Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 322 Lu Meng: Cao Cao is a shameless rat

In the study room, candlelight flickered and figures were scattered.

Zhou Yu looked at Lu Su, who looked sincere in front of him, with complicated eyes, and sighed deeply: "Zijing, I accept your kindness, but forgive me for not agreeing."

"Bo Fu and I are old friends. He died at the hands of Lu Bu. How can I ignore this hatred and serve the imperial court and become an official in the same court as Lu Bu?"

Lu Su became a little anxious after hearing this, and persisted in persuading him: "Even if you don't go to the court as an official, you can still stay at home and be an idle cloud and wild crane."

"No matter what, it's better than being a traitor!"

Following Sun Quan is undoubtedly a dead end. Even if you can compete for the time being, you will be defeated sooner or later.

Lu Su knew this very well, and he believed Zhou Yu knew it too.

Moreover, Zhou Yu's allegiance was to Sun Ce. After Sun Ce died, he could choose another master, but Zhou Yu still chose to assist Sun Quan for such a long time, and he had fulfilled his loyalty.

If you leave now, no one can blame Zhou Yu.

"I can't leave."

Zhou Yu didn't hesitate at all and replied directly: "The enemy is ahead now. If I leave with you, who else can resist Zhang Liao?"

"Zijingqian, please stop trying to persuade me. I have made up my mind."

Zhou Yu understood that Lu Su had good intentions, but the relationship between him and Sun Ce did not allow him to do such a thing of escaping from the battlefield.

If he leaves, Sun Quan will definitely lose.

After hearing Zhou Yu's reply, Lu Su felt angry and anxious. He almost wanted to knock him out and take him away by force, but he knew that there was no point in doing so.

Even if he did forcefully knock Zhou Yu unconscious and take him away, Zhou Yu's character would come back immediately after he woke up.

"Zijing, please go."

Zhou Yu suppressed these thoughts in his heart and said to Lu Su: "You are innocent, there is no need to stay here and hang out with me."

"I'm sorry that I wanted to keep you here to help before. I was too selfish and I feel ashamed of you."

Previously, he had selfish motives, thinking that Lu Su didn't know the truth, so he hoped that Lu Su could stay and help.

But he didn't expect that Lu Su always understood, and even chose to come to help him despite knowing the truth, and even wanted to take him away with him.

His behavior was disgraceful by comparison.

He felt that he was not qualified to be friends with Lu Su.

Lu Su stared at Zhou Yu for a long time, and then said slowly: "If you don't say this, then I will really choose to leave, and the friendship between you and me will stop here."

If Zhou Yu asks him to stay and help.

Then he would leave without saying a word.

Because he chose to come to help at great risk, it was okay for Zhou Yu to be selfish at first, after all, everyone has selfish motives; but to persuade him to stay after he made everything clear was a complete villain.

Fortunately, he didn't make a mistake, Zhou Yu was still the Zhou Yu he knew.

"Zijing you..."

Zhou Yu was shocked and looked at Lu Su in disbelief.

Lu Su said seriously: "I will not accept any official position, but I will stay to help you and help you make suggestions."

"But I have a condition, that is, the situation will reach an irreversible point, and I hope you can leave with me."

"I will stay if you agree to this condition."

The friendship with Zhou Yu made Lu Su unable to make up his mind to leave. He still wanted to try his best to save his friend's life.

Zhou Yu felt ashamed and moved when he heard this. After much hesitation, he finally nodded.

"I promise you."

Lu Su's stay or stay is very important to him.

Even if he doesn't lead troops or hold official positions, he just helps him make suggestions and deal with some things. It is also extremely rare help.


Lu Su didn't say much, and the two reached an agreement.

A big stone fell to the ground in his heart. Zhou Yu felt a lot more relaxed. At the same time, he smiled bitterly and said, "Now the favor I owe you is huge."

"Oh, who made me make careless friends?"

Lu Su spread his hands and said, pretending to be sad, "So you have to live well. I can count on you to return my favor for the rest of my life."

Zhou Yu smiled heartily, held Lu Su's hand firmly, and said solemnly: "Okay!"

The two were chatting and laughing in the study.

But they didn't know that a gloomy gaze was looking at them through the gap in the study door.

This person is none other than Sun Quan.

After taking a deep look at Lu Su and Zhou Yu in the study, he turned around and left quietly, his back very heavy.

He originally wanted to come over to see if Zhou Yu had successfully persuaded Lu Su to accept the official position, but he happened to overhear the conversation between the two.

"Zhou Gongjin, Lu Zijing... hum!"

Sun Quan's face was particularly ugly. He felt that there was an evil fire in his heart that he wanted to vent, but he didn't know how to vent it.

