Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 341 I beg Your Majesty to expand the harem!

"Conquer Wuhuan in the north?"

Hearing Sima Yi's proposal, Liu Xie couldn't help but frown slightly, "The war has just ended and we need to recuperate. Isn't it inappropriate to launch the Northern Expedition at this time?"

"Furthermore, Wuhuan is far away from Youzhou, so it is not easy to send troops to conquer, which will definitely affect the next plan to go south."

Wuhuan is a major thorn in the side of the border.

Of course Liu Xie understands this.

But Wuhuan's power is not weak. If we divide our troops to pacify Wuhuan now, we will have to consume a lot of food, grass, troops, and materials.

In Liu Xie's opinion, moving the capital to Luoyang and pacifying the world were the most important things. The conquest of Wuhuan could be temporarily postponed.

We cannot let this hold us back from heading south.

Sima Yi heard this and said: "Your Majesty, Wuhuan and Yuan Shao are related by marriage. Since the death of General Gongsun, they have repeatedly invaded the border and plundered people and property."

"When Gao Gan was in rebellion before, he contacted Wu Huan and wanted to attack Jizhou with them. I am worried that if the rebellion is not completely suppressed at this time, Wu Huan will take the opportunity to attack Youzhou when the king's army moves south in the future."

"At that time, we will be attacked from both sides, and the impact will be huge."

Sima Yi stated to Liu Xie one by one the reasons why it was necessary to conquer Wuhuan. The reason why he had not sent troops to conquer before was because the imperial capital was in Jizhou and Wuhuan did not dare to invade.

But once the capital is moved to Luoyang, the center of the empire will shift, and the conquest of Jingzhou will inevitably leave a void in northern troops, which Wuhuan can take advantage of.

It really has to be guarded against.

Sima Yi still had a very high strategic vision. His suggestion was based on overall considerations and was prepared for a rainy day.

Therefore, as soon as this statement came out, it received approval and response from Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia and others.

"What Zhongda said is absolutely true."

Zhuge Liang nodded slightly and cupped his hands to Liu Xie and said: "Your Majesty, it will take a long time to control the two states of Yanyu and rebuild Luoyang. You can use this time to completely eliminate Wuhuan."

The remaining people also spoke in agreement.

Seeing that everyone supported the northern expedition to Wuhuan, Liu Xie naturally would not be stubborn and asked: "In this case, how many troops and horses should be dispatched?"

Wuhuan was stronger than Xianbei and Xiongnu, and was distributed in the three counties of Liaodong, Liaoxi, and Youbeiping.

It is not an easy task to destroy them.

Guo Jiadao: "Your Majesty, I think that to conquer Wuhuan there is no need to raise an army and mobilize a large number of people, but this will make it difficult to defeat them."

"Because there is too much baggage for the Thousand Miles Expedition and the army is moving slowly, the opponent will definitely notice it in advance and take precautions. Then it will be more difficult to deal with it."

"The best way is not to carry a lot of baggage, but to imitate the tactics used by Champion Hou when he attacked the Huns, and send an elite light force to advance quickly and attack them unprepared."

"The army conquered Wuhuan all the way, plundered their supplies along the way, kept advancing, and destroyed the enemy before they could react!"

The champion Hou Huo Qubing went deep into the desert and fought three thousand miles to attack the Hun royal court. It was a classic battle.

Abandoning the traditional military strategy of gradually advancing with an army, he went deep into Huanglong alone and finally won a great victory.

Guo Jia just wanted to imitate Huo Qubing's style of play, not giving Wu Huan any time to react and defeating him with thunderous force.

The risk is high, but the rewards are also high.

But the prerequisite is that the army is elite enough and the generals commanding the troops are brave enough, and they happen to have both of these two things.

There is no need to say more about the elite Bingzhou cavalry, but there are even more brave commanders.

Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, Huang Zhong.

Who can't stand alone?

Who is not brave and unparalleled?

Just pick any one of them and have the record of being the leader of thousands of armies. It would be inappropriate for them to lead the army to conquer Wuhuan!


Liu Xie thought for a moment and agreed with Guo Jia's proposal, "I will announce the relocation of the capital and the Northern Expedition at the court meeting later."

"The specific candidates to lead the northern expedition will be discussed at the court meeting to see who among Fengxian is willing to lead the army."

"It's almost time, let's go to court."

Liu Xie summoned them to discuss matters before going to court. After all, he needed to discuss such a major event as moving the capital with Zhuge Liang and others before announcing it.

This is also the reason why major aristocratic families are so envious and even jealous of Yang Xiuzhi's entry into the central government to participate in political affairs.

The real emperor will not discuss important matters with the ministers, but will only announce decisions. This is the principle of small meetings on big things and small meetings on small things.

Liu Xie took the first step, and everyone followed closely behind.

The group soon arrived at Tai'an Hall.

