Canary and Little Cannon Fodder

Chapter 53: Today is also doing beta11

Duke Coster thought it was out of the picture, but Wood suddenly changed his style and said with a smile: "But Duke Coster is not an ordinary person, so naturally he doesn't have to abide by the general rules."

There are at least ten pieces of precious metals with enchanted properties in the suitcase that the boss just brought, and they did not say that there are so many in their promotion. The rarer is more expensive, and the smaller quantity can be sold at a price. Instead of auctioning all of them, it is better to trade privately. Some.

Manager Wood smiled and said, "I just don't know if Duke Coste can accept the price."

The Duke of Coster asked: "How does Manager Wood plan to set the price?"

Wood said: "It's very simple. Tonight, the auction house will auction a set of three pieces of enchanted precious metals, a total of two sets. You only need to pay the higher price for the auction, Duke Coster."

Connor said: "Since the price is high, we can't just participate in the auction. Why should we trade with you privately?"

Wood glanced at the look of the Duke of Coster and smiled: "This must be Miss Coster. This is Miss Coster. If the Duke of Coster participates in the auction and encounters a difficult opponent, both of them will not give up. The auction item is very good. It may be auctioned at a sky-high price. Not only may the Duke of Coster not be able to buy the auction item, but he may also use the platinum coin far exceeding the value of the auction item to buy the auction item. The gain is not worth the loss, so private transactions are best. Although there are not many nobles, there are still a few. This is again an anonymous auction, and no one will give Duke Coster face."

"Duke Coster, what do you think?" Wood asked in a leisurely manner after he finished speaking. He was certain that the Duke of Coster would not give up the opportunity for private transactions.

The Duke of Coster pondered for a moment, and said: "Yes. But if the auction price far exceeds my expected price, I may give up this purchase opportunity."

Wood is not worried about this, "Yes." Anyway, the precious metals with enchanted properties are not worried about selling.

The Duke of Coster put on a mask and a cloak, and the family left the manager's office.

Wood called the staff outside the door to send them to the auditorium.

After coming to the private box and sitting down, Connor grabbed Duke Coster's cloak, and Duke Coster bowed his head. Connor was afraid of being monitored, and whispered: "Father, will you still participate in the auction later?"

Duke Coste said: "Of course, Connor can tell me what he likes."

"No, let's keep the money to buy the things you need." Ko Nuoer said, what if the money is not enough to buy the precious metals with enchanted properties because I bought something for her?

The Duchess of Coster smiled softly: "Don't worry, Connor, there is still a little money for you to shoot a few things. Those are small money, don't worry."

Duke Coaster touched Connor's brown curly hair. "The Emerald Auction House has strict confidentiality measures. You don't have to worry about being heard by others when you speak in the box."


Jian Xia found her box and walked in, and the mercenary group chat suddenly rang.

Lan Bing: Head! Someone contacted me just now, and there is a task for you to follow in person.

Emerald: Must be me? What task?

She still has things to check, how can she have time for tasks.

Lan Bing: Assassin...Jian Xia, a civilian Beta student of the Empire's First Military Academy, is you.


Red Onyx: My God! Which **** wants the leader to assassinate him?

Orange: I don't want to live anymore, I will kill him.

Brass: Orange, add me one.

Dian Han: Silence for him.

Zizhu: He's done! Commander, get him!

Lan Bing: Commander, I rejected him at first, but he said he wanted to talk to you in person.

Emerald: much is the reward?

Lanbing: One hundred thousand platinum coins.

Emerald: Let him add up to 200,000. If he agrees, let him come to box 11 to find me now.

Red Agate: No, the leader, two hundred thousand platinum coins are really not many, you don't need to assassinate yourself for our own sake!

Orange: Yes, yes.

Brass: Yes, yes.


Jian Xia ignored them, but started chatting with Connor.

Connor: Jian Xia, are you asleep?

Jian Xia: No.

Connor: Guess where I am now.

Connor: [Picture] [Picture]

Jian Xia clicked on the picture, and the familiar decoration set was consistent with the style of the box she was in.

How could it be so coincidental that Connor was also at the Emerald auction house?

Jian Xia and Ke Nuoer chatted casually, ending the conversation with the excuse of sleeping.

