Can I get to the other side?

Chapter 95 The Imperial Seal is presented to the Emperor


When Liu Bei finished speaking, Hu Che'er, who was standing beside him, glared and pulled out the long sword from his waist, his face showing a fierce look.

"I think your life and property must stay here!"

Liu Bei seemed to be unable to see Hu Che'er's long sword, and he scolded him with a sharp look: "How dare you! I am talking to your general, how can you, a general, interrupt?!"

"You are looking for death!" Hu Che'er was furious when he heard this, and he was about to chop.

"Stop!" Zhang Xiu quickly stopped him.

Although Hu Che'er was extremely angry, he had to do as Zhang Xiu ordered. He put away the long sword and stepped aside.

Zhang Xiu looked at Liu Bei coldly and said: "Xuan De, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Liu Bei did not change his face, there was no fear in his eyes, and he said lightly: "I said that this time I came for the general's future and life. If the general doesn't care, then it doesn't matter if you kill me."

Negotiations are all about momentum.

Liu Bei's indifferent attitude towards life and death made it impossible for others to figure out his true background.

Zhang Xiu clapped his hands, and soon two soldiers each led a prisoner who was tied up with ropes.

"Does Xuande know who they are?" Zhang Xiu looked at Liu Bei with a playful look, pointing at the two trembling prisoners, "One of them is Cao Cao's envoy, and the other is Sun Ce's envoy. Like Xuande, they are here to negotiate."

"If Xuande doesn't speak well, he will become a prisoner like them."

"Woo woo woo!"

The two envoys had their mouths blocked and were tied up with ropes, so they could only fall to the ground and sob.

If ordinary people encountered this incident, even if they were not scared to death, they would be terrified.

But Liu Bei came with the determination to die, so how could he be afraid at all? Instead, he burst into laughter. "If that's the case, then the general should also know my purpose."

Zhang Xiu laughed: "It's nothing more than persuading you to surrender."

"So what are you going to do?" Liu Bei looked at Zhang Xiu steadily. "The general should know that Shouchun can be defended for a while, but not forever. The fall of the city is only a matter of time."

"When Shouchun is broken, it will be the day of the general's death."

"It's better to surrender to General Fenwei as soon as possible, so that you can still save your life."

Zhang Xiu knew in his heart that what Liu Bei said was true, but it was too risky for him to surrender.

"Enough! Shouchun is as solid as a rock. I want to see how you can break through Shouchun!"

"You have come from afar, and your food and grass are not enough to support the army's long-term battle. In my opinion, you can only retreat in three months at the latest and half a year at the most."

The various armies came to Shouchun together, which put a lot of pressure on them.

But Zhang Xiu was very clear about their weaknesses.

Cao Cao, Lu Bu, Sun Ce, and the Jizhou army led by Yan Liang and Wen Chou all faced the problem of food and grass.

The daily food and grass consumption of tens of thousands of troops was an astonishing number.

Even if they transported food from their homeland, it would be impossible to gather enough food and grass to support the army's long-term combat.

As long as he held the city and delayed the retreat of the various armies, he could use Shouchun as a base, slowly gather troops and horses, and recapture Yuan Shu's lost territory!

Liu Bei smiled and shook his head when he heard this, and said quietly: "If the general is really willing to die for Yuan Shu, then there is no point in saying more, just kill me. But the general can talk to me for so long, which shows that he may not really surrender to Yuan Shu, nor may he be confident in defending Shouchun."

"Perhaps the general has been waiting for me to arrive after the envoys of Sun Ce and Cao Cao arrived?"

Zhang Xiu paused for a moment while drinking tea, and his face stiffened: "What do you mean?"

Liu Bei said slowly: "The general has a blood feud with Cao Cao, and he is worried about his revenge, so he abandoned Wancheng and surrendered to Yuan Shu, who usurped the throne. After arriving in Yangzhou, he did not expect Yuan Shu to be defeated so quickly."

"However, the general has no way out at this time, and you are in urgent need of a place to stay, so you can only take one step at a time. So the general fell into the danger of being trapped in Shouchun."

Listening to Liu Bei's words, although Zhang Xiu had no expression on his face, his eyes changed, and the hand holding the teacup became a little stronger.

"The general knows that Yuan Shu's defeat is inevitable. If he follows Yuan Shu wholeheartedly, he will die."

