At night, when all the people in the Han family go to sleep, Lu LiXiao starts to visit the Han family again.

Just tasted the benefits of completing the plot task, Zhou ziruo excitedly asked: "where shall we explore tonight?"

Lu LiXiao said, "do you remember the room where you woke up after being knocked unconscious?"

"Han Ruizhi's body has been removed. What can there be in that room?"

Lu LiXiao said, "that's where Lady Hu lived."

Hu Niangzi's courtyard, which used to be favored by master Han, is now abandoned. In addition to the location, there is not even a night patrol servant nearby.

Standing in the shabby little room, Zhou ziruo still feels shivering. Maybe it's due to psychological reasons. Although Han Ruizhi's body has long been moved away, he always feels that there is a smell of blood in the air.

Lu LiXiao lit a lamp, dim light hit the yellow wall, adding a bit of decadence. Most of the furniture in the house is still there, but after 16 years of neglect, it has all rotted, and even ants have built nests in some places.

Two people stand in front of the bed, Lu LiXiao takes the sword to knock under the bed, turns to see Zhou ziruo: "empty. Do you really want to see it? "

"What are you afraid of It's a female corpse... " Zhou ziruo is really afraid. Who has the chance to see corpses when he grows up in modern society? Not to mention a decaying corpse for 16 years!

Lu LiXiao glanced at him, said nothing more, walked around the bed for two steps, and said, "lift up the bed board with me."

In order not to be found out what they had done tonight, they could not split the bed directly. Zhou ziruo first rolled the moldy mattress and quilt on the bed and threw them on the ground. After 16 years, he had accumulated too much dust and choked him out of breath. Looking up at Lu LiXiao, he didn't know when he had covered his mouth and nose with a black towel. He immediately complained: "brother Xiao, why don't you give me one? I'm coughing to death! "

Lu LiXiao throws a black towel to him. Zhou ziruo covers his nose and mouth. They lift the bed board together and find that there is a thick board under the bed board. Then he took away the board, revealing a one person long metal coffin.

"It's probably to prevent the smell of the body from spreading out."

Open the lid of the metal coffin, and as expected, a mummy like body is lying inside. Most of the clothes, teeth, hair and skin of the corpse were rotten, but judging from the figure, it was a woman.

"Is this lady Hu?" Zhou ziruo whispered to himself.

"It shouldn't be wrong. The fox that was skinned and divided by Taoist Mu was just an ordinary fox Lu LiXiao Si didn't mind the terrible mummy and the bad smell in the coffin, holding a candlestick and bending over to examine carefully.

The bones of the corpse are black from the throat down to the whole rib. Zhou ziruo has seen Xingye's nine grade sesame official and knows that he died of poisoning.

"It's the collusion between Mrs. Han and Taoist mu! It's estimated that Mrs. Han's child is also fake. She slanders Mrs. Hu, and then asks Taoist Mu to accept the demon, poisons Mrs. Hu and hides her under the bed How vicious Zhou ziruo said angrily, seeing Lu LiXiao looking at the corpse, he thought deeply, "what's the matter?"

Lu LiXiao was still silent for a while. She raised her head and said, "Miss Han said that lady Hu was four months pregnant. The four month old fetus has taken shape, but why can't she see the bones of the fetus?"

Zhou ziruo endured the nausea and carefully observed the coffin. Although the corpse had been rotten for 16 years, fortunately, it had not been moved. It was quite intact. Most of the bones were connected, and there was no redundant bone in the whole coffin!

The trough! What the hell? What about fetal bones?

"Taken away." Lu LiXiao said lightly.

"Ah? Mrs. Han, the smelly Taoist priest and the lady who owns the teahouse, who would take the bones of Mrs. Hu's child

Lu LiXiao raised his arms and said, "it's not necessarily the only three of them who know that lady Hu's body is here. As far as the motive for taking away the fetal bones is concerned, master Han is the most abundant. "

"Master Han?"

