A full servant life every day...... I would have had a month in no time if I had enjoyed my wife life. As alienated a couple as ever, I was perfectly close to the servants! Don't tell me you're not going in the right direction.

This is what I have learned since my husband came back from business trips, but usually when my husband comes home, he seems to come back to the main building to talk to Lotus first and then go to a separate building, which doesn't mean he's going straight back to a separate building.

So I try to pick you up once a day too.

Even so,

"Welcome home"

"I'm back now. What were they doing today?

"I was doing embroidery today."

I'm a liar. I was new to the curtains in the salon with the ladies. Embroidery? I haven't done anything that impractical since my first day at the Duke's house!

"That's good. Looked like you were still having a great time today and above all. Bye."

For once, sir, please be polite about me. You ask me what I was doing that day, but I'm sure this would be a social dictionary. I can't even tell you that my mouth is ripped to say that I am enjoying my servant life, etc., so I was' growing flowers' (exchange flowers for the house. part of the cleaning) or 'I was walking in the garden' (color the flowers in the garden. to decorate the house as well) and report appropriately wrapped in oblate.

Then we smile satisfactorily and then we just go back to the separate building.

This is the only conversation we have, but that's the kind of contract, so no problem (and I want to be good)!

Today I was taken to find a new vase and where I use it as a warehouse.

There was not only a vase there, but also various pieces of furniture and stuff. I entrusted the vase search to Mimosa and I was watching them being punished.

"Hey, mimosa. What's wrong with the furniture you keep here? Not all the stuff you can still use?

I asked Mimosa, fingering the dust from the table in front of me. Beautiful parquetry patterns are visible from under the wiped dust. That's called antique furniture.

"Yes, this is a piece of furniture that I stopped using when I was remodeling my salon. I heard your wife brought it to you when she came in."

Mimosa answered even as she colored the vase.

"Oh, yeah. I can still use it because I like things, but it's pathetic to put it here."

When I picked up the cloth I had left there, I just wiped it on my desk. That's how it appeared was the sky where cute flowers were designed.

"Well! Aren't you cute!

I said it by accident.

Mimosa looked back at those words and peered into my hand,

"Yeah, that's true! It has a retro flavour now."

He agreed with me smiling.

If you look at the other furniture, it's all from the earlier table and the common design. Chairs, chests, etc.

The retro but cute design just made me like it.

"Could I use this again?

"Huh? Which way?

"To the salon."


The living room you are using now (salon) is unified with calm, dark tea furniture. My previous wife, the so-called aunt, has been chosen for her mid-forties hobby, so she calms down, but she's calming down too much ~. It's cozy, but I want a little younger... Even this is a perfect teenager.

I can't waste my time buying new furniture, but this is how things are available here, so I don't have to let them revive me to do it!!

I also snort rough and wrap my arms around the

"I'm going to talk to Lotus and Dahlia for a second!

I left a mimosa in the storeroom and went out looking for both of them.

I was just plugging into the entrance.

"Oh, there you go. I was wondering if you could call Lotus or Dahlia."

and a woman called me out.

Ha ha. This is the Duke of Fisaris' house under heaven. Lotus should be the first to leave when a customer arrives. Or you should be welcoming me. Yet the lord of this voice stands alone at the entrance, telling him to call the deacon or the chief samurai. The fact that he came in without guidance...

That's trespassing, isn't it?

I can't help but have a frigid face. Come on, Oneesan the Guard, you can't easily forgive trespassing because you're a beautiful sister.

Hmm. Is that it? I've seen this guy somewhere.


"You. I'm telling you. Call me soon."

Isn't that what you say while you're a little annoyed, Master Calendula, who was hanging out with her husband the other day? Ah!

"Yes! Right now!!"

Safe!! Master Calendula didn't have to get involved because she didn't know me! I followed that and went looking for Lotus and Dahlia, which was also my original purpose, more temperamentally than earlier.

Luckily Lotus was in his own office, so he was able to catch him right away.

Busy knocking, confirming the reply 'Hi'. No, no, no, no. Open the door.

"Master Calendula is breaking into the entrance!

Without foreshadowing, I told Lotus the most about the opening.

"Is there Master Calendula?

Back to back with my excitement, Lotus is calm everywhere with her middle finger up the silveredge glasses she's wearing on the job.

"Yeah, they asked me to call Lotus or Dahlia."

"Really? I'm in awe. Ma'am... it's better not to come now"

Instead, Lotus told me as I removed my glasses and cleaned up the paperwork at hand easily.

"Oh, really? Then I'm busy re-modeling my room, so I'll keep looking for Dahlia."

There's nothing for me to talk about, and it means you don't have to be there, right? Lotus and Dahlia are the ones with the first errand?

Cotten, and tilting his neck, he returned a bitter laugh.

"... are you remodeling the room? Okay."

So, and we broke up with Lotus in front of the room.

... but.

I found Dahlia right after, so I tried to get back to Mimosa's waiting warehouse, but I really have to go through the entrance, right?

Lotus and Lady Calendula were still talking there.

I thought I'd pass by knowing you, but Lotus, who found me and Dahlia looking for you, has been eyeing you. Ma, in short, you mean 'come out now'.

I was drawn to Pillar Yin by Dahlia, who instantly perceived it, and decided to keep an eye on the two of them for a while.

A quiet entrance.

Huh? I wasn't listening, it sounded like it was on my own.

"It's been a month since you got married, and I haven't even said hello to your wife yet."

"You're right."

"So, is your wife home? I'd love to meet you."

"Hate, but your wife has been kept busy."

"Oh, you're asking me if I don't socialize?

"Yes, but I have business at your parents' house today, so please go out"

"Well, too bad. I don't know what else to do. I'll change the day."


Oh, did Master Calendula come to see me! I'll tell you twice because it's important, but there's nothing to talk about when I see you, is there? So, this means your mistress pushed you into the real house, right? Is that what you call a training ground? Bye! It's Viva. It's Shruba! Oh, are you excited, Balemacita?

But Lotus's attitude isn't what it always is.

The attitude relative to Master Calendula is disrespectful even though he is usually soft and gentle to the public.

Master Calendula feels magnificent, and what is this giddy space!

Master Calendula, who sees it closer than this mama, has dark hair like the twirl of the great river at night in her eyes of passionate colour like ruby. I knew she was a beauty. And is Bon Cubon Nice Buddy a Dondake Alien of Color!!

Pheromones and colors, those adjectives fit perfectly. Although it is undeniably slightly decadent. Shall I call you an annoying beauty?

You're also tall. I wonder if it's as good as mine. If someone like this dances, then anyone will be captivated ~. I also know a little how your husband feels.

It was me and Dahlia watching the interaction between the two from the shadow of the pillars, but after Master Calendula left for a little while,

"It's all right now."

I let my hips float to the usual gentle voice of Lotus that

"You didn't even notice me at all ~"

Me watching the entrance in Jen-royalty.

"Yeah, you just look like a pretty samurai."

It's Lotus who answers that with a bitter smile.

"Well, Master Calendula must have been there to stab the goose. Your wife doesn't need to be seen. We'll take care of it."

"Okay. Best wishes.... Dahlia, change the room!"

""... switching, that's fast... "

It was another bitter laugh Lotus and Dahlia

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