Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 260 I, Liu Xuande, also want to split the land and become king

Yizhou, Shu County.

There was singing and dancing in the governor's mansion, and the guests were toasting each other. It was a lively scene.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were also at the table.

They were the protagonists of today's banquet.

Liu Zhang, governor of Yizhou, sat in the main seat, raised the wine bottle and smiled at Liu Bei: "The southern barbarians have been invading Yizhou for a long time. Xuande's suppression of the rebellion this time can be said to be a great achievement!"

"Come on, I toast you!"

Liu Bei raised his glass and said modestly: "Yizhou governor is too flattering. I just did a little bit of my contribution."

"I am not good at leading troops in battle. It is all the credit of my two brothers that I can repel the southern barbarians."

Liu Bei took the initiative to mention Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.

Liu Zhang smiled and said, "Don't worry, Xuande. I will certainly not forget the contributions of the two generals. I will present a memorial to the emperor to commend them."

"But Xuande, don't be too modest. I also see your contributions, which are no less than those of the two generals."

Liu Zhang admired Liu Bei very much.

He was a relative of the Han Dynasty, and he was good at being a man and speaking well. The key was that he was also very clear about doing things, which made him very satisfied.

"My lord."

At this time, Zhang Song, a counselor under Liu Zhang, suddenly stood up and said, "Since arriving in Yizhou, Lord Xuande has defeated Zhang Lu and repelled the Nanman, and has greatly weakened the influence of the Five Pecks of Rice Sect among the people of Yizhou. He can be said to have made outstanding contributions.

"In addition, Lord Xuande managed Ba County for General Yan, and managed Ba County in an orderly manner. The people all praised him. I think it would be better to let Lord Xuande take on the post of Ba County governor to commend his merits. "

As soon as these words came out, several other counselors under Liu Zhang, such as Liu Ba, Wang Lian, and Huang Quan, suddenly changed their faces.

Ba County is one of the few large counties in Yizhou.

It is as famous as Shu County and Hanzhong.

The original governor of Ba County was Yan Yan, a general under Liu Zhang, but since Zhang Lu rebelled, Yan Yan was transferred to fight against Zhang Lu.

However, Ba County cannot be left without governance, so Liu Bei was arranged by Liu Zhang to go to Ba County after entering Yizhou. Over such a long period of time, Ba County has been governed quite well, and it is thriving.

"My lord, this is not appropriate!"

Before Liu Zhang expressed his opinion, Huang Quan stood up and objected: "General Yan just went to suppress the rebellion of Zhang Lu, so he had no time to govern Ba County. "

"Although Lord Xuande has made contributions, it is not appropriate to directly replace General Yan and serve as the governor of Ba County. "

He winked at Liu Ba and Wang Lian as he spoke.

The two immediately understood and stood up and said, "My lord, what Huang Zhubu said is very true. This matter needs careful consideration."

Liu Bei's face remained unchanged after hearing this.

But Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were not happy.

Zhang Fei slapped the table and said to Huang Quan with a frown, "Why is it inappropriate for my elder brother to serve as the governor of Ba County? Is it because of lack of ability or lack of merit? You should tell me!"

"If you can't give me a fourteen or fifteen or sixteen reason, I will not forgive you!"

Huang Quan said indifferently, "Lord Xuande's merits are obvious to all, and his ability is certainly sufficient, but the governor of Ba County is General Yan. How can we let Lord Xuande serve concurrently?"

"General Yan is also a veteran general under the lord. He was dismissed from his position just because he led troops to suppress the rebellion and had no time to govern the subordinate counties. It is inevitable that people will feel disheartened. "

"Besides, Lord Xuande is the governor of Jingzhou. Wouldn't it be a demotion for him to concurrently serve as the prefect of Ba County?"

Huang Quan's words were flawless.

No one could find fault with them.

But Zhang Fei didn't buy it. He snorted coldly, "Everyone has left. Why do you still want to occupy the toilet without doing anything? My eldest brother is the governor of Jingzhou. What's wrong with concurrently serving as the prefect of Ba County?"

"If Yan Yan has any objections, let him come to me!"

Zhang Fei was very unhappy with Huang Quan.

