Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 305: Beheading Yuan Shao and offering sacrifice

The more Liu Xie listened, the deeper his frown deepened.

Emperor Xian of Han, what are you trying to do?

Liu Biao and his son died at a banquet set up by Emperor Xian of Han. If you say that it has nothing to do with Emperor Xian of Han, Liu Xie will never believe it.

"Could it be that Emperor Xian of Han was in collusion with Cai Mao and others, deliberately killing Liu Biao and his son, and then taking the opportunity to control Jingzhou?"

"No, Liu Biao had already welcomed Emperor Xian of Han into Xiangyang City and recognized his status as the Son of Heaven. What good would it do for him to kill Liu Biao?"

"Could it be that Liu Biao also used Emperor Xian of Han as a puppet like Cao Cao, so he did this? But why would Cai Mao, Kuai Liang and others help him?"

"Cai Mao is Liu Biao's brother-in-law."

The more Liu Xie thought about it, the more strange it felt. He found that he could not see through Emperor Xian of Han's methods. The situation in Jingzhou was simply a mess.

After thinking hard, he really had no clue, so he gave up the idea of ​​thinking further and said to Jia Xu: "Just let someone keep a close eye on Jingzhou for the time being. The most important thing now is to go south to fight the bandits."

"Also, send someone to tell Xuande that if he really can't stay in Yizhou, he should bring his troops back quickly."

It would be best if he could take root or even seize Yizhou.

But now facing the encirclement and suppression of Liu Zhang and Liu Cong, it would not be easy to stop them even if he sent some weapons and equipment.

So if there is no other way, he can only choose to retreat.

It is impossible that Liu Bei and his men would lose their lives in the end without Yizhou. He is unwilling to see this happen.

"I obey your order."

Jia Xu nodded, then turned and left.


With the issuance of Liu Xie's order, the matter of going south to fight the bandits began to be prepared in full swing. The first thing was to withdraw the army stationed in Bingzhou.

There are currently 50,000 troops in Bingzhou.

After Zhang He handed the Yulin Guard to Gao Lan, he went to Bingzhou with Liu Xie's order and asked Zhang Liao to lead 30,000 troops back to Yecheng for reorganization.

In addition, the logistics and food mobilization also began to be mobilized. After all, this time it was a two-line battle, and the logistics must be fully prepared. The workload was huge.

Considering the difficulty of this task, Liu Xie intended to let Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang take charge together, but unexpectedly Sima Yi refused directly.

"I am enough!"

These were Sima Yi's original words. He took on all the logistics work by himself, leaving no chance for Zhuge Liang to share.

In order to get the logistics dispatched before the troops were dispatched, he almost forgot to eat and sleep, slept only two hours a day, and never left the table except for going to the toilet.

He ate on the table, and when he was sleepy, he took the quilt prepared next to him and slept on the floor. This crazy energy made Liu Xie a little scared.

This is too much.

996 is not enough to describe it.

After a period of adaptation, Zhuge Liang gradually found his own rhythm and way. While handling the pioneering work in an orderly manner, he could also handle the numerous affairs of various states with ease.

Of course, compared with Sima Yi's madness, Zhuge Liang seemed more Buddhist, and the two formed a sharp contrast.

But it must be said that with the help of the two of them, Liu Xie felt that the pressure on his body was directly reduced by 70%, and even his sleep was much more stable.

Everything is progressing steadily.

The day of sending troops is getting closer and closer.


Yuan Mansion.

Yuan Xi has been very busy recently. After all, he has been promoted to Sikong. This position is definitely not for nothing. There are many things he needs to be responsible for.

So although it is late at night, he is still working at his desk in the study, working late into the night.

Just as he was concentrating on handling affairs, Mrs. Liu came in with a bowl of hot porridge on a tray. After seeing Yuan Xi who was busy, she did not disturb him.

She just gently put the tray aside, and then helped Yuan Xi clean up the somewhat messy study.

After a long time, Yuan Xi felt his eyes were a little sore, so he raised his hand to rub his eyes, and then he noticed Madam Liu in the room, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Mother, when did you come?"

Madam Liu pointed to the porridge on the table and said, "You were too busy today and didn't have dinner, so I went to make you a bowl of porridge."

"But I saw you were busy just now, so I didn't disturb you... This porridge is cold, I'll go and heat it up for you."

Yuan Xi couldn't help but feel touched when he heard this.

He stepped forward and took the porridge from Madam Liu, waving his hand and saying, "Mother, don't bother, hot porridge is hot, now this porridge is still warm, just right to drink directly."

