Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 317: Once broken, Crouching Dragon emerges from the mountain

Faced with Sima Yi's question, Zhuge Liang stared at the eight-door golden lock formation on the ground, and retracted his gaze after a while, and slowly said: "It is still uncertain whether this formation can be broken."


Sima Yi frowned. When he heard Zhuge Liang say the name of this battle formation, he thought there was a plan to break the formation, but Zhuge Liang gave such an answer.

If it can be broken, it can be broken, and if it can't be broken, it can't be broken.

What does it mean to be uncertain?

Seeing that Sima Yi didn't understand at all, Zhuge Liang explained to him: "The Eight-Gate Golden Lock Formation is in line with the theory of Qimen Bagua and is extremely exquisite."

"However, the Eight-Gate Golden Lock Formation set up by Cao Ren is a military formation that has been improved and perfected by generations of military strategists."

"For example, this general platform in the formation was created by later generations and is called Longyan."

"If the person who set up the formation on the other side has mastered the essence of this formation, it would be difficult to break this formation; but if he only learned the basics of the formation, then breaking the formation would be simple."

"I need to go to the front of the formation to see it in person before I can make a judgment."

Zhuge Liang did not directly say that he could break the formation.

But he left some room for maneuver.

Sima Yi suddenly realized what was going on, and then asked curiously: "If the opponent has mastered the essence of this formation, how confident is Kong Ming in breaking it?"

"Not 100% sure."

Zhuge Liang hesitated for a moment, and said solemnly: "About 90%, there is still a certain risk, and the remaining 10% depends on Cao Ren's command and dispatch ability."

Sima Yi's mouth twitched fiercely.

90% confidence, is this not very confident?

Is this called a certain risk?

Sima Yi took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to hit someone, and snorted coldly: "Then I will wait and see, and see how you break the formation tomorrow."

"Brother Zhongda, don't worry."

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly and smiled at Sima Yi: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, brother Zhongda, don't you want to invite me for a drink?"

"I have signed a military order in front of His Majesty. If I can't break this formation, I will pay with my life. Maybe you and I won't have the opportunity to drink in the future."

Sima Yi pushed him out of the study with an expressionless face.

Then he shut the door heavily.

Zhuge Liang didn't care about being turned away. He smiled and walked away.


Guan Du, Cao Jun camp.

Cao Ren was holding a banquet in the tent to entertain his generals and celebrate the results of repeatedly repelling Lu Bu's offensive in recent days.

"Lu Bu's courage is unparalleled in the world, but we have now broken his invincible record and made him suffer repeated setbacks in front of our army."

"This victory is the result of the joint efforts of everyone present."

"I toast to you all!"

Cao Ren held the wine jar and toasted the generals in the tent, then raised his hand and drank it all, full of heroic spirit.

All the generals cheered when they saw this.

Yu Jin raised his cup and said, "We were able to stop the enemy's offensive because of the general's formation. We just did our best."

Cao Chun also echoed, "That's right. Without the general's formation to contain Lu Bu's cavalry, we would not be able to resist Lu Bu's frontal attack even if we joined forces."

The beauty of the Eight Gates Golden Lock Formation is that it can create an environment where they can fight against the enemy with more people and join forces. If they were just asked to besiege Lu Bu, I'm afraid they would be killed by Lu Bu one by one.

Faced with the compliments of the generals, Cao Ren didn't say it, but he felt a little proud in his heart.

Everyone said that Lu Bu, who was invincible, was defeated by him. This record was enough for him to be proud. How many people in the world could do it?

But at this time, he noticed that Xiahou Dun looked unhappy and drank alone in his seat, and couldn't help asking, "Yuan Rang, what's on your mind?"

The generals looked at Xiahou Dun one after another.

Xiahou Dun held the wine bottle and said in a deep voice: "It's not enough to just repel Lu Bu. I want to kill him to avenge the arrow!"

"Is there no way to kill him?"

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the tent stagnated, and everyone's face was embarrassed.

Although the seven of them could suppress Lu Bu together, it was impossible to kill Lu Bu.

Because Lu Bu's bravery was so terrifying, as long as they didn't fight against them and were determined to escape, they couldn't keep him at all, let alone kill him?

"Yuan Rang, you are too obsessed."

Cao Ren sighed and said to Xiahou Dun: "I know you want revenge, but it's too difficult to kill Lu Bu. We have to focus on the overall situation."

"It is our duty to guard Guandu, otherwise it will ruin the lord's plan."

Cao Ren also wanted to kill Lu Bu when he rushed into the battle, but if he did so, whether he could succeed or not, heavy losses were inevitable.

They don't have many troops. If they are all killed by Lu Bu, what can they use to defend Guandu?