When you leave the Emerald Auction House later, you must be careful, and don't be touched by Connor!


Queen Bichel Warren stood up and saluted Sean II, and said, "Your Royal Highness, I will go to the bathroom."

Sean II nodded.

Bigger Warren put on his cloak and mask and walked out of the box.

Today, the queen came to the emerald auction house as her suggestion. The queen is probably very interested in the online auctions of various countries. But without much persuasion from Bigger Warren, Sean II nodded to participate in the auction tonight.

But Warren came out of the Platinum Palace in a fair manner and looked for the leader of the emerald mercenary group.

It is said that the emerald mercenary group is a private mercenary group raised by the emerald auction house. Most of the time, they are looking for rare and exotic animals for the emerald auction house, and occasionally they will engage in private work.

The premise is enough money for private work.

Biqier Warren contacted one of their members, and originally bid one hundred thousand platinum coins, but was mentioned as 200,000 platinum coins. Biqier Warren almost turned his face when he heard this number.

It was just assassinating a civilian student, and he dared to ask for so much money. The emerald mercenary group was taking themselves wronged!

However, compared to Qier Warren, she was not pleasing to Jian Xia, for fear that she would become the second waiter favored by Sean II alone, gritted her teeth, and still agreed to the price of 200,000 platinum coins.

When Alger inherits the throne, you don’t need to care about this "pre-investment" if you don't have as many platinum coins as you want.

Biqier Warren did not let the royal guards follow him, and walked alone in the direction of the bathroom. After leaving the sight of the royal guards, he turned around and came to the door of Box No. 11 and knocked three times according to the promised signal. , Pause, knock twice, pause, knock three more times.

The door opened from the inside as soon as Bichl Warren put his hand down.

"Good day, please come in." Jian Xia who wrapped herself up deliberately lowered her voice.

Bigger Warren often appeared in the media with Sean II, for fear of being discovered by the leader of the Emerald Mercenary Corps. He deliberately made his voice shrill and said: "Good day, leader."

Bigger Warren walked into Box 11, Jane Xia closed the door, "Please sit down."

Biqier Warren sat down with his back straight, "I agree with the price of 200,000 platinum coins, and I hope the leader will not let me down."

Jian Xia said in a low voice: "Of course, please trust our emerald mercenary group."

"Will you complete the task yourself?" Biqier Warren asked worriedly.

The most powerful part of the Emerald Mercenary Group is their leader. The task completion rate in his hand has reached 100%, and there has never been a problem. This is why Biqier Warren must let the leader do the task himself.

"Two hundred thousand platinum coins are the price for me to complete the task." Jian Xia said, "I have received the information about the assassination of the target. I will pick a suitable time to do it in a week. Before that, I hope you can pay the full cost. ."

Biqier Warren frowned: "In case the task is not completed..."

"There will be no accident." Jian Xia said, "As long as the money is received, the task will be completed."

Billy Warren gritted his teeth, "Okay, I believe you."

By crediting 200,000 platinum coins to Jian Xia's account through Guangbrain, Biqier Warren received a paying customer token from the emerald mercenary group.

"This is to protect your rights. If I have an accident when the mission is not completed, you can take the token and ask any one of the emerald mercenary group to replace me to complete the mission. But I think the token is nothing to me. Use, because I won’t have any accidents."

The self-confidence in Jian Xia's tone made Biqier's trust in the emerald mercenary group highly increased, "Waiting for your good news."

Bigger Warren got up and left Box No. 11.

Back in Box One, he was in a better mood than Qier Warren.

It was the former pillow man. Sean II noticed the change in Biqier Warren's mood and asked casually: "Why are you so happy when you go to the bathroom?"

Bezier Warren’s smiling face stiffened behind the mask, but he quickly adjusted his state, took off the mask and took off his cloak, smiling, "Because the auction is about to begin, I am looking forward to encountering the items I like."

Sean II nodded indifferently, "You can shoot anything you like later." But he didn't say that the money came from the Queen's private treasury.

The queen has her own territory and taxes, and her annual income is at least one million platinum coins. But the clothes and accessories she buys every year, and even the guard servants in the Blue Golden Palace, have to pay for it herself. Millions seem to be many, but it is not enough to spend more than Qier Warren.

Especially since he just spent two hundred thousand platinum coins in one go.

