Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 265: The Yuan family, exterminated! Yuan Shao: Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Arrogance, the ultimate arrogance.

Yuan Shao's words were simply rebellious to the extreme, and even more arrogant to the extreme. They were a direct challenge to the emperor's authority!

At this moment, Xun Chen, Yang Biao and other ministers had scolded Yuan Shao a thousand times in their hearts, and wished they could rush forward and block his mouth.

Damn you, stop talking!

Because they were deeply involved with the Yuan family, they stood up to plead for Yuan Shao, but Yuan Shao seemed to be crazy, throwing away all scruples and committing suicide crazily.

"He's crazy, he's crazy!"

Yuan Xi was so frightened that his face turned pale. He knelt on the ground shaking like chaff and sweating like rain. He had the urge to ask Yuan Shao to shut up.

No matter how deep the roots of the Yuan family are, we can't tell them directly. Isn't this putting the Yuan family on the fire?

But they didn't know that Yuan Shao did this on purpose!

"A bunch of villains who betrayed me. You want to climb up on my bones, but I want to drag you all down!"

Yuan Shao's heart is full of malice. He wants to be so rampant, taking advantage of the interests of the aristocratic families and the involvement of in-laws, so that these people have to jump out to plead for him!

If Liu Xie kills his nine clans, he will extirpate himself from the world's scholars and aristocratic families;

If he, a rebellious minister and traitor, is not punished, the emperor's prestige will fall, and Liu Xie will even hate these courtiers who begged for mercy and the wealthy families behind them!

But he knew that it was impossible for Liu Xie to do such a thing as killing his nine tribes, because the impact was too bad, so the final result could only be to kill one of him!

It was worth his death in exchange for the disintegration of the entire court!

Yuan Shao's sarcastic gaze swept across the ministers in the palace, and finally looked at Liu Xie, with the corners of his mouth raised and his eyes full of sarcasm and ridicule.

So, how would you choose?

"This thief!"

Guo Jia and Jia Xu also saw Yuan Shao's thoughts. They were very angry, but they could not find a way to break the situation.

Because this is an extremely insidious conspiracy!

On the dragon throne.

Liu Xie looked at the ministers who were kneeling in the palace and Yuan Shao who was looking at him with a provocative expression. He couldn't help but squint his eyes and felt a pressing pressure.

This is not Yuan Shao's effort alone.

Not to mention the power of the Yuan family.

This is the pressure from all the aristocratic families in the world, and the contradiction caused by the natural opposition between the aristocratic families and the imperial power!

In the past, he had only seen it when reading history books and heard the teacher talk about it in class, but now that he is the emperor, this contradiction has really appeared in front of him!

"You guys are so brave!"

At this moment, an angry roar suddenly resounded throughout the hall, and everyone looked up in the direction of the sound.

The person speaking was none other than Lu Bu!

Lu Bu was furious, stared at the ministers in the palace with wide eyes, and cursed loudly: "You can't kill the ten tribes, and you can't kill the nine tribes! You defend a traitor like this, is it possible that you are in the same group with him!"

"When Dong Zhuo killed more than twenty men and women of the Yuan family headed by Yuan Wei, why didn't you stand up and speak out? When Dong Zhuo wanted to kill Yuan Shao, why didn't you speak up? Now you have all jumped out!"

"Do you think His Majesty can be bullied?"

Lu Bu's eyes full of murderous intent swept across everyone in the palace. He had endured it for a long time, and now he couldn't bear it anymore!

When Dong Zhuo was in power, Yuan Shao scolded Dong Zhuo in court. Dong Zhuo wanted to kill Yuan Shao, but all the officials in the court were submissive and did not dare to speak.

But now that the emperor is in power and wants to punish just one of the nine rebellious and rebellious tribes, these guys jump out and say that this won't work and that won't work.

Could it be that the majesty of the emperor was not as great as that of Dong Zhuo?