In his opinion, his eldest brother Liu Bei was the governor of Jingzhou. He came all the way to help you suppress the rebellion. He has been working for so long, but he can't concurrently serve as a prefect?

Where in the world is there such a reason?

"Yide, don't talk nonsense."

Liu Bei frowned slightly, stopped Zhang Fei from continuing to argue with Huang Quan, and then bowed to Liu Zhang and said, "My third brother just said what he said when he was drunk. Don't take it to heart, Governor of Yizhou. "

"Although Zhang Biejia is kind to me, I think I am not talented enough to concurrently serve as the governor of Ba County. I will just continue to manage for General Yan."


Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were anxious when they heard this.

How could the governor position be given up?

However, Liu Bei looked indifferent, as if he didn't care about the position at all, and turned a blind eye to the two's anxiety.

This attitude was unexpected by Huang Quan.

He thought Liu Bei would ask for it.

After hearing what Liu Bei said, Liu Zhang held the wine jar, pondered for a long time, and finally said: "Xuan De has spent a lot of effort to govern Ba County. If I don't allow him to concurrently serve as the governor of a county, it would seem that I am mean."

"How about this, let General Yan be transferred to the governor of Baxi County, and let Xuan De concurrently serve as the governor of Ba County. "

Liu Zhang thought Zhang Song's words made sense.

Liu Bei's contribution was indeed great.

The most important thing is that Liu Bei was not the governor of Ba County, but he was willing to work so hard, which showed his sincerity, so he thought it was okay to let Liu Bei serve as the governor of Ba County.

And Liu Bei and he were both from the Liu clan, so there was nothing wrong with nepotism, especially capable people of the same clan, who should be used more.

"Thank you, Governor of Yizhou."

Liu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, and he did not refuse, and said solemnly: "I will definitely live up to your expectations and govern Ba County well. "

Liu Zhang laughed and said: "Okay, okay, the banquet is not over yet, everyone should take their seats."

"Keep playing music, keep dancing!"

Then the music started playing and the dancers started dancing again.

The banquet returned to a lively atmosphere.

Zhang Song glanced at Huang Quan proudly, then withdrew his gaze, picked up the wine bottle with a smile on his face, and went to toast Liu Bei to congratulate him.

But Huang Quan's face didn't look good.

It was only at this time that he realized that Liu Bei was sure that Liu Zhang would agree, and he was taking retreat as an opportunity to advance.

If he really didn't want to accept the position of governor of Bajun, why did Liu Zhang directly agree to it without making any excuses when he was appointed?

"What a scheming city..."

Huang Quan looked at Liu Bei who was accepting the congratulations from everyone and still had a humble smile on his face, with a trace of deep fear flashing in his eyes.

When Liu Bei noticed Huang Quan's gaze, he smiled at him and raised the wine bottle to show respect.

The banquet ended late at night.

Liu Zhang returned to the study drunkenly, took the sobering soup from the maid at the side and rinsed his mouth, his face full of comfort and joy.

"Liu Bei is such a loyal man."

"With these three brothers here, I no longer have to worry about Gao Gan and Zhang Lu. Even the Nanman barbarians who have been invading the border are not a worry."

Liu Zhang said with emotion.

When Liu Bei came to Yizhou with only 3,000 troops and horses, he thought it was of no use, so he asked Liu Bei to manage Bajun. Who knew that Liu Bei showed extraordinary talents.

Not only did Bajun and several surrounding areas clean up the Five Pecks of Rice rebels through various means, but Bajun was also managed extremely well. The taxes collected were twice as much as in previous years, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

Liu Zhang felt that he must report to the emperor when he came back to commend Liu Bei's achievements and not let the heroes feel cold.

However, at this moment, Huang Quan, Liu Ba, and Wang Lian walked into the study together. Seeing this, Liu Zhang couldn't help but said in shock: "Why are you here?"

I saw Huang Quan retreating from the maids on the left and right, and then said to Liu Zhang with a serious face: "Lord, we are here for you to let Liu Bei serve as the governor of Bajun."

"What happened?"

Liu Zhang frowned and said with some confusion: "Liu Bei is a loyal man, humble and capable. With such merit, why not let him also serve as the governor of Ba County?"