If they can't defend Guandu, how can they seize Jiangdong while Sun Quan and Zhang Liao are fighting?

Compared with personal hatred and Cao Cao's grand plan, which one is more important, they must distinguish clearly.

Xiahou Dun didn't say anything. He knew that what Cao Ren said made sense, so he just kept drinking and didn't say anything more.

Seeing this, Cao Ren wanted to continue to persuade him, but at this time a soldier ran into the tent and reported: "Report to the general, the scouts in front reported that an enemy army arrived in Wuchao this afternoon!"


Cao Ren's face changed, and the wine in his hand spilled out. He stood up and asked: "How many people are there? Who is the general leading the troops?"

The soldier replied: "There are not many in number, only about a thousand, but their armor and weapons are very sophisticated, far superior to ordinary soldiers."

"The leader of the army is a young general in white robes and silver armor. He has an unknown name. He is accompanied by a young scribe who is also an unfamiliar face."

Cao Ren was relieved to hear that there were only a thousand people.

No matter how well-equipped these thousand people were, they were still only a thousand people. He was more concerned about the origins of the young generals and scribes than this.

Before he could ask, Xu Huang couldn't help but said: "Could it be that the young general in white robe and silver armor is Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong?"

"Zhao Zilong?"

Cao Ren's eyes flashed, and he asked Xu Huang: "Gongming, do you know this person?"

Xu Huang nodded and said: "I have heard of his name. This Zhao Yun was originally a subordinate of Gongsun Zan. He once killed Wen Chou and almost took Yuan Shao's head from Wanjun. He was so brave!"

"Even Yan Liang died under his gun!"

He briefly explained Zhao Yun's achievements, and the expressions of all the generals in the tent immediately changed, and they all panicked.

Killing Yan Liang and Wen Chou, Wan Jun almost killed Yuan Shao's head. This is enough to show that Zhao Yun's bravery must at least surpass them!

One Lu Bu was already difficult for them to deal with, and now another Zhao Yun came, so how should they resist?

"General, something is wrong now."

Xia Houyuan's face was full of worry and he said: "If Zhao Yun and Lu Bu charge into the battle together, the seven of us may not be able to resist."

Cao Ren's face was gloomy, and he frowned and said nothing.

If Zhao Yun is really as brave as Xu Huang said, then his formation may not be able to stop the two of them from charging into the formation together.

"It's a pity that I have only learned about 70% to 80% of the eight-door Golden Lock Formation, and I haven't gotten all the essence. Otherwise, there would be one more Zhao Yun, so what would I be afraid of!"

Cao Ren thought with some reluctance.

The Eight-Door Golden Lock Formation was indeed powerful, but the formation was too difficult to understand. He did not fully master it and only learned the formation.

Suppressing his unwillingness, Cao Ren said to Cao Zhen: "Zidan, you can also come to the formation tomorrow to help in the battle."

Cao Zhen was originally responsible for guarding Guandu, but now that there is an additional Zhao Yun, he must also send more manpower, otherwise he may not be able to stop the two of them.


Cao Zhen immediately clasped his fists and accepted the order.

Then Cao Hong asked: "Who is that young scribe? Since he can accompany Zhao Yun, he must have extraordinary abilities. Could it be that he was sent by the imperial court to break the Eight-Door Golden Lock Formation?"

"Absolutely impossible!"

When Cao Ren heard this, he immediately denied it and snorted: "There are very few people in this world who know the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation, let alone break the formation?"

"Don't worry, we will meet the enemy as usual tomorrow."

He has absolute confidence in the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation, because this formation has been lost for a long time, and you must understand it very well if you want to break it.

And you have to be more proficient in this formation than him!

But how could such a master of military skills have such a coincidence that he would meet him?

Thinking of this, Cao Ren said to everyone: "Today's banquet is over. Everyone, please go back and recharge your batteries. Lu Bu will definitely attack again tomorrow, so you must not slack off."

All the generals clasped their fists and said, "No!"

The next day.

Lu Bu finished reorganizing his army early, led an army of 30,000 people out, and headed straight for Cao Jun's station.

Soon, they saw Cao Jun.

At this time, Cao's army was ready, and the eight-door golden lock formation slowly unfolded, blocking the front of the Han army like an unbreakable fortress.

"Zilong, you and I will charge into the battle together later!"

Lu Bu's heart had long been filled with fighting spirit. With Zhao Yun joining him, he was full of confidence in breaking through the enemy formation and made up his mind to defeat the broken formation in front of him today!

"Let's listen to Mr. Kong Ming's opinion first."

Zhao Yun did not agree immediately, but asked Zhuge Liang: "Mr. Kong Ming, have you found the weakness of this formation? How to break the formation?"

