After dinner, if Zhou ziruo followed several people out of the dining hall, Qiu Cailing suddenly said to him, "what are you doing with us?"

"I, I..." Zhou ziruo turned to other places to answer.

Qiu Cailing mistakenly thinks that Zhou ziruo deliberately ignores her, and is very unhappy: "new beginners take basic courses!"

Zhou ziruo asked Lu LiXiao, "won't you go with me?"

Qiu Cailing said: "the fourth elder martial brother has something important. How can he accompany you to basic class?"

Zhou ziruo looked at Lu LiXiao pitifully. Lu LiXiao raised his hand and rubbed his head: "come to me whenever you have any trouble."

Qiu Cailing's face was even worse.

So Zhou ziruo and several people parted ways and went to the heart hall alone to find a disciple named He Yu.

Around Wenxin hall are Mengxin's activities. Everyone is wearing the most elementary disciple's clothes, with a silly face. Unlike Qiu Cailing, who has eyes on his head, who is not as serious as Wei Heng, who is not as arrogant as Feng Jing, Zhou ziruo is in a much lighter mood.

He Yu is a little fat man who is shorter than Zhou ziruo. Zhou ziruo asked him where he Yu is, and the little fat man ran towards him. Facing the scorching sun, Zhou ziruo saw the meat on his face jumping up and down like "Duang Duang" in slow motion.

Xiao Pang is an honest little fat man. Once he is cheated by Zhou ziruo, he becomes "younger martial brother". Not only that, but also all Mengxin are forbidden to call Zhou ziruo "younger martial brother".

Zhou ziruo asked he Yu, "elder martial brother he, what class do you have today?"

"Class? Oh, younger martial brother Zhou means basic courses! " He Yu opened a book with a smile and read: "half a year before I started, I cut firewood, carried water, planted vegetables, washed clothes, sprinkled and fed chickens..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Zhou ziruo crossed hands. "Are you sure Qingyang mountain is a Xiuxian sect, not a restaurant?"

He Yu's eyes were squeezed into a line by the fat, trying to open round, earnestly Teaching: "younger martial brother Zhou, the basic course is to strengthen the physical training, you should not underestimate these daily activities, these daily activities can make your body strong and strong after a year and a half!"

Feeding chicken can strengthen the body of a wool, big brother! Besides, it's not convincing for you to say that with your fat body, OK??

The gate rule is the gate rule. It doesn't depend on Zhou ziruo's will. After understanding that there is only one way ahead, Zhou ziruo resolutely chose the one that he had extremely despised just now -- chicken feeding. Although his daily activities won't make him only feed chickens forever, I'll talk about it later.

On the way to the chicken pen, Zhou ziruo scolded Lu LiXiao a hundred times. Of course, Lu LiXiao knows that the so-called basic courses are manual chores. Since Liu nanqin has assigned his courses to Lu LiXiao for management, Lu LiXiao can be the master and let him learn magic directly! He must have done it on purpose!

The basic courses should last for one and a half years, and they should be extended according to personal conditions. If Zhou Zi is not interested in feeding chickens for one and a half years, he can't hope to learn the magic school. Fortunately, he has the system. As long as you upgrade to level 10, you can unlock skills. But if he wants to get 10 points, he has to find a way to get points.

Thinking of this, Zhou ziruo is puzzled. According to the nature of the system, he has not released the task yet. Isn't Qingyang mountain the plot point?

[Ding! Will users accept the launch of the regional mission "the disaster of running pheasant"? 】

everyone is here. Zhou ziruo chose "yes".

The chicken pen in Qingyang mountain is quite spectacular. If you think about how much meat such a large-scale sect eats every day, you will know how many chickens are raised in the chicken pen.

Zhou ziruo stood outside the chicken pen and watched the people inside. It was like another world. He decided to do the regional task first. He looked around looking for people who had similar difficulties, and got nothing. At this moment, a "guguda" approached. As soon as he turned his head, a huge body fell on his face.

If Zhou ziruo fell to the ground in the sound of flapping wings, he couldn't believe that he was knocked down by a chicken!

"Younger martial brother, don't you mind?" A male disciple covered with chicken manure helped Zhou ziruo up.

Zhou ziruo looked at the old hen who ran away on his face. He dared to swear that at the moment when the chicken hit him, he saw the sinister light in his eyes!

…… That's the chicken. Shall I go?

"There is chicken for lunch today. Let's send it to the kitchen as soon as possible. We are short of hands and in a hurry. Are you OK, younger martial brother?"