There are now few assets left.

Biqier Warren smiled and said: "I will, Your Royal Highness." Only he could hear the taste of gritted teeth.

Sean II is so ruthless. She is obviously her queen and gave birth to two Omega princesses and Alpha prince for her, but she has always been extremely indifferent to him.

It was not his fault to poison the waiter, it was not his fault to curse Princess Anne, and it was not his fault that the mercenary group assassinated Jian Xia.

Sean II has always been wrong.

It was she who petted the waiter alone for twenty years, ignoring him as a queen, and it was the princess who loved the waiter Omega better than his princess.

Biqir Warren suppressed his eyes fiercely, smiled and looked for topics to chat with Sean II.

Sean II lacked interest, and occasionally made a call, focusing all on the Emerald Auction House’s national auction manuals.

At nine o'clock, the auction officially began.

She was shyer than Warren's Cyst, even if she had something she likes in the auction, she just expressed her like it in her mouth, and then smiled and looked at Sean II, hoping that she could understand his expectations and photographed the items for him. .

It's a pity that Warren Biqier is destined to be disappointed, and Sean II's attention is all on the auction, and there is no time to watch him.

Bezier Warren can only sulking by himself, almost breaking a bite.

On the other side, in the second box, the Duchess of Coste took a few exotic pieces of jewellery from other countries for Konorr. Konorr also has her own small vault. She fancyed a piece of jewelry suitable for Jane Xia. I took five thousand platinum coins and photographed it.

Duchess Coster smiled and said, "Is this for your girlfriend?"

Duke Coste also looked over with interest.

The husband and wife are in high positions, but they are very open-minded, otherwise they would not agree to Konorr pretending to be a Beta to go to the Imperial First Military Academy.

Konor's cheeks were reddish, and she nodded, "The emeralds on this necklace are as beautiful as her eyes."

After Cornel finished speaking, he immediately received the kind smiles of the Duke of Coster and his wife.

"I'm really looking forward to it. When can Connor bring your girlfriend home for us to meet?"

Connor said: "Jian Xia is timid and shy, wait a minute. And I haven't figured out how to tell her that I am actually Omega." Connor frowned slightly distressed when he said this. .

Lord Coste said: "Don't worry about my baby, if you really love each other, I believe Jian Xia will not care about your little lie."

The words of Duchess Coster barely comforted Connor.

Ke Nuoer sighed to System 199: You can't meet Jian Xia without pretending to be Beta, and pretending to be Beta is to deceive Jian Xia. It is too difficult for me.

[Host, you forgot, Jian Xia is also Omega. At best, you can conceal each other, and when the truth is revealed, no one has any reason to blame each other. 】

Connor: Yes! 199 You are so smart! It's great to have you by your side!

At 11:30 in the evening, the auction finally reached the end, and the precious metals with enchanted properties finally appeared on the auction stage in the hope of everyone.

The glamorous Beta female auctioneer gently lifted the red silk, and a group of three large square metal palms appeared in people's sight.

The Meiyan auctioneer smiled and said: "Although everyone should know how precious metals are enchanted, I need to introduce them again, in case some customers don't understand their true value."

"What is enchanting attribute means that an ordinary item has more magical attributes. It may be any kind of magic of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and earth, but as long as the magical attributes are attached, ordinary items will no longer be ordinary. Take a book For example, if a book has magical properties of water attached, when you open it, water will rush out of the book. The amount of water depends on the strength of the magical properties.

But what we are auctioning today is not ordinary items with enchanted attributes, but precious metals with enchanted attributes! As we all know, treasure metal can be made into various armor weapons, and the enchanting attributes will also be attached to the made armor weapons. A good enchant weapon can even withstand a powerful explosion. There are more wearers. A life. "

"I think for the cultivation base, there is nothing more precious than life. The auction of a set of three pieces of precious metals with enchanted properties will start with a starting price of one million platinum coins."

Connor was speechless: "The starting price is one million platinum coins. What will the transaction price be? Father, do you have enough money?"

Duke Coaster laughed and said: "My territory’s annual income must be at least two million platinum coins, as well as investment companies, fund stocks, farmland, horse farms, real estate, and net income of tens of millions of platinum coins per year. You say I have enough money. ?"

