

After setting off this time, he did not stop at the counties along the way. He kept going all the way and soon arrived at Hejian County, where he met up with the armies of Lu Bu, Zhang Liao and others.

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