After that, Yuan Xi picked up the bowl and drank it in big gulps, and soon drank the whole bowl of porridge clean.

Then he wiped his mouth with his hand and said with a smile: "I haven't had porridge made by my mother for many years. I remember the last time I had it was when I was eleven years old."

"At that time, I was naughty and got sick in the rain while playing outside. My mother stayed by my bed all night and made porridge for me. Xianfu was so envious..."

When Yuan Shang was mentioned, Yuan Xi's expression froze slightly.

Then he smiled and said nothing more, handed the empty bowl to Madam Liu, and said: "I still have some things to deal with here, mother, go back and rest early."

Madam Liu took the bowl, but did not leave.

She stood there as if she wanted to say something.

Seeing this, Yuan Xi couldn't help but lower his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Mother, are you here for Yuan Shao tonight?"

The imperial army will march south in two days, and Yuan Shao will be beheaded as a sacrifice. This matter has been widely spread in the city.

Madam Liu certainly couldn't have not heard of it.

The reason why Yuan Xi has locked himself in the study to handle government affairs these days is not only because he is really busy, but also because he deliberately avoids meeting Madam Liu.

But I didn't expect her to come tonight.

Madam Liu looked gloomy, and said in an almost begging tone: "I'm not asking for mercy for him. I also know that this is impossible. He deserves it."

"I just... want to see him for the last time and send him off."

Hearing Madam Liu's request, Yuan Xi directly broke the brush in his hand and gritted his teeth and said: "He caused our entire Yuan family to be exterminated! What can a mother do to such a sinner!"

"He should be left alone to die!"

Every time he thought of the scene of the entire Yuan family being exterminated and men, women, old and young being beheaded, Yuan Xi wanted to eat Yuan Shao alive!

In his opinion, no matter how cruel the punishment or how miserable the end, it was not too much for Yuan Shao! This old man deserved it!


Hearing Yuan Xi's roar, Madam Liu reached out and grabbed his arm, her eyes full of tears, her eyes almost pleading.

Yuan Xi's face kept changing, his fists loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened, his anger turned into a sigh, and he sat down a little tired.

"Tomorrow morning, mother, come with me."

"I'll take you to see him."

He still couldn't make up his mind after all. He didn't want to let his mother leave a lifelong regret because of Yuan Shao, this damn thing.

"Thank you, Xianyi."

Madam Liu raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes. After saying this, she picked up the tray and the empty bowl and turned to leave the study.


The Imperial Palace, the North Court Dungeon.

Yuan Shao lay on the ground covered with straw, his eyes staring at the sunlight shining in from the iron window, in a daze.

A bird stopped by the window, stood there, and looked at him curiously. His non-human figure was reflected in his black bean-sized eyes.

After a moment, it flapped its wings and flew away.

Flying to the blue sky.

Yuan Shao's eyes followed the flying bird until its figure completely disappeared, and then he reluctantly withdrew his eyes.

The beauty just now was only a moment. The reality was still this dark and damp dungeon, and it was still his broken body and seemingly decayed soul.

"It's almost there..."

Yuan Shao forced himself to stand up, his eyes were extremely dark.

During this period of time, he had learned from the conversation with the jailer that Liu Xie would soon march south, and then it would naturally be his death.

But he was not afraid, but very much looking forward to it.

Because his persistence was finally coming to an end.

For so long, as long as he wanted, he had countless opportunities to commit suicide, but he was ashamed to do so.

Because once he chose to commit suicide, it was equivalent to admitting that he could not bear the torture given to him by Liu Xie, which was equivalent to compromise and surrender, and then all his previous persistence would be meaningless.

So he would rather drag this broken body in this dark dungeon, waiting for the death to come day by day, waiting to be killed by Liu Xie in the end, rather than commit suicide.

Even if he died, he would die standing!

His mind was full of thoughts, and Yuan Shao's current physique was not enough to support him to stay awake for a long time, so he soon fell asleep against the wall.

However, in a trance, he felt someone gently wiping his face and calling his name, and he couldn't help but open his eyes slightly.

What came into view was a familiar figure.

A figure he had been thinking about day and night.

"Another hallucination."

Yuan Shao laughed at himself and closed his eyes again.

He couldn't remember how many times this was.

But even if it was an illusion, please... try to maintain it for a while, let him indulge in this beautiful dream for a while.


The call was extremely clear.

Yuan Shao's eyes widened suddenly.