"However, the general has a grudge against Cao Cao and Sun Ce. The general did not ignore their persuasion to surrender, but he did not dare to trust them."

"Only General Fenwei Lu Bu has no grudges against the general, so there is no need to worry about being repaid in the future."

"That's why I said that the general has been waiting for my arrival."

"Pop!" The teacup in Zhang Xiu's hand suddenly shattered, and the tea flowed all over his hands and body.

His underwear was seen through by Liu Bei, and it was meaningless to play tricks now.

It would be better to negotiate conditions directly.

Zhang Xiu looked straight at Liu Bei and said, "I can surrender, but I have conditions."

Liu Bei was immediately refreshed when he heard this, and his tense heartstrings also relaxed. He couldn't help but flash a hint of joy in his eyes.

He had previously used the Mi family's network of relationships to investigate all the news related to Zhang Xiu, and concluded that he would not be loyal to Yuan Shu and only wanted to survive.

Now it seems that everything is as he inferred!

Suppressing his excitement, Liu Bei showed a warm smile on his face,

"General, please tell me what your conditions are."

"Xuan De, wait a moment." Zhang Xiu stood up, drew a long sword from Hu Che'er's waist, and walked towards the messenger sent by Cao Cao and Sun Ce.

Along with two dull sounds, the two envoys fell into a pool of blood.

Upon seeing this, Liu Bei nodded secretly with satisfaction.

If he didn't kill these two envoys, he would still have a grudge in his heart.

"General, does he know where your counselor Jia Xu is now?"

After Zhang Xiu killed the two envoys, his mentality was completely different from before. He laughed loudly and said, "Xuande can just say what he has to say."

Liu Bei: "Jia Xu is now in Yecheng, and the emperor canonizes him as Guang Luxun."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiu's brows jumped, and joy rose in his eyes.

Lü Bu was ordered by the Emperor of Yecheng to attack Yuan Shu. To surrender to Lü Bu was to surrender to the Emperor.

Jia Xu was awarded the title of Guang Luxun, so wouldn’t he...

Zhang Xiu stepped forward and held Liu Bei's hands with his blood-stained hands, "Xuande, come on, let's have a good discussion on how to capture Shouchun without bloodshed."

Around Hai hour, the night was deep.

Yuan Shu was sleeping soundly in the palace. Suddenly, a pair of big hands pulled him up from the bed and threw him to the ground.

This fall immediately woke up Yuan Shu. He covered his arm and cursed angrily: "Who dares to be so bold!"

However, when he raised his head, he saw dozens of soldiers entering the palace at some unknown time, each wearing armor and carrying swords, looking at him fiercely.

Seeing such a scene, he felt a cold air rushing from the soles of his feet to Tian Ling Gai, and said in horror: "Who are you, who dare to break into the emperor's palace without permission?"

The leader, Hu Che'er, sneered, waved his hand and said, "Tie this guy up and take him to see the general!"

Two soldiers stepped forward, quickly tied up Yuan Shu, and dragged him outside.

"Someone! Someone come quickly!"

"Escort! Escort!"

Yuan Shu was horrified and shouted at the top of his lungs, but no one responded.

Not long after, he was taken to a large hall.

"General, the false emperor has been brought!"

"Okay, please step back first."

Hearing this familiar voice, Yuan Shu's whole body was agitated, and he looked up suddenly with a look of horror on his face.

Sitting on the main seat of the main hall was a man who had become his nightmare.

"Lu Bu!"

Yuan Shu was filled with panic and fear, almost wondering if he was dreaming.

How could Lu Bu appear in his palace!

He turned around and looked around, and found that not only Lu Bu, but also Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were all present!

Lu Bu sat high on the throne, overlooking Yuan Shu who was tied up in the hall, and sneered: "Traitor! Did you expect that you would fall into the hands of this general?"

Yuan Shu's face turned pale and he said in disbelief: "My Shouchun is impregnable, how can you be here! This is impossible!"

"General! I still have a general!"

"Where is the general? Where is my general!"

Yuan Shu kept struggling and calling for help, hoping that Zhang Xiu would come out to save him.

"Traitor, please shut up!"

A voice came, shattering Yuan Shu's last hope.

When he heard the sound, he looked over and saw Zhang Xiu leading a group of soldiers into the hall, holding a box in his hand and looking at him with anger on his face.

After giving Yuan Shu a fierce look, Zhang Xiu stepped forward holding the box and presented it to Lu Bu.

