Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 330 Battle of Hefei!

The war is coming faster than expected.

Early the next morning, Sun Quan ordered Han Dang to lead an army of 10,000 as the vanguard and launched an attack on Hefei City.

The battle was extremely fierce.

Since Sun's army had an absolute numerical advantage, and Sun Quan's military order to capture Hefei City within ten days was there, Han Dang's offensive was extremely fierce.

On the defender's side, Zhang Liao and Qu Yi led the soldiers and people to resist the enemy on the city wall, blocking the waves of Sun Army's attacks.

The two sides fought from early morning to dusk, until the sun was about to set, before Sun Jun paid the price and retreated to the camp at Xiaoyao Jindu.

Outside the city of Hefei, there were corpses strewn all over the ground, and blood could float on the oars.

It seemed as if every inch of the land was dyed red with bright red blood, so that when viewed from a distance, the land looked red under the setting sun.

At this time, the city wall of Hefei City.

There are still many blood-stained flags with the Chinese character hanging. The black flags and blood mix together, revealing a dark red brilliance.

It looked so dazzling under the afterglow of the setting sun.

And so magnificent.

Both Zhang Liao and Qu Yi were covered in blood, and their armors were covered with dust and blood, and they could no longer distinguish their original colors.

Qu Yi on the side didn't look much better. This fierce battle had consumed him a lot. The two of them sat under the wall to rest like ordinary soldiers, eating dry food one bite at a time.

"Why did this blue-eyed thief become so cowardly?"

Zhang Liao took a hard bite of the dry food in his hand, and a trace of depression flashed across his face, which was stained with a lot of blood.

Originally, according to his plan, he would cut off Sun Quan's retreat after crossing the Xiaoshi Bridge, and then lead his troops into the battle, but who would have thought that Sun Quan would not be on the battlefield in person today as before.

He never saw Sun Quan's banner appear.

Qu Yi took a sip of his drink and then asked, "Could it be that he sensed our intentions, so he didn't dare to come to the front line?"


Zhang Liao shook his head and denied Qu Yi's guess, and said: "With Sun Quan's reckless and impulsive character, how could he guess what I was thinking?"

"Even if he has brilliant counselors by his side, he would never think that we would dare to rush into battle while he is on the battlefield in person."

He didn't think anyone could see through his plan.

It's not that his plan was brilliant, but no one could have imagined that he would have the courage to take the initiative to go out of the city and rush into battle. This would be a bad move and would lead to death.

"So what do we do now?"

Qu Yi asked, with a hesitant look on his face, "Why don't we call back General Huang? It's still a bit difficult for the two of us to defend the city after all."

"If General Huang is here, it will be easier to defend the city."

If Sun Quan doesn't come to the battlefield, their planned plan will not be implemented. They can only defend the city and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

Zhang Liao frowned in thought and said nothing.

At this time, a group of children in their teens walked up to the city wall carrying food baskets and distributed food to the soldiers along the way.

After the people in Hefei heard that Sun Jun was going to attack Hefei on a large scale, the wealthy gentry dispersed their wealth and contributed heavily to the government to encourage the soldiers who were fighting bloody battles.

As for ordinary people, their fathers, uncles and brothers all eagerly enlisted in the army, eager to fight with the Han soldiers and defend the city together.

Even the women in the city, whether they were rude housewives or pampered and good-natured girls, did what they could do regardless of their dignity.

For example, cooking for the soldiers who are fighting bloody battles on the city wall, polishing weapons, or taking care of the wounded, etc.

Even children know how to carry baskets and bring meals to the soldiers on the city wall, making a small contribution.

The so-called united will is nothing more than this.

This was all due to the reputation of the imperial army and Zhang Liao's behavior of appeasing and treating the people well after arriving in Huainan County.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Liao sighed: "Just wait a little longer. Many soldiers and civilians were killed and injured in today's battle. It would be better to end the battle as soon as possible and save fewer people."

If the city is defended for seven days, many soldiers and civilians will die and be injured; it is better if the city is defended, but if it fails to be defended in the end, the people in the city will suffer military disasters.

So he still wanted to take a gamble.

As long as Sun Quan can be captured and killed, this war can be ended, and all the people and soldiers can live.

Qu Yi nodded without saying anything.

Sun Jun's attack on Hefei City lasted for four days, killing thousands of people, but still failed to capture this strong city.

The closest they came to victory was when they had scaled the city wall, but they were driven back by life and death and could not capture it.

This also made Sun Quan feel extremely angry.

"A total of 30,000 troops attacked a city with only a few thousand defenders, and they still can't defeat it after such a long time!"

