Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 290 Lujia Village? Fengxian Village! Lu Bu’s peak of life!

Wuyuan County, Jiuyuan County.

Lu Bu has been back to his hometown for several days. Since the day he returned, he has held a banquet in Lujia Village to entertain all the villagers.

"Fellows and fellow villagers, feel free to eat and drink!"

"Everyone, please don't come back until you get drunk!"

Lu Bu held up the wine jar and laughed heartily. Even though the banquet had been held for several days, he still felt in high spirits.

These days can be said to be the most glorious days in his life. He has never been so happy in half his life.

After fighting for half his life, he never thought that he would become the pride of his father and fellow villagers.

The satisfaction and honor brought to him by the praise and admiration of his fathers and fellow villagers is comparable to the emperor being demoted and Yu Lin bowing his head!

And these two feelings are completely different.

Lu Bu's heroic words made all the people present applaud. The head of Lujia Village sitting next to Lu Bu even showed a proud smile.

These days, his excitement and excitement are no less than that of Lu Bu, the person involved.

The village chief glanced at the prefect who was always respectfully accompanying the drink, smacked his withered lips, and said with emotion: "My child is really going to have a big future!"

An old man sitting on the right hand side of the village chief glared at the village chief and said dissatisfiedly: "Village Chief, Fengxian is now a heavenly official, why do you still call him Fengxian? You should be called a general!"

The village chief was stunned for a moment, then smiled happily and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, you should be called a general, you should be called a general."

Lu Bu laughed, poured a glass of wine for the village chief and the old man beside him, and said, "Third uncle, fourth uncle, you are called a general in front of outsiders. In the village, you can call me Wazi or Fengxian."

As soon as these words came out, not only the village chief, but also the people in the village felt more cordial and respected Lu Bu even more.

The village chief took a sip of wine, took Lu Bu's hand and said, "I remember when you were young and energetic, you often fought with others and caused trouble. Among the young people in the village, you were the one who gave me the most headaches."

"I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, that young boy would become a general, and the entire village would be affected."

"If it weren't for you, how would we be able to eat these good things?"

The fine wine and delicacies at this banquet are something that common people like them, who are foraging for food in the fields, can only eat once in a lifetime.

But thanks to Lu Bu, the whole village, old and young, had access to such good wine and meat, which was already a great good thing for them.

Hearing what the village chief said, Lu Bu couldn't help but feel a little sad. He put down the wine jar and said with emotion: "Third uncle, don't worry, I will definitely make our village live a good life."

"When I return this time, I will report to His Majesty and ask Your Majesty to issue an order to exempt our village... no, exempt Jiuyuan County from taxes!"

The common people were very shocked when they heard this.

The village chief also widened his cloudy old eyes and asked: "Please ask the emperor to exempt you from taxes? Lu Wazi, do you have such ability?"

"You, can you see the emperor?"

Although everyone knew that Lu Bu's official position was very large, in the hearts of the people, the emperor and the emperor were aloof and out of reach.

They never imagined that Lu Bu could actually see the emperor and ask the emperor to exempt them from taxes!

"The old man doesn't know something."

The governor of Wuyuan County was also drinking at the banquet. Hearing this, he smiled and said: "Wen Gong is now an important minister of the imperial court and deeply trusted by the emperor. Otherwise, how could he hold the position of Taiwei and control the world's troops?"

"Don't say that Duke Wen just asked the emperor to waive the taxes of Jiuyuan County. Even if he waived the taxes of the entire Wuyuan County, the emperor would also agree to Duke Wen's request."

After Wuyuan County Governor finished speaking, other officials at the table and heads of local aristocratic families in Jiuyuan County also followed suit.

"Gong Wen is the most powerful general in the world and has made great military exploits. Who among the generals in the world today can compare to Gong Wen?"

"Defeating Yuan Shu and defeating Yuan Shao, Duke Wen is truly an unparalleled warrior!"

"This time Duke Wen is following His Majesty's order to attack the Yuan thieves and rebel against the party. When he returns this time, he will definitely be worshiped as a general!"

"Not only that, Duke Wen's daughter also became the emperor's concubine and was named a noblewoman. This shows how much your majesty loves Duke Wen!"

Everyone talked a lot and kept praising Lu Bu.

All the people were stunned after hearing this.

They didn't understand the words about defeating Yuan Shu, defeating Yuan Shao, or being made a general. None of these combined could be as shocking as the last sentence.

Lu Bu's daughter actually became the emperor's concubine!

"I have a biological mother..."

The village chief was so shocked that he almost lost his seat and stammered to Lu Bu: "Lu Wazi, the emperor, the emperor married your daughter, isn't the emperor your son-in-law?"

"You have become a relative of the emperor?!"

Relatives of the emperor and father-in-law of the emperor.

In the eyes of the common people, these two names are much more terrifying than the official position of Taiwei, who is the emperor's father-in-law!

This is simply too much for them to even think about!

