
Lu Xingye's live broadcast account is on the live broadcast room, and the title is written like this.

[The Predator calls, remembering the first dialogue between human civilization and the Predator race.] This

title is decent, and there is nothing particularly outstanding, and the place is also presented according to the live broadcast content, so that people can find the content of the live broadcast in the live broadcast room as soon as possible.

To put it simply.

This title is easy to understand, so that fans like that can quickly find this live broadcast room.

Soon poured into the live broadcast room, and those fans spoke directly.

"The Predator called directly, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of this alien species. This is a shocking thing, the alien race actually called to beg for mercy, don't worry, we humans will never let you go, even if you beg for mercy, it's useless.

"Since the moment you choose to step into our home planet, your civilization and our human civilization have been ironclad, only one blue star can exist, and it is very small to accommodate two civilizations, since you stepped into my blue star, it must be your death."

"Lu Dong, don't let the aliens go."

"Now that the alien is calling, you can directly locate his location, and then kill the other party with thunder."

"That's it!"

"Boys rarely have only that one civilization, and there are no other civilizations who want to investigate and imagine our homeland, and we must use thunder to suppress each other and directly eliminate the other race."

"Lu Dong, if you want us to make a move, just speak directly, as long as we can help, we will definitely help to shed the last drop of blood casually, if you have to ask why we are so careless, not afraid of death, not afraid of sacrifice, it is because the boy is our home, I love this land deeply."

"Kill the Predator."

"Kill the Predator."

“...... Kill the Predator ..."


The head in the live broadcast room was boiling.

Everyone was indignant.

Human civilization is such a magical thing, if there is no invasion of foreign enemies, they will often break out of infighting or just want to quarrel, anyway, there is a constant struggle internally, but if there is an invasion of foreign enemies, then human civilization will be strangely united.

No matter which side is winning or fighting, they will stop and work together against their invading enemy.

That's the beauty of human civilization.

"Release ... Unleash my warriors.

The Predator stammered.

It turns out that I don't know when, the Predator actually learned the human language, but this learning is a bit incomplete.

It's kind of parroting.

No matter how it sounds, it feels weird.

This thing... When you hear it, it's not a human voice.



Predators can only speak simple words, which are just a drop in the ocean compared to the vast language system of human civilization.

Simply insignificant.

But it's hard enough to get humans to understand the Predator.

The Predator had not learned human language before.

Lu Xingye needs to go through a translation to know what the Predator is talking about.

It's so much more convenient now.


Lu Xingye is not used to predators, who do you love to have that person, that is, if you don't like to learn, that's it.

Humans have never been afraid of others.

On the contrary, now that the Predator learns the human language, that proves that the Predator is afraid of humans.

This is what Lu Xingye wants.

Because Lu Xingye is broadcasting live around the world, he has to think carefully about whatever he says.

You have to think clearly to be able to talk to the Predator, because if he says the wrong thing, it will be broadcast live around the world and cause a lot of bad effects.

If Starry Night was silent for two seconds, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, analyzing the purpose of the Predator's call and after asking for everything else.

After knowing what he knew, he spoke lightly.

"Why ????"

These three words are rhetorical questions about your tone.

These three rhetorical questions express the sonorous and powerful attitude of human beings.


Fans stared at the screen with wide eyes, though they didn't have a conversation with the Predator. But but Lu Xingye is their representative.

Lu Xingye has a conversation with the Predator, which is equivalent to their sincere dialogue with the Predator.

The three words that Lu Xingye said.

Sonorous and powerful.

It is intriguing in the hearts of tens of millions of fans.

Fans were boiling directly in the live broadcast room, and countless barrages were flying all over the sky.

Keep swiping through the screen.

"That's right, why."

"Why ????"

"What are you paying attention to when you come to Blue Star, the king of heaven knows it."

"You all want to invade us and come to Blue Star, and you want us to let your people go, I tell you it's impossible

" "You can't let him go."

"Mr. Luo, not only can we not release the molten iron, but we also have to go up to such water and catch it, slice and study to find out the genetic laws of the Predator, and then develop a racial destruction weapon to destroy the other party directly."

"Predators shouldn't exist in the world."


Everyone in the live broadcast room spoke one after another.

The voice speaks straight to the essence.

Lu Xingye glanced at the live broadcast room, still heard the dialogue of the fans, and was very satisfied. With the existence of this group of lovely compatriots, you will not be lonely when you stand on the road to the top of the world.

"Release ... My people, Predators. "

Unleashed... My people, Predators. "

Unleashed... My people, Predators. "


The Predator on the other side of the phone seemed to be unable to speak very clearly because he had just learned human language, and would only repeat the phrase over and over again.

It looked like it was about two seconds.

The Predator is the real flower language, and it's been passed over again.

There seemed to be a little surprise in his voice, a little incredulous, and even a little angry, and he questioned the landing starry night in that vague language.

"Isn't it normal that you captured my people and released my people???"

"What other reasons do you need to ????"

The Predator was a little puzzled.

But at this time, Lu Xingye smiled.

It took me so much effort to catch your master, and your master came to our Blue Star to wreak havoc, why should I put you back after I captured your master?

Do you really think that our human civilization is muddy?

I tell you it's impossible.

Any other civilization that arrives at the Blue Star must be sanctioned by human civilization.

At this time, Lu Xingye didn't say anything, he didn't want to have a fight with the Predator anymore, so he directly pulled out the video of the previous execution of the Predator, and then sent it to the other party according to this call signal.

Then Lu Xingye laughed dryly and said,

"Is this the Predator you want???

"I'm sorry."

"Just killed one."

