Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 336: Conferring titles upon ministers and judging the Jiangdong traitor

The news that Zhang Liao defeated 30,000 enemy troops with 800 men and captured the leader of the bandits, Sun Quan, had spread throughout Yecheng.

This was the greatest victory since Yuan Shao's defeat, and the impact it brought was even greater than the battle of defeating Gao Gan and seizing Bingzhou.

Because this battle was absolutely a victory of fewer troops over more troops, while when fighting Gao Gan, they were evenly matched and even had a great advantage; secondly, they captured one of the two targets of this southward expedition.

So after learning the news that Zhang Liao had returned with the prisoners, the people spontaneously went out of the city to welcome him.

On the official road outside Yecheng.

Zhang Liao led the troops to escort the prisoner team slowly forward. Sun Quan, Cheng Pu, Han Dang and others were all locked in the prisoner car, and even Zhou Yu was no exception.

Although Zhou Yu followed Lu Su's advice and did not continue to resist, and chose to surrender voluntarily, this was not enough to erase his crimes.

As the former Grand Commander and one of the core members of Sun Quan's faction, what kind of treatment Zhou Yu would receive in the end still needed to be determined by the emperor.

The official road was full of people on both sides.

They looked at the prisoners such as Sun Quan in the prison car, talking and pointing.

"Is this Sun Quan? He turned out to be a young boy."

"Sun Jian hid the imperial seal, Sun Ce disobeyed the imperial order, and Sun Quan rebelled against the court. The Sun family has three traitors, which is even more excessive than the Yuan family."

"Yes, although Yuan Shao was rebellious, his son Yuan Xi was a loyal minister, not like this kid."

"I heard that Sun Ce recognized Yuan Shu as his adoptive father."

"30,000 people couldn't beat 800 people, and they were captured alive. This Sun Quan is really a waste."

"It can't be blamed entirely on him. After all, General Zhang Liao is too brave."

"Your Majesty is magnanimous and originally issued an order to surrender He, but who knew that this blue-eyed thief agreed to surrender on the surface, but secretly chose to stab in the back, what a villain. "

"Not only that, I also heard that he asked soldiers to disguise as civilians and merchants to cross the Yangtze River and attack Cao Cao!"

"What? No wonder my uncle went to Yangzhou to do business some time ago and was arrested by Cao as a spy. It turned out to be because of this damn blue-eyed thief!"

"A bunch of rats! Shameless villain!"

The people cursed Sun Quan and others, especially after learning that Sun Quan pretended to surrender and used the despicable method of crossing the river in white clothes, the crowd was even more excited.

Many people threw stones and filth at the prison car.

If it weren't for the soldiers on both sides stopping it, I'm afraid the prison car would be drowned by things thrown from all directions.

In the prison car, Sun Quan's face was ashen.

Being locked in the prison car like a monkey, being watched, cursed, and ridiculed, this feeling is even more uncomfortable than killing him, it's extremely humiliating!

But even so, he didn't dare to commit suicide.

It's not that he was afraid of death, but he committed the crime of rebellion and was now a prisoner. If he committed suicide, the emperor would definitely be angry with his family.

If he didn't want the Sun family to end up like the Yuan family, he had to take the initiative to take all the blame, so he couldn't die before being convicted by the emperor.

"Everything for the family."

Sun Quan gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and endured silently.

In front of the prisoner car team, Zhang Liao rode on a tall horse, enjoying the welcome and praise of the people, and the smile on his face couldn't be suppressed.

In the past, only Lu Bu could have such treatment, and now he finally felt the feeling of being the center of attention.

I have to say that this feeling is really great.

"I heard that His Majesty has called back all the frontline generals this time. I wonder if Fengxian has returned to Yecheng... Hmm?"

As soon as this thought flashed through Zhang Liao's mind, he saw a group of people in front of the road. The flags standing upright had "Lu" in black letters on a white background!

Lu Bu's team is actually returning to the city today!

Zhang Liao was stunned at first, and then he became excited in an instant, saying to Huang Zhong and Qu Yi beside him: "You continue to escort the traitor, I will go to say hello to Lord Wen first!"

After saying that, he rode his horse to catch up, and before he arrived, he shouted from afar: "Fengxian, Fengxian——!"

In the team ahead.

Lu Bu was originally waving and greeting the people on both sides of the official road with a smile on his face. When he heard the familiar voice coming from behind, his tiger body was immediately shocked.

"Why is Zhang Wenyuan also returning to the city today?!"

Lu Bu secretly groaned in his heart. Of course, he could tell that it was Zhang Liao's voice, but he didn't expect to meet him on the road by chance.

No wonder so many people came to welcome him today.

It turned out that they were not here to welcome him!

Zhao Yun looked back after hearing the voice and said to Lu Bu: "Mr. Wen, General Wenyuan is behind us. Should we wait for him?"

"You are wrong. That is not Zhang Wenyuan."

Lu Bu flatly rejected Zhao Yun's proposal, and then said calmly: "I suddenly feel urgent. I will enter the city first. Zilong, you guys slow down."