He was so polite and respectful to Lu Su, but what Lu Su wanted to do was to persuade Zhou Yu to surrender and take him to the imperial court.

The most important thing is that Zhou Yu finally agreed to Lu Su's conditions and planned to abandon him when things couldn't be done!

"They are all a bunch of villains!"

The more Sun Quan thought about it, the angrier he felt. He wanted to turn back to the study and question them in front of the two of them, but the only reason he had left allowed him to restrain his impulse.

Doing this would not do him any good. Instead, it would make the situation difficult to deal with. Lu Su and Zhou Yu might leave directly.

He still needs their help now.

Sun Quan took a deep breath and turned to look at the study room with orange light, his eyes becoming colder and colder.

It's not the time now, it's not too late to wait until he finds talented people who can replace these two people in the future to make a liquidation.

Withdrawing his gaze, Sun Quan prepared to rest first, but before he had gone far, he met Sun He, the personal guard running over.

The opponent's steps were hurried and he almost fell down.

Sun Quan reached out to support him in time, then frowned and asked, "What happened? Why are you so panicked?"

Although Sun He is the commander of the personal guards, he has served his father Sun Jian and his brother Sun Ce, and is very senior. He respects him privately.

Moreover, Sun He is mature and has a calm personality. This is the first time that Sun Quan has seen him look so panicked.

"Lord, something bad has happened!"

After Sun He stood firm, he said anxiously: "There is an urgent report from the rear. Cao Cao led an army of 30,000 to station in Jiangdong!"

"All the major families in the east of the Yangtze River rebelled. Zhang Zhao and all of us who stayed behind were killed. Now Danyang County, Guangling County, Wu County, Kuaiji County, and Lujiang County are all lost!"

"Our escape route is completely cut off!"

Sun Quan's eyes widened when he heard this, and he exclaimed: "What did you say? How could Cao Cao's troops stationed in Jiangdong!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Where did this fake news come from?"

Sun Quan's tone was full of disbelief, and he didn't believe what Sun He said was true.

Sun He clenched his teeth and said with a heavy face: "Lord, this news is absolutely true, Jiangdong... no, the entire Yangzhou is about to be occupied by Cao Cao!"

If the news comes from just one place, it may be false, but the same is true for news coming from many places!

After hearing this, Sun Quan suddenly felt that his eyes were turning black, and he almost couldn't stand and was about to fall down.


Sun He quickly stepped forward to help.

But Sun Quan directly pushed Sun He away, forced himself to stand up, and ordered with all his strength: "Gather everyone to come to the lobby to discuss matters!"

Half an hour later, in the lobby of the Prefect's Mansion.

Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, Xu Sheng, Lu Meng and other generals, as well as Zhou Yu, Lu Su and others, all gathered here.

Sun Quan was sitting on the main seat. At this time, his face looked very pale and he looked lost.

Seeing this, Cheng Pu couldn't help but ask: "Lord, what happened when you summoned us so late?"

It was already Haishi, but Sun Quan hurriedly summoned everyone here. There must be something important.

Not only him, others are also curious.

Facing Cheng Pu's inquiry, Sun Quan said with a depressed look: "There is news from Jiangdong that Cao Cao led an army of 30,000 to station in Wu and Kuaiji counties."

"The five great aristocratic families of Lu, Zhang, Zhu, Gu, and Wei rebelled, the Yu family was massacred, and the remaining great aristocratic families in Jiangdong also surrendered."

"Now all the counties in Jiangdong have been captured by Cao Cao. Even the guards of Danyang and Guangling counties have chosen to rebel. Our occupied by Cao Cao!"

When he said these words, Sun Quan felt his heart bleeding.

It was like being stabbed again and again.

After hearing his words, everyone in the hall changed their expressions instantly, and even Zhou Yu and Lu Su were shocked.

"How is this possible?"

Han Dang was the first to exclaim, with a face full of shock: "Lü Bu is attacking Yuzhou right now. Aren't Cao Cao's troops fighting with Lu Bu?"

"Where did he get the 30,000 troops to occupy Jiangdong?!"

The war in Yuzhou was raging. How could Cao Cao suddenly transfer his troops from the front line of Yuzhou to Jiangdong?

Could it be that his soldiers and horses can't fly?

Sun He said: "According to the news, Cao Cao's troops came from Huainan and Lujiang counties, crossed the Yangtze River and went straight to Wu and Kuaiji counties."

"And the time when Cao Cao's army was dispatched was not long after we fought with Zhang Liao, which means that Cao Cao had already hidden his troops there, intending to sneak attack the rear while we were unprepared."

Everyone was shocked again when they heard this.

Was this planned in advance?

