My husband's message sentence, brought to me by your blonde sparkling sister, scraped away all sorts of things in me, but whatever it was, I was relieved to see that you were safe. He seemed rather very well. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry! I feel like going to apologize on behalf of my husband.

When I tell my men that I'm bored driven by the mood to apologize asexually,

"Ma'am, come in, please!

Your sister's urging me with a very good smile.

"Oh, you did ~"

Yes, I was. I was. That's why I read your letter here.

"I can't go back to not getting a response from your wife. Oh, I don't have to go home."

Sister, let's get to work, shall we?

"No, that won't be good"

"Oh, I knew it?

Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. Well, I can tell this is your sister's joke, too, I hope. Huh? Are you kidding me?

Well, that's fine. I carefully enveloped a letter from my husband,

"Yes. Then would you excuse me for a moment and allow me to acknowledge your reply in my own room? I don't have anything for you here. Lotus, mimosa. Just do me a favor."

I put in an apology to take a seat.

I don't have a writing desk or a letterset ready for the salon, so I decided to go back to my private room and write back to Papa once. I'm not going to write a big deal about it, but I still want to refrain from being seen cancer where I'm writing!

Whoa, I forgot there's a censor.

The letter from me will be sent to your husband after it has been censored without leakage. The reply from me, I knew you had to take good care of the censor!

Aim, mind-friendly document!

I asked Lotus and Mimosa to deal with your sister and took only Dahlia out of the salon.

"It's kind of tough over there."

When I closed the door and out of sight of your sister, I pulled out my shoulder strength. Ahhh. It's supposed to be an easy job to read your letter, but I'm so tired.

Sounds like it.

Dahlia is also grinning bitterly when she sees me pampering her neck.

"Can you prepare a treat for your sister? To be served to my husband and all my men."

It's the front line, so treats and such will be hard to get into your mouth. At least as a labor, I thought I'd souvenir the sweets. After all, it looks like our husband (...) is taking care of you! Don't tell me you feel bigger sorry for the hard work

And something sweet will heal your fatigue, so it will also help your mental fatigue, right?

"We knew beforehand that there would be a Knight visit today, so I think we're ready. We'll see."

Dahlia said, well, no, that's the elite servants. They were thinking about it! No really, when I ask you to put something on the next payday!! To whom? I knew this would be Lotus!

"Please, I'm in my room."

"Yes, sir."

Me and Daria broke up in front of the salon.

Dahlia goes to the kitchen, I rush to the private room. You can't leave your customers alone for a long time!

Back in my private room I hurried to my writing desk and found a special Duke's Letter Set (long time no see!) When I took it out, I just decided to fight your letter.

But well, what is it?

I don't know what that means. Writing never comes to mind.

Time passes by. I'm waiting for your sister. If it gets too late, it's going to be a burden on your sister's job, so I don't think we're in a hurry.

... what do you want me to say in reply to that dull and sweet tourist guide?

Whoa, not if you're stuck calmly. Let's write it down.

"Dear Sir,"

"Beloved", "Beloved", "Mine" are good to skip, right?

'I have read your letter. My husband is telling me how well he is, and my family is putting down their breasts. "

Well, it's true around here.

"Instead of the Duke's territory, I only know the King's capital and my parents' territory, so I learned a lot. I wanted to go when I had the chance. '

Oh, my God. A biological poor aristocrat (?) ~. I couldn't afford to travel anywhere in the approximate territory!

Whether or not I'm actually going, for now, I mean 'I want to go' in a social dictionary.

'You said the fruit was a specialty, but I definitely wanted to try what it looked like. I'll ask Lotus and Cartham next time!

Ask those two. Nothing is impossible! You can pick it up and try it!



I no longer have anything to write.

I managed to get this far and write well, but it's only the first one. That's just past half too. Ah ~ I, like my husband, can't write three surprise notes ~!!

What am I gonna do, something that can be done with this, no, it's too short, huh? And where I'm asking myself, the door to the room is knocked and Dahlia comes in,

"Excuse me. It meant we had enough sweets available. We wrap it to the extent that it does not luggage the knight."

He reported the information he'd heard in the kitchen.

"Exactly! Thanks! Oh, I can write this down, too, all the time."

'I don't think you'll get much sweets there either, so let me plug you in. Enjoy yourselves. As always, Cartham makes it with all her heart, so it's delicious! I'm sure it will heal your hearts!

Oh, there's more! Looks good one, Skasca, but it's buried! Skasca means you can read between lines, you know?

'Please continue to take care of yourself! I wish you well from Wang Du.

From Viola '

All right! I got it! A gentle letter to the censor is complete

One is perky, so besides two, I'll put a blank note on it. I'd rather have one, but it's a big deal! I made myself an excuse that you could use this note for some fold.

You can carefully fold it, then put it in an envelope, write the address and sender, and gently wax it. Ah. I managed to finish writing it.

"It took me a little while, so let's hurry! Your sister is waiting for you."


Me and Daria rushed to the salon.

