Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 296 Longzhong, thatched cottage, Liangfuyin, full of BUFF

The Xiongnu envoy walked into the Tai'an Palace in small steps with his head lowered.

After the group arrived at the center of the hall, Qubei, as the representative of the mission, buried his head deeply and bowed to the majestic figure above.

"Dear, supreme Emperor of the Han Dynasty, foreign ministers have gone to pay homage to you. May your glory always be as dazzling as the sun."

Qubei's tone and attitude were full of respect.

The rest of the Xiongnu delegation did not dare to speak, and they did not speak much Chinese, so they just followed the etiquette taught to them before going to Beishi.

Everyone is very nervous at this moment.

Because all the ministers in the hall were looking at them, their gazes with deep scrutiny made them feel extremely uncomfortable.

If I had to make an analogy, they were like a group of sheep that broke into a pack of wolves and could be torn apart by the wolves at any time. Everything here was incompatible with them.

But what put them under the greatest pressure was the Han Emperor above.

The pressure that hits your face is like a huge mountain pressing on your chest, making you breathless.

Such majesty is far beyond what their Chanyu can match.

Liu Xie's eyes fell on Qubei and the Huns envoys below. After looking at them for a moment, he said lightly: "Everyone, get up."

These words immediately broke the solemn and majestic atmosphere in the hall. Qubei and others felt that the pressure on their bodies was relieved, and they stood up after respectfully thanking him.

"I already know what you have done." Liu Xie looked at Qubei and said, "Killing the high-ranking cadres and other traitors and remnants is indeed a great achievement, and I am very satisfied with it."

"But there are some things that I need you to give an explanation for, such as when you escorted me back east early, you took the opportunity to plunder in the pass."

It is true that the Huns mission came to apologize this time.

But the looting of Guanzhong does not mean that we can simply return all the looted property and people.

Because this is an offense to the great Han Tianwei!

Although Qubei was mentally prepared before coming here, he still couldn't help but feel nervous after hearing Liu Xie's words.

"Your Majesty the Emperor." Qubei organized his words in his mind, and then said: "The foreign minister has found out that this matter was done privately by several tribes."

"We failed to restrain them and caused indelible harm to the people of the Han Dynasty. We Shanyu feel particularly angry and remorseful."

"So when I came to see His Majesty this time, the Chanyu not only asked the foreign ministers to return all the property and the Han people, but also sent 30,000 sheep, 10,000 horses, and 300 chests of treasure as an apology for this matter. "

"Please forgive us for our sins, your merciful Majesty."

Qubei apologized sincerely.

Of course, he knew that simply returning all the goods and people would not quell the anger of the Han Emperor, so before coming, he suggested to Hu Chuquan that he should prepare more gifts.


Liu Xie couldn't help but smile when he heard the words, and said to the ministers in the palace: "Have you heard it? Thirty thousand sheep, ten thousand horses, and three hundred boxes of treasures are really a big deal."

"It turns out that the lives of my great people are worth these things. Why have you never told me, dear friends?"

No one in the palace dared to accept his words.

Everyone could hear the indifference in Liu Xie's laughter.

Lu Bu snorted coldly and looked at Qu Bei and the others with an increasingly unkind look, as if he would immediately step forward and take action as long as he was given an order.

"His Majesty……"

Qubei was panicked by the look in Lu Bu's eyes, and said quickly: "This is only part of our sincerity. Please let your Majesty know how much apology is needed."

In fact, the apology he prepared was already a lot.

But since Liu Xie was not satisfied, he could only choose to compromise. It was better to give some livestock and treasures than Lu Bu, the killer, to lead his troops to kill them personally.

After all, with their current strength, they couldn't even defeat any of the princes of the Han Dynasty, let alone the imperial army?

Taking the siege of high-ranking officials as an example, it was just a remnant army of about a thousand defeated generals, which resulted in many casualties among their elite Wang Ting army. So how can they resist if they face heavily armed elite men?

"The apology I want is very simple."

The smile on Liu Xie's face slowly faded, he stared at Qu Bei and said, "You will give me as many heads as you killed during the robbery."

"I don't know how many you have killed, but if what you give is not enough, I will send Duke Wen to get it himself."

Liu Xie's tone was not serious, but it was full of murderous intent.

They plundered and slaughtered people in Guanzhong and just wanted to compensate for some livestock and property? Where in the world can such a good thing happen!

If things go on like this, where is the majesty of the great man?