Lu Bu was very happy. He had wanted to show off this for a long time, but no one mentioned it, and he couldn't take the initiative to say it.

He also knows now that it is better to take the initiative than to do it passively.

The effects of the two are completely different.

Now that someone finally raised this issue, he felt extremely comfortable. He laughed heartily and said, "There are many concubines in your majesty's harem. My daughter is just a noble person. She is nothing."

As soon as he finished speaking, an official said with a smile: "You are a noble person now. When Duke Wen's holy favor becomes stronger in the future, you may become a queen."

Someone else continued: "Yes, yes, when the time comes, Duke Wen's grandson will be the prince, and will become the emperor of Han Dynasty in the future!"

The two sang and harmonized, working together in perfect harmony.

Although such words are a bit out of bounds and disrespectful to the emperor.

But the sky is high and the emperor is far away. In a remote country like Jiuyuan County, who cares what they say?

Besides, Lu Bu was a popular figure in front of the emperor, so it was definitely right to say good things about Lu Bu and flatter him.

The village chief and the people were shocked again when they heard this.

"Oh my God, Fengxian is really amazing now. Not only has he become such a high official, he has also become the emperor's father-in-law!"

"If Fengxian's grandson becomes emperor in the future, then our Lujia Village will be a dragon!"

"Didn't you listen to what those two officials just said? Fengxian's daughter will definitely become a queen in the future. Fengxian is just waiting to enjoy a happy life!"

"Fengxian is such a blessing!"

"Well, my daughter actually liked Fengxian in her early years, but I was blind at that time and had to let her marry a butcher. I really regret it."

"I've been watching Fengxian since I was a kid! Hey, guess what, he really does!"

"No, Fengxian, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, looks like he is rich and powerful at first glance!"

"That unlucky boy of mine, who is the same age as Fengxian, is still doing nothing. Even if he has a promising future like Fengxian, I will never close my eyes until death."

Many people looked at Lu Bu with envy.

For them, becoming a relative of the emperor is more prestigious than being a high official, because it means becoming a relative of the emperor!

No matter how powerful an official is, can he be as powerful as the emperor?

Moreover, to be an official one must be capable, either by being able to read or by having military skills. To be a relative of the emperor, one only needs to enjoy the glory and wealth.

"Where, where, hahaha!"

Although Lu Bu spoke modestly, the way he laughed heartily showed his cheerful mood at this time.

"Mr. Wen, I have something to report."

The governor of Wuyuan County came forward and filled his glass with wine, and then took the opportunity to say: "In order to show respect for Wen Gong, Xiaguan took it upon himself to rename Lujia Village Fengxian Village, named after Wen Gong, and planned to establish a Monument of merit."

"Please don't blame Mr. Wen."

He originally wanted to change the name of Jiuyuan County, but he felt that it would have a bad impact if word spread and it seemed that he was too flattering, so he decided to change the name of Lujiacun.

This move was of course to please Lu Bu, because if he could get on this big ship, his future career would be smooth sailing.

"Fengxian Village?"

Lu Bu was immediately overjoyed when he heard this. If the village is named after his cousin and a monument is built to commemorate his achievements, then his name and deeds will be spread forever in Jiuyuan County!

Why hadn't he thought of this idea before?

Lu Bu looked at the prefect of Wuyuan County. At this time, he only felt that it was pleasing to his eyes, but he reprimanded: "The name Lujia Village has been used for hundreds of years, how can it be changed just because of me? It's just nonsense!"

As he spoke, he slapped the table hard.

The village chief on the side saw Lu Bu reprimanding the Wuyuan County Sheriff, and quickly advised him: "Lu Wazi, the County Sheriff also has good intentions, and it doesn't matter if you change your name. Why are you so angry?"

Other villagers and people also spoke out to persuade him.

"That's right, this will help people know that our Lujia Village is your hometown, Fengxian, and everyone in our village will take advantage of it!"

"I think the name Fengxian Village sounds better than Lujia Village."

"Fengxian, just agree."

"I think it would be best if Jiuyuan County also changes its name!"

"This is an overstep. Changing the name of Jiuyuan County requires the permission of the imperial court."

After the people's persuasion, Lu Bu reluctantly agreed and said to the Wuyuan County Sheriff with a straight face: "I won't do this again!"

The Wuyuan County Sheriff was scared on the surface, but he was happy in his heart.

He knew that the ship was boarded.

After this incident, the atmosphere of the entire banquet became more lively. Lu Bu was in a better mood than before, and even invited Wuyuan County Sheriff to have a drink together.

However, at this moment, Cheng Lian hurried over and reported to Lu Bu: "General, traces of the Xiongnu army were found thirty miles away, about five thousand people!"

"Coming towards Jiuyuan County!"

With one sentence, the noisy banquet suddenly fell silent, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

And when everyone reacted, a look of horror could not be suppressed on their faces.

"The Huns are coming! They are coming to plunder again!"

"Hide now!"