He looked in front of him and saw Madam Liu in plain clothes, looking at him with tears in her eyes, her face full of heartache and grief.


Yuan Shao said subconsciously, his voice hoarse.

His face was full of disbelief.

Madam Liu said with tears: "It's me, husband, I'm here to see you."

"You, why are you here?"

Yuan Shao shook his head vigorously, but Madam Liu in front of him still did not disappear. He realized that this was not an illusion, but real!

But at the same time, he also had a terrible guess, and said angrily: "Didn't the tyrant pardon you? How could he go back on his word!!"

"Is he trying to torture me with this!"

In addition to the jailers and prisoners, no one can enter the Beiya dungeon without the emperor's order. How could Madam Liu come here alone?

He immediately thought that it was a means used by Liu Xie to torture him!

Mrs. Liu felt sad when she heard this, and patiently explained: "No, I was not imprisoned, Xianyi brought me here."

To prove it to Yuan Shao, she took the food box beside her and opened it, revealing the fragrant dishes inside.

"Look, my husband, these are all your favorite dishes, and I made them myself. I got up early this morning and was busy."

"My husband, eat them while they are hot."

Mrs. Liu took out all the food and placed it on the ground, then put the bowl and chopsticks in Yuan Shao's hand, and said with a forced smile: "Husband, please try it and see how it tastes."

"I haven't cooked for a long time, so my cooking skills may be a little rusty."

Yuan Shao looked at the food in front of him and Mrs. Liu beside him, and sat there in a daze, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses.

But he didn't reach out to pick up the food.

Instead, he threw the bowl and chopsticks in his hand to the ground, smashed them to pieces, and slapped Mrs. Liu in the face with his backhand!

"Who asked you to come here!"

Yuan Shao's face was extremely cold, and he roared in a low voice.

Mrs. Liu was stunned by this slap.

She half-lying on the ground, her expression was dull, and she looked at Yuan Shao with an unbelievable look, and she didn't even care about the blood flowing from the corner of her mouth.

"I said who asked you to come here!"

Yuan Shao roared again, like a hungry wolf that was forced into a desperate situation, but still refused to lower its head, staring at Mrs. Liu with fierce eyes.

"I need your sympathy? Who do you think you are? Who told you to beg that evil creature Yuan Xi!"

"Get out of here right now! Get out!"

Yuan Shao yelled while grabbing the dishes on the ground, knocking over the food that Madam Liu had carefully prepared, and the juices were flowing.

Madam Liu looked at Yuan Shao steadily, tears pouring out like a spring, and stood up without saying a word, staggering out of the cell.

The back was so lonely.

When he heard the footsteps fade away, the fierce expression on Yuan Shao's face slowly faded, and his rapid breathing due to anger also slowly calmed down.

He looked at the food that he had knocked over on the ground, and after a long time, he picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat, and put it directly into his mouth regardless of the dust and filth on it.

The food was delicious.

However, as he ate, a few tears fell, more and more, dripping into the food on the ground.

"I'm sorry, Madam."

Yuan Shao's face was full of tears, and his heart was in pain.

He had to do it.

He was a dying man. Madam Liu was finally pardoned. If she was involved with him again, once Liu Xie found out, her life would be in danger.

Only in this way could she save her life.

In the imperial palace, Xuanshi.

Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, and Jia Xu were all in Xuanshi, but at this time their eyes were on the kneeling figure in the hall, with different expressions.

“Your Majesty, I apologize!”

Yuan Xi kowtowed deeply and touched the ground with his forehead.

Liu Xie put down the memorial in his hand and smiled faintly: “Get up, Xianyi is filial, I can understand you.”

Yuan Xi looked up in astonishment and said in surprise: “Your Majesty knows everything?”

He hadn’t said why he was apologizing.

Liu Xie laughed and said, "Do you think anyone can enter the Beiya dungeon? Even if you are Sikong, you don't have the power to enter the dungeon privately. I allowed the jailer to let you in."

"I am not an unkind person. Yuan Shao is a dying man. I will meet him. Just treat it as a wish of your mother."

"You can just come to me directly for such a small matter in the future. Why do you have to be so sneaky?"

Yuan Xi was heartbroken, lowered his head, and cried, "Your Majesty, I have no way to repay your grace! I, I..."

He didn't know how to express his excitement!

"Enough, crying and sobbing, how can you be a Sikong." Liu Xie waved his hand and motioned Yuan Xi to stand up.

"Two days later, behead Yuan Shao to sacrifice the flag. You will supervise the execution then."

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