In front of the screen, there are countless pairs of incredible eyes!

“I ??? in hastily”.

They were stunned, they didn’t expect it at all!

“Air defense main battle tank!? I’m crazy brothers, it’s a new trick, how many new weapons are hidden in the umbrella company!”.

“It’s unimaginable, who would have thought that a tank would have its own air defense?”.

They didn’t expect that the audience who was disappointed by the umbrella company just now was shocked!

Once again, everyone was amazed by the technology revealed by the umbrella!

“First there are laser anti-satellite weapons! Then there are air defense main battle tanks! I asked, who else?!”

“Hahaha, the umbrella is awesome, Hades is awesome!”.

“Oh oh oh, I was really nervous just now, but fortunately, there was no danger, the umbrella was too strong!”.

The inhabitants of the kingdom of Leah cheered loudly as a way to express their joy.

Gangke really sweated for the umbrella troops!

Seeing that they were safe and sound, and that such a powerful tank was displayed, everyone was excited!



And at the same time, in the countries of the world!

Some special departments!

Like the Military Aircraft Department and the Academy of Sciences, it is responsible for researching the country’s most advanced weapons and equipment.

Their phones rang sharply.

After listening to the call, their faces changed.

Hurriedly opened a video file on the encrypted computer.

Exactly the umbrella of the air defense Apocalypse tank!

Everyone stared at the Apocalypse Tank in a daze, as if they were unwilling to let go of any details!

When an anti-aircraft missile is seen rising into the air.

The heads of various countries all shrank their pupils sharply, and subconsciously straightened their bodies.

Then his eyes widened!

A bigwig of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was shocked: “Advanced! Too advanced, this kind of main battle tank has definitely thrown off the world for 10 years!”

“Come on, people, quickly order, we have to open a new project, and we have to invest as much money as we can!”

“We must also have anti-aircraft main battle tanks, its strategic significance is unimaginable!”.

The old man with pale hair came back to his senses, his eyes flashed with a look of refinement and unyielding, and he sighed with determination.

In today’s world, the importance of air defense goes without saying.

The most fatalities are those killed by bombing, and no tanks or armored vehicles can withstand rounds of bombardment!

And without anti-aircraft weapons, you can only be beaten, and you will not be able to fight back at all.

It’s so passive!

The advent of anti-aircraft main battle tanks.

It seems to open up a new pattern.

They can’t sit still!

In the winter country, the head of their R&D department is also terrified!

“What kind of company is Umbrella?”.

“They have such advanced technology!”.

A few decades ago, it was they who were the first to work on a tank with a twin barrel.

But in the end, I gave up for technical reasons!

However, the umbrella of the Apocalypse Tank has rekindled the hope of the Twin-barreled Tank by the leaders of the R&D department!



He knocked on the table firmly: “Pass my order and restart the 703 project on the same day!”

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The subordinates froze for a moment, didn’t 703 have been shelved a long time ago?

But seeing the minister’s determined eyes.

He immediately exclaimed




Inside the Eagle Empire, Conrad’s luxurious villa.

He and the director’s glasses slipped silently from his hands.


The crisp sound and the wine spilled all over the floor, but neither of them bothered about it, but stared at the screen.

The big bang they had expected happened.

But in the sky.

Except for good looks, gunsmoke, nothing worked.

Conrad was full of suspicion and shook his head: “Impossible, how is this possible? I have never heard of it, anti-aircraft missiles can be deployed on tanks.” ”

He himself is engaged in the advanced arms business.

The industrial base produced countless tanks, ships.

But air defense is air defense!

A tank is a tank!

Who the hell combined an anti-aircraft missile with a tank!

I’ve never seen it!

“Isn’t the umbrella man stupid?” Conrad cursed indignantly.

What the hell!

Play this?

Purely disgusting people, isn’t it?

Today’s mainstream idea is that anti-aircraft missile vehicles belong to anti-aircraft missile vehicles, and the main battle tank can just hit your enemy on land!

No one has come up with the idea of combining air defense with bombardment.

It can’t be done at all for technical reasons!

A main battle tank usually has 3 to 4 soldiers, a driver, a machine gunner, a loader, and a person responsible for aiming and attacking.

If you add air defense, the bombloaders can be busy?

Even with autoload.

The anti-aircraft missile was placed outside the tank, could it be that people still opened the hood and ran out to reload the bombs?

He was not suddenly killed, but fell to the ground.

In their opinion, it is redundant!

Isn’t it good to separate the two?

The director is also stupid, he has a global flow of information, and he has never heard of any country doing such a study.

It’s a pure waste of energy and thankless.

However, no one knows that the Apocalypse tank made by the base is automatic and intelligent!

Only two soldiers are needed inside.

Automatically reload shells and anti-aircraft missiles, one pilot, one aim and fire!

The air defense is fully handed over to the semi-intelligent system, docking with the satellite, you only need to press the air defense button, and the missile in the sky will be automatically intercepted!

Such a black technology, if it is not for the base itself.

Even if Dr. Manhattan wants to do it, it will take a lot of time and energy!

Not at all.


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