Breakfast plates arranged one after the other on a wide to wide dining table. Yes, your husband's preferences changed every day! I totally forgot.

But I don't think this was the case when my father-in-law and his wife were here during this time. Is that crazy?

Likewise, the plates are getting arranged more and more before me. The quantity is just modest for me, but the content is exactly the same as that of my husband. That means the finest materials.

Wow, this is tough in the morning.

I should have put a word with Callum! Unconsciously, I was full of heads about the lunch bribe.

There are two choices, whether it's inedible and wasteful to sneak up on Obake or sink in with the activation of intestinal terrorism.

I'd rather not be snuck up on a wasting obsession with eagles. Your mother will scold you for leaving you. So this doesn't matter? Well, it's kind of me in poverty. I think it would be better to fight terrorism if we left it behind.

Me holding my own meeting in the brain at high speed, staring at the plates, and deciding to 'fight resolute terrorism'.

"Shall I have it then?"

My husband's voice finally brought me back to reality (this way).


With determination in my heart, I took a fork and a knife. It's a showdown.... It's just a big breakfast.

Dozens of minutes later.

To conclude in short, it was' complete defeat of terrorism '.

It's delicious. It's delicious enough for me to roar by accident. That's the dishes that Cartham seriously made.

At the consideration of the cartums, the plate in front of me is only on one or two bites. At the beginning I did well enough to taste the food, but my stomach was breaking down from around the middle. It's been painful. This has apparently reached its limit value.

Still, I was deluding and deluding myself while eating light salads, but the limit came suddenly.

with some sharp pain.

Oh, no more!!



"... Holy shit!!!"

I put my hand on my stomach and broke my body less of a pain. I then hit my forehead hard at the table.


"CAR!! Ma'am!!"

"Your wife?! Are you ok?!

My sudden leopard freak saw my husband come here in a hurry, taking a seat. I can see Lotus and Dahlia Mimosa are also in a hurry, but my stomach and forehead hurt for now.

My forehead is a bee on the crying side though.

"So, Daiji, bu. I want my stomach, my cucumber..."

My stomach hurts, so I can't help it.

"Are you okay?! Dahlia, I'm taking you to your room!

My husband rushed over to me while I was squatting in the chair, putting my arm in my back and back of my knee as it was, and hitched me up a bit.


Dahlia seems to be following her husband.

"You look pale. Maybe he got into something. I don't think there was anything strange about me saying this..."

I'm a tough looking, sharp, sayin 'husband, but yeah, this, not food poisoning, just overeating and getting hit by gastronomy. It feels so big ~.

"Uh, that's..."

Dahlia with verses that come to mind in my abdominal pain is an orous voice. This would be the sin of Kartam, Dahlia's husband, if you call it food poisoning. The answer is the hard part.

"Well, that's fine later. Just hurry up and get your bedroom ready."

"Yes, I did."

I was in my husband's arms, roaring and listening to conversations that were exchanged overhead. Yeah, Cartham will definitely be blamed for this as it is. Forgive me for not being able to defend myself right now, because I will insist on Callum's innocence later!

Me getting to my private room and getting laid in bed.

"I'll get you a doctor, you stay calm"

My husband is peeking into my face with his strawberry blonde forehead on my forehead.

"Oh, hey, hey, hey. … abdominal pain, it works, herbs, is, is, is, is, is, is"

Words are no longer interrupted, but you will understand. It works for abdominal pain, or it's a medicinal herb that promotes digestion.

"No, you should take a look"

Still a rugged-faced husband. Even if you call the doctor, 'I just had a stomach surprise and abdominal pain because I suddenly ate luxury ingredients, haha ~ ' what a laugh it is.

"No, really, it is. Mi, mo, herbs, please, do, okay?

Somehow I stopped pushing my eating husband, and I asked Mimosa to procure herbs from Bellis' place. And of course, the 'herbal yolo of digestion promotion! Copy that!' Don't forget the eye contact!

Oh, I'm already sore and sweaty. Mimosa, the prompt medicinal herb prise you can reach!!

"I did!! You're going in a hurry!!

When I said that and turned my heel back, Mimosa left the room with a dash.

"Are you sure you want a doctor?

My husband is still asking for it. No, really, just be ashamed, so stop. All the best.

"Yes, sir."

With a powerless face - I laughed a lot.

"Is it that painful?! Oh already, really..."

Did you look distorted in pain? Really?

Instead of a mimosa that left the room with a dash, now Caltum rushed in.

"Madam!! He said he had a bad stomach! Are you all right, sir? I'm sorry!

I said that and quickly slipped into my bedside, and I thought I'd lined up next to my husband and took my hand. Chu, as usual! It's the same streamliness.

But as usual, it's not a confident look, it's a worried face with your brow butt down. The handsome man can't help but offer his brow butt, can he? I'm jealous.

"Yeah, dude, bu. Sleep and you'll be better."

It's an ineffective hand, but as usual, I pulled it back from Caltum, and my husband moved ahead of it, and he peppered off Caltum's hand. Thanks! Nah, I also thought for a while, this time my husband kept holding my hand he took back from Callum.

"Caltum, were you cooking properly today?

I told Callum in a low voice like crawling through the ground.

Sir, Kartam is guilty of a crime! And all the servants at the residence know that my stomach ache is caused by eating gastronomy. What I don't know is... haha.

"Of course, as always, we made it with great care. There are no deficiencies."

Caltum lowered his gaze and told his husband in awe, but his sharp gaze remained pierced. Servant scandal (?), and my husband must be angry.

But it's rude that the usual bribes are more appropriate, but I'm making them out of shoulder strength than what I give my husbands. It's a strange fact that it doesn't break my stomach better.

Aww. My intestinal good bacteria made me an elaicoto because I couldn't stomp on it. Besides, I can't talk much now because of the pain, so I can't defend or excuse myself!

When the air started to feel somewhat nasty.

"Sir, if it's not time to go out, I'll be late. We won't take care of your wife."

A pale Lotus voice slashed the air on this occasion.

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