Konuo's eyes widened: "Our family has so much money?"

Konuoer: In 199, I never expected that I am not only a second-generation official, but also a second-generation super rich! The pinnacle of life is nothing more than that.

[...] It can be seen that the host has no money in the real world_(:з」∠)_

The last set of three precious metals with enchanting properties was sold for 23 million platinum coins.

Even though the price was so high, when the deal was concluded, there was still a sigh of disappointment from the audience outside the box.

"Don't be disappointed, everyone. Just auctioned the first set. Now let's auction the second and last set of precious metals with enchanted properties. The starting price is also one million platinum coins."

For those who hadn’t photographed just now, the enthusiasm of everyone was ignited again. The first person to raise the placard directly raised the price to 15 million yuan, preventing most people from participating in the bidding, and then the price was auctioned. It continued to rise until it reached 25 million before it finally stopped.

"Let us congratulate the guests in Box No. 1 for the price of 25 million platinum coins for a set of three pieces of enchanted precious metal!"

"Ah, twenty-five million!" Ko Nuoer said distressedly, "two million more expensive than the first group!"

Duke Coster laughed and said: "My daughter, you should think so. If I participated in the shooting just now, the price might not like 25 million. My bottom line is 30 million. 25 million is a saving for me. Five million."

Connor: My father is so embarrassing!

At the end of the auction, Jian Xia went to the manager's office to wait for the money, while the Duke of Coster's family went to the manager's office to buy the last set of three pieces of precious metal with enchanting properties.

Jian Xia appeared in the manager's office through the wall, and Wood was calculating the amount excitedly.

The Emerald Auction House will charge a 5% intermediary fee for the auction item. Just now, the price of 73 million platinum coins was auctioned for the three sets of enchanted precious metals, and 5% is 365. Ten thousand platinum coins, and he can get a 1% commission from these 3.65 million platinum coins, which is 365,000 platinum coins.

What's more, the transaction amount in one night is more than that, he finally estimated that he could get a commission of 50,000 platinum coins!

This is a year's salary for ordinary people!

Wood saw Jian Xia appear and immediately smiled and said: "I just auctioned two sets of precious metals with enchanted properties in the auction house, and another set was sold privately at the highest auction price of 25 million platinum coins. Others, the buyer has just left, otherwise you will meet."

"Boss, minus 5% of the intermediary fee, you can get a total of 69.35 million platinum coins, and I will put it in your mind now!"

Comparing these money, it looks pitiful less than the 200,000 platinum coins given by Qier Warren, and it can only be considered a fraction.

Jian Xia nodded calmly, and Wood took the action, and Jian Xia immediately changed from a poor civilian girl to a legendary multimillionaire.

Although Jian Xia is the behind-the-scenes owner of Emerald Auction House, Emerald Auction House is a charity auction house. After paying employees' salaries and leaving a portion of its profits for emergency use, all the rest will be used all over the world. The Emerald Nursing Home, Emerald Orphanage, and Emerald Hospital have rescued countless people in the past few years.

These precious metals with enchanted properties were dug out by her in the Dark Demon Forest, and she became a rich man for the first time after the auction.

Well, she wants to save the money as a dowry.

The three-day holiday passed away quickly, and Kenuoer couldn't wait to come from home to the Imperial First Military Academy early in the morning. When she opened the door of the dormitory with the key, Jian Xia was still not awake.

Kenuoer gently opened the door of Jian Xia's bedroom and walked to the bed.

Jian Xia slept in an upright position, lying flat on the bed, with her hands folded on her abdomen, Ko Nuoer sat on the side of the bed, only to feel that her longing for a few days was released at once.

She gently lowered her head and kissed Jian Xia on the cheek, squinting her eyes and smiling like a fishy kitten.

Jian Xia woke up when Ko Nuo Er came in. She wanted to tease Ko Nuo Er, so she pretended to be asleep, but she didn't expect to get a sneak kiss because of it.

Jian Xia opened her emerald eyes and saw Ko Nuo's snicker. She stretched out Ko Nuo's hand, and Ko Nuo's body was stressed and fell into Jian Xia's arms involuntarily.

"Jian Xia, you are awake." Ko Nuoer blinked, her blue crystal-like eyes revealed a bit of innocence, "I'm about to wake you up."