It didn't take long for the civil and military officials to gather together.

Liu Xie sat high on the dragon chair and said to the ministers in the palace: "Now that the two states of Yan and Yu have been recovered, the revival of the Han Dynasty is imminent."

"Looking back, it has been five years since I left Chang'an and returned east to Luoyang; later I was kidnapped by Cao's thieves and taken to Xu County, and then fled to Yecheng."

"In the past five years, I have been thinking about reviving the Han Dynasty and returning it to the old capital, so as to calm the hearts of the people in the world."

"Now that the north has been decided and the Central Plains has been recovered, I want to move the capital back to Luoyang first. What do you think?"

As soon as Liu Xie said this, the officials were in an uproar.

Moving the capital was a major event, and no one expected that the emperor would suddenly make such a decision.

But after thinking about it carefully, I felt that it was time to move the capital now, because the emperor was actually forced to make Yecheng the capital in the first place.

Now that he is no longer being held hostage by anyone, he has great power and the Central Plains is pacified, what are he waiting for if he doesn't move the capital back?

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Yang Biao was the first to speak out in support, and said with an enthusiastic expression: "Reviving the Han Dynasty and returning it to the old capital is a matter of course!"

"I support moving the capital back to Luoyang!"

His family is the Hongnong Yang family, and his hometown is near Luoyang. Moving the capital back is great news for him!

However, some aristocratic families in Jizhou and even Yecheng were somewhat reluctant to this.

Because if they leave Jizhou, they will lose their local advantages, their influence will be greatly reduced, and they need to re-operate their power.

Cui Yan was embarrassed and said: "Your Majesty, although it is a good thing to move the capital back to Luoyang, Luoyang has suffered from military disasters many times and is now in dilapidated condition."

"It would be a bit difficult to move the capital back now..."

The majestic emperor of Han Dynasty actually used a dilapidated city as his imperial capital. This is really unreasonable and will damage the emperor's majesty.

Liu Xie smiled lightly and said: "I have also considered this matter. I want the wealthy families in Yanyu and Yuzhou to fund the reconstruction of Luoyang to offset the sin of rebellion they committed."

"I will wait until the reconstruction of Luoyang is completed before moving the capital back. There is no rush in this matter."

Hearing Liu Xie's thoughtful consideration, Cui Yan was speechless for a moment. Because he couldn't find any place to refute, he could only say: "Your Majesty is wise."

Seeing this, other ministers also agreed.

Returning to the old capital is related to the face of the court, so even if some ministers are not willing to do so, they can only support it if they have no legitimate reasons to oppose it.

"Then the matter is settled."

Liu Xie finalized the matter and said to Yuan Xi: "Xianyi, I will leave it to you to raise funds from the major families in Yanzhou and Henan to rebuild Luoyang."

"Are you confident that this matter will be handled well?"

Facing Liu Xie's gaze, Yuan Xi cheered up, strode out of the queue, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, please rest assured!"

Now that he is alone, he doesn't care at all about being at odds with those aristocratic families, and he is even more aware of the various details and methods of those aristocratic families.

Since the emperor has entrusted him with such an important responsibility, he will definitely not live up to this expectation and make those wealthy families who dare to disobey bleed hard!


Liu Xie nodded with satisfaction, and then added: "Although the north is now stable, Wuhuan is still a major threat to the Youzhou border."

"I want to send a large army to the north to conquer Wuhuan. I wonder which general is willing to lead the army there?"

"I am willing to go! (x2)"

As soon as Liu Xie finished speaking, Lu Bu and Zhang Liao said in unison and stood up together.

Lu Bu glared at Zhang Liao and said, "Zhang Wenyuan! You just made great achievements, and now why are you trying to take credit from me? Why are you so greedy!"

Zhang Liao snorted coldly: "Aren't you convinced by my contribution to defeating Sun Quan? I will defeat Wuhuan this time so that you can be convinced!"

Lu Bu rolled his eyes and said, "Just Wu Huan, you just want me to convince you? Let's wait until you pacify Jiangdong and capture the Cao thieves alive!"

Seeing the two of them quarreling again in the court, Liu Xie couldn't help but hold his forehead. He knew this would be the case.

"Two generals."

At this moment, Huang Zhong suddenly spoke, and said to the two of them with red eyes: "As you know, I am already fifty-six years old this year, and I still have a seriously ill son to raise at home..."

Okay, here comes another one competing for credit.

Faced with Huang Zhong's old rhetoric, Lu Bu said displeasedly: "I say General Huang, you have already made great contributions in the Battle of Hefei, isn't that enough?"

It was okay for Huang Zhong to say this before, but now he said it just after receiving the reward, and he was not used to it.


Huang Zhong let out a long sigh and said: "Wen Gong has been honored as a duke, but the old man has not yet been granted the title of marquis due to his lack of military merit."

