Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 255 Liu Xie: Benchu, how are you?

Yuan Shao led the army... towards Yecheng?

Everyone, including Liu Xie, was stunned.

Because this sentence is not only unpopular, but also evil.

Yuan Shao finally escaped from Lecheng County and escaped the pursuit of Zhao Yun and Gao Lan. But now you tell me that he has come back again?

"How many people are there in Yuan Shao's army?"

Liu Xie was the first to react, his face darkened slightly, and he felt a little worried.

The war had just ended, and the troops and horses under his command had suffered a lot of losses, and most of the soldiers were exhausted. If Yuan Shao found reinforcements and came back, the situation would be very grim.

Lecheng County is likely to fall again.

Taishi Ci hesitated for a moment and said with some uncertainty: "About... about four thousand people, and they look a little strange."

"Yuan Shao led more than a thousand people in front, followed closely by more than 3,000 people. They did not display any flags, and they did not look like a regular army."

"But they are indeed coming to Lecheng County."

After listening to this, Liu Xie looked a little strange, wondering if Taishi Ci had some misunderstanding about the word "big army".

He thought Yuan Shao had brought 40,000 people!

But no matter what, Yuan Shao actually dared to bring people back to kill him. Liu Xie naturally would not miss this good opportunity, and immediately ordered Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, and Huang Zhong:

"Quickly gather all the troops and horses and leave the city to meet the enemy!"

"This time Yuan Shao will never come back!"

No matter what Yuan Shao's plan is, if there are only 4,000 people, there is nothing to fear. His army is all in the city!


All the generals clasped their fists to receive their orders.

Lecheng County is ten miles away.

Yuan Shao, Qu Yi and others were running away frantically, with the three thousand Black Mountain Army chasing after them. The distance between the two sides was only a few hundred steps.

"Are these damn bandits crazy?"

Yuan Shao turned his head and glanced at the red-eyed and fierce-looking Black Mountain Army horse bandits behind him, and couldn't help but curse.

He was preparing to go with Qu Yi to join Guo Yuan's army, but who knew that a group of horse bandits suddenly caught up behind him.

Of course he was not unfamiliar with this group of people.

It is the Black Mountain Army in the Taihang Mountains!

When he retreated from Jixian and Yicheng before, these bandits caused him a lot of trouble and gave him a huge headache.

Later, after he found an opportunity to kill a group of people and beheaded many people, the Montenegrin army finally calmed down, but now they have escaped again!

Where did he offend these guys?

At this time, Qu Yi's face also looked a little ugly. He didn't expect the Black Mountain Army to run out. The key is that he can't defeat it yet.

In the previous battle with Zhao Yun, his physical strength was almost exhausted, and the few soldiers and horses he had were defeated, not his elite troops who were the first to enter the camp.

Otherwise, a mere three thousand horse bandits could catch his eye?

The tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by the dog.

Now he could only choose to escape, otherwise he would be caught up by the Black Mountain Army. They would definitely have to explain this, and his idea of ​​capturing Yuan Shao and asking for credit from the emperor was disillusioned.

Thinking of this, Qu Yi said to Yuan Shao in a deep voice: "Lord, as long as we get to Lecheng County, we will be fine. General Guo's army is there."

"We will destroy this group of horse bandits then!"

Yuan Shao nodded heavily and whipped his riding whip harder, hoping to reach Lecheng County quickly and stay safe.

Behind them now.

Zhang Yan looked ahead and kept running away. Yuan Shao was already approaching Lecheng County. he?!"

He originally thought that Yuan Shao's men betrayed Yuan Shao and captured Yuan Shao to surrender to the emperor. Who knew that Yuan Shao seemed to be fine and even took the lead in fleeing to Lecheng County.

The riding whip in his hand was almost like an afterimage!

He didn't know why this guy was so anxious and rushed over to die. He was going to die anyway, so couldn't he just give him the credit?

If possible, Zhang Yan really wants to kneel down and kowtow to Yuan Shao. Their entire Black Mountain Army is waiting for this contribution to make them famous!

But Yuan Shao didn't know what he was thinking. He only thought that the Black Mountain Army was here to kill him, and Lecheng County was his only hope for survival.

Both sides chased each other and gradually approached Lecheng County.

"We're here! It's almost there!"

When Yuan Shao saw the Lecheng County Pool not far away, he felt excited, but soon he frowned again, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"General Qu, didn't you say that Guo Yuan is leading troops to attack Lecheng County? Why can't you see his troops?"

Qu Yi said calmly: "I think General Guo has already captured Lecheng County. After all, General Guo has 30,000 troops, and Lu Bu and the others are a group of defeated generals. Knowing that they cannot hold the city, it is normal for them to retreat. matter."

