True and false mermaid (7)

When Rebeer entered the room, he saw him lying on the bed. He walked over and took a slap on his back, and he ignored him.

Rebec was kneeling beside the bed, turning his face to him with both hands "will be broken."

I turned my head to the other side. "I don't want to care about you. You will continue to choose your bed, don't worry about me."

"When will I choose to stay with my bed?" Leiber stood up and sat down to the bed, holding his hands on the pillow, and looked at him with a squat. "Since you came, my bed is not always sleeping." Is it even my own right to be deprived of bed?"

"Then I will give the bed back to you." He pushed him away, and after he finished speaking, he was a little angry and stood up and went out.

Raber grabbed him and pressed him back to the bed. "The bed is back to me, but you are not allowed to go. My bed is big, but I can only sleep with you and me, no more. Other people."

"The dozens of people are sleeping together and sleeping. How can they just sleep two people." Unhappy in my heart, I have to deliberately find fault. He is not a person who is sulking, who makes him angry. He must also be angry with each other.

"Are you jealous?" Rebeer approached his face and looked at him seriously, almost to kiss him.

"I didn't!" He yelled loudly, then raised his hand and wanted to push him away. He was jealous, and he was jealous, but even if he died, he would not admit it. He didn't want to let this man be proud.

When Rebeer didn't want to be pushed away by him, he couldn't push him open, because he could have beaten his strength, so he not only pushed him away, but also pressed harder and harder. .

Seeing jealousy and dissatisfaction, Leiber had a lot of happiness and excitement in his heart. At least his heart not only had him, but also cared about him.

璟旸 Because of the angry and sullen face, Lei Boer looked really love, how can there be such a lovely person in the world, and can make him so tempted? He must be the treasure that God gave him exclusively. Leiber looked at the rosy lips, thinking in his heart, the taste must be very good, really want to taste it. When Rebeer thought about it, he did it. He immediately covered his lips.

"What are you doing... oh~" The sly mouth was blocked, and Rebeer's tongue reached into his mouth, and immediately ignited the enthusiasm of his soul. He knew that his body was about to soften, but he was still angry, he didn't want to succumb to him, and he still had the strength to start struggling.

At first, I wanted to resist, but my strength was getting smaller and smaller. He gradually stopped struggling, and his body was completely softened, and he could only let him play.

After the end, Lei Boer did not immediately carry out the second time. He thought that he had let go of his own good intentions. He did not expect that he would not take up the strength of his body and go to the bathroom.

Rebeer remembered what Downer said, the taste of the fishtail, as long as he tried it once, he would definitely like that feeling. Before, he did not bother to do this kind of experiment, but now, he really wants to give it a try, what is the taste of this person in his arms after he becomes a mermaid.

Water and shouts came from the bathroom, and soon the shout stopped and only heard the sound of water.


It was already late at night, and Rebeer left the bathroom with a nap, and he put it on the bed. He gently stroked his face, and his eyes were full of obsession.

Downer ran to Rebec's castle early in the morning, but waited for him to eat breakfast in the castle, and waited for a long time, and did not see Rayber.

Rebeer looked at the cockroaches still in his arms, his heart was soft, and he kept kissing his forehead and cheeks. Even if he didn't wake up, he could see how tired he was. Lei Boer was somewhat distressed and somewhat guilty. He knew that he was the first time, but he could not control himself. He fainted him and did not know whether he would affect his body. He was really irrational at the time, as if his body and brain were no longer controlled by him, and everything he did was instinctive.

Raber's pity was a heavy kiss on his forehead, and then he let go of his reluctance to get up. Leiber thought, although it was not early, but let him sleep a little longer, and if he did not wake up after he came back, he should wake up anyway, let him get something to eat, or hungry It is not good to break the body.

Rebeer went to the hall and saw Donner, who was already asleep on the sofa, and walked over and pushed him.

Because he got up too early and couldn't wait for people, Donna, who fell asleep, was suddenly pushed by Rebeer and scared almost to the ground.

Donna woke up and saw Leiber in front of him. There was still a bit of a shock. I don’t know where I am in the dizziness. "Table, cousin."

"Come with me to the study." Rebeer turned and walked out of the hall.

Downer, who had come back to God, immediately followed.

"Cousin, where did you bring back such a beautiful woman? What time is it, the hiding is too deep!" Downer couldn’t wait to sit down and ask, his curiosity is almost Erupted.

"Don't you buy it for me?" Rebeer thought that thanks to Donna taking him to the auction floor, he met him and brought him back. The face of Donner was slightly better. It is not for him to care about the "gifts" of yesterday.

And it is because of those "gifts" that Rebeer has determined that his heart is also very concerned about him, so that Rebel will not plan to compare with Donner.

"Where? When?" Downer began to recall with doubts. "How can I not remember, such a good-looking person, I just have to look at it, I will definitely not forget it in my life, but in my memory, I am I have never seen that person."

"It was the last time from the artificial mermaid auction, I asked you to buy the price, he called Lun." When it came to this, Rebeer remembered Mai Andong who wanted to buy it at the time, thinking about them if they If he didn't go, he would be bought by Mai Andong. His heart would ignite an anger and wanted to burn Mai Anton.

"What? Is he?!" Downer's eyes widened in surprise. "No! At the time of the auction, he was not like this at all!"

"This is what I told you to come over and tell you," Rayber said.

Rebec’s identity with him and his experience of coming to the Kingdom of Luaasi were all told by Downer.

