Zhou ziruo, who was carried head down, raised his eyes. First of all, his rigid chin and cold thin lips came into his eyes. His eyes moved up, slipped over his straight nose, and met a pair of deep and fierce eyes.

For a moment, Zhou ziruo had a kind of panic that he had no place to hide. It was as if his eyes had seen his inner human emotion through his fox skin.

The footstep and roar of the servants came. Zhou ziruo struggled violently. Lu LiXiao took a look at the direction he had just run to and stuffed him into his skirt. His chest swelled up at once, but he didn't look particularly conspicuous because he was so tall.

Zhou ziruo's limbs are wide open, close to Lu LiXiao's body temperature. He hears that the servants are coming through his thick clothes, and immediately doesn't move.

"Lu, Master Lu!"

"Lu remembers that Mrs. Han asked to exorcise your family tomorrow night."

"Mr. Lu misunderstood. The kids are chasing a fox. Kill fox castle where there are foxes around, will be skinned limb! Did Mr. Lu ever see it

Lu LiXiao felt that the little thing in his arms shook two times when the servant said the word "skinned and divided", and lightly replied: "never."

"Excuse me, little ones. I'll leave first."

Lu LiXiao watched them run away and turned to the only guest room in the courtyard.

He enters the room and puts his sword on the table. If Zhou ziruo wants to come out of his skirt, he suddenly presses Zhou ziruo's head across his clothes and looks to the door.

Zhou ziruo, who has become an animal, has a keen sense of hearing. He hears a faint voice coming from the courtyard. One of the voices is the girl who asked people to pat him to death.

"Just here, give me the tray quickly!"

"Miss, it's very heavy. I'd better serve it as a slave..."

"Silly you! Of course, I will be moved if I bring it in myself! "

If Zhou ziruo shook his head, he was blind because he thought the girl was gorgeous just now.

A moment later, there was a knock on the door. Lu LiXiao opened the door, and the girl stood outside with a tray full of wine, vegetables and cakes: "Mr. Lu, Qiaozhi has come to deliver dinner for you."

"Thank you, Miss Han." Lu LiXiao picks up the tray and puts it on the table. Han Qiaozhi consciously follows in.

Seeing that Lu LiXiao didn't speak any more, Han Qiaozhi took the initiative to find a beginning: "Qiaozhi heard that the servants in the mansion collided with the young master in the afternoon, so he specially came to apologize to the young master."

"It's just a misunderstanding."

The room is quiet again. Lu LiXiao strangles the collusion in the bud, which makes Zhou ziruo feel very happy.

Han Qiaozhi is very embarrassed, obviously Lu LiXiao didn't leave her in-depth communication meaning, but she didn't want to miss the opportunity, tangled handkerchief twisted into twist.

At this time, unexpectedly, Lu LiXiao turned his head and asked: "I don't know why your castle is called Shahu castle? Why do you hate foxes? "

Han Qiaozhi seems to see the dawn, open mouth to speak, her servant girl busy in her ear to dissuade, Han Qiaozhi has to mouth words suddenly stopped.

Lu LiXiao sat at the table, "if it's inconvenient to tell, it's like Lu didn't ask."

Han Qiaozhi had a hunch that Lu LiXiao was going to see off the guests, so he took up the wine pot, poured a glass of wine, and sat down on the stool: "it's a long story."

It means that Shahu castle was originally called Han family castle. Han Li, the leader of Han family castle, was cowardly. After he married a shrewd wife and went home, the whole Han family castle was dominated by Han Li.

Sixteen years ago, Han Li went out to meet a country woman surnamed Hu and took her back to the house to be a concubine. Mrs. Han was very angry. However, Han Li, who had never dared to resist his wife, seldom had a fierce argument with her. Finally, Mrs. Han reluctantly agreed that Mrs. Hu would stay in the house.

After Hu Niangzi lived in the house for several months, rumors began to spread among the neighbors of Han family castle that the new concubine of Han family was a fox. Han Li ignores the rumors, but one day, Han Li's wife, who is pregnant with her third child, miscarried.

Han Li doesn't believe that Hu Niang Zi is a demon. She scolds him for being fascinated by Fox spirits, and invites a mysterious person with profound Taoism. The master went into the courtyard where Mrs. Hu lived. Half a day later, he came out with a white fox in his hand and said it was Mrs. Hu's real body. Han Li snatched into the courtyard, but could not find the shadow of Lady Hu.

When the master entered the yard, lady Hu was in it. Han Li saw it with his own eyes. Now Lady Hu is gone, leaving only the fox in the master's hand. Han Li can't help believing it.

The master said that Hu Niang Zi is a thousand year old fox demon, who sucks the blood essence of human beings. He set up an array in the square of Han family castle, and invited the villagers to watch the demon removal. In front of Han Li and his wife and many villagers, he nailed the fox to the ground with four peach nails in a big shape, burned the Fu and sprinkled wine, removed the fox's limbs one by one with a sword, and skinned all the fox below the head!

Hearing this, Zhou ziruosheng was excited.

"Since then, the Han family castle has changed its name to kill fox castle?" Lu LiXiao road.

Han Qiaozhi nodded."This time your father invited me to go to the mansion to get rid of evil. Is evil related to this?"

Han Qiaozhi's servant girl often winks at her young lady, but she has no time to see her. Anyway, she has already said so much, and she doesn't care to say more.