"As for General Yan, didn't I ask him to serve as the governor of Brazil County? Is there any other problem?"

He wondered why Huang Quan was keeping an eye on this matter.

It's too targeted at Liu Bei.

Wang Lian sighed: "My lord, the key is not whether General Yan will be dissatisfied, but my lord should not let Liu Bei also serve as the governor of Ba County."

"Since Liu Bei took charge of Bajun, he has won the hearts of the people due to his benevolent policies. The people all praised his benevolence and wisdom. In addition, he also visited the wise men in various counties and treated them with courtesy."

"Nowadays, Liu Xuande's name is known to everyone in Yizhou. No matter whether the people or the wise men mention him, they always praise him."

He had also heard about Liu Bei's reputation. The celebrities he knew all highly praised Liu Bei, and even the common people also spread Liu Bei's reputation as a virtuous man.

"Is this happening?"

Liu Zhang was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect Liu Bei's reputation to be so high, but he didn't take it to heart.

"That's okay. I admire Liu Xuande's personality and abilities. It's normal for him to have a high reputation."

Seeing that he still didn't understand, Liu Ba had to say: "The key is not to have a high reputation, but to win the hearts and minds of the people! The Lord also asked him to serve as the prefect of Ba County, and now he has taken root."

"And as far as I know not long ago, Liu Bei has amassed 20,000 troops and horses in Bajun, with complete armor and equipment, and his combat effectiveness is amazing."

"With this force of troops, he defeated the invading Southern Barbarians. It only took him less than half a month to repel all the invading enemies!"

"Having such a powerful army, winning the hearts of the people, and making good friends with many wise men...doesn't my lord know what this means?"

"Liu Bei has lost his strength! Now most people in Yizhou only know Liu Xuande but not their lord!"

After a few words, Liu Zhang was so shocked that he lost his drunkenness and said with a horrified look on his face: "How many, how many? Twenty thousand soldiers and horses?!"

"Where did he get so many troops?"

When Liu Bei first entered Yizhou, he only brought 3,000 troops and horses. How could it have grown to 20,000 in the past few years?

What does he plan to do with so many soldiers and horses? It would not take so many troops to defeat Zhang Lu! Moreover, Zhang Lu has been fighting against high-ranking officials. Liu Bei only dealt with some small forces, so why did he need an army of 20,000?

Liu Zhang felt inexplicably panicked.

He had never regarded Liu Bei as a threat. He never expected that Liu Bei would unknowingly develop such a large force!

And it’s still on his territory!

"Then, let me take back Cheng's orders. I will transfer General Yan back tomorrow and let him take over Ba County and Liu Bei's troops!"

Liu Zhang said with a pale face.

Only then did he realize what a wrong decision he had made, and he actually gave up the entire Ba County to Liu Bei!

Twenty thousand soldiers and horses, that’s twenty thousand soldiers and horses!

There are more people than senior officials!

"It's too late."

Huang Quan let out a long sigh, shook his head and said, "My lord has already said what he said, how can there be any reason to take it back? If he goes back on his word, it will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of Liu Bei's two sworn brothers."

"It won't end well then."

"The so-called army and horses are not strong, but when they are strong, changes will occur. But now that Liu Bei's soldiers and horses are strong, he has become a force of his own, and he can no longer treat him casually."

Liu Bei might not say anything when he took back the given position, but Zhang Fei and Guan Yu would not have any objections, and they might just come to the door with a knife.

Liu Zhang said with a sad face: "But...if this continues, won't I have to rely on Liu Bei's breath to survive? So is this Yizhou mine or his?"

"What can I do? What can I do?"

With strong troops and strong horses and the support of the people, Liu Bei's threat has far exceeded that of Zhang Lu and senior officials, and is beyond his control.

He really led the wolf into the house!

"Damn that Zhang Song. I'm afraid he has secretly voted for Liu Bei. Otherwise, why would he suddenly propose that Liu Bei be concurrently appointed as the governor of Bajun today?"

"What a shameless villain!"

Wang Lian couldn't help but cursed, looking quite angry.

