Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 324: Crossing the river in white clothes! Surprise attack on Jiangdong!

After listening to Liu Xie's words, Jia Xu and Guo Jia thought for a moment, and both agreed with his idea.

"Your Majesty, this is a very good idea."

Guo Jia nodded, but at the same time he also raised his concerns: "However, Sun Quan may not be willing to be His Majesty's sword."

It is certainly a good idea to let Sun Quan deal with Cao Cao.

But the purpose is so obvious that you can see it at a glance.

Liu Xie said nonchalantly: "He has no room to refuse. Even if he knows that I am using him, he has to agree."

Sun Quan could either become his pawn to deal with Cao Cao, or continue fighting with the imperial troops when his retreat was cut off.

The former may still have a glimmer of hope.

The latter is certain to die.

Everyone knows how to choose.

"Of course, although I want to kill someone with a borrowed knife, if he can really help the court to destroy Cao Cao, then I will keep my promise and forgive his crimes."

Liu Xie added another sentence.

He wasn't lying.

The credibility of the Liu family is well-known. From the ancestor Liu Bang to the ancestor Liu Xiu, they always followed their words and deeds and never broke their promises.

Liu Xiu even kept his promise and spared his brother-killing enemy and allowed him to live a wealthy life. This also brought the gold content of the Liu family's promise to its peak.

So of course Liu Xie will not ruin this reputation because of a mere Sun Quan, then there will be no difference between him and Sima Yi in history.

Even if he dominates the world in the future, this incident will be criticized by future generations and become a stain on him that cannot be washed away.

"Your Majesty is wise."

Jia Xu said with emotion that his Majesty's courage and broadmindedness were what he admired the most.

This is the true royal style!

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the announcement room. Liu Xie thought it was the palace servant sent to Jia Xu's house to pick green plums, but it was Gao Lan who walked in.

"Your Majesty, Xuzhou 800 miles is urgent!"

Hearing this, Liu Xie was shocked. He stretched out his hand to take the report from Gao Lan's hand, and then started to read it carefully. A hint of joy gradually appeared in his brows.

Jia Xu and Guo Jia were both curious when they saw this.

What happened over there in Xuzhou?

After a while, Liu Xie put down the report and smiled at them: "As expected by Kong Ming and Zhongda, Cao Cao did attack Jiangdong."

"General Wenyuan said that Cao Cao led 30,000 troops across the river and captured the counties east of the Yangtze River, cutting off Sun Quan's retreat."

"Now Sun Quan is starting to withdraw his troops. If nothing unexpected happens, he plans to gather his forces to attack Cao Cao and recapture Jiangdong."

Everything was the same as Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi predicted.

Cao Cao stabbed Sun Quan in the back and led troops to Jiangdong. The Sun-Cao alliance was completely broken, and a war was bound to follow.

"Fengxiao, immediately draft a decree for me to Sun Quan, just as I just said." Liu Xie immediately ordered Guo Jia.

"In addition, we will inform General Wenyuan that if Sun Quan agrees to surrender, we will stop attacking him and divert our troops to prevent Cao Cao from relocating his people."

"If Sun Quan does not agree to surrender, then send troops directly to destroy him without leaving any room for error!"

Liu Xie's tone was full of indifference.

Guo Jia accepted the order.

At this time, Jia Xu said again: "Your Majesty, the news about Xu You that you asked me to inquire about last time has now come to fruition."

"According to the report from the Embroidered Clothes Envoy, Xu You's identity was exposed a few months ago. Now he is imprisoned by Cao Cao and closely guarded. The Embroidered Clothes Envoy cannot penetrate."

Jia Xu reported the news truthfully.

In order to obtain this information, he killed one of his capable subordinates, and even had several informants in Yuzhou removed by following the clues.

Even this information was sent back after many twists and turns.

"So it turned out to be exposed?"

When Liu Xie heard this, he was both pleased and regretful.

I'm happy that Xu You was quite loyal to him and didn't betray him; I'm sorry that he lost the deepest nail buried beside Cao Cao.

If Xu You could continue to stay with Cao Cao as an internal response, he would have known all of Cao Cao's actions long ago and would have been able to respond long ago.

Fortunately, Cao Cao was cautious and did not dare to do anything. He did not kill Xu You, but just imprisoned him.

However, he has no better way to rescue Xu You now. He can only wait until he defeats Cao Cao in the future.

After Sun Quan dismissed Zhou Yu from the post of governor-general, he appointed Cheng Pu as the new governor-general and gathered troops to launch a counterattack against Guangling and Danyang counties.

