Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 48 Breaking up with Yuan Shu! Requesting an imperial decree to punish the enemy!

Yuan Shao was unconscious for the whole night, and everyone in Yuan's mansion was almost going crazy. Everyone was guarding by the bed.

But after such a long time, everyone was very tired.

Guo Tu and Xu You fell asleep on the table, Shen Pei and Ju Shou also dozed off from time to time, but they all forced themselves not to fall asleep.

Tian Feng was guarding Yuan Shao's bedside. Although he was exhausted and his eyes were bloodshot, he never relaxed.

When Yuan Shao opened his eyes, he noticed it immediately.

"My lord is awake! My lord is awake!"

Tian Feng was overjoyed and turned his head to greet the others in the room: "Go! Go and call the doctor!"

Hearing Tian Feng's words, everyone in the room suddenly lost their sleepiness and gathered around, asking about Yuan Shao's condition.

"My lord, how do you feel now? Are you feeling unwell?"

"My lord, are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

"I am so worried about you. If anything happens to you, I will follow you!"


Hearing the voice in his ear, Yuan Shao felt upset and dizzy. Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Enough! Shut up!"

For a moment, no one dared to speak.

Yuan Shao took a deep breath, sat up, and asked Ju Su beside him, "How long have I been unconscious?"

Ju Su replied, "My lord, you have been unconscious for a whole night. The doctor said that it was caused by anger. It's not a big deal, but you must not get angry now. You need to rest and recuperate."

Yuan Shao raised his hand and rubbed his aching eyebrows when he heard it.

The memory of last night also slowly emerged in his mind.

He received a secret report that Yuan Shu had declared himself emperor. He lost his mind in anger, swung his sword and killed the messenger, and almost injured Tian Feng. Finally, his eyes went black and he fainted.

"Declare himself emperor..."

Thinking back to this incident, Yuan Shao's face became a little ferocious again. He felt a dull pain in his chest, and his blood was boiling. He couldn't help but cough violently while covering his mouth.

Seeing this, Shen Pei hurriedly said, "My lord, don't be angry anymore! Now that things have come to this, you will only hurt your body if you are angry. You should pay attention to your health!"

Yuan Shao gritted his teeth and said, "This evil beast, I wish I could kill him with my own hands now, so that I can vent my hatred!"

"The hundred-year reputation of my Yuan family has been ruined by him! Ahem——"

He knew Yuan Shu was stupid, but he didn't expect him to be so stupid!

He was so arrogant that he dared to declare himself emperor!

This backstab really stabbed him in the heart.

After taking a deep breath, Yuan Shao ordered: "Send the message immediately, draw a clear line with Yuan Shu, and never let him implicate you!"

"In addition, ask the emperor for an imperial decree and obey the emperor's order to fight the enemy!"

The big mistake Yuan Shu made could not be changed. Now the whole world is watching how he reacts, and he must respond as soon as possible.

He can't let his reputation be further dragged down by Yuan Shu!

At this time, Tian Feng, who had been silent, said: "My lord, please rest assured. I had someone spread the news last night."

"But I hope you will think twice about asking the emperor for an imperial decree and obeying the emperor's order to fight the enemy."

"War is a matter of one hair moving the whole body. After all, you and Yuan Shu are brothers. The princes of all walks of life can't wait to see you two go to war..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Shao interrupted angrily: "I don't have such a brother! This fool is a shame to the Yuan family!"

"Go ask the emperor for an imperial decree first, and whether to fight or not is another matter!"

Asking for an imperial decree to fight the enemy is an attitude, and whether to fight or not is another matter.

Yuan Shao knew that he had to give an attitude.

"Yes, lord."

Tian Feng had no choice but to agree, then turned and left the room.

After resting for a while with his eyes closed, Yuan Shao asked Ju Su: "What are the reactions of the various princes at present?"

Ju Su replied: "Reporting to the lord, not long after Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, Sun Ce of Jiangdong announced his break with him and would no longer be a vassal of Yuan Shu."

"Cao Cao asked the emperor for an order to send troops to attack Yuan Shu. The emperor issued an edict, ordering Zhang Xiu of Wancheng to send troops to suppress the rebellion, and promised to pardon the crimes of Zhang Xiu's uncle Zhang Ji."

"But there is no movement in Wancheng at present."

"There is no movement from Liu Biao, Liu Zhang, and Gongsun Zan."

Ju Su briefly described the movements of all parties.

When Yuan Shao heard Cao Cao asking the emperor for an edict, he couldn't help but sneered: "Cao Mengde is a good abacus. He let Zhang Xiu send troops, and he didn't lose a single soldier, but he got a good reputation!"

He naturally understood what Cao Cao's purpose was.

It was nothing more than wanting to kill someone with a borrowed knife and test Yuan Shu's strength.

As for the other parties, they were all watching their reactions.

Who made them both claim that the emperor was in their hands? Since they supported the emperor, Yuan Shu, who proclaimed himself emperor, was their biggest enemy!

Cao Cao's reaction was extremely fast; but he received the news so late, and his reaction was not timely. In addition, he was Yuan Shu's brother, so I'm afraid his reputation would be affected from now on.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao felt a dull pain in his heart, so he quickly shifted his attention and asked other things.

"How is Liu Bei? Has Pei County been taken?"

Now it has been a month and a half. Logically, Liu Bei should have led the army to the vicinity of Xiaopei, and now it is unknown how the battle is going.

Feng Ji replied: "My lord, it has been three days since the war started, and Pei County has not been captured yet. Instead, Liu Bei's soldiers have suffered heavy losses. There are still seven days before the ten-day agreement expires."

"Humph, useless thing."

Yuan Shao said disdainfully that he didn't think Liu Bei could really take Pei County with 5,000 soldiers. Now he was just waiting for Yan Liang and Wen Chou to lead the army to attack the city after Liu Bei failed.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao's mood improved a little.

After all, it wasn't all bad news.

After explaining the arrangements to Ju Shou and others, Yuan Shao felt tired and was ready to continue resting, but at this time he heard hurried footsteps from outside, and soon two young men in gorgeous clothes broke into the room.

These two people were Yuan Shao's sons - Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang!

The two were stationed in other cities. After receiving the news that their father Yuan Shao was in a coma, they rushed over overnight without stopping, and were now covered in dust.

"Father! What's wrong with you!"

Seeing Yuan Shao's weak appearance, Yuan Shang was shocked and said, and quickly squeezed his brother aside and ran to the bed.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Yuan Xi's face, but he quickly suppressed it, and then walked forward with worry.

"Xianfu, don't worry. I'm fine."

Yuan Shao reached out and touched Yuan Shang's head, his face full of doting and kindness.

He has always been very fond of this youngest son.

Now seeing Yuan Shang rushing back to visit him, he was very moved and relieved.

He finally did not love this youngest son in vain.

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