After scolding these ministers, Lu Bu looked at Yuan Shao again and said with a ferocious smile: "And you thief! Who gave you the courage not to kneel before the emperor?"

"Zhang He Gao Lan! What are you waiting for!"

Hearing Lu Bu's words, Zhang He and Gao Lan on the side recovered from the shock, then a fierce light flashed in their eyes, and they kicked Yuan Shao's legs fiercely!


There was a crisp sound of fracture. Yuan Shao's leg bones were kicked off on the spot. He knelt down involuntarily and screamed in pain!

Just like Yuan Shu back then!

The scene reappears!

Lu Bu snorted coldly, then cupped his fists towards Liu Xie and said, "Your Majesty, please issue an order to punish the nine clans of Yuan thieves!"

As long as Liu Xie dares to give the order, he will dare to lead his troops to the Yuan family's ancestral temple, dig out the family tree, and kill the people one by one according to the above, and no dog will let go!

Whoever the emperor wants to kill, he kills!

He will kill anyone the emperor wants to kill but can't kill!

It's just a name-calling, he'll take it!

Yuan Shao was pale and sweating profusely due to the severe pain in his leg, but he could no longer take care of the pain in his leg because Lu Bu's words made him extremely frightened.

He forgot the existence of this killing star!

He believed that with Lu Bu's character, as long as Liu Xie said a good word, Lu Bu would dare to lead his troops and kill all nine of his tribes!

When Yuan Shu rebelled last time, this guy had already been thinking about killing his nine tribes, and now the opportunity is right in front of him!

"No, he doesn't dare to do that!"

Yuan Shao stared at Liu Xie. He didn't believe that Liu Xie dared to risk the world's disapproval, risk offending the scholars, and offending most of the world's aristocratic families to kill his nine clans!

All the ministers also looked up at Liu Xie.

Everyone felt nervous.

How will the emperor choose?

Facing the gazes of the ministers and Lu Bu's expectant eyes, Liu Xie sighed and shook his head: "The execution of Yuan Shao's nine clans will indeed implicate countless innocent people, so forget it..."

The ministers all breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Bu, on the other hand, looked disappointed and unwilling.

Yuan Shao smiled, but Liu Xie's next words froze his smile on his face.

"Execute the Yuan clan."

Liu Xie smiled, and there was no anger on his face, as if the person who was angry before was not him. "General Yuan Xi, has made outstanding contributions and can be exempted from the death penalty."

"Except Yuan Xi, no one from the Yuan clan will be left alive."

"The clan will be exterminated."

His tone was calm and extremely calm.

But the bloody smell revealed in it made everyone in the hall feel horrified!

Clan execution, this means all the members of the Yuan clan, all the people with the surname Yuan, including women of other surnames who married into the Yuan clan, must be exterminated together!

"I obey your order!"

Lv Bu was so excited that he clasped his fists!

This was the order he was waiting for!

At this moment, Yuan Xi and Yuan Shao were both stunned.

After Yuan Shao reacted, he shouted in horror: "You can't do this, how dare you do this!"

"My Yuan family has three dukes in four generations, and our disciples are all over the world! If you kill my Yuan family, you will be cursed by the world and you will offend all the noble families!"

"Shut up, old man!" Yuan Xi suddenly raised his head and yelled at Yuan Shao in anger, then crawled to the steps of the emperor and cried to Liu Xie.

"Your Majesty! The rebellion was the fault of Yuan Shao alone, and it has nothing to do with my Yuan family!"

"My Yuan family is loyal to your majesty, please show mercy and only kill Yuan Shao! Please be tolerant!"

Yuan Xi kept kowtowing and soon his face was covered with blood.

Although he had broken with Yuan Shao, he was still a member of the Yuan clan. He still expected the Yuan family to be his solid backing. How could he watch the Yuan clan being destroyed?

Liu Xie looked at Yuan Xi without any emotion and said, "I have made up my mind. My dear minister, please don't say anything. This is Yuan Shao's own fault."

"Where is Wen Gong?"

