Sure enough, as Su Che expected, after dinner, Gandalf had already held a pledge meeting.

A temporary operations center.

Gandalf and his subordinates began to make a battle plan.

At this moment, the battlefield seems to be his home turf.

A map of the entire territory of Leah has been hung on the wall, with several red dots.

Su Che listened from the sidelines.

Be silent.

Gandalf held the command rod in his hand, pointed to a red light, and his face was resolute.

A sharp gaze swept over the three battalion commanders under him.

There are also newly promoted company commanders and platoon commanders.

so that they dare not look at it.

Gandalf said: “On the ground, the red dots I marked are the targets we are about to attack, these are gold mines, which are crucial to the development of the base. ”

These arrows are the positions where the rebels are currently fighting with the regular army in Lia, mainly in the coastal cities. ”

“Let’s leave it alone, according to the consumption of the base’s funds, it will basically be exhausted tomorrow night, so before tomorrow night, I need the three of you to take a gold mine each. ”




Gandalf’s swing in his hand was dotted on three red dots.

All of them are one base in the center of the circle, the nearest three gold mines.

Gandalf continued, based on the information received: “They are all occupied by some criminal armed forces, ranging in size from three or four hundred to thousands. ”

“The main weapons are AK assault rifles, individual anti-tank rocket launchers, but also some tanks and helicopter gunships. ”

Due to the short time of the establishment of the base, the soldiers were not at all familiar with these criminal forces.

Gandalf also sorted it out today.

So it’s more detailed.

Only by knowing oneself and knowing one’s opponent can one not be defeated.

“So tomorrow, your three battalion commanders, each with 500 marines and 20 Apocalypse tanks, will take down three targets with minimal battle damage and annihilate the main force of criminals. ”

Gandalf shouted, “Can you do it!?”

“Mission Guaranteed!”.

The three battalion commanders shouted in unison!

“Berwick. ”


Gandalf looked at the deputy commander of the Air Force: “I need you to sit in the command center and respond to air fire suppression at any time.” ”

“Understood!” said Berwick, who had been appointed by Su Che as deputy commander.

There was no resentment about Gandalf’s arrangement.

Now the enemies of the base are all small forces, and the demand for fighters is not very large.

Moreover, the base fighters are backward and are not manufactured in large quantities.

He can only be temporarily aggrieved.

However, Berwick knows that when he faces stronger enemies in the future, it will definitely be his home turf.

Aerial fire suppression is crucial!

Occupy an extremely important link in modern warfare!


Gandalf responded, then turned around and pointed a spot with his command stick.

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“Now, all battalions are urgently assembled, and in this position, a temporary camp and command center are set up, logistics supplies and ammunition are replenished, and an attack is launched in the early morning!”


More than a dozen people immediately stood up and shouted in unison: “Yes!”

Then they walked out of the barracks in a uniform manner.

It is located in the desert of no man’s land on the northwest border of the country of Lia.

The urgent whistle blows!

All the soldiers who were resting in the barracks gathered in the open area in a quick and orderly manner!

And while the meeting was taking place, the battlefield factory at the base was working overtime.

100 transport trucks have been built overnight.

The chief engineer directly reworked the growth line of the armored transporter, converting it into an ordinary transporter.

Sacrifice defense, increase capacity.

Su Che followed out of the command center and silently watched his soldiers gather at the base.

A short day of training.

Thousands of people were assembled without the slightest confusion, in a neat and orderly manner, and five minutes after the whistle sounded.

Ammunition and food, as well as all kinds of supplies.

They were soon loaded onto transport trucks and started in the middle of the night, amidst the roar of the engines and billowing dust.

Disappeared into Su Che’s base.

Gandalf and Berwick naturally followed, along with 10 Nighthawk gunships.

Black Hawk fighters remained at the base on standby.

The fighter is fast and needs a docking point at the air command, and as long as it is needed, it will support the scene in a very short time.

When they walked away, Su Che also came to the empty finger department for the first time.

Achino is also here, using radar satellites to stay in touch with the front line.

Keep an eye on every move on the battlefield.

Since the completion of the construction of the Red Police base, this is the first attack on international criminals.

Moreover, Su Che gave an order that civilians must not be harmed.

Gandalf circled out the makeshift command center, located 30 kilometers from the base.

This is one of the three target centers.

Convenient for combat.

Otherwise, starting the march from the base, the battle line will be pulled too long and too much time will be wasted.

Time passed little by little.

About forty minutes later, at 12 o’clock in the evening, Gandalf and the others arrived at the designated place and began to set up their tents.

Subsequently, ammunition is replenished, bullets are allocated.

He decided to start the attack at 2 a.m., by which time the criminals who had been pampered for a long time had basically rested.

Hit them off guard in a deep sleep.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Su Che and Achino have been talking about the future development of the base in the empty fingers.

Until the bell rang at two o’clock.


PS: Brothers, we are the army of justice, the peacekeepers, and we are all fighting criminal militants who illegally occupy gold mines!

Ask for flowers, ask for reviews, ask for monthly passes!


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