Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 278 Ma Chao: Father, you can go with peace of mind

Tian Feng's words made Ma Chao hesitate.

The Xiliang army was divided into two groups, one under his command and the other under the command of Han Sui. If he can kill Han Sui and unify the Xiliang army, his strength will definitely expand unprecedentedly.

But after all, Ma Chao still had worries in his heart, and frowned and said: "Han Sui and I have a grudge against killing my mother. I want him to be my adoptive father. If it is spread, people will laugh at me. With the cunning of that old fox, how can he do this?" Is it easy to trust me?”

"Besides, killing Han Sui and putting the blame on the Huns is so obvious that anyone with a discerning eye will know what happened at a glance."

Ma Chao didn't think it was a big deal if he recognized his mother's enemy as his adoptive father. He was a man who could bend and stretch, and he wasn't the kind of person who cared about his reputation.

But he was mainly worried that Han Sui would not believe it.

In addition, he invited Han Sui to come to the banquet, but Han Sui was killed by the Huns. Even a fool can understand who was behind it.

"General, listen to me carefully."

Tian Feng was very patient and analyzed for Ma Chao: "It is precisely because there is such a big enmity between the general and Han Sui that the general must show his sincerity in resolving the past feud."

"The general lowered his attitude and hatred to worship Han Sui as his adoptive father, and invited him to come in a dignified manner. If he is still unwilling to attend the banquet, if word spreads, he is narrow-minded and cowardly."

"So I conclude that Han Sui will definitely come."

"As for the obvious traces... As long as Han Sui dies and the general takes over his army with thunderous means and eliminates the remaining troops, the overall situation will be decided. Even if everyone knows that it was the general who killed Han Sui, what will happen?"

Tian Feng answered Ma Chao's worries one by one, and at the same time said to Ma Chao with a sincere expression: "General, this is a great opportunity to unify the Xiliang army!"

"And if Han Sui doesn't die, he will become the biggest obstacle to our joint attack on Jizhou. Has the general forgotten our previous plan?"

"Don't hesitate any more General!"

This sentence finally dispelled the last trace of hesitation in Ma Chao's heart. He nodded slowly and said, "I will write to Han Sui and invite him to come to the banquet."


A smile appeared on Tian Feng's face, and he felt relieved. It was not in vain that he had spent so much words and finally convinced Ma Chao.


Ma Chao looked up at Tian Feng with sharp eyes, "You make an agreement with me that after we conquer Hebei, Jizhou, Bingzhou, and Youzhou will all belong to me. You only want Qingzhou."

"You're not lying to me, are you?"

Not long ago, Tian Feng came to the Liangzhou Army camp alone to find him, saying that he would ally with him to fight against Lu Bu and Yuan Xi, and at the same time help him kill Han Sui and unify the Xiliang Army.

He also promised that after defeating Lu Bu and capturing Hebei, he would hand over the three states of Ji, Bing, and You, except Qingzhou.

This is also the reason why he kept Tian Feng.

"There is absolutely no lie!"

Tian Feng's heart trembled, and he immediately said seriously: "The two thieves Lu Bu and Yuan Xi held the emperor hostage and captured my lord. I only formed an alliance with the general for revenge."

"Moreover, as long as the general unites the Xiliang army and controls 100,000 Xiliang cavalry, his military strength will be far stronger than Lu Bu's. Why should he be constrained by him?"

"When the time comes, whether the general supports the emperor, supports the Han Dynasty, or asks for a title from the emperor, and becomes a feudal lord of one side, it all depends on the general's will!"

Tian Feng's words were full of deception.

Ma Chao couldn't help but have a flash of fire in his eyes when he heard this, but he suppressed it very well, and said to Tian Feng seriously: "I am General Fubo, and I am loyal to the Han Dynasty. I am only joining forces with you to eradicate the emperor's hijacking." Just a traitor."

Tian Feng responded with a smile and said: "I know the general's loyalty to the Han Dynasty, so I came to join forces with the general to defeat the traitors and clear the emperor's side."

"Then the plan to eradicate Han Sui has been decided. General, prepare as soon as possible. After all, things will change later. We must avoid long nights and dreams."

"It's getting late, I'll take my leave now."

Tian Feng saluted Ma Chao, then turned around and left the camp, returning to his residence to rest.

After Tian Feng left the camp, Ma Chao turned his attention to Pang De, who was kneeling beside him, and asked, "Ling Ming, do you think Tian Feng's plan to kill Han Sui is feasible?"

Pang De nodded and said: "Reporting to the general, this plan has a high probability of success, but... is it too despicable?"

Tian Feng's plan is both good and shameless.