After Lu Meng came to his senses, he opened his mouth and cursed angrily: "What a great Cao Cao. Now that we are facing a powerful enemy, he dares to break the alliance and commit the villainous act of stabbing his allies in the back!"

"What a shameless rat!"

After saying this, he suggested to Sun Quan with an angry look on his face: "My lord, let's gather our troops and horses immediately, return to Jiangdong, and fight to the death with Cao Cao!"

This statement instantly received responses from all the generals.

"Yes, fight to the death!"

"We must not let the Cao thieves capture Jiangdong!"

"Thief Cao must pay the price!"

Their home was stolen and their escape was cut off. How could they continue to fight Zhang Liao here? The top priority is to return to Jiangdong quickly!

"It's too late."

Lu Su suddenly spoke and frowned: "The counties in the rear fell so quickly, which shows that all the major families are cooperating with Cao Cao and supporting him to take over Jiangdong."

"Even if the general leads his troops to fight back now, the chance of recapturing Jiangdong is very slim, and he may even return in defeat."

"Cao Cao's actions this time were too quick. I'm afraid he had planned it for a long time... Didn't the general pay attention to the position of Cao Cao's main army before starting the war?"

Lu Su felt quite incredible.

The 30,000-strong army was obviously the main force, and it had been deployed in Huainan County for so long, but Sun Quan didn't notice it at all?

"You have to ask the Governor."

Sun Quan's face was slightly cold, and he turned his gaze to Zhou Yu and said in a deep voice: "Before the war started, the Governor personally went to Xu County to survey Cao's army's troop deployment."

"At that time, the governor reported that the main force of Cao's army was stationed on the front lines of Yanzhou and Yuzhou. So why is the main force now in Huainan County?"

"Grand Commander, you must give me an explanation!"

Sun Quan's tone was slightly angry, and he also had strong doubts about Zhou Yu in his heart. He couldn't help but think of Cao Cao's evaluation of Zhou Yu that day.

"The heroes of the world today are only the emperor, Gongjin and Cao!"

Other generals also looked at Zhou Yu.

Although Zhou Yu has a high prestige, it is indeed difficult to get rid of suspicion when something like this happens. He needs to give a reasonable explanation.


Lu Su's face changed slightly, and he looked at Zhou Yu unexpectedly. He didn't expect that it was Zhou Yu who surveyed the deployment of Cao's troops.

Before he could speak, Zhou Yu knelt down to Sun Quan and bowed his head and said: "I was deceived by Cao thieves. This is my dereliction of duty. Please punish me, my lord."

He didn't open his mouth to make excuses.

Things have already happened, and any explanation now is pale. Even if he was deceived by Cao's army, it is his responsibility.

Sun Quan saw this and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Is this when he dare not kill people?

Lu Su noticed the change in Sun Quan's expression, and his mind turned quickly. He stepped forward and said, "General, now is not the time to judge."

"Our rear is occupied by Cao Cao, and our retreat is cut off; we have to face Zhang Liao's army in front, so we should find a countermeasure as soon as possible to avoid being attacked from both sides."

He shifted the topic to the main business.

Sun Quan stared at Zhou Yu for a moment, and finally retracted his gaze and asked Lu Su, "I wonder if you have any good ideas?"

Lu Su's eyes moved slightly, and he said directly, "Cao Cao stole Jiangdong. If it's as I expected, he plans to give up Yuzhou as well."

"Once Yuzhou falls, the general will face the two armies of Lu Bu and Zhang Liao alone."

"The general now only occupies a few counties in Xuzhou. Jiangdong has been taken away, and the retreat is also cut off. It is only a matter of time before he is defeated by the court's troops."

"I personally think that the general might as well take the initiative to surrender to the court, and jointly attack Yuzhou with Zhang Liao's troops to encircle and annihilate Cao Cao's troops deployed in Guandu."

The method Lu Su gave was very direct.

To sum it up, it's just one word.


Everyone in the hall looked very different when they heard this. Cheng Pu shouted, "What nonsense! Lu Bu held the emperor hostage, and even Bo Fu died in his hands. How can we surrender to him!"

"What are you thinking?!"

Cheng Pu had a good impression of Lu Su, but after hearing this, his impression of Lu Su instantly dropped to the freezing point.

"Zi Jing, be careful with your words!"

Zhou Yu didn't expect Lu Su to say words of persuasion at this time, and he quickly spoke to dissuade him, fearing that he would arouse the anger of the generals.

It was a secret that the emperor was not held hostage by Lu Bu, at least the generals in the army didn't know it, otherwise who would dare to confront the court?

So Lu Su proposed to surrender, and everyone thought he was surrendering to Lu Bu. How could these generals tolerate it?

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