
All the audits of Yanda went very smoothly.

The dean of the entrepreneurship department heard about the situation of the Kunlun system and immediately organized an exclusive research team to evaluate the Kunlun system. Because the Kunlun system has not yet been released, and it is also for confidentiality, Yanda did not make the evaluation results public.

However, a series of entrepreneurial support has been approved all the way.

This includes, but is not limited to:

10-year tax exemption.

The school guarantees an interest-free loan within 100 million funds.

Temporary office space is provided.

All kinds of talent input support.

But there are also certain conditions for the corresponding.

After He Chendong understood everything clearly, he hurriedly contacted Lu Xingye, and now the school leaders attach great importance to this project, and are ready to incubate it into a first-class enterprise in Kyushu, competing with Aoki University's shared bicycle and Fuxing University's takeaway project.

From the application materials for registering the company, find Lu Xingye's mobile phone number and dial it.

"I love you walking alone in the dark alley, and I love the way you don't kneel."

"I love you to face despair and refuse to cry."

"I love your tattered clothes, but I dare to gamble with the gun of fate."

Lu's unique "Lonely Brave" ringtone came from the microphone, and after a few seconds of continuous ringing, the other party's faint voice came.

"Hey, Mr. He."


"The audit results of the Kunlun system are out? Has the start-up subsidy been approved? Lu Xingye was a little anxious, seeing the call from this number, he seemed to have a premonition of something, but he still needed to be sure.

"The school attaches great importance to the Kunlun system and is ready to focus on supporting Suihuo technology. As for entrepreneurship support, the school has also approved it, is it convenient for you to come to the entrepreneurship building now? Some questions need to be communicated with you face-to-face. He Chendong held the entrepreneurship support form approved by the school in his hand, and he felt that he was alive again.

Later, there was flint technology.

Let's see who dares to say that Yanda doesn't have an entrepreneurial project that can be handled.

Do you have a student at Aoki University who has a bike-sharing program?

I'm directly engaged in the mobile phone system.

High technology? Isn't it awesome? The Kunlun system is invincible, and neither the Android system nor the iOS system can play. Isn't it awesome?

Do any students at Fuxing University have a takeaway project? Feeding the country's 1.4 billion people?

I'm still engaged in the mobile phone system.

Scientific and technological innovation to break the bottleneck of foreign technology.

Takeaway projects and bike-sharing projects are all service-oriented projects, and we Yanda directly innovates in science and technology to compete for Kyushu.

From the idea of the project, it is awesome, and it is not comparable to Aoki University and Fuxing University at all.


"It's so convenient."

When Lu Xingye heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but show a faint smile.

Just now he checked on the official website of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, the information of the registered company has been approved, Suihuo Technology has been officially established, and the business license is on the way to express delivery.

According to the general logistics speed of express delivery, the business license will be delivered to you by tomorrow at the latest.

Now the school's entrepreneurial support has also been applied, which can be described as a double happiness.

Lu Xingye felt that since his right hand awakened his superpowers, everything had gone very well, earning his first pot of gold, and starting a company to reach the pinnacle of his life.

Although he hasn't become the richest man in the world yet, he can't take out items from the movie again for the time being, and he can't let the two-dimensional 36D soft girl come to reality for the time being.

But bread, milk powder, and steamed buns will always be there.

Lu Xingye is in high spirits and full of hope for everything in the future.

Lu Xingye walks with the wind and is very pleasant.


He came to the Entrepreneurship Building.

Today is the weekend, and there are very few students who come to the Entrepreneurship Building to do business, which is much more deserted than last time. Except for the teacher on duty, there are basically no other students.

He Chendong was on duty on Thursday and Friday, and if it weren't for the very important things of Lu's entrepreneurial support, he wouldn't have come over today.

Dressed more casually on the rest day, a casual outfit, coupled with a pair of unique gold-wire glasses, there is a vague handsomeness in the plain.

"Teacher He." Lu Xingye greeted politely.

"Classmate Lu, come here."

He Chendong beckoned to classmate Lu, led him to sit on the sofa, and then enthusiastically poured him a cup of tea.

"Evaluated by the school."

"The Kunlun system has great commercial value, and the leadership has approved Suihuo Technology as a key support project for the school, of which there are five most important supports."


He Chendong handed Lu an approval form, and habitually raised his hand, raising a finger every time he said a little support from the school.

"First: the school guarantees an interest-free loan of 100 million dragon dollars."

"Second: Flintfire Technology is exempt from tax for ten years. No matter what the revenue of Suihuo Technology is in the past ten years, the tax bureau will not charge you a penny.