"I am here!"

"Anyone who pleads for mercy will be killed."

"I obey your order!"

Lu Bu's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light and he looked at Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi's face turned pale and he dared not speak again.

He clearly felt the murderous intent in Lu Bu.

He would definitely be killed if he spoke again!

At this time, among the ministers, the faces of Yang Biao, Xun Chen, Cui Yan and others were all changing. They were all related to Yuan Shao by marriage.

If Yuan Shao was exterminated, some of their relatives would also die with him, which was undoubtedly something they did not want to see.

But Liu Xie's attitude was so firm...

After thinking it over again and again, Yang Biao decided to ask for help, because his wife was also from the Yuan family, the great-granddaughter of Yuan An, and the sister of Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao in terms of seniority. (PS: Some say she was Yuan Shu's daughter)

Although she was married and not within the scope of the genocide, he could not bear to see the genocide of the Yuan family after all because of the intricate relationship between the two sides.

Just as Yang Biao was about to get up, Yang Xiu, who was standing beside him, held him tightly and shook his head at him with a pale face.

"Father, don't."

Yang Xiu's eyes were full of fear, and he tried his best to lower his voice, even trembling faintly, "Father, don't you understand? Your Majesty is deliberately using Yuan Shao to lead out the unstable family forces in the court. Your Majesty... is going to kill people."

"If father comes forward now, he will die!"

Yang Xiu also wanted to ask for mercy in his heart, but he just accidentally glanced at Liu Xie's eyes and was shocked by the indifference contained in them.

He suddenly understood why the emperor wanted to hold court to try Yuan Shao today, and why the emperor, who was usually calm, was angered and lost his composure today by Yuan Shao's words.

This was the emperor testing the ministers in the court.

After this test, those who had connections with Yuan Shao, those who were deeply involved, those who were dissatisfied with the emperor, and those who dared to challenge the majesty of the imperial power all jumped out.

At this moment, no matter who asked for mercy, they would become the sacrifice used by the emperor to consolidate the majesty of the imperial power!

Even his father Yang Biao was no exception!

Although Yang Biao was old, he still had political wisdom. He suddenly realized it when he heard Yang Xiu's reminder.

He looked at Fu Wan next to him again.

This old guy lowered his eyebrows and looked at his nose. He didn't mean to speak at all. This guy didn't say anything except scolding Yuan Shao at the beginning.

After some hesitation and entanglement in his heart, he finally listened to Yang Xiu's advice and remained silent.

On the other side, Xun Chen was also hesitating.

Although he felt that it was a bit dangerous to speak at this time, their family also had children who married into the Yuan family. Even if they surrendered to the emperor now, the interests of both sides were deeply involved and could not be cut off for a while. He could not turn a blind eye to the extermination of the Yuan family.

"It's okay to persuade them."

Xun Chen thought for a moment and made a decision in his heart. After all, his achievements were there. He brought a group of noble families from Jizhou to surrender.

Even if he couldn't persuade Liu Xie, at most he would be scolded a few times.

Could it be that the emperor dared to kill him because of a word?

Thinking of this, Xun Chen felt relieved and stood up and said: "Your Majesty, please think twice about the extermination of the family. After all, there are many innocent people..."


A crisp sound of drawing a sword sounded.

Interrupting his voice.

Liu Xie drew out the Emperor's Sword from his waist and threw it under the steps. The Emperor's Sword was inserted diagonally into the ground of the hall, and the blade of the eight-sided Han sword flashed with a cold light.

Everyone was stunned.

Liu Xie crossed his hands, glanced at Lu Bu, and said lightly: "Mr. Wen, what are you waiting for?"

He didn't want to kill Xun Chen, and he didn't want to kill Xun Chen even more.

But Xun Chen ignored the warning, pleaded for the Yuan family, and ignored the majesty of the emperor, so he had to kill him.

Lu Bu immediately understood Liu Xie's meaning, stepped forward, pulled out the Emperor's Sword from the ground, and swung the sword at Xun Chen without hesitation!