He didn't believe that Qubei had no knowledge of the Huns' plundering Guanzhong. He didn't come to apologize this time because he knew he was wrong. He just knew that he would die if he didn't apologize.

So how many people are killed, how many heads will be returned. It is such a simple principle. If he is not satisfied with the amount given, he will send troops to get it.

We must retaliate tooth for tooth and blood for blood!

When facing foreigners, Liu Xie only believed in one truth, that is, only by making them afraid and fearful to the core, they would not dare to offend.

Otherwise, as long as you show the slightest sign of weakness, they will dare to come up and test your bottom line.

"Your Majesty, you must not do this!"

Qubei was shocked when he heard this, and quickly knelt down and begged: "We are willing to compensate several times the property, cattle and sheep, please be merciful, Your Majesty!"

He kowtowed deeply to Liu Xie and begged.

There were by no means a handful of Han people who were killed or injured during the robbery of Guanzhong. The most important thing was that the specific amount was unknown, so even if they had to pay back, they didn't know how much they would have to pay back.

As for whether it's enough in the end, it's not a matter of Liu Xie's words? In other words, they must harm themselves until Liu Xie is satisfied!

"It seems that King Zuo Xian still doesn't understand."

Liu Xie looked indifferent and showed no intention of changing his mind. He said coldly: "I am not bargaining with you. You only have two choices: accept or reject."

"Tell me, how do you choose?"

Either send people over honestly, or wait for the Han army to pass. There is no third way.

Qubei's face was pale and sweat broke out on his forehead.

He understood that if he chose to refuse, not only would everyone in the mission die here, but the emperor would also really send troops to attack the royal court.

This is definitely a consequence he cannot bear!

After taking a look at Lu Bu, who was standing like an iron tower with an evil look in his eyes, Qubei couldn't help but shudder, and said with difficulty: "I obey... His Majesty's will."

After saying this, the other members of the Hun mission looked at him in shock. No one expected that Qubei would actually agree!


A member of the mission anxiously wanted to speak to dissuade him, but was stared back with a stern look from Qubei.

Then Qubei said respectfully: "Your Majesty, we will send over the heads of all those who participated in the robbery of Guanzhong."

"At the same time, in order to show our loyalty to the Han Dynasty, our Shanyu intends to leave two of his descendants in Yecheng as hostages. Please believe, Your Majesty, that we will never be enemies of the Han Dynasty."

"We will always be the loyal subjects of the Han Dynasty."

This attitude was extremely humble, but it was undoubtedly the most correct choice at this time, because he knew that this attitude was what the Han emperor wanted from him.

If you dare to be tough, you will only die!


Liu Xie took a deep look at Gobei, and the expression on his face softened slightly, "Anyone who has committed a crime must be punished, and a meritorious deed must be rewarded."

"Because you escorted me back east last time, and this time you took the initiative to send troops to wipe out the remnants of the rebels and achieved great success, I grant you permission to start trade with the imperial court."

"Fine salt, porcelain, silk and satin can all be purchased from the imperial court."

In order to prevent the alien race from growing, many supplies are officially prohibited from foreign trade, and only caravans will secretly sell some.

And salt and iron are the top priority of management and control.

Liu Xie gave the Huns the right to buy fine salt after careful consideration. Because the national treasury is now empty and needs to make money, some trade must be liberalized.

"Fine salt?!"

Qubei's eyes widened when he heard the words.

My heart was filled with disbelief.

Salt is an extremely scarce thing on the grasslands. In the past, the Han court had very strict control over salt, but now Liu Xie actually allowed them to buy it!

This is simply a great thing!

For a moment, all the pain in Qubei's heart dissipated, and he endured the excitement and said to Liu Xie: "Your great Majesty! Your wisdom and kindness will be sung among the tribes in the grassland!"

"Praise Your Majesty, praise the Immortal Heaven!"

Liu Xie was too lazy to listen to his words. After finishing the meal with a big stick and sweet dates, he waved the Huns envoy to retreat.

Then he asked Zhen Yi to receive the goods, materials and population sent back by the Xiongnu mission, and after arranging them properly, he ended the court meeting and returned to the propaganda room to handle government affairs.

By the way, Jia Xu was also summoned.

When he entered the announcement room, Liu Xie asked, "Wen He, do you have any clues about what I asked you to send people to find Zhuge Liang?"

"Reply to Your Majesty."