"Third: all kinds of senior talents of the school will be given priority input, and graduates of the school will be assigned priority."

"Fourth: you can choose a temporary office space in the Entrepreneurship Building, and there is no limit to the use time."

"Fifth: If the Kunlun system needs to be promoted, Yanda can endorse and promote it."


Earn a lot of money.

When Lu Xingye heard this, his heart blossomed, Yan Da is really my intimate little padded jacket.

Short on money?

Give you an interest-free loan to solve your worries.

Lack of office space?

In the entrepreneurial building, I look at any position in spite of the opening.

Lack of people?

Yan University is the first university in Kyushu, and whatever similar talents you want will be given priority.

No reputation? Not popular?

Yanda directly endorses you.

The head of Kyushu colleges and universities, advertising for you, will ask you if you are a cow.

"How? How about the entrepreneurial support given to you by the school? Seeing that Lu Xingye had not spoken, He Chendong was silent for a while, thinking that the other party was not very satisfied with the entrepreneurial support.

"Good. It's great. "

Very satisfied."

"That's good." He Chendong put down a big stone in his heart and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After a moment's notice, he spoke.

"However, there are conditions for the school to provide you with these grants."

"On what terms?"

"The instructor has to write my name. When the time comes, if you have a successful career, you should return to your alma mater within the scope of your ability.

"Of course that's fine." Lu Xingye directly agreed.

Drinking water thinks of the source, the grace of dripping water, when the spring reciprocates.

He received so many subsidies from Yan University, so naturally he would not forget his alma mater.

Lu Xingye secretly decided that after he became the richest man in the world, he would comprehensively upgrade the teaching equipment and teaching buildings of Yan University and build it into a world science center.


"Classmate Lu, I really didn't misunderstand you." Seeing that Lu Xingye answered without hesitation, He Chendong couldn't help but nodded.

"Teacher He."

"The business license of Suihuo Technology will arrive tomorrow, what office space can the school provide?" Lu Xingye asked.

"I'll take a look."

He Chendong turned on the computer and checked the vacant classrooms in the Chuangye Building. There are nine floors in the Entrepreneurship Building, of which the first and second floors are office halls, which cannot be used by students.

The entire ninth floor is vacant.

Originally, it was planned to be a laboratory, but for some reason, there has been no experimental team stationed there, so it has been vacant.

In addition to these floors, there are vacant office spaces on the third and eighth floors that are available for students.

"How? Do you have a favorite floor?

"How about the top nine floors?" Lu Xingye asked with a smile.

"It's... I'm afraid not.

"Isn't the top floor still vacant? Why not?

"The ninth floor was originally planned to be used as a laboratory."

"However, only the ninth floor is completely vacant. In the foreseeable future, Suihuo Technology will definitely develop rapidly, and if you don't give us the whole floor to work, I'm afraid it will soon be insufficient. "

It's... I'll go apply for it! If it's not too much of a problem, give you the entire top floor as office space. He Chendong hesitated for two seconds, and considering that the situation that classmate Lu said might really exist, he agreed.

In fact~

there is another reason why Lu Xingye chose the top floor, which is not said.

He likes high-rises, the top floor stands high and sees far away, standing on a high place and looking down on the world.


"That's right."

"Mr. Wang, a professor in the field of computer artificial intelligence in our school, is very interested in the Kunlun system. He wants to get to know you. He Chendong was silent for a moment and spoke.

"Elder Wang?"

"Is it the most specially hired professor in our school?"

Lu Xingye was stunned for a moment, the name Wang Lao is famous in the computer industry, with various honors and inventions, which can be described as the bull's ear of artificial intelligence.

I'm just a student, and I can't get along with the other party.

Now the other party actually wants to know himself?

Lu Xingye felt a little flattered for a while.

"Yes. When are you free? I'll arrange for you to get to know each other. He Chendong nodded.

"Wait until my Suihuo Technology is established!" Although Lu Xingye also wants to meet this computer master as soon as possible, he is now preparing for the company's affairs, and he is really busy.

"Good... All right! Mr. Wang is very interested in the Kunlun system, can you provide a Kunlun system for Mr. Wang to study first?

Xu was afraid that Lu Xingye would misunderstand, and after He Chendong finished speaking, he added.

"Of course, it's just the kind of Kunlun system that is encrypted. Just like the last time you gave me a Xiaomi Mi 5 backup.

"There's nothing wrong with that." Lu Xingye smiled and agreed, the Kunlun system will be introduced to the market soon, and it is nothing to study for Wang Lao in advance.

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