After a while, two Shaking Light Survey Cannons were produced from the Yuhang Ferry and floated at the base, huge guys.

Very intimidating!

It was also the first time that Su Che had seen the Shaking Light Survey Cannon in reality, and this big toy was extremely charming.

It caught his eye.

It’s tempting to play around, and if you can drive it and fire it violently, it will feel absolutely cool!

But time is of the essence.

Immediately, Su Che continued: “Qinglong, the next step is to mainly produce quantum giant cannon carriers, Jinwu and Chongming interceptors. ”

After speaking, Su Che glanced at the time…. There are four hours left, and it’s almost within range of the attack.

The soldiers and troops of the desert base have already set off for the coast of Lia.

At night, a long queue marches through the night.

All combat equipment on the ground, in the sky, was concentrated on the front line, and on the other side of the road.

It is to drag the family with the mouth, drive, and walk.

It is a resident of many Lea-like migrations.

It was extremely noisy, in stark contrast to the team at the base.

This time, it’s an unprecedented big move!

There has never been a case of early relocation of residents, and there is no doubt that the act of protection has once again attracted the attention of people around the world.

They don’t have to think about it, this time it’s definitely a tough battle.

The battlefield could spread across the coast.

Whether he can win or not, no one can say, because judging from Conrad’s mouth, the strength of the mysterious island is too strong!

There is even the idea of a unified world.

Without that kind of strength, who would dare to have this idea.

Therefore, even if the Umbrella and the war on the Mysterious Island are not concerned, all countries have their eyes on the country of Leah.

I want to see who of the two big forces can go to the end.

Of course, many high-level executives sneered.

Hoping that the Umbrella and the Mysterious Island are all finished, the Eagle Empire is already secretly taking the lead, ready at the last moment.

Be a fisherman!



Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the sky turns white.

The night passed quickly.

It’s 7 o’clock in the morning, and the huge fleet of the mysterious island is like a thousand troops, dozens of warships floating on the sea!

It seems like an epic battle is on the horizon.

It was a shocking scene!

At this time, the sky is clear, and there is a red sun in the east, which is slowly rising!

On the surface of the sea, countless ripples spread.

Approaching the country of Leah!

Above the head of the huge fleet, at a glance, a dense group of anti-gravity armed aircraft floated.

Ready for battle!

Unlike the anti-gravity detectors captured by Su Che before, the anti-gravity fighters this time are all triangular and circular!

It’s more like a UFO that often appears in the world and disappears!

Mystery’s anti-gravity fighter is about the size of a fighter, with no missiles suspended, and a very smooth surface.

But as you can see, there are several things that resemble cannon barrels.

The black one extends from the anti-gravity vehicle.

That’s a laser weapon!

At this time, the passing merchant ships, seeing this scene, hurriedly avoided from afar.

It’s amazing!

I’ve never seen so many battleships!

At the same time, those who are still halfway have already revised their routes, and various countries have issued notices!

All routes, both sea and airplane, have avoided the vicinity of the country.

So as not to be affected by the fierce battle!

At the same time, while the fleet of the mysterious island was sailing, the aircraft carrier battle group at the base did not stop.

It had already been headed in their direction.

Now the distance between the fleets of the two sides, which is no more than 500 kilometers, has long been included in the range of attack.

It’s strange that the mysterious island didn’t attack!

Instead, they continued to sail in the direction of the kingdom of Leah.


Behind the city of Lilosa, the commander of the building, Gandalf, frowned, flanked by Achino and Berwick.

“What do they want to do?”

Gandalf was a little puzzled by the strange behavior of the mysterious island.

Even if you want to fight a landing war.

There shouldn’t be no reaction.

It’s weird!

Achino and Berwick couldn’t figure it out.

“We don’t have to care, since they don’t make a move, then we won’t make a move, the gap between one and six ships is too big, just waiting for the support of the base. ”

Achino was slightly moved and spoke his mind.

Now the commander is connected to the core intelligence of Qinglong, mainly relying on the radar and observation of the Xuannu space-based space station.

Therefore, the three of them also know that the powerful aircraft carrier group of the Shenzhou base has set off.

Moreover, inside the base, a hundred White Tiger Quantum Cannon carriers and two Shaking Light Survey Cannons are also on the way.

It’s almost there.

“Okay, then let’s wait, Shenzhou’s Sky Survey Cannon is already hanging behind them, and as long as there is a change, they can attack at any time. ”

Gandalf nodded and said in a deep voice, talking about the Shaking Light Survey Cannon that had set off from the Shenzhou base earlier.

After all, it sails faster than aircraft carriers.

If it weren’t for the fear of being discovered by AWACS, he would have caught up with the fleet of the mysterious island a long time ago, and now he is following the fleet of the mysterious island.

Almost a distance of about 1200 km.

But the range of the Shake Light Survey Cannon, when it jumps to suborbit, can reach an astonishing 1,000 kilometers!