"Is that so?" Yuan Shao was a little suspicious and did not accept this ridiculous explanation, "Then why is the flag hanging on the wall of Lecheng County still the Hanlong flag?"

Qu Yi's expression was slightly stagnant, but he quickly returned to normal and replied: "It should be that the army just entered the city and they haven't had time to change."

"Lord, look! General Guo's troops are coming out!"

Qu Yi pointed forward in surprise and said.

Yuan Shao squinted his eyes and saw a large number of soldiers and horses pouring out of Lecheng County to greet him.

The Montenegrin army pursuing from behind also saw the troops coming out of the city, and they all slowed down and did not dare to continue the pursuit.

"A bunch of cowards!"

Yuan Shao couldn't help but sneer when he saw this. He finally let go of his anxious heart. He was about to wave to the army in front, but suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Why does the general leading the front look so familiar?

Yuan Shao rubbed his eyes and looked carefully.

The leader was seen riding a red horse and holding a Fangtian painted halberd, which was impressive. On his left and right sides, there were a young general in white robes and silver armor, and a veteran general with white beard and hair.

"Lu Bu, Zhao Yun?!"

Yuan Shao couldn't help but scream, extremely shocked.

Two of the three generals leading the troops at the front were Lu Bu and Zhao Yun, and the other one was the old man who was capable of fighting Yan Liang and Qu Yi!

How could it be them!

Yuan Shao doubted for a moment whether he had seen it wrong. He rubbed his eyes and then rubbed his eyes again, but he could see more clearly.

Where are Guo Yuan's men coming out of the city? All of them are Han troops with majestic armor and fierce momentum!

The faces of Lu Bu and the three others were even more murderous.

Looking at this posture, he is just here to kill him!

"Wait a minute!"

Before he could recover, Qu Yi shouted and rushed forward faster, but instead of fighting, he directly dropped the spear in his hand.

"I surrender! I surrender!"

"I was deceived by the thief Yuan, but now I have come to my senses. I have captured the thief Yuan to plead guilty to the emperor!"

"Several generals show mercy!"

"I am one of my own—!"

Qu Yi was afraid that Lu Bu and others would misunderstand, so he took off his armor while shouting, and at the same time waved his hand to signal the army behind him to stop advancing, to show that he was not hostile.

For a moment, Yuan Shao was confused.

The three of Lu Bu, who were already prepared to fight the enemy, were also stunned. They stopped their momentum and led the army to stop advancing.

The three of them looked at each other, wondering what was going on.

Why did he surrender before even fighting?

Lu Bu said with a fierce face: "What do you mean? I asked you to pick up the weapon, pick up the weapon! Hurry up and mount your horse to fight with me!"

But when Qu Yi heard this, he knelt down immediately and said with great self-reproach: "Generals! I was deceived by Yuan thieves before and became your Majesty's enemy. I know that I have sinned deeply."

"But now that I have found my way back, how dare I be an enemy of Your Majesty!"

Qu Yi bowed his head with his hands in hand, his attitude extremely sincere.

Zhao Yun frowned tightly, pointed his spear at Qu Yi, and snorted coldly: "You led troops to fight with me before, and now you bring Yuan Shao to surrender? Do you think I believe it or not?"

"Speak quickly! What trick do you want to play!"

If others say surrender, that's all. The key is that Qu Yi fought fiercely with Yuan Shao two hours ago to cover his escape. How could he come and surrender right away?

His first reaction was disbelief.

Qu Yi felt the chill coming from Zhao Yun's spear and bravely said: "There is absolutely no lie, Thief Yuan is right behind!"

As he spoke, he turned to the soldiers behind him and shouted: "Everyone put down their weapons! Bring Thief Yuan to these generals!"

Without any hesitation, the soldiers who followed Qu Yi dropped their weapons and took off their armor. Several personal guards grabbed Yuan Shao and twisted him over.

Yuan Shao understood what was going on at this time and shouted at Qu Yi: "Qu Yi! You shameless villain! How dare you lie to me!"

All the reinforcements and soldiers and horses are all lies!

Qu Yi killed Lu Xiang and Jiang Qi not to save him, but to monopolize the credit for capturing him, and also deliberately tricked him into this!

Qu Yi turned a deaf ear to Yuan Shao's abuse.

All he cared about was the attitudes of Lu Bu and the others.

"The thief Yuan is here, don't the generals still believe me? I sincerely surrender to His Majesty and apologize."

Zhao Yun originally thought that Qu Yi was playing some trick, but the other party had given up resistance, and Yuan Shao was indeed right in front of him, so he was a little unsure for a moment.

Could it be that he really came to surrender?

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Yun looked at Lu Bu and asked hesitantly: "Mr. Wen... what do you think?"