Ko Nuo'er supported the bed and wanted to sit up. Jian Xia stretched out her arms around her waist and rubbed her in front of Ko Nuo'er: "Ko Nuo'er, I miss you so much. Lie down with me for a while."

Konuoer swallowed nervously, only to feel that Jian Xia's arms on her waist were hot.

They have been dating for less than a month, and although they often kiss, they haven't lie down in a bed yet!

This is the first time!

Jian Xia kissed Ko Nuoer's chin and asked softly, "Are you having fun at home?"

Kenuoer stared at Jian Xia's face close at hand, stunned, and said dullly: "It's not fun if you don't accompany me."

"Where did you go on Friday? I haven't seen the similarly decorated building in the picture you sent me." Jian Xia asked casually.

Speaking of Friday night, Konorr is still amazed by his father's trench.

"I tell you, what happened on Friday night was so exciting!"

Connor said: "On Friday night, my parents and I went to the Emerald Auction House, which is the famous public auction house. That night, the Emerald Auction House wanted to auction precious metals with enchanted properties. My father talked to the manager of the auction house privately. I reserved one group, and the remaining two groups will be auctioned. The price my father bought was the highest transaction price among the two groups of precious metals with enchanted properties."

Jian Xia: "..." So nearly one-third of the bride price I prepared came from my future father-in-law? ? ?

"Jian Xia, guess what's the highest transaction price?" Connor asked with bright eyes.

Jian Xia: "...Two million platinum coins?" I can't say the correct answer directly. She is now a civilian girl, of course, she has to guess the highest price in line with the values ​​of the civilian girl.

"No, you guess higher!"

"Six million platinum coins?"

"It's not right."

"Um, are there ten million platinum coins?" Jian Xia asked "unbelievably".

"Not 15 million, but 25 million platinum coins!" Ko Nuoer said: "You don't know, I was shocked when I heard the price, for fear that my father couldn't afford the money and the goods would be sold out. , But! My father easily took out 25 million platinum coins! That's 25 million!"

Konuo's performance is more like a commoner girl from the country than Jian Xia.

Jian Xia originally wanted to pretend that her girlfriend was too rich and her self-esteem frustrated, but when she saw Ko Nuoer, she suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Ko Nuo's blue eyes rounded, "Jian Xia, why did you suddenly laugh?"

Jane Xia came to Konorr with her arm, and lowered her head to kiss Konorr's watery lips: "Because my Konorr is so cute."

Connor blushed, "Jian Xia is also very cute."

In the next second, the two lovely girls kissed together.

Alger seemed to be anxious to express himself, and he kept participating in military competitions for the next week, and there was no time to pester Jian Xia.

Soon Saturday, Jian Xia entered the Platinum Palace again with the prepared magic cube.

When she came to Princess Anne's palace, Princess Anne changed a room this time, but the room was drawn with heavy curtains and only a candle was placed on the table.

Jian Xia knocked on the door and walked in. Princess Anne glanced at Jian Xia, lowered her head and said nothing.

Jian Xia carefully closed the door, confirmed that people outside could not see the scene in the house, walked over to Princess Anne and sat down.

"Princess Anne, long time no see." Jian Xia said hello with a smile.

Princess Anne raised her head, her green eyes were dull.

Jian Xia put the magic cubes of corresponding colors that she brought in on the table, and visited them into a fixed shape, "Princess Anne, look at them." Jian Xia whispered.

Because Princess Anne responded to her words, Jian Xia didn't have to force Princess Anne to make corresponding actions, the process was much simpler.

"...Say the name of your most important person, and you will gradually wake up."

Princess Anne moved her lips and said slowly and stiffly: "Ernist... Abel."

After reciting the name, Princess Anne's dim blue eyes gradually recovered.

Her eyes were suddenly filled with tears, and she covered her eyes with her hands and started crying.

Jian Xia sat opposite her and waited quietly.

"I'm sorry, Jian Xia, I was so excited just now. I didn't expect that I would be able to heal. I thought my soul would be trapped forever."

Princess Anne's golden hair was a little messy because she bowed her head and wept, and Jian Xia helped her straighten it out with her hands.

"Don’t apologize to me, you should thank yourself for being able to obey my words smoothly and make those

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