Chapter 90

“A reward?”

The intoxication that had risen slightly disappeared in an instant.

The president, who drank his glass at once, began to utter absurd words without explaining what he had spit out.

“Well, Chairman Jin must be well aware of the performance of the Jang Bogo-class submarine on the international stage, right?”

“Yes, of course, but why are you suddenly saying those words again?”

“Coming here, it suddenly comes to mind. Isn’t it great that submarines weighing only 1200 tons can achieve tremendous results when they only participate in rimpack training?”


Coincidentally, it felt a bit chilly.

Anyway, I also looked at the dock before and remembered that point.

The moment he showed a faint smile as a sign of acceptance, he continued.

“In the case of Lee Jong-moo, who participated in RIMPAC in 1998, he said that he sank a total of 13 ships. Even so, we had the honor of being selected as the best maintenance ship by carrying out the training without a single breakdown.”


“Where would that be? In the case of Bak Wi-Ham, who she attended in 2000, she not only sank 11 imaginary ships, but of course she survived and surprised American officials.”

The activities of the Jang Bogo-class submarines he spoke of were just there.

Well, the 2002 Rimpack wasn’t even open yet.

If I can make one prediction, the Jang Bogo-class will stand out in the Rimpac held this year, and in the case of the Jang Bogo-class participating in the Rimpac held in 2004, it will sink as many as 30 ships but never be detected.

“So, let’s just ask Chairman Jin one thing.”

In the midst of silence, the president opened his mouth again.

His face is now red.

However, his attitude or tone of voice was not disturbed at all, thanks to which the tension was added.

“You tell me.”

“Chairman Jin, what do you think of our future submarine security business? It is said that construction of 1800 tons will be started in a few years, but will that balance with neighboring countries?”


For some reason, the atmosphere was strange, so it was consistent with silence.

He glanced at the head of the National Intelligence Service, just in case, but he looked like he didn’t know the president’s intentions.

Meanwhile, the president spoke again.

“According to information, Japan is now planning to build a submarine with a full displacement of 4,000 tons. In the yard, we are looking at the 1800-ton class at the most, so it seems that we will be busy chasing after it, let alone balance.”

That’s probably referring to the Soryu-class submarine.

It is being developed in Japan with the aim of being commissioned from 2009.

One of the most powerful diesel submarines of all time.

Considering that, the president is not wrong in saying that we are always in the position of pursuers.

“Now that we are listening to you, it seems that your Excellency wants a submarine that can compete with us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t reverse the 1800-ton class construction project we have already planned.”

It’s a pity that it’s sad, and I reminded you of reality.

If there is an SS-II project that has already been confirmed by the end of the day, it is impossible to cancel it and change the direction of the project.

Other than that, Hyeonu, who has already been selected as the operator, will not stand still.

“Who told you to lie down at all?”

For a moment, the president spoke again with a determined expression on his face.

I stare blankly, and he refills my empty glass and says:

“This means that the construction of the three vessels scheduled to be secured as the first project will proceed as it is, but that will be the end of it.”

“…let’s finish with the first business?”

It was by no means impossible.

After all, the additional introduction of all weapons starts only when the military demands are raised.

In other words, in a situation where there is no demand for continuation of the business, the business can be terminated as it is, and the president is going to create that “situation” now.

“And apart from the first-class project in Sonwon, we are going to build an additional 3,000-ton class.”

More and more embarrassment crept in.

It is not easy to accept common sense to build both the 1800-ton class and the 3000-ton class at the same time.

Aside from the technical issues, there is a budget issue.

But as if he had read my thoughts, the president spoke again.

“Anyway, the 1800 ton class was a business that had been planned before. Thanks to that, we already have a regular budget over the years. So, in the case of the 3000-ton class, I plan to allocate the budget for the mid-term defense plan that starts this time.”

What flashed through my mind for a moment was the breath of the navy.

There is no way that they will miss an opportunity in the field of a massive power increase budget that is unprecedented in history.

Perhaps that was in line with the intention of the president, who put more weight on the development of the navy and the air force rather than the army.

In fact, it was revealed at first glance when the draft of the medium-term defense plan was announced, and at that time, the proportion of the budget allocated for naval reinforcement was almost twice that of the army.

‘Well, even if I was in the Navy, if I had a budget, I would have preferred the 3000-ton class rather than the clumsy 1800-ton class. By the way, was that what reward meant?’

Maybe it’s not a bad idea.

Even in the case of the 209 class, the number of ships will reach nine.

If I build 9 ships that cost close to 1 trillion won per ship, I’m in a situation where I’m pulling a budget close to 9 trillion won, so that’s not enough to say that it’s a compensation.

“I understand your intentions, but would Hyeonu really let go of it?”

If there was one thing I was worried about, that was it.

Fear of falling behind in the field of submarine construction, there is no way that Hyeonuin Madang won an order for an 1800 ton class, which was a huge deficit.

For those who would have taken the continuation of the business for granted, it was a sudden blow.

“Hyeonu has already agreed.”

But the president shook his head resolutely.

The moment he tilted his head, he spoke again.

“In the process of selecting a first-class business operator, Hyeon-woo paid bribes to some generals. Of course, it was the military generals who gave the excuse, but Hyeonu also cannot escape responsibility. He accepted the concession on the premise of quietly covering it.”

“Are you saying that he even paid a bribe because it wasn’t enough to win the bid at a level that was less than the cost?”

“It was. In a way, it is also understandable that, in the case of the 209-class, Dae-yu won all orders except for the first ship. In that situation, if the 1800-ton class is lost, there is no opportunity to acquire the technology of building a permanent submarine, so I had to overdo it.”