"Elder martial brother, I'll help you catch chickens!" Zhou ziruo rushed into the chicken pen, turned a blind eye to the tired chickens sitting down at his feet, and went straight to the old hen.

The mother's eyes were shining, and she let go of her vigorous drumsticks to run. Whenever Zhou ziruo was about to catch up with him, he would smile coldly and turn the direction to let Zhou ziruo jump into the air.

It was a morning when the other disciples had enough chicken in the kitchen. Zhou ziruo just sat down on the ground with chicken feathers on his head. Not far away, the old hen drooped her wings and only half died.

As a person who did not catch a chicken but stirred up the blood in the chicken pen, Zhou ziruo consciously stayed to clean the chicken pen. The others went to the kitchen with the chicken cages in their hands. When Zhou ziruo saw that they were all far away, he looked at the old hen.How can you run! It's just a chicken.

The old hen also looked at him breathlessly: you are not bad.

Zhou ziruo was very surprised that the old hen had escaped the fate of being made into braised chicken today. Why didn't the systematic reward come?

The chicken stood up and came to him askew. There was a deep brilliance in his eyes. "Boy -" Zhou ziruo's scream was blocked by the chicken wings, "no yelling!"

Zhou ziruo's eyes widened and nodded. His wings moved away. Zhou ziruo said, "ah, ah!! Chicken demon!! Help

With the old hen's gloomy wings, Zhou ziruo's face turned to one side, "I'm not a chicken demon! I am a man

Regardless of the fact that he was slapped by a chicken, Zhou Zi was shocked to the extreme: "you are also the one who was harmed by the system of this pit father?"

Zhou ziruo's eyes were filled with tears. Emma, we finally found the organization! It turns out that he is not the most miserable one. He is dressed as a viviparous mammal, but he is dressed as an egg laying animal!

"Sister hen, do you really wear it?"

"Don't call me a hen, let alone my sister! I am a man, a man The old hen flapped her wings.

Zhou ziruo silently looked at the little comb on the head of the old hen.

The old hen said angrily, "it's the problem with the chicken body! Born with a small comb, but this is a rooster! Cock

"Mr. hen, what tasks did the system release to you? It's not like me, is it? "

The fiery rooster's momentum suddenly withered, and his eyes flickered: "Ren, task? I, I have no task... "

"No, you, Ren, Wu?" Zhou ziruo squinted.

How can there be no mission? How can this kengdai's system not release tasks?

Zhou ziruo held the chicken's neck and looked at him, "are you really not a chicken demon?"

The rooster was in a cold sweat: "no! Not really! You see, ABCDEFG, this is the international language of the 21st century - English

Pooh! It's just 26 letters!

"How did you get in?"

Rooster cold sweat, two eyes rolling. If Zhou Zi didn't give him time to think about it, he clenched his hand around the chicken's neck and said, "speak quickly!"

"Don't be impulsive, young man! I didn't hurt you. Don't blame me. I don't know what's wrong with the server. I just modified the program and I was sucked into the game. I've been an old hen in Qingyang mountain and never left the chicken pen. No matter what happened to you, I didn't hurt you. Don't be angry with me. Impulse is the devil, the devil

The rooster poured out a lot of words from the bottom of his heart like beans. Before he could change his breath, the word "bad" hit his head.

On the spur of the moment, he revealed the identity that should not be revealed!!

If Zhou ziruo let go, the rooster fell to the ground, shivering and looking up. Zhou ziruo pointed to him and said, "you, Xi, Zhi, Zuo, Zu!" As soon as the voice fell, he rushed up and pressed him to the ground.

"Young man! Impulse is the devil Rooster in Zhou ziruo's ravage under the pain cry, "you at least dressed as a person, brother, but I dressed as a chicken ah!"

"Dress like a man!! I'm dressed as a fox, or a NPC fox! The cannon fodder fox should get the Bento in Qingyang mountain. Can you understand the pain in my heart!!! Asshole production team! I plucked your hair and made you into chicken soup! "

"Then you can't kill me! I'm a member of the production team! I can help you avoid the risk

That makes sense!

Zhou ziruo pinched the cock's neck and said, "how can I go home?"

"Cough, cough Can you catch it somewhere else? I'm out of breath Cough... " The rooster looks like he's about to stop cooking.

Zhou ziruo grabbed his two chicken wings instead.

The rooster coughed twice, twisted his neck and said clearly: "that You can't go back. You are in the original world He's dead! "

author has something to say:

changed my copywriting, I will make complaints about it.

In addition, I changed the name of the heart is not dead, with my poor imagination to change a few to base friends to see, base friends very tactful comfort me...

I haven't given up yet...

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