"General, the imperial seal stolen by the traitor Yuan Shu is in the box."

"Okay!" Lu Bu was overjoyed. He took the imperial seal and looked at it twice before handing it to Liu Bei. "Xuande, keep this seal. This is a great gift from the general to Your Majesty. Be sure to keep it properly."

"Don't worry, General." Liu Bei took the box and was a little excited.

The artifact is back in the hands of the emperor. Does this mean that the great man is about to usher in a new life?

Yuan Shu was completely confused at this moment. He looked at Zhang Xiu blankly and said tremblingly: "General, why is this?"

"Why?" Zhang Xiu snorted coldly: "Yuan Shu! You have overstepped your bounds and proclaimed yourself emperor, which has angered both humans and gods, and is intolerable in the world!"

"I pretended to follow you before, just to get the imperial seal to present to His Majesty! Now that General Fenwei's army has arrived, how can I continue to help the tyrants? I should open the city to welcome you!"

After hearing these words, Yuan Shu understood that Zhang Xiu had surrendered and dedicated the city. This made him desperate and furious at the same time.

"Zhang Xiu! You capricious villain!"

"I treat you well and make you a general. How dare you betray me!"

"Zheng——!" Zhang Xiu was so angry that he pulled out the sharp knife from his waist and said with murderous intent: "Shut up! Shameless old thief! Don't you know that everyone in the world is willing to eat your flesh! How dare you talk here!"

Yuan Shu was so angry that he was unconscious. He ignored Zhang Xiu's sharp sword and kept yelling.

There is absolutely no trace of the grace of the Four Generations and Three Dukes.

Those filthy words made Zhang Xiu want to chop him to death.

"General Zhang, don't pay attention to this lost dog." Lu Bu quickly stopped Zhang Xiu. He wanted to dedicate Yuan Shu to the emperor together with the imperial seal. If Zhang Xiu were to kill him now, it would be a huge loss.

"Hmph!" Zhang Xiu snorted coldly at Yuan Shu, put away the sharp blade and stepped aside.

Lu Bu said again: "General Zhang turned his back on the dark side and surrendered to the city. It was a wise move. I will definitely report it to the emperor to commend you for your merits."

"Thank you, General!" Zhang Xiu suddenly showed gratitude, feeling secretly happy in his heart.

The great achievements he made were not comparable to those of Jia Xu who went to Yecheng alone.

Jia Xu can get a Guang Luxun, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to be named the leader, right?

Lü Bu turned to Liu Bei and said, "Xuan De, you should be the first to take Shouchun. After you take over Shouchun, you will escort the traitor Yuan Shu to Yecheng to meet the emperor."

Liu Bei was undoubtedly the first to persuade Zhang Xiu to surrender and take Shouchun without bloodshed.

"Thank you, General." Liu Bei readily agreed.

"Okay!" Lü Bu waved his hand, his eyes shining, and said with high spirits: "Pass the order, the army will enter the city to take over Shouchun!"


With Zhang Xiu's surrender, Lü Bu's army entered the city.

Yuan Shu's ambition was completely declared bankrupt.

Cao Cao, who was always paying attention to Lü Bu's movements, was so shocked that he didn't even bother to put on his clothes after hearing the news. He went directly to the deck of the warship and looked towards Shouchun.

When he saw the army entering Shouchun with the gates wide open, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

"Zhang Xiu, you little brat, have ruined my plans time and again!" Cao Cao cursed with gnashing teeth, extremely angry at Zhang Xiu!

He had also sent an envoy to persuade Zhang Xiu to surrender a few days ago, promising that all grievances before surrender would be written off, and that he would be given a title of nobility and a general by the emperor, but the envoy never returned.

I thought this man was extremely stupid and would die with Yuan Shu.

Unexpectedly, he actually surrendered to Lu Bu without saying a word.

After looking at Shouchun with hatred, Cao Cao reluctantly ordered: "Order the three armies to retreat!"

Shouchun was taken by Lu Bu, and there was no need for him to stay. Now he could only withdraw his troops quickly and fight for other territories in Yangzhou as much as possible.

At the same time, Sun Ce also received the news that Zhang Xiu had surrendered the city.

"Alas, what a pity." Sun Ce sighed with a sad face.

He occupied the six counties of Jiangdong. If he could capture Shouchun, he could achieve hegemony.

"Invite the Grand Commander to come to discuss matters!"

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