A beautifully wrapped treat was already placed in front of the salon door.

I know the shape is hard to crush because it is baked confectionery, but considering that it is rocked by horses, it is boxed exactly and then placed in a bag.

I think it's a good amount because there are two boxes that have as much as one hug.

"I don't know how many of your husband's men you have, but is this amount going to be okay?

I asked Dahlia as she looked at the box.

In the meantime, you won't have as much for everyone in the Secret Service Division (Buka), will you? Then Dahlia smiled to reassure me and then

"Mr. Lotus has instructed you, so you'll be fine."

That's what I say, so you'll be fine. I'm relieved.

"Then you're all right!

I opened the salon door.

Your sister received a reply letter from me with a full smile.

"See you later! Sorry to bother you, ma'am."

Having said that, I put my hands on my chest very gracefully to thank the knight, and then flickered on the horse whose luggage had already been bracketed and whipped on the horse, and ran refreshingly.

The sound of a creepy horse hissing keeps you away.

Ah, nice.

It's been a long time since I've had a customer and, hey, no, I read your letter quite mentally. After that, I got a little tired of the pressure of having to write you back right away.

Back in the private room. Dashing on your favorite couch,

"Ma'am. My predecessors and Dao Ok have said they would like to see your wife, how about that?"

And a samurai with a stepfather came to call me.

"Huh? My father-in-law and mother-in-law?


Though we live together on the Duke's property, you haven't seen us at all since the dirt bullying the other day. Well, they said from the beginning, 'We'll do it on our own, so Viola can always stay on track without caring for us,' so I guess my stepmother is made appropriate, too, anyway.

Especially since I was just dazed not doing anything.

"I'll be there now"

That's what I said and I got up off the couch.

Being here at this time must mean a message from your husband.

Even if it rots, son (I want). Is it rotten? Well, you must be concerned. You're a little smiling, or something!

Cute (?) You want to know how my son was.

That's what I came up with, so the moment I casually got a letter to me.

... No, wait for me. You show this letter?! Seriously!?

He returned it to me.

Do you want me to show my parents this dull, sweet letter that also flew the soul of the censor!? What a punishment game!... Cohon. You came up with it yourself, and it's been a huge mess.

Well, give up a hundred steps, and I didn't write this letter? It's my husband who wrote such sweet letters that I'm ashamed of you, not me!... all the while, who are you excusing, I...

I can't even keep you waiting too long (what is this, Dejav!), I quickly got my clothes messed up and my hair done, then rushed to the salon. It's kind of a bumpy day. Today.

"Thank you for waiting! Good day, father-in-law, mother-in-law!

When I greet you both,

"Oh, sit over here and say a hard hello."

and my father-in-law recommended me, and I sat properly in a chair for one. Of course, you two are in the long chair and snuggle together perfectly! That's where it goes through.

"A messenger from the army would have arrived earlier"

"Yes, sir, we have a knight of your husband's men"

"Yes! What did Vee tell you?

"It's mainly about how your husband is doing and how the Knights are doing. I was relieved to hear that my husband and his men have not changed."

Mental matters are untouchable.

"Right. The report came to us, too. You should read Viola too."

Report,? Is it different from me?

Tilting my neck that it's a little different from mine, when I read the contents, I received the seal my father-in-law handed me.

That was roughly a robust report by then.

Here's the war situation right now, how's it going over there?

It must be because it was addressed to the father, and it didn't mean that it was written in too little detail, but it was nevertheless a sufficiently detailed letter. Yeah, this is no longer a letter. It's a fine report!

It was written surprisingly in precisely a few calligraphy letters. Just in one piece.... one.

Mine was three, right? Territorial pride and tourist information! Well, fine.

I've looked a little far, but, well, reading this report has conveyed that my husband and his men are doing well.

I also suspected someone else wrote it, but the same handwriting with the same letterset as the stuff addressed to me. Definitely a husband. I don't know my husband's handwriting. But there's no such thing as a sweet letter... So maybe it's you.

No, that's what your father-in-law says in the first place, so you're definitely the first one.

Finish reading the report and return it to your father-in-law.

"You must have come to Vee's, too, right?

My mother-in-law's star sapphire eyes glowed with Killern, always increasing. You're swinging that with a convict!

It hardens like a shot from your mother-in-law. I remembered the contents of the letter unexpectedly and it turned red.

Did you bring it here when you were ready? Not so lame as to show my stepmother, though?

... but I'm so embarrassed!!

What a mozy thought, my mother-in-law who sensed it sharply,

"I'm sure it was a sweet letter! Fine, fine, I don't have to show you! That's Vee's, so take care!!

What a maiden statement, Konocht! In the first place, you acted like, "I want to see it! Ugh!"

But thanks to your mother-in-law's unsolicited interpretation (but I'm afraid it's not a mistake, though), let's just say I didn't have to expose this letter to the eyes of both of you.

But my gaze is raw and warm.

Why can't you wait so much if you shouldn't have had to read the letter from your husband??

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