Jia Xu bowed slightly and replied: "The embroidered envoy sent by me has arrived in Jingzhou. I believe it will not take long to bring him back. Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Liu Xie nodded slightly and said, "Remember to ask them not to be rude and bring people back respectfully."

Jia Xu respectfully said yes, turned around and left.

After Liu Xie sent Jia Xu away, he turned around and returned to the back of the Dragon Case. Looking at the mountains of memorials presented from all over the place in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

Prime Minister, please come quickly.


After receiving Liu Biao's instructions, Liu Qi quietly left Xiangyang City and went to Longzhong County.

In order to keep his whereabouts secret and not be noticed by others, he traveled in a simple vehicle and only took a few servants with him.

But this also brought him a lot of trouble.

Because he only knew that Zhuge Liang lived near Longzhong County, but he didn't know the specific place and could only ask the locals.

After a lot of effort, he confirmed that Mr. Wolong lived near a hilly mountain called Wanshan outside Longzhong County.

So he rushed over again without stopping.

Although spring has just begun, the weather has already turned warm, and the sun is shining brightly in the sky today, so Liu Qi is still wearing quite thick clothes.

Riding all the way and being exposed to the sun made him feel extremely hot, so he stopped temporarily and rested in front of a tea stall on the roadside.

"Dr. Tea, have a pot of tea."

Liu Qi took off his cloak and handed it to the servant beside him. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Dr. Tea.

"Okay, sir, here comes the tea!"

Doctor Tea wiped the table clean with a towel and brought over a pot of freshly brewed tea, "Master, please use it slowly and be careful not to burn it."

After that, he was busy entertaining other guests.

But at this time Liu Qi stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, I have something to ask. I wonder if Dr. Tea can help me?"

Dr. Cha was busy doing business and was not willing to answer at first, but when he saw that Liu Qi was dressed in an extraordinary manner and that he was the son of our family, he had no choice but to say with a smile: "Master, what do you want to ask?"

Liu Qi asked: "I heard that there is a hermit nearby named Zhuge Kongming, who lives near Wanshan. Does Dr. Tea know the specific location of his residence?"

"Zhuge Kongming?"

Dr. Tea was stunned for a moment when he heard this. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly said: "Is this Zhuge Liang the young master is talking about?"

Liu Qi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's him! Has Dr. Tea ever heard of Mr. Kong Ming?"

Dr. Tea smiled and said: "Of course I have heard of it, but the young master praises him too much. This Zhuge Liang is just a pretentious and crazy man, and he cannot be worthy of the title of sir."

"When I was seventeen years old, I started living in seclusion in a thatched cottage in the mountains like others. I recited "Yin of Liang Fu" all day long, and even compared myself to Guan Zhong Leyi. There is no one in our area who doesn't know him."

"Why are you looking for him? You don't really believe that he is some kind of wise hermit and you came to visit him, do you?"

Liu Qi was stunned by Dr. Cha's words.

Didn't his father say that Zhuge Liang is a rare talent? Why do people here in Longzhong think so of him?

Although he was surprised, Liu Qi did not show it. He just smiled and said: "My father and his father are old acquaintances. I happened to pass by Longzhong this time, so I stopped by to visit the son of an old friend and asked Dr. Cha to point me to his residence. ”

As he spoke, he took out a small wad of money from his sleeve and placed it on the tea table.

"Easy to say! Easy to say!"

A smile immediately appeared on Dr. Cha's face, he collected the money, and then pointed to the northwest and said: "Master, just walk straight along this road for three miles, see a crooked neck tree, and then go east It’ll be there in a while.”

"Then Zhuge Liang lives in a thatched cottage over there."

After getting the exact location of Zhuge Liang's residence from Dr. Tea, Liu Qi was immediately overjoyed. After hurriedly taking a sip of tea, he got on his horse and set off again.

But what he didn't notice was that on another table at the tea stall, there were three customers dressed as businessmen, staring at his back intently.

"Longzhong, thatched cottage, Liang Fuyin, this is where Mr. Kong Ming lives in seclusion. But who is this person, and why are he also looking for Mr. Kong Ming?"

One of the thin men frowned and whispered while drinking tea, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

The leader of the three was a middle-aged man. He did not answer the thin man's question. He dropped a few coins and stood up directly and said: "Let's go, follow."

The other two followed closely behind.

As they were walking, the hem of their clothes was lifted slightly, revealing the embroidered uniform logo that few people knew about under their ordinary clothes.

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