But at this time, Liu Zhang couldn't care less about Zhang Song or not, and urged anxiously: "You guys should think about how to deal with Liu Bei quickly."

"How can I drive him out of Yizhou?"

This problem caused difficulties for all three of them.

Liu Bei obviously intends to take root in Yizhou and continue to develop his power. With so many troops and what the people want, how can he get out?

It’s easy to ask God but hard to send God away!

Huang Quan thought over and over again and suggested to Liu Zhang: "My lord, the reason Liu Bei recruits troops is to deal with Zhang Lu and high officials."

"In this case, why doesn't my lord go to Zhang Lu and other high-ranking officials to negotiate a peace, asking them to put down their fight and drive Liu Bei away from Yizhou first?"

"Compared to Zhang Lu and Gao Gan, Liu Bei is the biggest threat. I guess they will be happy to see Liu Bei leave."

Huang Quan came up with an idea.

It just cuts off Liu Bei's reason to stay in Yizhou. After all, there is no war between the two sides. What is Liu Bei still doing in Yizhou?

"Is this... okay?"

Liu Zhang was a little hesitant, always feeling that this method was a little unreliable, because Liu Bei had already been appointed as the governor of Bajun by him.

Huang Quan sighed: "Let's try it first."

There is no other way now.

When Liu Zhang heard this, he had no choice but to nod in agreement.

On the other side, Liu Bei and the other three also returned to the mansion.

Although they had a lot of wine tonight, the three of them had a good drinking capacity, there was no hint of drunkenness on their faces, and they were very sober.

Zhang Fei said happily: "Brother, if you also serve as the governor of Bajun, we will be rooted in Yizhou from now on, and we can recruit more soldiers and horses!"

The post of governor is very important.

With this position, they can legitimately take root in Bajun, otherwise Liu Zhang can drive them away at any time.

Guan Yu also smiled and said: "That's right. Once we gather thirty thousand soldiers and horses, I will lead the troops with Yide to kill Gao Gan and Zhang Lu, and let my eldest brother be the lord of Yizhou."

Liu Bei rarely smiled when he heard this.

Although Liu Zhang treated him well, he had the imperial mandate and he must occupy Yizhou and not fall into the hands of high officials.

"The Lord of Yizhou is not enough!"

Zhang Fei shook his head and said with great pride: "The eldest brother is Jingzhou Mu, Jingzhou must also be taken down!"

"Lü Bu's fellow was able to capture the false emperor Yuan Shu and was named Wen Gong. The eldest brother's contribution to conquering two states in a row is much greater than that of Lu Bu!"

"Besides, my eldest brother is still a member of the royal family. I think the emperor will definitely break the earth and crown my eldest brother as king when the time comes!"

According to the ancestral teachings of the Liu family, no one with a non-Liu surname can be crowned king.

This is the rule set by Emperor Taizu Gao.

But Liu Bei is a real clan member of the Han Dynasty, the queen of Prince Jing of Zhongshan, not a foreign surname.

As long as the merit is enough, it is no problem to break the soil and become the king.

"Crack the soil and seal the king..."

Hearing these four words spoken by Zhang Fei, Liu Bei's eyes flashed with enthusiasm, and his heart palpitated.

He has always been proud of his status as a descendant of the Liu family, but there are so many descendants of the Liu family in the world, and he wants to make some different achievements.

For example, to recreate the glory of our ancestors.

If given the chance, how could he not want to tear apart the earth and become king?

However, Liu Bei soon suppressed the fervor in his heart and shook his head at Zhang Fei: "It's too early. We haven't even taken Yizhou yet, so how can we talk about taking Jingzhou?"

"I heard that His Majesty has captured Qingzhou and opened up the three states of Xuzhou, Qingzhou, and Jizhou. We cannot slack off."

"Second and third brothers, we will set off back to Ba County tomorrow. There are still many things to deal with there, and it is not good to leave them all to Shi Yuan and Yuan Zhi."

What Liu Bei was talking about was Pang Tong and Xu Shu.

These two people were both talented people he recruited after arriving in Yizhou. Thanks to the help of these two people, he was able to govern Bajun more and more prosperously.


Guan Yu and Zhang Fei nodded in agreement.

(PS: Big update today!!!)

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