That is, with a diameter of 2,000 kilometers, it will be within the huge range of the Shaking Light Survey Cannon!

In addition to supporting the Shaking Light Survey Cannon and the Aircraft Carrier Battle Group, the Shenzhou Base has now produced countless Sky Eye Sentinel Aircraft to search for in the Pacific Ocean.

This is an order given by Su Che.

Analyze the route of the Mystic Island fleet and find their lair!


Regardless of whether you lose or lose, you still win.

are too passive.

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Just find the lair of the mysterious island.

Su Che decided to let them know.

What is called a coronal storm!

Right now

Inside the Shenzhou base,

The coronal storm is ready.

There is also a Xuannu space-based space station in outer space, which can drop strikes at any time!

But as soon as the hole cards are revealed, they are not called hole cards.

Su Che is ready to leave the coronal storm to the lair of the mysterious island and give them a devastating blow at once!


At the same time, inside the fleet of the mysterious island.

With a seeming smile, Alexander the hook-nosed pointed with his hand the distance to the coast, which was 700 kilometers remaining.

He bared his white teeth and smiled: “I think it’s almost, how far away is their aircraft carrier from us?”

Not bad!

They just want to fight a landing war!

So instead of being the first to attack, they are ready to keep advancing, and to the last distance, to give the umbrella a fatal blow!

The soldier on the mysterious island on the side said: “The target is 200 kilometers away from us!”

This has already been incorporated into the range of the missile!

Very, very close!

Alexander’s eyes were gloomy, and he said with a smile: “It seems that the other party knows that he can’t run away, and he is ready to abandon this aircraft carrier, Hilton…”


Hilton was looking out the window and turned around.

“Then you don’t need to move the space station first, so close to the distance, just let him be drowned. ”

The hook-nosed old man’s face was calm, he was very confident in his fleet, and he was ready to hide the electromagnetic cannon of the space station.

“They have been deployed on the coast, and when the time comes, they will directly hit their base camp with the space station. ”

Hilton smiled and made an OK gesture.

The two of them thought very well!

All smiles were on their faces.

Subsequently, Alexander, with a hooked nose on his face, decisively picked up the walkie-talkie!

“All prepare to attack, target the opposing fleet!”

He was ready to go, Top Gun, and with a loud shout, he finally gave the order to attack!

The final battle is now on!



In the blue depths of the ocean, all the anti-gravity vehicles flying in the sky on the mysterious island have all stopped!

Then they all reversed!

Like an overwhelming swarm of bees, densely packed, with countless pitch-black spots, surging towards the aircraft carrier battle group at the base!

They were so fast that they slashed through the air like a sharp sword!

The momentum is fierce, and the army is instantly overwhelmed!

The Xuannu space-based space station, which is closely monitoring the Mysterious Island fleet, immediately launched a warning!

“Didi, Didi!”

“Didi, Didi!”

The command center at the rear of Lilosa City and the fleet have received the news!

Gandalf and Achino are in a fight!


Here it comes!

Gandalf smiled, picked up the communicator and said loudly: “Meet the enemy! All coastal anti-ship missiles, ready to launch!! Lightning storm preparations, target the opposing fleet, countdown 10!”



The base this time, there is no idea of wanting to hide.

In fact, all the personnel on the aircraft carrier battle group have long been evacuated, and all the automatic voyages have been set!

What you do is a target that attracts enemies!

Su Che and Gandalf knew that an aircraft carrier formation would definitely have to be sunk in an instant, so that it would not be stupid enough to let the soldiers die in vain!

“Boom, boom, boom!”

The battle came very quickly, and no one expected it.

Now the fleet of the mysterious island, less than 700 kilometers from the coastline, is a very close and dangerous distance!

All V3 missile vehicles, all ready!

And at the base!

The weather controller, which has been built since the beginning, is finally its turn!

“Buzz buzz!”

At this point, the weather controller is turned on at maximum power!

Fully operational!

The surface is flickering with electricity and the energy is frantically charged, this is an extremely large and towering building!

The top is like a Tesla electric coil!

After getting Gandalf’s orders!

The tip with thunder and lightning constantly flickering and swimming, suddenly shot out a ball of light, and the light was very dazzling!

It is constantly shining, as if the thunder and lightning are forcibly rubbed together!

It’s full of devastating power!

Just like the ball lightning in nature!

Launched to the seas outside of Leah, the target is none other than the fleet of the mysterious island!


Su Che, who was aware of the movement, turned around from the base and watched the lightning storm fly away, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked.

Presumably the other party will be pleasantly surprised.


Now, in addition to the remaining troops in the base, the heavy armor factory in Shenzhou and the Yuhang Ferry are under construction.

The rest of the troops went out.

Su Che was also ready, and his eyes were very bright.

Put on your steel armor.

Get ready to head to the coastline!


ps: Ask for customization, ask for a monthly pass, thank you for the support of the big guys, Mo Da!


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