"Is this Chang'an City or Luoyang City?!"

Sun Quan said angrily to the generals in the account. He thought that with so many troops, he could use up all the troops in Hefei even if they were exhausted.

But the fact is that his side paid a lot of casualties, but Hefei City is still strong and shows no signs of being attacked.

If it continues like this, it will be impossible to win the Ten Days!

Cheng Pu sighed: "My lord, Zhang Liao's ability to defend the city is indeed quite good, and the enemy's weapons, equipment, and elite level are also better than ours."

"Our soldiers have done their best."

He had been in the army for half his life and experienced many battles, but he had never found a city so difficult to conquer. He had to admit the strong will of the enemy soldiers.

"It's not about trying your best, it's about fighting to the death!"

Sun Quan said sternly, his eyes as sharp as daggers, "If we still cannot capture this city in five days, reinforcements from the imperial court will arrive. How can we resist then?

"Pass my military order and all the troops will be dispatched tomorrow. I will go to the front line to take command and capture Hefei City in one go!"

After he went to the front line and was hit by an arrow, Zhou Yu warned him not to set foot on the battlefield in person again, but the current anxious situation made him unable to hold back any longer.

He must rush to the front line in person to supervise the battle!

Cheng Pu, Han Dang and others all heard the decisiveness in Sun Quan's tone, and they could no longer persuade him, so they all accepted the order.

The next morning, Xiaoshi Bridge.

In the dense reeds around Xiaoshi Bridge, a team of only two hundred people lurked. It was the two hundred soldiers who died in the camp led by Huang Zhong.

They had been lurking here for four consecutive days. In order to avoid being discovered by Sun Jun's scouts, they lay motionless in the reed swamps during the day and did not dare to solve the problem of eating, drinking and defecating until night. This was undoubtedly a physical and mental impact. double torture.

But no one complained from start to finish.

Because they were just lying in wait here, the comrades in Hefei City were fighting bloody battles with the enemy, and countless people died every day.

"General! General, wake up!"

"The enemy is attacking again!"

A deputy general pushed Huang Zhong and shouted softly.

Huang Zhong, who was still sleeping soundly, opened his eyes instantly when he heard this, then gently pushed aside the reeds in front of him, and turned his gaze to Sun Jun's camp not far away.

Then he saw a large number of Sun Jun soldiers and horses dispatched in the camp, and soon passed by the Xiaoshi Bridge and rushed toward Hefei City in a mighty manner.

"Sun Quan's son didn't come out again."

Huang Zhong carefully identified the flag, and when he saw that there was still no handsome flag from Sun Quan, he couldn't help feeling particularly annoyed.

Today is already his fifth day of squatting.

But Sun Quan was never seen from beginning to end.

The opponent has been hiding in the base camp, only sending his generals to attack Hefei City every day, and not going to the front line at all.

He was so angry that he wanted to take advantage of Sun Jun's attack on the city to sneak attack their base camp and capture Sun Quan alive.

But this is obviously unrealistic.

Because not all the troops were dispatched for the daily siege, only 10,000 troops were dispatched. Attacks were launched in rotation. There was no difference between two hundred of them attacking the enemy camp and seeking death.

"Keep squatting."

Huang Zhong sighed and looked at Hefei City in the distance with worried eyes, thinking about whether to go back tonight.

Sun's army has been attacking the city for so many days, and the casualties among the defenders in the city are estimated to be quite high. I don't know if they can still hold on.

Although it would be a drop in the bucket if he went back with so many people, it was better than squatting here and watching Hefei City be breached.

"General, general! Look!"

Just as Huang Zhong was thinking, the deputy general's voice full of surprise suddenly came to his ears.

He turned around and his eyes widened instantly.

I saw a large number of soldiers and horses dispatched in Sun's army camp. Among them was a handsome flag with the word "Sun" fluttering in the wind - it was Sun Quan's flag!

"It's the blue-eyed thief!"

Huang Zhong was immediately overjoyed. After waiting for so many days, he had waited until Sun Quan's son showed up!

These five days of waiting were not in vain!

Under the fiery gazes of Huang Zhong and many of the soldiers who died first, Sun Quan's soldiers and horses passed over the small division bridge and followed the vanguard.

After they had crossed Xiaoshi Bridge for a period of time, Huang Zhong no longer hesitated and immediately ordered: "They have crossed the river!"

"Quick, tear down the bridge immediately!"

After receiving Huang Zhong's order, the two hundred dead soldiers immediately began to take action. They took out the prepared kerosene, huozhezi and other items from the reed swamps and began to destroy Xiaoshi Bridge.