When I heard it, it seemed plausible.

For the unity of operation of submarines, once a contractor is selected, it is customary to build submarines of the same class continuously by the same operator.

In the meantime, if Dae-Yoo takes even the 1800-ton class, there is no opportunity for them to acquire technology forever.

Hani must have wanted to hold on to the deficit as well as paying bribes.

“How many ships are you expecting?”

He asked, calming his beating heart.

A smile appeared on the president’s face at first glance, but he soon drew the number 12 on the table.

“I plan to go with 12. I thought it would be appropriate if we had enough energy to spare.”

The president had a puffy expression on his dream.

What flashed through his mind for a moment was the question of why he had greed for the 3000-ton class.

Then, a sudden thought occurred to me that, unlike Japan, there was one more thing that the 3,000-ton class submarines that we would possess could do.

“I’m sorry, but the reason why you insist on using the 3000-ton class is because, unlike Japan, we can mount ballistic missiles or cruise missiles?”

The president’s eyebrows twitched at the carefully spat out question.

Again, that was the reason.

After all, if the goal is to keep the neighboring countries in check, that is certainly the case.

“Yes. I think if you’re thinking of building a submarine, it’s better to strategically build a clear advantage. Well, although there are limitations to the vertical launch system that can be mounted, wouldn’t it be better than nothing? I intend to settle it before the end of my term.”

As it turns out, the president’s term of office was less than a year away.

Now is the time to worry about the next government.

The thought that maybe that was also one of the reasons for rushing to work crossed my mind.

‘Yes, there is no guarantee that even the contents of the military’s business will continue just because a person with the same political ideology succeeds.’

In particular, there is no guarantee that those in charge who will be replaced in the process of regime change will focus their efforts on strengthening the national defense power as they do now.

If possible, it would be wise to proceed without procrastination.

“I agree with your thoughts, but I would like to finish with 9 ships.”

The president’s eyes widened at the determined and spit-out words.

As he sits in the yard where he claims to be a gift and rather slashes the quantity introduced, he is bound to be absurd.

But for the future, that’s right.


“To have a true strategic submarine, even a 3,000-ton class is not enough. So, I think it would be better to stop at nine and leave the possibility of developing more than 5,000 tons as a long-term task.”


The president’s eyes changed drastically.

You understood what the 5000 ton class meant.

But as if it was difficult to get it out of his mouth, he just let out a moan, a moan.

“Now that I see, Chairman Jin has a bigger dream than me.”

“Aren’t you supposed to dream big in the first place? Moreover, if North Korea possesses a complete nuclear weapon, the next thing to do is to develop long-range ballistic missiles and acquire nuclear-powered submarines. In that case, the only realistic response we can take is to possess nuclear-powered submarines. So, it’s definitely the way to go.”

“Who doesn’t know that? The problem is that our reality is not so rosy.”

“Even so, it is necessary to keep the possibilities open for now. And it’s not necessarily impossible.”


“Actually, the reason I insisted on nine is to keep the power shortage at a reasonable level. To be honest, it is difficult to compare it to neighboring countries if we say that it is 9 ships of the 3000-ton class. Especially in a situation where Japan is planning to build 12 4,000 tons of underwater displacement. Then, of course, someday, we will also have an opinion on additional construction, and at that time…”

It was then that the president seemed to understand my intentions.

As a matter of fact, in the case of Korea, there is almost no case of confirming the next submarine with a displacement that is less than the existing displacement.

As I said, when additional introduction due to the difference in electricity with neighboring countries is discussed in the future, there is a high possibility of claiming 5000 tons or more.(Read more @

However, making conventional submarines with a capacity of 5000 tons or more is meaningless in many ways, so it is natural to consider nuclear propulsion.


Moreover, no one knows how things will change in the future.

As an example, even before the return, we had not received at least an agreement from the United States on the possession of nuclear-powered submarines.

“Yeah, because I don’t know about the world anymore. Anyway, if Chairman Jin thinks so, let’s go ahead with 9 ships.”

The president’s head nodded.

Then, what came to my mind, the eyes staring at me in a flash were unusual.

“But you have forgotten an important fact. Do we have the technology to build a 3,000-ton submarine?”

“The drying capacity of the ship itself is sufficient. Although there are some other difficulties with batteries, including fuel cell-based air-free propulsion systems, the battery part is already being developed by Jaewoo, and in fact, other technical parts will be able to be developed on our own with Jaewoo’s technical skills.”

In fact, all technologies already exist.

AIP as well as other operating systems and combat systems.

It was learned through the experience of Ahn Chang-ho-class construction before the return, and even parts at that time achieved a localization rate of about 80%, and thanks to this, there is no problem at all to reproduce it in this era.

“That’s good. I see, recently.”

The president’s eyes lit up and he filled the glass again.

He drank it in one breath and suddenly took out his cell phone and made a call somewhere.

“I’m sorry, but even if it’s late today, I think the president needs to come to the Blue House.”


The word president stuck in my ears.

Given the context and circumstances of the conversation so far, it is clear that he will be the Chief of Naval Operations.

I was curious about the president’s intentions to invite him to the Blue House at this late hour.


After a brief conversation, the president looked at me again.

He wanted to make a smile, and then he spit out an embarrassing word.

“Let’s go up by helicopter together with Chairman Jin. He doesn’t want to waste his time and drive his car.”

“Why am I…”

“Now that we have identified the possibility, we need to put it into action. Let’s have a detailed discussion once again with the Chief of Naval Staff.”


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-91

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