If Han Li took away the bones of the fetus, he must have seen the body of Lady Hu. That is to say, he knew that Mrs. Han and Taoist Mu had united to frame lady Hu! If Zhou ziruo thought of Han Li's image as a big bellied tumbler, he couldn't connect it with the words "bear humiliation, bear hardships, taste courage, work by heart".

"But it's just a guess. There's no evidence to prove it." Lu LiXiao shrugged.

They searched the coffin carefully again, and found no other clues. They covered the coffin lid, wooden board and bed board layer by layer, and finally spread the bed. Everything didn't look very different from the beginning. As long as they didn't come to this room every day, they would never find anyone coming.

When they returned to the courtyard arranged by Han Fu for Lu LiXiao, it was a quarter past midnight. Both of them were covered with ashes and went to the bathroom to clean them. When Zhou ziruo dried his hair and went back to the inner room, he saw Lu LiXiao leaning on the head of the bed and reading with his legs crossed.

Zhou ziruo shakes his head when he sees the three big words on the cover of the book, complaining about babies. He can't understand Lu LiXiao's and Han Ruizhi's hobbies. If he reads ghost stories before going to bed, he may not be able to sleep all night.

As soon as Zhou ziruo climbed to bed, Lu LiXiao showed an eye from behind the book. He said in a natural tone: "I'm tired these two days. Pinch it for me."If Zhou ziruo first used an instant to reflect his meaning, then he "relied" in his heart. Are you tired? You think I'm not tired? You've practiced martial arts. You'll float on the water. I'm gasping for breath when I run two steps, OK!

"I'm so sleepy..." If Zhou Zi wants to push it off.

"Set off the debt." Lu LiXiao gives him a "do you like to pinch" look, and hides his eyes behind the book again.

Zhou ziruo, with green veins on his forehead, grinned to his ear. His two rows of white teeth gave out a cold light and said in a strange voice: "how can you feel energetic when you touch the bed? Damn it! Ha ha

Lu LiXiao turned over and continued to read his bedtime books on his pillow. Zhou ziruo knelt down beside him and knocked on his back with a small fist. If Lu LiXiao turns his head at the moment, he can see the ferocious expression on Zhou ziruo's face. It seems that he wants to hammer him into meat mud with one punch and then eat it into his belly! But even if he didn't look back, he still threw a sentence to Zhou ziruo: "be careful with your face cramps."

I'll go! You have eyes behind your back??

Zhou ziruo hastily took back the facial features he had let go.

Anyway, I can't sleep. Zhou ziruo talks to Lu LiXiao about Han Ruizhi's Murder: "master, do you think the ghost in my dream has anything to do with this? If she is really the ghost of Lady Hu, why does she lead me to the garden instead of taking me to find her corpse to return her innocence? "

"I don't know."

"She didn't mean to hurt me, did she? Suck my essence and revive what? " It's all on TV.

"The ghost gave you three dreams and never hurt you. She should have no malice to you. In this case, one possibility is that she has a request from you. " Lu LiXiao was reading a book.

Zhou ziruo's hand stopped, "do you want me? No, what can I do for her? "

"It's not what you can do for her, but she can only enter your dream in this house, so she can only turn to you. Ordinary people have too much yang qi to get close to, but you are a demon, she is a ghost, and you all have Yin Qi. "

You have Yin Qi. I'm a sunny, healthy and energetic man!

"Master, who do you think killed Han Ruizhi? Is it human, ghost or demon? "

"It's possible for people, ghosts and demons. There are not enough clues to judge." Lu LiXiao turned his head and looked at him with uncertain eyes, "do you want to catch the murderer who killed Han Ruizhi?"

Zhou ziruo nodded. Of course, there are a lot of points! Upgrade! Unlock the mall!

Lu LiXiao side more than half of the body with elbow support bed, two fingers gently hold Zhou ziruo's jaw, slightly squint: "you want to revenge for him? Huh? That's why you stay with me? "

Emma! The male master's awkward desire to monopolize is coming out again!

