Can Someone Please Explain This Situation

How to kill your wife's free time

After confirming the direction of future meals as Lotus.

If I manage to finish my breakfast and get you some tea after dinner or something, I'm frankly free to say what I'll do later. When I was at home, I didn't have time to say I was free because of all this and my work, but this is the Duke's house under heaven. I have enough hands at work. Instead, there is no such thing as labor in 'Your Ladyship', is there?

But I'm not used to it in my spare time, yeah I can't think of anything to do.

"Your wife?"

You saw me roaring around on the couch all the time on my own, and Dahlia called out.

"Yes, what is it?

"How about being embroidered or something, if you don't mind?

Really? This kind of thing called the wife of a good house kills my time...... and you spend it gracefully ~. I couldn't think of any celebrity here and there.

But to me, what is' sewing '?

"Is it embroidery? We can do it normally, but we specialize in repairs."

I made a needle-oriented statement.


Because in my parents, embroidery was definitely more of a fix for my family's clothes than something unproductive. I'm pretty clever at what I say myself, but I'm very skilled at everything. Oh, I'm looking at Dahlia with a look at the poor girl. Don't gently wipe your eyes with a handkerchief!

But you can't even embroider, can you? I don't do that much because it's not practical, but I used to embroider flowers and birds in my sister's clothes.

And foreword withdrawn.

"... Kohon. So what do you want me to embroider?

Again, I smile at Dahlia. Dahlia also rebuilt her feelings,

"How about starting with your husband's pocket chief or something?

That's what you suggested.

"Maa, Nantes tequinande show!

"It would be even nicer if it wasn't a bar reading there."

"Ohohohohohoho "

It's a bar read, go through.

I'm a decorative wife, but if you wore my handmade one, you'd look like a rounded couple externally! That's the samurai chief, nice idea.

With an embroidered set handily prepared by Mimosa, I will embroider a handkerchief to give to my husband.


"I'm ready..."

In less than an hour of the stuff, the pocket chief is done.

"Ma'am, you're clever!

Mimosa admires and praises you, but if it's such a small thing, it won't be long. I have the strength to sew even my own clothes instead of my brother or sister if it's a big one, me.

"You're really good."

Dahlia compliments me, too. No, really, a little tease, if you can.

Hoozki, the seal of the Duke's house, and his husband's initial C.T.F.

Because you just embroider it right at the end of the chief.

"But it didn't take long."

"That's because your wife is clever."

"Uh-huh, could we make it a bolder design next time? Like a crest all over the chief? Do you want to design your initials?


These are two maids who are watching my growing willingness to design with what a raw warm eye

Then I changed the design. I sewed with that and this, but in the end it only crumbled in the morning or so.

I resent Bimio for being clever!

After breakfast remake lunch as instructed, well, what do we do in the afternoon? Next time, they're gonna let you knit lace, right? and if you were arm in arm and tilting your neck, Lotus would come next,

"Why don't you write a thank you note for your wedding gift"

and brought me an inventory with many of the wedding celebrations previously delivered to the Duke's house.

Who, what did you give me?

Yeah, we're going to have to look at those items, too. It's troublesome, but I looked at the parallax and the inventory.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What kind of figurine did you give the bear? Perhaps you'd like me to decorate the separate building?

No, but I need to thank you for what you gave me. As a person. Besides, these letters of thanks and so on are a Kung Fu thing of internal help, so it's the job your wife does, right?

"Right. We need to get this stuff out of here fast."

I received my writing equipment and letter set from Lotus (with the Duke's Bespoke Family Crest ).

Don't stand in regret.

Continuous regret.

A good number of gifts were given, weren't they? I, I didn't know. That's the Duke's house. Sea bream even if it rots. No, it's not rotten. Sorry, Nasai. Almost all of them were received from leading domestic players.

It was quite a heavy labor to acknowledge the letter carefully and without disrespect, checking the goods and the giver.

I'm good at manual labor because I'm used to it, but I'm pretty tired of these desk jobs, no, because almost everyone's mental activity equated to nothing.

Along the way, except for a snack break with Mimosa's brewed tea, I admitted my thank-you note to the concierge almost without rest.

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