Before leaving, the emperor told him that Lu Bu acted too impulsively. After arriving at the front line, everything was based on Zhuge Liang's instructions, and he was also asked to protect Zhuge Liang's safety.

He took these instructions to heart.

Lu Bu was displeased when he heard this and said: "Zilong, you and I can join forces to charge into the battle. Do you need to find any weaknesses in the enemy's battle? It's too much trouble!"

"Besides, the military advisor has been studying for more than ten days but still can't find a way to break the formation. How could he find a way to break the formation less than a day after he arrived?"

Although Lu Bu was not very satisfied with Sima Yi, he at least had achievements in the Battle of Bingzhou, and he was indeed capable.

Even Sima Yi couldn't find a way. How could this kid who had just arrived and had no skills break the formation?

"Mr. Wen, please be patient and don't be impatient."

Sima Yi glanced at Zhuge Liang, who was watching the enemy formation intently, and took the initiative to say a word for him, saying: "The army is ahead, and it won't be less than an hour and a half."

Lu Bu snorted coldly when he heard this, holding back his impatience.

But the look he looked at Zhuge Liang was a bit evil.

If after waiting for a long time, this kid can't explain why, then he won't be polite anymore.

"I have a plan to break the formation."

As Zhuge Liang spoke, he turned his gaze to Lu Bu and asked, "Did Wen Gong attack from the front the last few times he charged into battle?"

Lu Bu frowned and said, "When we charge into the formation, we are going to attack from the front. Is it possible that we have to take a detour?"

The cavalry needs to speed up over a long distance to increase the speed of the attack. At that time, the power of the charge can be greater. If you don't charge head-on, what is the charge?

"That's no wonder."

Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "The eight-door Golden Lock Formation is divided into eight doors: Xiu, Sheng, Shang, Du, Jing, Death, Jing, and Kai."

"Every time Mr. Wen rushes to the door, it is the door of death. It is also the most dangerous place in the entire eight-door golden lock array. Ordinary generals will definitely die if they rush in."

"If Duke Wen hadn't been the most brave and brave man in the world, he might have been doomed."

Lu Bu's ears were weak. When he heard Zhuge Liang praise him for his bravery, his expression suddenly softened a bit. He raised his chin slightly and said proudly: "That's natural. If there weren't seven people on the opposite side against me, I would have broken through this formation long ago."

"Tell me, how to break the formation?"

He felt that this boy was quite nice to talk to. His bravery showed that he had a good vision. In this case, it wouldn't hurt to listen to his opinions.

"It's very simple." Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, "It only takes a thousand warriors to attack from the Shengmen Gate in the southeast and come out from the Jingmen Gate in the west to break this formation."

"one thousand?!"

Lu Bu's eyes widened with shock on his face.

He brought thousands of people with him every time he charged into the formation. Even so, he couldn't break the formation. Now Zhuge Liang said that he only needed a thousand men?

Isn’t this the past to die?

Sima Yi was also a little surprised and asked: "Kong Ming, are a thousand people too few? Can such a small number of people really break the formation?"

It's not that he didn't believe in Zhuge Liang's ability, but he felt that a thousand people was a bit too much. The other party had tens of thousands of people, and a thousand people couldn't even eat if they went in.

"One thousand is enough."

Zhuge Liang raised his feather fan, pointed directly at the enemy formation, and said leisurely: "The key to breaking the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation is to kill the flag officers responsible for delivering orders."

"Those flag officers are distributed in the Shengmen and Jingmen areas. After killing them, the general's orders will not be transmitted, and their formation will naturally be scattered."

After listening to Zhuge Liang's well-founded analysis, Lu Bu touched his chin thoughtfully, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll charge into the formation!"

After saying that, he would step forward with Fang Tian's painted halberd.

"Wait a minute, Duke Wen." Zhuge Liang raised his hand to stop Lu Bu and said, "The enemy generals are all staring at Duke Wen. If Duke Wen leads the troops into the battle, he will definitely attract their siege."

"So what Duke Wen has to do is to stand still and frighten the enemy generals so that they don't dare to act rashly."

Zhuge Liang looked at Zhao Yun as he spoke, and said with a smile: "General Zilong, I heard that you have iron guts and a seven-foot spear, and entering and exiting thousands of troops is like watching fish and flowers."

"Please go and work hard on this trip."

Lu Bu's target was too big to charge into the formation, so it was the wisest choice to stay and frighten the enemy general and let Zhao Yun charge into the formation.

After Zhao Yun breaks through all eight golden lock formations, it's Lu Bu's time to take action!

"The last general takes command!"

Zhao Yun's eyes were filled with gleaming light, and he clasped his fists heavily.

Soon, he gathered a thousand tiger soldiers and attacked the eight-door golden lock array in front!

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