Dear Calendula, who left like a clear breeze across the door where Mimosa opened and waited as she backhanded bye.

The marble sculpture remains rigid in front of me.

I didn't know what to say to Master Calendula. I shut up and dropped that back off, but Lotus and Dahlia also remained silent. Neither of us had any expression on our faces, so there's no reason to know how you feel.


What should we do with this statue that remains consolidated? The decorative stone statue at the entrance is in time.

Not really.

Beautiful dark tea eyes do not define the perspective of what is open, and the pupils seem to be open. But I flickered my hand in front of my husband in order to keep him standing and coagulating forever at the entrance like this, not to mention that it is a heavy labor to manpower this long, wonderful and stylish husband.

"Sir, sir? She left, didn't she? Don't you have to go after him?"

Hey, are you conscious? And, I'll boom and wave. Then suddenly the glow returned to my eyes, not sure where I was looking until then, and made contact with mine.

The moment I took a step back in surprise at my husband, who suddenly returned from Petite Trip.



Instead, my husband's arms have wrapped around my body. I mean, let it be, or don't you have a chopping hammer? I'm about to fly something soulful! I thought he had a few spines too.

"So, sir!! Guru, gu, gu!!

I beat my husband in the back with a hard, free hand, but I feel that he has only done less than cat punch damage to my husband, who would be trained from day to day as a knight. I regret it!

When some fugafuga is still held tight instead of loose,

"Viola!! I wouldn't even tell you to leave, would I?!

My husband's voice came down from overhead. It's not the usual calm, ear-touched voice, it's a slightly absurd voice in a rush.


What? What? As I'm rounding my eyes, the power of my arms holding me is even stronger. Gu. Spine! Because my spine is deflected!!

"Viola, let's have another discussion! To be a decent couple, not a marriage tied to a contract like before!!

We will discuss it, please loosen your strength Don't cheek on your head!!

"We can't even talk slowly here, so let's move on to the salon"

Say no or no, my husband was hugging me. Once I opened up, this time I held him up a little. And I'm turning my heels back to the salon like nothing's going on, but why am I being transported with a princess cuddly one? It's not your stomach or anywhere today, is it?

"Um, why are you on the move being held up?

I worship your husband's beautiful face to the top, and whisper to him that I doubt this situation,

"It looks like Viola won't get away with it"

I'm a husband who says it out with a serious look sometime as he looks at my face a little below. The pitiful eye area is crisp and nice, but I don't think you can squander the nice plenty in a place like this for nothing.

I won't get away with it, so get me down! I can't wait to have the raw warm gaze of Lotus or Dahlia Mimosa!

"I'm not running, and Salon Sugu, right there!

Me wasting my time trying to get you down.

"Then it will be almost there. It's dangerous to break out. Look, I got it."

I quickly arrived at the salon with my husband's long compass while we had that conversation.

What a shame to play. Damn, but when I was made soft-landing by the couch, my husband just sat next to it. Is there a place to sit full of face-to-face and naked front, beside you! Close! The three of them are sofas that can sit loosely, but somehow they stick together. There are no longer too many scratches to be bothered with.

"First of all, it's a big premise, but marriage doesn't dissolve"

My husband ran out of openings. That's certainly where it comes from. Because in the first place, she is a contractual marriage of Eriki.

"But she's not here, either, is she? Besides, my husband and I were not married because we liked each other, but rather because we were close to each other."

"There's sesame seeds in this world, like that! Political marriage is a rolling thing everywhere."

"Well, yes."

It's an aristocratic society, so it's natural and common sense to marry each other at home. Rather, romantic marriage may be rarer. Although this country is still more tolerant of identity differences and such.

"Some couples get along after they get married."


"So you and I need to think of it as a mere political marriage."

An eloquent husband at no time. But it's not an alkaic smile, as usual. Is it just a fantasy to be looked at seriously enough to tinkle a little and feel kind of like a cliff right behind me?

The item 'Decorative Wife' has now been deleted.

And the next important item. That's a debt problem for my parents. Although it is no longer paid off by the help of your husband or the Duke's house.

"So what about the debt you owe your husband on his shoulder? You paid for it instead of me becoming a decorative wife."

Asking my husband as he was prepared to be told, "Take a lifetime to pay,"

"Then why don't you think it's the conjugation money I gave to the Count's house? I originally gave it to you in that name, and I wouldn't spare that amount of money to get you. Please laugh."

What a light response. No, it's not a level amount like 'please laugh'......

I've been rooted in my husband who sticks to change even in the Inequality Pact that far.

"Then it's the first one. I'm going to live here every day."

Yeah, if it's normal, it's extremely obvious, but it's not normal for Konocht. You had a funny contract in the first place that you had to change from such a preliminary place!


"Rooms will use their previous rooms"

That's good.


"As soon as the separate building is cleared, I'll bring your stuff here. You must use your bedroom as always."

"Thank you"

But when my husband is going to move fully here, there are a lot of problems, especially in relation to meals......

"As promised initially, you're welcome to let me go,"


I cut the words along the way and lean my neck towards my husband, who sees my face once. I don't know, during this subtle time.

"No lovers except me."

A ban on romantic relationships with non-husband was included in the contract.

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