"Here's a video of me killing the Predator, you can take a serious look at it."

Lu Xingye did not provoke anything, and the Predator had no intention, which made the Predator angry, but he sent this video to others, but it was with ulterior motives.

Because of this Predator video.

It can be a wake-up call for the Predator lurking inside the Blue Star.

Or rather, to give them a warning.

Tell them that our human civilization is not easy to mess with.

If you continue to come to the Blue Star, our human civilization will definitely be able to expel you by means of the end.

You are responsible for the consequences of all this.

If you do not heed the warnings of human civilization, then the condition of this public execution is your future fate.

These are all warnings that Lu Xingye wants to convey to the Predator.

Therefore, it is of great significance for him to send this video of the public execution to the Tianshui soldiers.

"Whoa, whoa,


didn't surprise Lu Xingye.

When the Predator heard this, he became angry.

The angry voice came directly through the earpiece, making Lu Xingye can't help but keep his ears away from the microphone.

The unique sound of the Predator's scream was terrifying, loud and loud, and very harsh.

Lu Xingye was a little worried, if he continued like this, if the microphone was placed next to his ear, it would cause irreversible damage to his ear.

After moving away from the microphone, he manually turned down the sound, so that the sound was almost inaudible, or he could only faintly hear the strange screams of the other party, and then stopped.

Then play that sound to the whole world.

"Brothers, listen to the strange screams of the formation, the unique sound of their race."

"Just now, the video of my family's public execution of the bloodthirsty soldier was sent to the Predator who is calling now, I believe that the other party should get a warning after watching this video, so that they will never dare to come again in the future, we are Blue Star."

"Hey, hey..."

"I just sent this video is very beautiful, showing that the parking stop on the other side of the phone is, and you won't feel angry after seeing this video."

Lu Xingye doesn't care if the fans can understand it or not, just tell the truth.


what Lu Xingye said made fans jump with joy.

As a member of the human race, they have long regarded everything they do and everything around them as their lifeline.

Now that their lives are remembered, can they be happy?

In other words.

The Predator invaded the Blue Star with malice, which in itself was a seizure of people's homes.

That's what Chio is referring to.

Naturally, people are not happy.

The Predator is the enemy of all.

Or rather, enemies.

And this hatred is not shared.

Lu Xingye is trying his best to make the Predator angry.

Or rather, to vent the anger of human civilization.

Fans are naturally happy when they hear it.

There's nothing like hurting someone else and then making yourself happy.

Isn't there a saying that goes like that?

Build your happiness on someone else's sadness.

It's a really interesting thing.

"Lu Dong. We don't understand military matters, we just know that you can kill him for us, isn't the Predator very awesome? Then you can catch a few more of them and bring them back to be executed publicly, so that the lads can see his ugly face. "

Catch me a few more Predators!"

"Catch me a few more Predators!"

"Catch me a few more Predators!"


"Don't say anything else, just kill us to see, we'll be comfortable to watch."


Fans are playing and singing all over the sky in the live broadcast room, if it weren't for Lu Xingye, he would have banned tipping in the live broadcast room.

I'm afraid that at this time, the tip has occupied the entire screen, and

people are talking about it in the live broadcast room.

At this time, I turned off the microphone on the computer every day to remind me to turn my head last time, adjusted the microphone in the live broadcast room, and sighed, and then spoke lightly to thousands of fans in a confident voice.

"Fellow citizens, please rest assured, as long as they are still on the Blue Star, I, Lu Xingye, have the obligation to let them arrest them, and they will not fall."

"I have always been very gentle when dealing with these people, but when dealing with the enemy, I Lu Xingye will be extremely cruel. There is a saying that the hearts of non-our races must be different, our Nanjing is very small, and we cannot accommodate the existence of other civilizations, and we must be judged by our human beings as long as they come to people.

"Now I, Lu Xingye, make an announcement about this."

"Whether it is an alien from the straight blue star, or an alien who is preparing to come to the blue star, or an alien who has been lurking on the blue star, please take caution after watching this live broadcast."

"Blue Star is a forbidden place, not a place where you can come and leave if you want."

"Here, I, Lu Xingye, am the supreme commander of tunnel fire technology." "There's a word I want to give to aliens."

"Blue Star ahead, gods and demons are forbidden."

"Whoever cometh will die."

Lu Xingye's faint and sonorous voice, with the live broadcast room or with the electromagnetic wave signal spread to every corner of the world, and Lu Xingye's live broadcast room also opened a special frequency signal frequency band for you, aliens with communication functions can receive his words.

Lu Xingye's purpose in saying this paragraph is to warn all aliens, although he wants to be open and he receives the frequency, so that other aliens can also receive it.

That's it.


Lu Xingye's unintentional voice.

and directly hit the G-spot of thousands of people.

ignited the emotions of thousands of fans.

Countless fans spoke enthusiastically, and the barrage in the live broadcast room continued. Although there were many people who did not speak according to the mainstream forces, the vast majority of them directly reread Lu Xingye's last sentence.

swiped Lu Xingye's last sentence on the screen.

"Blue Star ahead, gods and demons are forbidden. Whoever cometh will die. "。

"Blue Star ahead, gods and demons are forbidden. Whoever cometh will die.

"Blue Star ahead, gods and demons are forbidden. Whoever cometh will die. "



The Predator on the other side of the microphone faced such a situation and scolded directly.

Originally, Sweetwater was viewing the video of his clansmen being publicly executed, and then heard a report from his subordinates that Lu Xingye was broadcasting live around the world.

The Predator watched Lu Xingye's live video.

I almost blew up in my chest.

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