"Where! Master, where do you want to go Zhou ziruo holds Lu LiXiao's hand and shows his loyalty. "I just want to find out about it. I'll just report Han Ruizhi's life-saving kindness that day! Master, you are so kind to me. Of course, I am willing to follow you! When you find out the case, I'll go back to Qingyang mountain with you! By the way, are there many female foxes on Qingyang mountain

Lu LiXiao very shallow Yang lower lip angle, so a moment then convergence back to the face expressionless look, pull out the hand to lie back, "don't hammer, give me pinch shoulder."

"Oh." Zhou ziruo rides on Lu LiXiao's back, massages his shoulders and sighs as he presses them. This shoulder muscle is firm, powerful and elastic. It feels really good!

From the rear, he saw that Lu LiXiao's book of infant complaint had stayed on a picture spanning two pages for a while, and his eyes focused on the picture. The content of the picture was that someone dug out his heart and gave it to a infant complaint. Although it was black and white, it created a more gloomy and terrifying atmosphere than color painting.

Lu LiXiao has been staring at the painting for a long time. Zhou ziruo feels that he is thoughtful and wants to have a closer look at the mystery of the painting. At this time, Lu LiXiao suddenly gets up and Zhou ziruo is overturned by him. Unfortunately, he falls to the outside of the bed.

Lu LiXiao's long arm caught Zhou ziruo, who had fallen out, rolled into the bed, rolled over and pressed on Zhou ziruo. Zhou ziruo only felt the rotation of heaven and earth, and then his vision filled with Lu LiXiao's face.

Although the first sight of Lu LiXiao and Zhou ziruo made him feel very handsome, the face he could see every day made him feel flustered under such a close and barrier free view.

If Zhou ziruo felt that the air was warm, and the room was damned quiet, Lu LiXiao couldn't avoid looking at him lightly, and his face began to get hot.

Lu LiXiao pushed aside the messy broken hair on Zhou ziruo's cheek and let him go. Zhou ziruo sat up and quickly changed the topic: "what did you find just now?"

The book was closed in the confusion. Lu LiXiao turned to the page and pointed to the person on it and said, "this story is about a man who dug his heart and ate it for him. Since then, he has come back to life with flesh and blood."

If Zhou ziruo didn't have time to evaluate this incredible story, the fragmentary clues that he had investigated in the past two days suddenly came to his mind.

The missing fetal bones, Han Ruizhi's body with his heart removed, the garden with a pool, the black wooden box beside the tree hole, the female ghost walking to the other side of the pool in her dream After heavy fog, it seems that there is something to connect these clues, it seems that there is something ready to come out.Lu LiXiao took a pen and paper and wrote down the names of the relevant characters one by one. He also wrote down the short names of fetal bones, heart digging, tanshuiyuanzi and other clues.

Two lines connect Mrs. Han and Taoist Mu to Mrs. Hu. Lu LiXiao says: "sixteen years ago, in order to get rid of Mr. Han's new lover, Mrs. Han played a demon catching play with Taoist mu, and killed Mrs. Hu. The body was hidden under the bed in Mrs. Hu's bedroom."

Zhou ziruo took over the pen and crossed the five characters of "tea house owner's wife": "Lady Hu's servant girl found out the truth, so she designed to be driven out of the Han family. She should have nothing to do with Han Ruizhi's death. "

Lu LiXiao points to Tanshui garden from Han Ruizhi and the female ghost: "Han Ruizhi went to this place before he was killed, and the female ghost in your dream also guides you here. Suppose that this female ghost is lady Hu, or knows something inside that suggests something to you, "a line connects the female ghost with Lady Hu, and then connects it to Han Ruizhi." sixteen years ago, Han Ruizhi was only a five-year-old child, and he could not have had a deep friendship with Lady Hu. Then the only connection between the two people is -- "the line connects to the fetal bone," -- Hu Niangzi's child is related to Han Ruizhi by blood. "

In other words, the garden has something to do with Mrs. Hu's children

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