Xiaoshi Bridge is a wooden bridge. It is not difficult to destroy it. You only need to pour kerosene on it and light a fire.

This place is some distance away from Sun Jun's camp at Xiaoyao Jindu, and even if the defenders left behind found out and wanted to put out the fire, it would be too late.

Soon, a fire broke out on Xiaoshi Bridge.

After doing all this, Huang Zhong dropped the kerosene in his hand, looked behind him at the many dead soldiers who had first entered the camp, and said in a deep voice:

"Fellow soldiers! I am now fifty-six years old, but for the sake of my frail and sick son at home, I am still fighting on the battlefield, hoping to gain hereditary wealth!"

"You also have family members and relatives!"

"Now that Potian's military exploits are in front of us, no matter whether we succeed or fail in this battle, whether you and I live or die, your Majesty and the imperial court will not treat our families badly!"

"Without any worries, just give it a try!"

"Kill with me!"

Although Huang Zhong's words are simple and unpretentious, they are more sincere and can inspire the blood and fighting spirit in the hearts of the soldiers.

So after hearing what he said, many of the soldiers who had died could no longer hold back, and they all drew their swords with red eyes and roared:


At this moment, Sun Quan did not realize that the retreat behind him had been cut off. He had already led his army to the outside of Hefei and launched an attack.

Today he mobilized a total of 20,000 troops, and all the generals went out. It can be said that they came out in full force, and the purpose was to capture the city of Hefei in one go!

Staring at the Hefei City in front of him, Sun Quan coldly ordered: "The whole army attacks!!"

Accompanied by the deep sound of the horn.

All the armies under Sun Quan once again launched a general attack on Hefei City. If you look from above, you can find that Sun's army is like an endless wave.

And Hefei City is like a reef in this wave, no matter how the waves hit it, it remains unmoved!

On the wall of Hefei City, Zhang Liao also noticed the appearance of Sun Quan's flag. Although he was excited, he did not lose his composure and chose to attack immediately.

He had to wait for Huang Zhong to attack the enemy from the rear.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

Looking at the enemy army surging like a tide, Zhang Liao tightly grasped the long plastic in his hand and roared in a low voice, and he had already embraced the determination to fight to the death!

Either die in battle today!

Or fight to the death!

The ultimate battle between the two sides broke out in an instant!

The southern wall was attacked fiercely by Sun's army. A series of ladders and a series of wells were pushed under the wall by Sun's army to climb the wall of Hefei City.

Sun Jun was holding back his anger and wanted to break through Hefei City; while the defending soldiers were also holding back their breath, wanting to kill all the rebellious thieves who betrayed the court!

Both sides were red-eyed, and they started fighting to the death almost as soon as the battle began!

During this period, the newly recruited soldiers also climbed the city wall to assist in the defense, but most of them died in less than an incense stick of time!

But even so, no one retreated.

There is no one who is afraid of death on this battlefield!

They are all warriors who fight to the death for their beliefs!

Just when the offensive and defensive battles were fierce, the formation behind Sun Jun suddenly had a harassment, which was the two hundred Xiandeng Battalion death soldiers led by Huang Zhong!


Huang Zhong's eyes were sharp, even though there were dozens of times more enemy troops in front of him, he still had no fear.

He chose a place where Sun Jun's troops were weak, and led two hundred Xiandeng Battalions directly into the enemy formation, with amazing momentum!

Today, everyone came out with the determination to die.

This time, even if there is no front, what does it matter!

Huang Zhong's troops are not many, but they appeared too suddenly, and the combat effectiveness of the first landing camp is amazing, and the equipment is the elite of the elite.

They suddenly attacked from the rear and caused a lot of casualties in an instant.

Especially Huang Zhong who rushed to the front, he had a long-handled broadsword in his hand, looking down on the battlefield, killing one enemy after another!

Huang Zhong's martial arts were recognized by Lu Bu, and his dominance on the battlefield was not much inferior to Lu Bu. Wherever he led his troops, blood flowed like a river, and there was no living enemy, only corpses left!

Two hundred first landings went straight to the general flag!

And Sun Quan also noticed the sudden arrival of troops and horses, and was extremely surprised and said: "Where did the enemy come from? Are they crazy?"

Although I don't know where this enemy came from, it seems that there are only a few hundred people. How dare they attack his army?

However, when he saw Huang Zhong and his group charging recklessly in the rear army formation and no one could stop them, he frowned and ordered: "Gong Yi, go and deal with this group of soldiers!"


Jiang Qin clasped his fists and accepted the order, and selected a thousand of his men to go and fight Huang Zhong.

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