Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 32: Seventeen that year, sitting like a minion

Liu Xie's life did not change much because he conquered Guo Jia, and the days continued to pass as usual.

The only difference was that Guo Jia would come to the palace from time to time to chat with him and pass the time, which made Liu Xie feel less bored.

A month passed quickly like this.

With the arrival of winter, the New Year is gradually approaching.

All the princes and forces have settled down during this period. After all, New Year's Eve is the most important festival of the year. Who doesn't want to spend it in peace and contentment?

What's more, winter is not suitable for fighting. If you start a war at this time, not only will you get little benefit, but the soldiers will also feel war-weary.

In order to celebrate the Spring Festival, Yuan Shao summoned civil and military officials to hold a New Year's Eve banquet in the palace in the name of Liu Xie.

Night falls, like a big curtain falling.

Yecheng is still prosperous and bright, with thousands of lights dotting it, reflecting the stars, and full of lively New Year atmosphere.

Inside and outside the palace, there are bright lights and busy traffic.

Tonight, the palace will hold a New Year's Eve banquet. Yuan Shao's civil servants and generals, as well as his family members, all came to attend. Various carriages stopped outside the palace, and it was full of traffic.

The banquet was held in a side hall of the palace.

Although it is a side palace, its specifications are not low. It is extremely grand and magnificent. It can be seen that Yuan Shao put a lot of effort into building this palace.

The banquet is divided into two sides, and people sit together according to their status.

Although not all the guests have arrived yet, the banquet has been prepared. The guests present are talking and laughing with each other, and the atmosphere is warm.

At the end of the banquet on both sides is the main seat where the emperor sits.

Liu Xie, dressed in fine clothes, was sitting on it.

Today he is wearing a red and black dragon robe, a purple gold crown on his head, and a jade ring around his waist. He looks good, but now dressed like this, he is even more majestic as an emperor.

But not many people here cared about him.

Except for the occasional glances and disdainful glances, no one came to salute him, let alone congratulate him.

Of course Liu Xie knew the reason.

"Do you just think of me as a mascot?"

Liu Xie secretly curled his lips, these people no longer even pretended to be pretending.

Although it is true that he, the emperor, has no power and is just a name and symbol, these guys have made it too obvious.

It's been half an hour since he came in, and no one has come to say hello to him. It's really chilling.

Guo Jia is also in the main hall, but he is sitting closer to the door, and Liu Xie can barely see him. As for Zhang He and Gao Lan, it is even more miserable. They are not even qualified to enter the main hall, and they are still guarding them. Palace gate.

Being so ignored, it is no wonder that they would both vote for Cao Cao in the future.

Yuan Benchu's defeat was truly unjust.

Just when Liu Xie was thinking wildly, the hall suddenly became quiet, so he turned his attention to the door of the hall.

I saw Yuan Shao striding in, and behind him were Liu, Guan, and Zhang, as well as counselors such as Ju Shou, Shen Pei, Tian Feng, and Guo Tu.


Liu Xie felt slightly shuddered and sat up straighter.

Yuan Shao led everyone into the center of the hall, and then confessed to Liu Xie: "I am late for the banquet, please forgive me."

I can really pretend...

Liu Xie cursed in his heart, but said with a smile on his face: "It doesn't matter, I have just arrived. Yuan Qing, please take a seat quickly, I have prepared a place for you."

There is a seat on the lower right side of Liu Xie.

That was specially prepared for Yuan Shao.

In the Han Dynasty, the right was respected, and Yuan Shao sat higher than other civil and military officials, only second to Liu Xie.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Yuan Shao nodded slightly, then strode towards the seat.

Liu Xie said to Liu Bei again: "Uncle Emperor, please sit down too."

Although Liu Bei's official position was not comparable to that of Yuan Shao, as an imperial uncle, he could still get a seat at the bottom left of Liu Xie, opposite to Yuan Shao's seat.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Bei bowed respectfully, and then took Guan Yu and Zhang Fei over to the seats and sat down.

The three of them are sworn brothers, and it is not considered out of bounds to sit at the same table.

"Then, I announce that the New Year's Eve banquet has officially begun!"

Seeing that everyone was here, Liu Xie stood up with his wine glass and announced loudly.

But after he finished speaking, there was silence in the hall.

Everyone looked at Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "Look what I did, didn't you hear what your majesty said? The banquet has begun!"


Only then did everyone respond in unison, while the music played loudly.

Liu Xie smiled awkwardly and sat down silently.

Mader, you overacted, you really thought you were the emperor.

Don't say that you are a fake emperor. Even if it is true, you have no right to speak.

He looked at the wine glasses placed on the table. The slightly turbid wine inside reflected his childish face, which made him feel a little funny.

"Tsk, you've become a clown."

Liu Xie curled his lips, then lowered his head and looked towards the main hall.

This is called "Your Majesty" too much, and the mentality becomes inflated. This is not a good sign and can kill people.

The atmosphere in the hall has gradually become warmer.

The ministers drank and drank, and there was an endless stream of people who came to toast Yuan Shao. Even Liu Bei had many people come to show their goodwill to him.

Only his side was deserted.

Liu Xie sat alone in the emperor's seat, amidst the commotion, but it seemed as if he did not exist and no one cared about him.

Like a minion who appeared in a place where he didn't belong.

But Liu Xie didn't care about this. He knew that he was just a puppet, and even the identity of the emperor was fake; and even if it was true, few people present would care. Yuan Shao was the real protagonist.

Because he is just a poor time traveler. If he were not lucky enough to look like the emperor, he would not even be able to enter the palace gate.

It is a great gift and luck to be able to sit here.

But...why does he feel unwilling?

He can't control his body, his words can't control his heart, and he can't even control his life. He is as small as an ant, and no one cares about him.

These big shots could decide his life or death with just a few words, so insignificant.

Guo Jia in the main hall had been silently watching Liu Xie's condition, but when he saw him like this, he smiled slightly.

"Your Majesty, it's not a pleasant feeling to be in a high position without power."

Guo Jia thought to himself while drinking.

In fact, his biggest feeling after coming into contact with this young majesty was that although his majesty had extraordinary wisdom and great ambitions, he was too lazy and lacked motivation.

Guo Jia can understand that after all, His Majesty is just a young man who has not yet been crowned and needs some external pressure to guide him.

And humiliation and anger are the best medicines.

"It seems that we have to find a way to let His Majesty experience this kind of situation more in the future, so that he can have more desire and ambition for power."

Guo Jia made up his mind with a deep look in his eyes.

Nowadays, the world is a time of great strife. If we don't fight, we will only perish. And as the emperor, Liu Xie must fight!

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