After that, he squeezed the horse's belly and accelerated forward.

Zhao Yun couldn't help but feel confused when he heard it. Lu Bu didn't even look back. How did he know that the person behind was not Zhang Liao?

Zhang Liao saw Lu Bu leaving the team and speeding up to enter the city. He thought that Lu Bu didn't hear his shouting because of the noise of the crowd, so he raised his voice.

"Fengxian, slow down, wait for me!"

It would have been better if he didn't say this. After he said it, Lu Bu ran faster, and the whip almost left an afterimage on the butt of the Red Hare.

Zhang Liao only reacted when he saw this, and realized that Lu Bu didn't hear his shouting, but deliberately avoided him!

"Humph! Don't even think about escaping!"

Zhang Liao snorted coldly and also sped up. The two of them started chasing each other on the official road and ran all the way into Yecheng.

They didn't stop until they were in front of the palace gate.

Seeing that there was no way to go, Lu Bu had no choice but to rein in his horse and stop. He turned back and pointed his riding crop at Zhang Liao and said angrily: "Zhang Wenyuan! Why are you always following me!"

Zhang Liao glared and said, "I should ask you why you ran away. Are you so afraid of seeing me?"

"You fart!"

Lu Bu refuted angrily and said harshly: "I just rushed to the palace to see His Majesty. Would I be afraid of seeing you? Don't put gold on your face!"

Zhang Liao sneered when he heard this: "Don't talk about these useless things. Do you still remember the bet we made before the war?"

When this matter was mentioned, Lu Bu's expression suddenly froze.

Then he frowned and said displeasedly: "Why don't you gamble? What I hate most in my life is gambling. Why would I bet with you?"

Zhang Liao was immediately furious and cursed: "What a shame, Lu Fengxian! You, a thick-browed and big-eyed guy, actually learned how to renege on your debts!"

"This time in the battle against Xuzhou, my military exploits were higher than yours, and I won faster than you. I defeated Sun Quan's 30,000 men with 800 men. How can you compare with me?"

"If you dare to default on your debt, then I will publicize this matter and let everyone know that you, Lu Fengxian, are a guy who doesn't keep your word!"

"Quick, I'm willing to admit defeat!"

He had made a bet with Lu Bu before, and the content of the bet was to see who could defeat their respective targets fastest during this trip south to beg thieves, and who would get more military exploits.

Whoever loses will have to admit in front of all the civil and military officials that he is inferior to the other person, and claim that the other person is the best general in the world.

"I don't accept it!"

Lu Bu's face turned red and he cursed, "If Cao Cao doesn't fight me, what can I do? Can he conjure military exploits out of thin air?"

"And Sun Quan, how dare you brag about defeating that kind of rat? I can do it too!"

"It doesn't count this time. Let's compete again next time!"

Seeing that Lu Bu was still being arrogant, Zhang Liao was also annoyed. He directly poked his pain point and said, "What do you mean Cao Cao didn't fight you? Do you think I don't know?"

"You were blocked by Cao Jun's eight-door golden lock formation for half a month. In the end, His Majesty sent Zilong and Kong Ming to help you break the formation!"

"You dare to say that's not the case?"

These words directly exposed Lu Bu's shortcomings, making him unable to argue, and his momentum was instantly weaker than Zhang Liao's.

Seeing that Lu Bu was silent, Zhang Liao took advantage of the victory and pursued him: "There is also the blue-eyed thief. You said he is not as difficult to defeat as Cao Cao. I won't deny it, but you have nothing to say if I break 800 to 30,000?"

"You only defeated Sun Ce with 10,000 cavalry with a thousand cavalry. Isn't my record better than yours?"

"Is it so difficult to admit that I am brave?"

Zhang Liao is a reasonable person. In order to convince Lu Bu, he chose to explain everything to him point by point.

After Lu Bu was silent for a moment, he blocked his ears with both hands, then closed his eyes, as if he would not listen, see or smell.

"Lu Bu——!"

Zhang Liao was almost furious and called Lu Bu by his name.

At this moment, a chuckle suddenly came.

Zhang Liao heard the sound and looked over, and then he was startled. He quickly turned over and dismounted and said: "Your Majesty, sir!"

I saw it at the main entrance of the palace.

Liu Xie didn't know when he arrived here. He was sitting on the dragon chariot looking at the two of them with a smile on his face, followed by hundreds of civil and military officials.

Zhang Liao saw that Lu Bu was still sitting motionless on the horse, so he stepped forward and gave him a hand, scolding him: "Your Majesty is here, why don't you get off your horse and pay homage!"

Lu Bu only thought that Zhang Liao was bluffing him.

Still sitting on the horse motionless.

This scene made everyone present couldn't help but laugh. Even Liu Xie laughed out loud and said, "Is Mr. Wen so unwilling to see me?"

Hearing Liu Xie's voice, Lu Bu opened his eyes instantly, and then saw the emperor and the civil and military officials in front of him, and was almost frightened off his horse.

"See, see Your Majesty!"

Lu Bu hurriedly got off his horse to pay homage.