Outside Danyang City.

Xu Sheng led a small group of cavalry to call for formation outside the city, shouting: "Thieves Cao! Traitors! Evil thieves! Rebels!"

"You betrayed your trust, broke your covenant, and committed such villainous acts. How can you have the dignity to live in this world!

"Why don't you fight behind closed doors? Are you just going to huddle in the city? Come out of the city quickly and fight me to the death!"

Xu Sheng kept yelling, but until his throat became hoarse, there was no response from the city, not even a wave of arrows.

Seeing this situation, Xu Sheng had no choice but to lead his troops back to the camp with reluctance, and reported to Sun Quan helplessly: "My lord, Cao's army has been staying behind closed doors."

When Sun Quan heard this, his face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip from his face.

He originally wanted to take back these two counties when Cao Cao had just settled in Jiangdong and had not yet had time to deploy his troops, but Cao Cao's actions were faster than he expected.

By the time he sent troops to attack the two counties, Cao Cao's troops were already stationed in the two counties, and they were clearing the country.

Cheng Pu commanded the army to launch several attacks on Guangling County, but failed to achieve any results because Cao's army refused to fight them and remained entrenched in the city.

Now when we attack Danyang County, the situation is the same.

In the camp, Zhou Tai heard the words and said: "My lord, Cao's army deliberately avoided fighting. It is obviously delaying time. It is better to attack directly!"

"Even the bastard's shell will be broken by him!"

After the words fell, Cheng Pu shook his head and said: "Danyang and Guangling counties are both easy to defend and difficult to attack. If a strong attack was effective, we would not have been able to stop Lu Bu with these two counties."

"Now Cao Cao is determined not to fight with us. He plans to defend the city. A forced attack will only increase the loss of our troops."

"It should be noted that Zhang Liao is still eyeing us. We cannot let our troops lose too much, otherwise we will really become a piece of meat on the chopping board."

He had tried to attack by force several times before, but he only tried briefly and did not dare to put all his troops on it.

Because they still need to guard against Zhang Liao in the rear.

Otherwise, when they were attacking with all their strength, Zhang Liao suddenly launched a sneak attack from behind, and the situation would become irreversible.

Sun Quan sighed and asked: "What is Zhang Liao's current trend? During the time when we mobilized troops back, did he take the opportunity to send troops to attack Xiapi?"

"Not really."

Cheng Pu shook his head and replied: "There has been no movement from Zhang Liao's side during this period of time. There has been no more war and no attack on the city."

In the past, this was impossible. Zhang Liao's offensive was extremely fast and he would attack them every now and then.

It's very rare to be so quiet right now.

A trace of vigilance flashed in Sun Quan's eyes, and he frowned: "Is he planning something secretly? Or does he have other plans?"

When he mobilized his troops and returned, it was impossible for Zhang Liao not to notice his movements, and he should also be aware of what was happening in Jiangdong.

It is really strange that the opponent did not take this opportunity to attack, but stood still.

Thinking of this, he turned his attention to Zhou Yu and asked, "Gong Jin, what do you think of this?"

Although Zhou Yu was dismissed from the position of governor by him, he still kept him with him. After all, in terms of military talents, no one under his command could compare with him.

He just didn't trust Zhou Yu to lead the army.

It's not that he doesn't recognize Zhou Yu's ability.

Upon hearing Sun Quan's question, Zhou Yu replied: "My lord, Zhang Liao must have done this on purpose. If I were him, I would choose to stand still and let Cao's army and we consume each other."

"Unless we suffer a major defeat or suffer heavy losses, he will not take the initiative to send troops to attack us."

"Cao Cao hopes that we will resist Zhang Liao, and Zhang Liao also hopes that we will consume Cao Cao's strength. This is why he does not send troops."

The current situation has reached a strange balance.

Cao Cao couldn't defend, Zhang Liao stood still, and they neither attacked nor retreated, just like animals trapped in a cage.

"They are all a group of insidious and cunning people!"

Sun Quan gritted his teeth and cursed.

Neither Zhang Liao nor Cao Cao is a good guy. Both sides want to take advantage of him and treat him like a dog!

Seeing this, Zhou Yu couldn't help but sigh.

Although the current situation is relatively stable, if things go on like this it will be a slow death. Without the support from the rear, their food and grass can only last for three months at most.

Without food and grass, they would have no choice but to wait to die.

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Yu said: "My lord, since we can't capture Danyang and Guangling, we might as well change our target."