"What are you afraid of? Aren't you Fengxian here?"

"Yes! We have Fengxian here!"

"Fengxian killed many Huns when he was young. With Fengxian here, we are not afraid of those Hun dogs!"

For ordinary people, the Huns who came in and plundered from time to time were very scary, especially those villages. If they encountered the Huns, they would basically be massacred.

Sometimes even some counties cannot avoid it.

However, many people still thought of Lu Bu immediately and turned their attention to him. After all, Lu Bu was famous for killing the Huns, and he also brought a large army back this time.

"These dogs! How brave!"

Lu Bu's face was extremely gloomy. He immediately stood up and shouted angrily at Cheng Lian: "Gather the entire army. I will make sure these Hun dogs never come back!"

Upon hearing this, the Wuyuan County Sheriff quickly advised: "Calm down, Mr. Wen! The Huns have five thousand troops, but you only brought back three thousand troops this time. There are not as many people as they do!"

"According to my official opinion, Wen Gong should withdraw the people back to the county now. We will rely on the city wall..."


Before Wuyuan County Sheriff finished speaking, Lu Bu interrupted him and sneered: "They are just Huns. Back then, I killed them like butchering dogs. When they saw me, they only dared to run away!"

"Not to mention that I have three thousand fine knights in my hands right now. Even if I only have one thousand, I can kill them without leaving any trace behind!"

"It seems that I have been away from Wuyuan County for many years, and these dogs have forgotten my reputation. Today just made them remember it again!"

It was a rare occasion for him to return to his hometown in fine clothes, but this group of blind Huns came to disturb his mood. How could he vent his anger without killing them all!

hide? It’s the Huns who should be hiding!

Lu Bu said to the many people present: "Fellow folks, please watch me wipe out all these invading enemies!"

After saying that, he took Fang Tian's painted halberd from Wei Yue on the side, then climbed onto the red rabbit horse brought by Cheng Lian, and left majestically.

The governor of Wuyuan County had no choice but to return to Jiuyuan County with other officials and many people.

Lu Bu quickly assembled the three thousand cavalry.

As for many people, they have already withdrawn to Jiuyuan County. Many people rushed to the city wall and looked at the army gathered outside the city with worry.

No one knows whether Lu Bu can withstand it. After all, Lu Bu only has 3,000 men under his command, while the Huns have a full 5,000, so they are at a numerical disadvantage.

Not long after, the ground shook.

I saw a black army in the distance rushing towards Jiuyuan County. The mighty power was frightening.

"Here comes the Huns' army!"

Someone swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said tremblingly.

In the past, the Xiongnu troops that entered the pass to plunder were only a thousand people at most. This time, five thousand people came. How had ordinary people seen such a scene?

The force of five thousand troops was astonishing.

The Wuyuan County Sheriff looked far into the distance. He had broad knowledge. He always felt that this Hun army seemed a little unusual and different from the ordinary Hun army.

After he squinted and stared for a long time, his expression suddenly changed, and he lost his voice: "This, this is Wang Tingjun!"

"They are the army of King Zuoxian of the Xiongnu!"

The Xiongnu Royal Court Army is different from the ordinary Xiongnu army. Its equipment and combat effectiveness far exceed that of the ordinary Xiongnu cavalry, and is on par with the elite troops of the Han army!

After figuring this out, Sheriff Wuyuan suddenly became anxious and shouted at the top of his voice: "Mr. Wen! Return to the city quickly!"

"This is the Xiongnu royal court army, you can't defeat it!"

If it were an ordinary Xiongnu army, he still believed that Lu Bu could defeat three thousand against five thousand, but this was the Xiongnu royal court army, and its numbers were inferior. A head-on confrontation would definitely result in defeat!

If anything happens to Lu Bu in Jiuyuan County, the Emperor will definitely punish him, and his official career will be over!

"Wang Tingjun?"

Lu Bu heard the shouts of Wuyuan County Sheriff, but not only was he not afraid, but fighting spirit rose in his eyes, and he said with a ferocious smile: "It's not like I haven't killed him before!"

"I am fighting Wang Tingjun!"

He rode his horse to the front of the formation and shouted to the three thousand cavalry behind him: "Young men! Kill all these Hun dogs! Charge with me!"


Lu Bu took the lead, and three thousand cavalry charged with him, like a torrent of steel. The momentum was even more amazing than the five thousand Huns army!

The killing intent is overwhelming!

At this moment, in the Xiongnu royal court, King Zuoxian of the Xiongnu went to bei and saw the Han army coming from a distance. The soaring momentum suddenly changed his face.

"No! They misunderstood!"

"The whole army stops advancing!"

Qubei quickly gave the order, and at the same time rode his horse to the front of the army. He dismounted directly, waved his hands, and shouted in standard Hanya dialect: "Don't charge! Don't charge!"

"We have no hostility! No hostility!"

"Dear Han Flying General, on the orders of the Xiongnu Chanyu, we have come to offer the heads of high officials."

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