Ma Chao sneered and said nonchalantly: "Han Sui killed my mother first. There is no need to tell him any rules when dealing with such a person."

"Besides, if he succeeds as a king or loses as a bandit, as long as I kill him, I can unify the Xiliang army. It doesn't matter if I use some means."

The temptation to control the entire Xiliang Army is too great.

It was so big that even Ma Chao had to be moved.

Han Sui had 50,000 cavalry under his command!

Seeing that Ma Chao had made up his mind, Pound could no longer persuade him, and instead said worriedly: "General, it is okay to kill Han Sui, but is it too risky to join forces with Tian Feng to attack Jizhou?"

"Lu Bu and Yuan Xi held the emperor hostage. After all, this was just Tian Feng's one-sided statement. If the emperor had not been held hostage, wouldn't the general have become a traitor?"

"In addition, the general's father and two brothers are still in Yecheng as hostages. If the general takes action, their lives may not be saved."

"General, you must think twice."

These are the two things Pound worries about the most.

Tian Feng said that Lu Bu and Yuan Xi held the emperor hostage. The truth of this matter is not yet known. But even if it is true, once Ma Chao takes action, Ma Teng, Ma Xiu, and Ma Tie will undoubtedly die.

"I can spare it."

Ma Chao nodded and said, "At present, Tian Feng and I are just pretending to be friendly, so as to prevent Gao Gan and Guo Yuan from suddenly sending troops while I am fighting for power with Han Sui."

"Whether the emperor is held hostage by Lu Bu, I will wait and see for a while before making a judgment, so you don't have to worry."

Pang De was relieved after hearing this.

But soon Ma Chao's expression became heavy again, and he sighed, "But if the emperor is really held hostage by Lu Bu and Yuan Xi, I will have to join forces with Tian Feng."

"The lives of my father and my second and third brothers are important, but for the sake of the Han Dynasty and the emperor, they can only die."

"I, Ma Chao, cannot bring down the reputation of my ancestors!"

Ma Chao's eyes were red, and his tone was full of grief and reluctance. Anyone who heard these words would sigh that he was a loyal minister.

Pang De's expression was very complicated, and he didn't know how to comfort him. He could only bow and retreat silently.

However, after he left, Ma Chao's expression returned to normal, and there was no trace of sadness.

He sat down behind the table, spread out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and began to write a letter to invite Han Sui to the banquet. It didn't take long for him to finish it.

"Pang De is still too pedantic. What if the emperor is held hostage by Lu Bu? What if he is not held hostage by Lu Bu? Since they can't give me any benefits, why should I obey their orders!"

"As long as Han Sui is killed, and Lu Bu is defeated to control the three states of Hebei, then Liangzhou, Sizhou, Jizhou, Youzhou, and Bingzhou are all in my hands!"

"I will be the number one prince in the world!"

Ma Chao said in his heart while drying the ink on the letter paper with the fire, his eyes were full of desire that could not be concealed.

He didn't care whether the emperor was in power or not. He only knew that he would never get ahead if he continued like this.

His Ma family controlled tens of thousands of elite soldiers and cavalry, but his father had to go to Yecheng as a hostage, and was only granted the title of Nine Ministers!

As for him, he didn't get any benefits, but was subject to various commands and dispatches, like a dog on a chain!


Whether it was the emperor or Lu Bu who was in power, the troops were not as good as his, not to mention waiting for him to annex Han Sui's forces and control 100,000 cavalry!

"Father, second brother, third brother, you can go with peace of mind. I will become the world's number one prince and make my Ma family glorious again!"

"Lu Bu's kind of stuff can be made a duke. I took over the three states of Hebei. Not to mention being made a general, even being made a king is not a problem!"

Ma Chao whispered to himself, and the flickering fire was reflected in his dark eyes, just like his burning ambition!

At this time, the ink on the letter paper had dried up. Ma Chao folded it, and then called a personal guard to send the letter to the station where Han Sui's army was located.


On the other side.

After returning to the tent, Tian Feng did not fall asleep, but lay on the bed thinking about what to do next.

Convincing Ma Chao, uniting with Wuhuan to fight against Lu Bu, and recovering the lost land in Hebei, this is the policy he has formulated, but there is a problem he has to consider.

Ma Chao annexed Han Sui, and his strength will expand unprecedentedly. At that time, even if he can defeat Lu Bu with the help of Ma Chao, Jizhou, Youzhou, and Bingzhou will all belong to him.

"We have to think about how to get rid of him in advance."

Tian Feng fell into deep thought.

If we don't prepare now, it will be too late to prepare when Ma Chao is really powerful in the future. He must plan ahead and think of countermeasures.