"You ask me? How would I know."

Lu Bu put away Fang Tian's painted halberd, waved his hand, and ordered: "Take all the people away and hand them over to Your Majesty later!"

As long as we enter the city, what kind of waves can we create?

Even if it’s a dragon, he has to be held captive!

Qu Yi was overjoyed when he heard this and did not offer any resistance at all. He allowed the surrounding soldiers to come forward and tie him up. At the same time, he also ordered the soldiers not to resist.

"Qu Yi! I'm your mother!"

The look in Yuan Shao's eyes at this time is simply cannibalistic! He didn't expect that he would fall into Qu Yi's hands in the end!

And in such a shameful way!

After Lu Bu had Yuan Shao and Qu Yi escorted away, he did not enter the city immediately. Instead, he frowned and looked at the unfamiliar soldiers and horses in the distance.

"This group of people fight but don't fight, retreat but never retreat. What are their backgrounds?"

These were obviously not Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses, they were not dressed like them, and they did not feel like a serious army to him, but rather like a group of horse bandits.

Just stay there now, not getting closer or leaving.

It made him somewhat confused about the thoughts of this group of people.

"I see."

Zhao Yun looked at them for a moment and suddenly said: "They are the Black Mountain Army, the group of people recruited by His Majesty's imperial decree. They should be chasing Yuan Shao here."

"Mr. Wen, wait a moment, I'll be back soon."

Zhao Yun then rode alone and rode up to the Black Mountain Army formation. He cupped his hands and said loudly: "I am Zhao Yun, the deputy general of the Huben Army! Who is General Pingbei?"

In the Black Mountain Army, Zhang Yan’s eyes suddenly lit up!

The reason why he didn't dare to approach was that the momentum of Lu Bu and the Han army was too overwhelming. He was worried that he would be mistaken for Yuan Shao's accomplices and be killed, so he stayed where he was and looked for an opportunity to talk.

After hearing Zhao Yun's call, he quickly turned over and dismounted, saluted and said: "General Zhang Yan of Pingbei, meet General Zhao!"

The Tiger Guards! And he is a deputy general!

This is definitely the emperor's confidant!

He, a small General Pingbei, is not worth looking at in the eyes of the other party. The status is simply different.

And he has also heard of Zhao Yun's name. He was born in the White Horse Volunteers under Gongsun Zan. He once killed Wen Chou in battle and came and went freely among thousands of troops.

Such a fierce general, he can only look up to.

So without waiting for Zhao Yun to ask, Zhang Yan said respectfully: "General Zhao, I received the news that Yuan Shao was defeated and fled to Yicheng, so I led the troops to intercept him halfway."

"As a result, Yuan Shao fled all the way... We chased him all the way."

Zhao Yun smiled and said: "Intercepting Yuan Shao is a great achievement. Now that Yuan Shao has been captured, General Zhang may as well follow me into the city to meet His Majesty."

"As for the troops brought by General Zhang, stay outside the city for the time being. Someone will come to settle them later."

Hearing the words "great achievement" and "meeting the emperor", all the Black Mountain soldiers cast admiring eyes on Zhang Yan.

The emperor!

That's the emperor of the Han Dynasty!

The most powerful person in the world!

"This, this..."

Although Zhang Yan's character is still tough, after hearing this, he was so excited that he was at a loss for a while, and could only bow his hands repeatedly and said: "Thank you, General Zhao!"

"Let's go."

Zhao Yun turned his horse's head and went to Lecheng County.

Zhang Yan also mounted his horse and followed him.

Inside the governor's mansion.

Liu Xie was waiting for news with Jia Xu and others in the mansion, and at the same time, they were discussing what Yuan Shao was planning to do when he ran back to Yecheng.

"There must be no trick here, is there an ambush behind Yuan Shao? Otherwise, how dare he return to Lecheng County with thousands of troops?"

Liu Xie frowned, his tone full of fear.

Yuan Shao's return was so strange that he had to wonder if there was a trap.

Taishi Ci said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, our scouts have been scattered outside. If there is an ambush by Yuan Shao's army, it is impossible not to be discovered."

He was very sure of this.

Liu Xie nodded slightly, but at this moment, Gao Lan ran to report with a happy face: "Your Majesty! Wen Gong has captured Yuan Shao back!"

As soon as this was said, everyone was overjoyed!

Even Liu Xie couldn't help but stand up.

His heart was full of shock.

Yuan Shao... really caught?

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, he heard footsteps coming, and saw Yuan Shao walking into the hall under the personal escort of Lu Bu!

At this time, Yuan Shao also happened to look up, and his eyes met with Liu Xie's.

"Benchu, how are you?"

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