"To tell you the truth, the evil that my mother invited Mr. Lu to get rid of is the evil spirit that the fox demon turned into! Since a few months ago, the villagers in the neighborhood have said that they often see foxes running around the castle at night, but the head martial arts instructor has been guarding the castle for several nights, but none of them has been seen Oh, except this afternoon! Qiaozhi also saw the fox this afternoon. The fox was so terrible that he had to come up and bite me! " Han Qiaozhi covered her heart weakly and wanted to cry, "I'm scared to death!"

Zhou ziruo bared his teeth when he heard it. He could be regarded as seeing what nonsense is. When did he jump on her and bite her? What's more, he's a cute fox. What's so terrible about him?

Lu LiXiao turned a blind eye to Han Qiaozhi's chuchukeren appearance, but said: "sixteen years ago, the master had already put in the array to get rid of the fox demon. The soul of the fox demon should not stay in the castle, let alone turn into a devil..."

"Mr. Lu misunderstood. The evil spirit that my mother asked Mr. Lu to get rid of is not the fox demon!"

Lu LiXiao raised his eyes, and Zhou ziruo, who was hiding in his chest, also raised his ears.

Han Qiaozhi looked around, as if he was afraid of other people's eyes in the room, and said in a low voice: "Qiaozhi heard my mother say in private that the fox spirit was in the stomach I've been pregnant for four months! Everyone said that the evil spirit in the castle was the little fox who died in the womb With a sigh, "although that lady Hu is a fox demon, her stomach is also her father's blood, which can be regarded as our brothers. As a result, that lady Hu committed a crime, one corpse and two lives... "

Lu LiXiao looked at it in detail, but he didn't make a sound.

Unknowingly, the night is deep, and it's unreasonable for men and women to live in the same room. Han Qiaozhi has no choice but to get up and leave again.

As soon as Han Qiaozhi and her servant girl leave, Lu LiXiao grabs Zhou ziruo's small thin leg and pulls him out of his arms and throws him on the ground.

As soon as Zhou ziruo rolled along, he saw Lu LiXiao walking into the inner room. He jumped up to the stool, then jumped up to the table, hugged a small plate of cakes on the table, and devoured them.

Eating too fast, he was choked by a piece of rice cake. Just when Zhou Zi thought he was going to choke instead of starving today, he put a bowl of water beside him.

Lu LiXiao's face was expressionless, "drink."

Zhou ziruo's Fox claws held the edge of the bowl and buried his head. After gulping a few mouthfuls, he finally swallowed the rice cake that was stuck in his throat. He raised his head to say "thank you" and opened his mouth to find that he couldn't speak.

Lu LiXiao opened the window and looked out. He turned to Zhou ziruo and said, "there is no one now. Go out of the house."

[Ding! It is not recommended to leave the map while the plot is in progress. 】

not to mention that the system does not recommend Zhou ziruo to go, even if the system lets him go, he does not dare. If you are caught by a night walker, you will be skinned and split!

Zhou ziruo pretends not to understand, buries his head and drinks water.

Lu LiXiao said nothing more. He closed the window, picked up the jug and poured another glass of wine.

The mellow fragrance of the old wine filled the air. Lu LiXiao found that the little fox on the table was staring at the glass of wine in his hand, and asked in a low voice, "can you drink it?"

If Zhou Zi wanted to nod his head, but as a fox, he should not understand people's words, so he restrained himself in time.

Lu LiXiao poured out the clear water in Zhou ziruo's bowl and poured in half a bowl of wine. If Zhou ziruo sticks out his little tongue and licks it, he will be drunk immediately. Seeing that Lu LiXiao doesn't care about him any more, he lowers his head and licks the wine in the bowl.

Zhou ziruo is a good drinker. He often socializes with his customers at the wine table. He has learned to drink a thousand cups of wine, but now he has become a fox, and he has gone back to pre liberation. After half a bowl of wine, Lu LiXiao in front of him became three. Three Lu LiXiao stood up from the table. Zhou ziruo jumped up, sprawled his arms and legs into a big shape, and fell on his chest, with a hair tail dangling.

Lu LiXiao grabs Zhou ziruo's back neck to pull him off. Zhou ziruo's four claws almost buckle into his clothes. His head is up, and his dark eyes are against his dark eyes.

Lu LiXiao's silent eyes and heart moved slightly. He did not try to tear him apart any more. He just let him stick to his chest like a new year picture and walked into the inner room.

Lu LiXiao lay down on the bed in his clothes, and the sword leaned against the head of the bed. He could get it at any time. If Zhou ziruo had enough to eat and drink, he would lie on Lu LiXiao's warm chest, lamenting sadly that heaven envies the talent for his good years, while snoring and meeting Duke Zhou.

The moon is dark, the wind is high, the cold wind is raging, and the whole fox killing castle is gradually silent.

A glossy crow flew into a remote and abandoned courtyard of Hanfu, landed on a branch of an old tree that had been growing for many years, and made a hoarse dry call to the huge full moon.

Bean like lights are dying through the window of the old tree in front of the shabby hut. The light in the hut is dim, and blood is flowing on the ground. A man's limbs are nailed into the ground by peach nails, and he is lying in a big shape.This man's limbs have been cut off from his body, and the skin below his head has not been left an inch.

The author has something to say: on the first day of opening a new article, he met me Last night, I went to buy lemons. I saw a lovely little golden hair outside the convenience store. He was just a few months old. He squatted at the door of the convenience store. When his owner asked him to go in, he didn't respond, because there was a little girl at the door of the convenience store who was afraid of being bitten and was crying all the time, so the dog squatted there motionless No matter how the owner shouts, he won't go in ~ (≥ ▽≤) / ~ little golden hair is so cute, I must have one!!

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