But this is easy to say, but Tian Feng racked his brains for a while and couldn't think of any good solution, so he could only take a long-term view.

"If Zhengnan, Gong and them were there, it would be great. I can't do it alone after all..."

Tian Feng's face showed fatigue.

Yuan Shao was captured, and he was the only one left among many counselors. He needed to ask about everything one by one, which really made him a little exhausted.

If Gao Gan had not led his troops back in time and was able to take charge of the overall situation, he would not have been able to leave Jinyang and come to lobby Ma Chao.

In addition, he had heard the news that the Yuan family had been exterminated a few days ago, and he did not know what Yuan Shao was doing now.

Tian Feng's mind was in a mess, and his sorrow finally turned into a sigh, which sounded faintly in the dark tent.


One day later, Luoyang military camp.

Han Sui received the letter sent by Ma Chao, but when he finished reading the whole letter, his face suddenly showed shock.

"What is Ma Chao crazy about?"

At this time, all the generals under Han Sui were in the tent, and Yan Xing could not help but ask curiously: "General, what did Ma Chao say in the letter?"

Han Sui had recovered from the shock at this time, and said with a complicated expression: "Ma Chao said that he wanted to make peace with me, and said that he wanted to worship me as his adoptive father and invite me to the banquet."


After hearing this, all the generals were stunned.

Ma Chao worshipped Han Sui as his adoptive father? !

Cheng Gongying, the military advisor, was the first to react and said, "General, this must be Ma Chao's trick. There must be a trick!"

"General killed Ma Teng's wife and children, including Ma Chao's mother. How could he recognize his enemy as his father?"

This is really too absurd.

No one would believe that he recognized the enemy who killed his mother as his father. It would be unbelievable no matter how you hear it, unless Ma Chao was crazy!

Yan Xing also said, "General, this letter was not forged by someone else, was it? The general and Ma Teng have always been mortal enemies. How could Ma Chao say such a thing?"

"This letter is real."

Han Sui shook his head and pointed to the seal on it and said, "Ma Chao's private seal is on it, and the person who sent the letter is also a confidant. This letter cannot be fake."

"But I don't understand why Ma Chao suddenly made such a shocking decision. What is his plan?"

Han Sui couldn't figure out Ma Chao's thoughts at all. His father Ma Teng was still alive, but Ma Chao recognized someone else as his father, and he was the enemy who killed his mother. Isn't this a joke?

How can they let go of their grudges like this?

Cheng Gongying thought for a long time and said cautiously: "He invited the general to the banquet. Is it to harm the general?"

He could only guess in this direction.

But Han Sui said: "Not to the point. He and I are both serving the emperor now. How dare he do something to me? His father and two brothers are still hostages in Yecheng."

"If he kills me, it will be equivalent to rebellion, and his relatives in Yecheng will not survive."

Han Sui was not afraid that Ma Chao invited him to kill him, unless Ma Chao was willing to become a rebel and did not intend to kill his father and brother.

In his opinion, this was impossible.

Where can there be such an unfaithful and unfilial person?

"In that case, why don't you invite Ma Chao to come and set up a banquet on our territory, and let him worship you as his adoptive father on the spot!"

Yan Xing made a suggestion, his eyes flashing, and whispered: "General, you can even find an opportunity to kill Ma Chao, and then frame him."

"Ma Teng and his son are now in Yecheng. As long as Ma Chao dies, his army will be leaderless, and the general can easily annex it!"

This proposal made all the generals' eyes light up.

This is indeed a rare opportunity!

Even Han Sui was somewhat tempted after hearing this. If he could annex Ma Teng's Xiliang Army, his strength would expand countless times, and the emperor would value him more at that time!

"But if the emperor finds out about this..."

Han Sui hesitated. Just as he didn't believe that Ma Chao dared to attack him, he also didn't dare to attack Ma Chao.

Yan Xing said in a deep voice: "As long as the aftermath is handled properly, how could the emperor know? Besides, the people have been killed, and his army has been annexed by us, so even if Ma Teng and his son are dissatisfied, it will be useless."

"And inviting Ma Chao to come is just a chance to test whether he really wants to resolve the past grudges or has other plans. Anyway, we can just act accordingly when the time comes."

"As long as Ma Chao comes, whether to kill him or not is up to the general. General, this is a good opportunity!"

Yan Xing tried his best to persuade Han Sui to agree.

Even Cheng Gongying nodded and said: "I think what General Yan said makes sense. The general will write a letter first to see how Ma Chao reacts."

After listening to the two, Han Sui nodded slightly, and then said to Yan Xing: "Yan Ming, you can make this trip for me."

"I obey your order!"

Yan Xing immediately clasped his fists and turned to leave the tent.

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