"Cao Cao's main force is now stationed in Jiangdong, and Yuzhou's troops are empty. Why don't we take the opportunity to seize Yuzhou?"

They are currently in a dilemma. The only way is to choose another target to attack. Attacking Yuzhou is the right choice now.

"What's the use of seizing Yuzhou?"

Sun Quan snorted coldly when he heard this, and said with a stern face: "Even if we take Yuzhou, we will face the armies of Lu Bu and Zhang Liao at the same time soon!"

"The only way to survive is to fight back to Jiangdong!"

Taking Yuzhou is just poison to quench his thirst. As long as he dares to attack Yuzhou, Cao Ren will definitely give up resistance, and Lu Bu's army will move all the way south.

That is no different from actively seeking death.

Zhou Yu wanted to persuade him again, but Sun Quan had no patience to listen anymore and asked the generals: "Can't so many people think of a way to retake Jiangdong?"

All the generals looked at each other and remained silent.

In the past, when they relied on the natural dangers of the Yangtze River with their backs to Jiangdong, they only felt as safe as Mount Tai; but now when they face the problem of fighting back to Jiangdong, they really feel the pressure.

It's just too difficult.

However, Lu Meng suddenly took a step forward and said: "Lord, I have a plan that may be able to recapture Jiangdong and restore the situation to darkness!"

"Oh? What's the plan? Zi Ming tell me quickly!"

Sun Quan's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't wait to ask, with excitement on his face.

No matter what method, if Lu Meng can propose it, it is a good start. It is better than a group of people standing around helpless.

Lu Meng said: "My lord, according to the scouts' information, Cao Cao has now evacuated a large number of people and materials to Yangzhou and crossed the Yangtze River to Jiangdong."

"I thought this was a great opportunity."

"We can send two thousand elite soldiers, disguised as ordinary people and merchants, to cross the Yangtze River secretly."

"We will gather all these elites after we cross the river, and seize the ferry when Cao Cao's thieves are unprepared. Then our army can take the opportunity to return to Jiangdong!"

Lu Meng's words were lively and his eyes were bright.

However, everyone's expressions changed when they heard this.

Lu Su had been watching and saying nothing, but after hearing Lu Meng's words, he could no longer bear it and said categorically: "This plan is absolutely unacceptable!"

"Although soldiers are not tired of deception, soldiers are soldiers and people are people. Disguising soldiers as common people to cross the river is no longer shameless enough to describe it, and it deviates from the art of war!"

"If this plan is carried out, countless people will suffer unreasonable disasters in the future, and the consequences will be simply incalculable!"

Since ancient times, marching and fighting have not allowed the common people and merchants to come and go. Unless there are special circumstances, the army will generally not investigate and harass the common people and merchants.

But now Lu Meng wants to take advantage of this to cross the river!

If he is really allowed to do this, when there is a war in the future, the people and businessmen will definitely be severely interrogated and even massacred!

After all, who knows if you are an enemy soldier?

Zhou Yu was also quite angry at the method proposed by Lu Meng. He looked at him sharply and said, "Ziming! How can such a despicable method come from your mouth?"

"You are also a general, don't you know the consequences of acting like this? This is a completely rat-like behavior!"

"You are simply disregarding my lord's reputation!"

Lu Meng was very dissatisfied when he heard this, and retorted: "Cao Cao has betrayed his trust and is unethical. What can we do if we adopt some extraordinary measures?"

"If you have a better plan, propose it instead of blaming me here after I propose it!"

The two were tit for tat, neither giving in.

Zhou Yu didn't want to continue arguing with Lu Meng at all. He looked at Sun Quan and said seriously: "My lord, this strategy goes against the art of war and must not be used!"

"If my lord follows this plan, even if he can successfully capture Jiangdong, he will be infamy for eternity in the future. Please think twice, lord!"

After saying that, Zhou Yu bowed his head deeply.

Lu Meng snorted coldly when he saw this, and also stepped forward and said: "My lord, I came up with this plan. I will take the responsibility for the suffering of the people and the infamy."

"For the great cause of my lord, what's the harm in bearing a little infamy?"

The two were arguing, and the other generals in the tent also remained silent at this time, and no one spoke up to take sides.

On the one hand, this is because the strategy proposed by Lu Meng is too sinister. Crossing the river in white is unprecedented. Once used, it will inevitably be reviled by countless people.

But if this plan succeeds, Jiangdong can indeed be recaptured. to choose?

Everyone in the tent looked at Sun Quan.

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