
As everyone knows.

The brain is a forbidden area for human beings, and even with the current high level of medical development, human beings have very little understanding of the brain.

Not only do humans know very little about the brain, but they also use it at a ridiculously low rate.

The average person can only use eight percent of the brain's potential, and even a brilliant scientist only uses about ten percent.

The great Albert Einstein only used about 12 percent.

And what about the remaining 90 percent of the brain's potential?

That's God's forbidden area.

No one can understand and utilize the remaining 90 percent of their potential.

Or rather, no one can turn it on for the time being.

NZT-48 is one such miracle drug that unlocks the potential of the brain.

According to the movie, taking NZT-48 can greatly increase the potential of the brain, allowing humans to enter an overclocking state and reach God's forbidden area.


When Lu Xingye returned to the seaview villa, the first thing he did was to open the movie "Neverending" and repeat the movie over and over again. Then find the side-effect-free NZT-48 developed by the protagonist Eddie in the later stage.

In fact, Lu Xingye prefers to come up with a prescription for NZT-48 without side effects. Because if he takes the prescription out of the movie, he can continue to produce this smart drug.

Then mass manufacturing scientists.

Fabricating scientific myths.

What is hateful is that after Lu Xingye repeatedly watched "Neverending", it was found that the production method of NZT-48 was not said at all in the movie.

The production step is also greatly omitted.

It's simply impossible to come up with a prescription for NZT-48 from the movie.

Lu Xingye had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and took out the NZT-48 drug from the movie.


When he watched the movie a few more times and found the time node of NZT-48 without side effects, he shot instantly.

His right hand was covered in a mysterious light, and he reached straight into the movie, grabbed NZT-48 and pulled it out.

There were no incidents.

NZT-48 was wrapped in a bag, each pack containing about a hundred tablets.

Lu Xingye tore open the package and took out a piece of NZT-48 from it.

The improved NZT-48 was a small transparent pill, and he picked it up and looked at it carefully for a while, but he didn't see anything about it.

This smart drug is not understandable at his current level of knowledge.

Lu Xingye was going to take one tablet by himself, and then saved the remaining 99 tablets, and later set up a medical laboratory to test the NZT-48 ingredients.

Let's see if we can analyze the prescription for NZT-48 and then mass-produce smart drugs.

Or to say~

reward some scientists who are loyal to Suihuo Technology, so that they can continue to shine for Suihuo Technology.

Of course, it is impossible for Lu Xingye to reward the full version of the NZT-48.

He will only reward the diluted NZT-48 solution.

That is, small doses of NZT-48.

As for the full version of NZT-48, it will not be given to anyone until Lu Xingye has developed a better smart drug.

Because the effect of NZT-48 is so strong, it completely releases the potential of the brain and reaches the forbidden area of God. Lu Xingye was unable to assess what kind of effect other people would have on themselves after eating NZT-48.

What if something happens?

NZT-48 users, in turn, covet their own secrets?

He didn't dare to bet.

So the best thing to do is to nip this danger in the cradle.


Just as he was about to take NZT-48, Lu Xingye seemed to suddenly think of something, opened the locked alloy door from the inside of the room, and glanced outside.

I saw my bodyguard Long Yubing, sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Long Yubing turned his head, glanced at Lu Xingye, and then asked suspiciously,

"Why did you lock the door of your room as soon as you returned home?"

"A personal matter." Lu Xingye replied lightly.


Doing indescribable things alone in a room? When you're done, the trash can is still full of used white tissues? Still soaking wet on paper towels?

I don't know what came to mind, Long Yubing's face was slightly red.

Originally, she wanted to say something, but when she thought that she was just a bodyguard, she didn't seem to have the authority to manage these things.

Long Yubing fell silent.

"Rain and ice."

"I came out to tell you."

"Whatever you hear in the room, act like you didn't hear anything. And then what...... You keep me at the door and don't let anyone in, including yourself. "

Although Xingju usually doesn't have any outsiders coming, and the security force of the community is also very good, Lu Xingye is still ready for accidents.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case.

Who knows what will happen during their own administration of NZT-48?

What if there is a lot of movement when taking NZT-48?

And then attract the dragon rain and ice outside?

Isn't his secret exposed?


"I'm only responsible for your safety."

"You do that in the room... Whatever you do in the room, it's none of my business. I won't ask.

"Even if I see it by accident, I will treat it as if I didn't see it." After Long Yubing finished speaking, his face turned very red.

She is a relatively cold person, and rarely says such long words. I don't know why this time, but I said so much in one breath.

"That's good."

Lu Xingye nodded, not noticing Long Yubing's mood change.

Followed by.

He returned to his room, the aluminum door closed, there was a "bang", and then the door was locked.

After deciding, Lu Xingye did not hesitate, grabbed a piece of NZT-48 in his right hand and threw it into his mouth.

Holding a glass of water in his left hand, he raised his head and "purred" twice, and NZT-48 fell down his throat and into his stomach.

At first, there was no reaction, but after a while, Lu Xingye clearly felt that his heartbeat had intensified.

"Goo-dong... Goo-dong... "

This is..."

Lu Xingye listened to the sound of his heartbeat, and then felt that the blood began to flow faster, the body functions were improved to the limit, and the brain became clearer and clearer.

There is a door in the brain that reaches the forbidden area of God. This door needs to be broken in order to unleash the potential of the brain.

Goo-dong... Goo-dong... Boom....

The heartbeat is getting faster and faster....

The blood is flowing faster and faster....

In an instant, Lu Xingye's brain was blank, and then as if some kind of switch had been turned on, the forbidden area of God was slowly opened.


A ray of light pierces the darkness and illuminates the whole world.

Lu Xingye's facial features began to recover gradually.

He saw the mosquitoes flying in the room, the ants walking on the beach outside the window, the tiny shells on the seashore...

He heard the sound of mosquitoes spreading their wings in the room, the breathing of Long Yubing outside the door, and the wriggling of seashells on the seashore...

My eyesight has improved and I can see things I couldn't see before.

My hearing has improved, and I can hear things that I couldn't hear before.

Lu Xingye firmly believes that this kind of change will never be possible until he devours NZT-48 himself.

Lu Xingye felt that the whole person was different.

He called it "evolution."


The brain is becoming more and more rational and calm.

At this time, Lu Xingye's brain seemed to have become some kind of overclocking machine, collecting information from the outside world every moment, and then analyzing, summarizing, and generalizing.

"Let me see what the brain has evolved."

Lu Xingye walked to the bookshelf next to the room and pulled out a book about robot sensing control.

Robot Sensing Control System.

Before taking NZT-48, Lu Xingye read this book like reading a book from the sky, and he couldn't understand it in many places.

But at the moment... Originally, these words that I didn't understand seemed to be all incarnated into beauties that could be understood, dancing in my eyes.

Lu Xingye understood and grasped the content in an instant.

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