Downer was shocked. He didn't think that they went to the auction of artificial mermaid. They would buy a purebred mermaid. It sounds really amazing. It is more likely than gold in the sky. I still want small things, actually let them meet.

"That is to say, the one who married Coley is a fake purebred mermaid. The real purebred mermaid was sent to the auction house by Collie himself, and then brought back by you. Is this what it means?" Uncertain question, because this thing is too unbelievable, he suddenly felt that his usual smart brain seemed to be dull.

"Yes, that's it." Rebeer answered affirmatively.

"This is really..." Donna didn't know what to say to express his feelings. "The one who used life and health at the cost, but changed his son to a fake purebred mermaid. You said that if he wants to After knowing the truth, will it be directly mad? I really want to tell him in front of him now, if he is mad, you will save more when you sit on the throne, and the Colina kid can become What climate, even the capital and ability to do against you."

"Now is not the time for the truth, I have to help Ryan to bring the beads back." Rebeer said, "Let you come over today, and tell you these words, and let you know my plan, to At the time, there are things that may require you to do it."

"No problem, no matter what, as long as I can do it, I will do my best to do it!" Downer immediately assured.

The first summoned rain that entered the dry season began as scheduled, and the king ordered that all officials and nobles should come to watch, even he himself was dragged by the sick.

According to the original plan, Abby will go to other cities to summon the rain after the completion of the summons rain in the country. The king has given orders. Every time Abby summons the rain, no matter where it is, local officials must summon the people and hold them grandly. All that the King did was to raise the status of Abby and Collie, and the importance of being between officials and the public.

All the officials were seated in the square, and they could not attend such an occasion, but Lei Boer took him as his fiancée. After the king received the report, he did not send someone to say anything. His idea was that the more such a reed is now, the more he can pick him up, and now he is doing it.

The king came out with Collie and Abby. The King’s improvement today looks good, but it’s a good Abby, and his face seems a bit bad.

Because of the sudden appearance of cockroaches, Abby was particularly difficult these two days. He worried that he would take the fish beads back and worried that the rain would be unsuccessful and the spirit was completely in a tight state. It has been two days and nights. Did not sleep.

Abby himself is also very clear, he can not find any excuse not to summon the rain, because hiding this time, can not hide the next time. He must be as successful as he was last time in order to continue to conceal his identity. Even if he wants to tear him down now, he can defend himself.

Abby didn't think about other ways to save everything he had now. He even wanted to ask for it, and he did.

On that day, he took a leave of absence from the palace and then went out to meet.

I didn't think that he would actually go out to meet him, because he was curious about what he would say to himself and went to see him.

"If you want to say something, just say it, I don't have so much time to spend with you." Seeing that he was silent and not talking, he urged.

"Are you, really with the throne of Rebelle?" Abbey actually guessed it, but still want to hear him personally admit.

"What is it?" It doesn't matter if he is known about his true relationship with Rebec, even if his true identity will be made public.

"Do you love each other?" Abby continued to ask.

"Yes, we are in love, what do you want to say? If you just keep asking these nonsense, then I will go first." I said impatiently.

"If the king knows that you are the real purebred mermaid, he will definitely find a way for you to marry Coley, so that you can no longer be with the king of Rebelle." Abby looked at 璟旸Say.

He smiled and said, "No one can force me to do what I don't want to do. Rebec will protect me. Even the king can't force me. If you don't believe us, let's walk."

"The throne of Rebel wants the throne. What you want is to be with him. I can help him get the throne, let you stay together forever, as long as you help, continue to conceal it..." Abby The expression of a trade with Achilles is full of calculations.

He only saw his inner thoughts at a glance, and he felt that he was very ridiculous. "You just want to delay the time when your identity is debunked, and then think of other ways to deal with me. Really kill me?"

Abby’s eyes flashed through his guilty conscience, but he quickly calmed down. “I really want to work with you. I just need to be able to get together with Coley. The rest is not what I want, except for Coley. I can return it to you."

"No need." He looked at him and said seriously, "You don't have to give Coley back to me, and don't give me anything else, because it belongs to me and Rayber, we will use ourselves. The power of all is back."

When he said that he would get up and leave, Abby also stood up and gritted his teeth and looked at the back of his cockroaches. His heart was very angry with his uncooperative cooperation.

He refused Abby, and Abby could only rely on himself to continue to summon the rain.

After the king was seated, Abby step by step slowly to the high platform specially prepared for him. Sitting next to Rebeer, the first row of seats, Abby quickly glanced at him as he passed by him, and their eyes were on, as if they had flashed lightning.

He saw hatred from Abby’s eyes. He thought, this is really interesting. A person who grabbed someone else’s things and pretended to be someone else’s identity actually hated the other person because of the appearance of others. Like Abby, he is a matter of course to others, and others should not be rebellious. He is most disgusted and disdainful to such people.

In order to make the process of summoning the rain seem solemn and sacred, Abby wore a special retro robes. The robes were wide and had hidden pockets that allowed him to put fish beads and blood-filled bottles.

Abby stood on the high platform, facing away from everyone, taking the beads and bottles from the pockets of the sleeves and pouring the blood from the bottle into the palm of his hand. Then slowly turn around and face everyone, hold the fish beads tightly, close your eyes and start to concentrate.

He kept pleading with God in his heart to make him successful. He must succeed. Otherwise he will lose everything he has now. His father and uncles are all white, no! He must not live up to everything they have won for themselves with their lives. He must succeed.

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