"The pacification of Wuhuan was just the icing on the cake for Duke Wen, but for the old man it was a timely help."

"Let me give the credit this time to Mr. Wen."

Although Huang Zhong's contribution in the Battle of Hefei is not small, the great contribution still belongs to Zhang Liao. He is still one step away from becoming a marquis.

But this step is sometimes a chasm.

Being a marquis is much more difficult than an official position, especially for generals like them who come from humble backgrounds. It is even more difficult to become a marquis based on military merit.

Hearing this, Lu Bu looked hesitant.

He had forgotten that Huang Zhong had not yet been granted the title of Marquis.

He also came from a humble background, so of course he could understand the general's obsession with becoming a lord and a general. He was now a duke, and he was the only one among the big men.

There is really no need to compete with Huang Zhong for credit.

So after thinking for a moment, he glanced at Zhang Liao and said, "As long as Zhang Wenyuan doesn't go to conquer Wuhuan, it doesn't matter if I give you the opportunity to go out this time."

He can give the credit to Huang Zhong.

But he will not give it to Zhang Liao.

So Huang Zhong turned his attention to Zhang Liao again.

Zhang Liao said without hesitation: "If Lu Feng doesn't go first, I won't go either."

Huang Zhong's performance in the Battle of Hefei was outstanding, creating an excellent opportunity for him to capture Sun Quan alive, but in the end he could only become his foil.

So he felt somewhat apologetic in his heart.

"Thank you two generals!"

Huang Zhong burst into tears with gratitude and excitedly said to Lu Bu and Zhang Liao: "Before, Kong Beihai gave way to the pear, now Lu Fengxian and Zhang Wenyuan give way!"

"I would like to thank the two generals for their kindness!"

Hearing what Huang Zhong said, Lu Bu and Zhang Liao both felt a little blushing - their behavior was really incomparable to that of the famous Kong Rongli.

Kong Rong smiled slightly when he heard this.

Liu Xie said nothing when he saw this, because no matter it was Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, or Huang Zhong, any one of the three of them had the strength to defeat Wuhuan.

"Huang Zhong, Guo Jia obeys orders!"

"I'm here!"

The two people whose names were called came out in unison.

Liu Xiedao said: "Wuhuan has repeatedly invaded the border and is treasonous. I now appoint Huang Zhong as the chief general and Guo Jia as the supervisor, and lead 10,000 Bingzhou cavalry to conquer."

"Departure in ten days!"

To be on the safe side, Liu Xie sent Guo Jia out with him to avoid anything going wrong in the battle.

"I accept the decree!"

Huang Zhong and Guo Jia respectfully accepted the order.

When Sima Yi heard that Liu Xie didn't call his name, he couldn't help but look regretful, because he actually wanted to go with the army.

But now the appointment has been made.

It's useless even if he doesn't give in.

After discussing the matter of moving the capital and conquering Wuhuan, Liu Xie was about to announce his resignation, but then Dong Zhong suddenly came out and said: "Your Majesty, I have something to report!"

Liu Xie worked on the memorial very late last night, and called Zhuge Liang and others to discuss the matter early in the morning. He was already very sleepy.

Hearing this, he said: "If it's nothing important, just wait until tomorrow. I'm a little tired."

Under normal circumstances, the ministers would have chosen to retreat wisely when they heard what the emperor said. However, Dong Zhong said: "Your Majesty, this matter is extremely important. It is related to the safety of our country and the country. We cannot delay it!"

Seeing Dong Zhong's serious look, Liu Xie couldn't help but frown, and had to cheer up and ask, "What's the matter?"

At this time, his heart was full of confusion - why didn't he know about things that were related to the safety of the Han Dynasty?

Dong Zhong said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty is now twenty-one and has reached the prime of life, but he still has no heirs."

"If a country has a king without an heir, isn't this a major issue related to the security of the country and the country?"

As soon as these words came out, Guo Jia and Jia Xu's expressions suddenly changed.

Even Liu Xie's eyes darkened.

He took a deep look at Dong Zhong and said calmly: "Whether or not you will have heirs is determined by God, how can I decide?"

"How could your Majesty think so?"

Dong Zhong refuted Liu Xie's words and said seriously: "I thought that your majesty has no heirs, all because the harem is empty."

"Since ancient times, emperors have had three thousand beauties in their harems, but now your majesty only has eight concubines. It can be seen that your majesty has no concubines because the harem is empty!"

“There are three types of unfilial piety, the greatest of which is not having an offspring.”

"Your Majesty, as the emperor, has no heirs, and he is irresponsible to the people of the world and the country!"

"If Your Majesty is ill and has no heirs to inherit the throne, what will happen to the country? What will happen to the millions of people in the world?"

"I sincerely request your Majesty to expand the harem!"

After Dong Zhong finished speaking, he knelt down to Liu Xie and kowtowed deeply.

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