In the horrified eyes of the ministers, Lu Bu beheaded Xun Chen with a sword, and blood splattered all over Lu Bu, making him look like a demon god descending to the world.

Xun Chen's head fell in a pool of blood.

There was still confusion on his face.

After beheading Xun Chen, Lu Bu stood at the bottom of the imperial steps with a sword in his hand, staring at everyone with a fierce look. If anyone dared to speak again, he would go up and behead them!

There was silence in the hall.

Everyone was stunned.

No one expected that Xun Chen was beheaded before he even finished speaking just by asking for mercy!

So cruel!

Those ministers who were originally prepared to plead with Xun Chen were all scared pale, especially Yang Biao and Cui Yan, who were even more panicked.

Xun Chen, that's Xun Chen!

He was once Yuan Shao's strategist!

More importantly, Xun Chen once led a group of noble families in Yecheng to surrender to the emperor, and he had made great contributions, but he was... just killed like this?

Just killed like this!

Blood was flowing.

Liu Xie glanced at Xun Chen's headless body and said expressionlessly: "Xun Chen disobeyed the order and was beheaded by Lord Wen."

"Are there any more requests for mercy, my dear ministers?"

No one dared to answer.

It was as quiet as a cicada.

Liu Xie's face was majestic again, and he said: "The thief Yuan Shao has committed the crime of treason. His crime is unforgivable and his entire family will be implicated!"

"I will order Lord Wen to lead 3,000 troops to capture the Yuan family members and execute them at the execution ground in ten days! Let the world know the fate of traitors and traitors!"

"When the time comes, I will personally go to watch the execution!"

After officially issuing the order, Liu Xie lowered his eyes slightly, looked at the dazed Yuan Shao, and smiled warmly.

"Benchu, are you satisfied with my decision?"

"Don't worry, I will keep you alive for now, and let you watch how the Yuan family is exterminated; when I lead my troops south next year, I will sacrifice your head to the flag."

The killing of nine or ten clans is just an excuse.

His real goal is only the Yuan family.

To cut the grass, you must root it out. The disciples and former officials of the Yuan family are all over the world. If they are not exterminated, he will not be at peace.

Yuan Xi's face was covered with blood. After hearing this, he looked at Yuan Shao with red eyes, rushed forward and grabbed his collar and cursed: "You are a sinner of the Yuan family! You have harmed the entire Yuan family!"

"How can you face my Yuan family ancestors after you die! You old beast! Why don't you kowtow to His Majesty and apologize!"

"You should apologize to His Majesty!"

If Liu Xie hadn't said that he wanted to spare Yuan Shao's life, he would have strangled Yuan Shao to death here now!

That was the life of the entire Yuan family, and that was the foundation for his future in the court.

From the moment Lu Bu killed Xun Chen, he realized that the emperor was not joking, but really wanted to attack their entire Yuan family!

Yuan Xi shook Yuan Shao's collar frantically, wanting him to apologize to Liu Xie and promise to surrender his old subordinates in Bingzhou and Youzhou.

"Impossible, he would never dare to do that! My Yuan family has three officials for four generations, how dare he kill my entire Yuan family!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

Yuan Shao's face was pale. Although he felt a strong sense of panic and uneasiness in his heart, he still insisted on not believing that Liu Xie dared to do this.

This would offend the scholars of the world!

Even a cruel man like Dong Zhuo did not dare to do this back then, and only killed his uncle Yuan Wei's family of twenty or so people.

"Then wait and see."

Liu Xie waved his hand casually, and Zhang He and Gao Lan immediately stepped forward to drag Yuan Shao out of Tai'an Hall.

He walked up to Yuan Xi, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "You are loyal to me and have made many contributions. I will confer you the title of Sikong. The Yuan family will be exterminated, and the new Yuan family will start from you."

"Don't let me down."

After saying that, he walked out of the hall without caring about the reaction of the distraught Yuan Xi.

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