Liu Hehe said: "It seems that Duke Wen was seriously injured on the battlefield. He can no longer hear or see."

"Hurry and summon Imperial Physician Hua Tuo to me to heal Duke Wen."

The ministers laughed heartily.

The scene was suddenly filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

After teasing, Liu Xie said: "I originally planned to lead all the officials out of the city to welcome you in triumph, but I didn't expect you two to enter the city first."

"That being the case, that's all. Let's enter the palace first."

Zhang Liao and Lu Bu responded respectfully.

Then Liu Xie took them and the civil and military officials back to Tai'an Palace. Not long after, Zhuge Liang and others also entered the palace.

In the main hall.

Liu Xie looked at the civil servants and generals gathered below, and said with a smile: "My dear friends, you went south to fight against the thieves, and recovered several counties in Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Xuzhou and Yangzhou, and made great military achievements."

"With all my dear friends here, I will be able to rebuild the world and restore the Han Dynasty in just a short time. No matter how many traitors there are, what should I fear?"

After the words fell, Sima Yi was the first to say: "I have only performed some minor contributions. Your Majesty's wisdom and prowess and the unity of the people are the reasons why I will win every battle."

What he said was extremely beautiful.

Even if you flatter me, there will be no trace left.

Liu Xie did not comment, but first turned his attention to Zhang Liao and praised: "I have heard about Wen Yuan's great victory in Yangzhou. Eight hundred defeated thirty thousand and captured the leader of the bandit alive. Wen Yuan is really a tiger general!"

"Capturing Sun Quan alive in this battle, taking tens of thousands of prisoners, and recovering all the lost territory, can be said to be a great achievement!"

"I will promote you to the rank of General of the Southern Conquest and grant you the title of Marquis of the Capital."

Zhang Liao's contribution this time is worthy of being the first. This military merit is enough to be promoted to the general of the Four Expeditions and to be granted the title of marquis at the same time.

In fact, logically speaking, he should be granted the title of Pavilion Marquis first, but Liu Xie thought of Zhang Liao's contribution over such a long time, so he made an exception and granted him the title of Township Marquis.

Zhang Liao was greatly surprised when he heard about this reward. He quickly knelt down to express his gratitude and said, "I thank your Majesty for the reward!"

Generals of the Four Expeditions, countrymen!

This is already a glorious ancestor!

Immediately afterwards, Liu Xie said to Huang Zhong and Qu Yi: "General Huang and Wen Yuan rushed into the battle to capture the thieves this time, killing countless enemies; General Qu also contributed a lot to guarding the city."

"Promoted Huang Zhong to the rank of General Zhenwei, and was granted the title of Grand Concubine."

"Qu Yi was promoted to one rank and made a Marquis of Guan Nei."

Liu Xie awarded the two men respectively. It can be said that Huang Zhong rose to the top with his military merits and was directly promoted to General Zhenwei, and was only one step away from the position of marquis.

As for Qu Yi, although he was not promoted in the military position, he still successfully held the position of marquis.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!"

Huang Zhong and Qu Yi both knelt down to express their gratitude.

Qu Yi was okay, Huang Zhong almost burst into tears.

At his age, it is really difficult for him to achieve military success.

He couldn't win any military honors before, but this time he risked his life to fight and finally got a reward that satisfied him, so how could he not be excited?

After rewarding the Eastern Route Army, it was Lu Bu's West Route Army's turn. Naturally, Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang were the first to be rewarded.

Liu Xie praised: "Zilong is brave and courageous. He fights in and out of Cao's army as if he were in an uninhabited area. He breaks the enemy's formation and kills the enemy generals. He is so majestic."

"I will promote you to the rank of backbone general and grant you the title of chief concubine."

Zhao Yun has actually accumulated a lot of military exploits, and this time he has made such contributions, which is just enough to be rewarded.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Yun clasped his fists heavily and nodded in salute.

He had no obsession with being rewarded, because he mostly stayed with the emperor to lead the Tiger Army and did not have many opportunities to fight.

"As for Kong Ming——"

Liu Xie's eyes fell on Zhuge Liang and said with a smile: "Kong Mingzhi defeated the enemy's formation, so he entered the Shangshu Province and served as Zuo Min Shangshu."

Zuo Min Shangshu is in charge of finance and household registration.

It is an official position with real power in internal affairs.

In fact, Zhuge Liang's merits were not enough to hold this official position, but all the officials in the palace knew that this was the emperor's emphasis on this new favorite.

Moreover, Zhuge Liang did have some merit this time, so no one would be stupid enough to jump out and go against the emperor at this time.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward."

Zhuge Liang's heart was filled with excitement and he bowed deeply.

Finally got a chance to show off his talents.

This time, all the credit for the Western Route Army went to Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang. Lu Bu and Sima Yi didn't get much credit, so Liu Xie only gave a symbolic reward.

Wait until everyone has finished awarding.

Then the trial of the guilty ministers will begin.

Liu Xie suppressed his smile and ordered coldly: "Bring those Jiangdong rebels to the palace for me!"

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