"There's something wrong with the Third Elder martial brother! The elder martial brother has appeared! "

Zhou ziruo chases Feng Jing out of the window and sees Liu nanqin's back door open.

A few steps out of the back door was a small forest. The sky was already full of the color of night. The forest was quiet and dim, and there was no shadow of Feng Jing. Zhou ziruo chased for a distance like a headless fly, panting for breath, holding a tree, and the cold wind blowing through the forest, he suddenly reflected what he was doing.

I rely on too much to see volunteers, in order to actually chase out! Fortunately, I didn't catch up, otherwise I would be killed now!!

Zhou ziruo patted his heart and decided to go back to find Lu LiXiao first. However, at this time, the wind came from behind, and a sharp thing stood against his vest through his clothes.

"Big brother, big brother...!"

Haven't you already run? Why are you back? prevent divulgence of one's secrets??

Without saying a word, Zhou ziruo suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his back neck, and then lost consciousness.

If Zhou ziruo wakes up, it will be completely dark.

The place is still in the woods. He sits on the ground with his back against the tree trunk, and his body is tightly tied to the tree by the thick hemp rope of his thumb.

What's going on? Feng Jing didn't kill him, but tied him here. What is he going to do?

If Zhou Zi can't think about these problems, he looks around nervously. It's dark in the woods, and he can't see it from a few feet away. I don't know if Feng Jing is still nearby.

Do you want help?

But what if you call Feng Jing back instead of calling for help?

When Zhou ziruo was entangled, he heard a slow rustling sound approaching from the tip of his ear, which sounded like something was dragged on the ground.

Zhou ziruo immediately closed his eyes and pretended not to wake up.

After a few breaths, he saw a man coming out of the darkness through the crack of his eyelids. The man was in a black cloak, almost mingled with the night, and his face was hidden in the shadow of his hood, which made it difficult to distinguish his face. The man was dragging an object on his hand. Looking at the shape, he seemed to be a man in a black cloak. Zhou ziruo tried hard to see it clearly. It happened that the birds on the crown of the tree flew by, swayed the branches and leaves, and a few moonlight streamed down.

The man who was dragged on the ground by the black cloak man was Feng Jing!

How could it be Feng Jing? Who's the one who tied him up here?

Zhou ziruo was very puzzled.

The black cloaker let go, Feng Jing's body fell into the dark shadow, and the black cloaker took out a machete from his cloak.

Zhou ziruo's cold sweat came down. Feng Jing was with this man. Who else could this man kill besides himself!?

To Zhou's surprise, the man with the black cloak pointed his knife at Feng Jing on the ground! Then his hand fell, and Feng Jing's head and body separated. He rolled into the grass. From Zhou ziruo's point of view, he could see his eyes wide open in amazement!

If Zhou ziruo couldn't restrain himself any more, he cried out in fear! After 23 years of living, he witnessed the murder for the first time. He was just an ordinary young man living in peace. The degree of violence and terror was beyond his tolerance!

The black cloak man seemed to have known that Zhou ziruo was awake, so he stepped up to him.

His figure blocked all the light in Zhou ziruo's eyes. Zhou ziruo seemed to see a green faced devil facing himself and raised his machete! The blade carried the wind and hung his neck down. Zhou ziruo's spirit finally reached the limit, and his eyes closed and fainted.

I don't know how long it has been for Zhou ziruo to wake up again.

He seemed to be in a warm embrace, and one deep call after another echoed in his ears, with a faint sense of urgency and worry.

"Zi Ruo "What's the point?"

Zhou ziruo never thought his name was so beautiful. Someone called his name, which means that he escaped the death sickle hanging by the devil's neck!

"Zi Ruo!"

Zhou ziruo suddenly opened his eyes. The first thing that came into his eyes was Lu LiXiao's handsome face in the backlight. The deep and shallow light and shadow outlined the heavy anxiety in his handsome and cold facial features.

Lu LiXiao was relieved and pressed Zhou ziruo's head in his arms. "You finally wake up."

If Zhou ziruo reached out to touch his neck, he didn't break it. He wasn't beheaded.

"What's wrong?" Lu LiXiao noticed something was wrong with him.

Zhou ziruo shook his head, "I just See... " At this point, his words suddenly stopped.

They were still in the woods, where he had just been tied. The hemp rope cut off by the sword was lying there. Lu LiXiao must have just found him. Lu LiXiao didn't come alone. There were several disciples around him. They lit a torch to make it as bright as day.

Zhou ziruo noticed that the black cloak man, Feng Jing's head and Feng Jing's body were all gone.

Of course, this is not strange, but it is strange that there is no blood left in the place where Feng Jing was beheaded!

If Zhou ziruo broke away from Lu LiXiao and walked over, kneeling on the ground to pick up weeds, the more he looked, the more unbelievable he was, "no Not a drop What about the blood? ""What are you looking for?" Lu LiXiao follows.

When Zhou ziruo was about to talk about Feng Jing's decapitation, he suddenly had a strong idea that everything was his dream?

A person will bleed a lot after being beheaded. Even if he has cleaned up the scene, it is impossible to leave a drop of blood in this dark forest! And then the black cloak man's knife hit his neck, and he didn't die? How could the black cloaker let him go?

Did he really have a dream?

If Zhou Zi was blindfolded, his lips moved, but he could not speak.

At this time, the sound of stepping on the grass came quickly, and the figure of Lengmo appeared in the night. He hugged Lu LiXiao and bowed, "fourth elder martial brother."

"How?" Lu LiXiao road.

Lengmo said: "Uncle Yunluo said that the Third Elder martial brother's life is carefree and needs recuperation. The Third Elder martial brother hasn't woken up yet. The second elder martial brother has gone to guard him. " He looked at Zhou ziruo, with some hesitation in his tone, "if it's younger martial brother It's convenient. You'd better go to Yunqing hall to see the master and the elders now. "

For the third time, Zhou ziruo knelt in the brightly lit main hall of Yunqing hall.

The main hall is very quiet. Headmaster Qiu and several elders stand on the high level and look at Zhou ziruo with a kind of "how are you again" eyes.

If Zhou Zi had a hard time, he didn't know in advance that kengdai's system had tied him up as an official witness in the strange case of Qingyang mountain for various lame reasons in order to save trouble.

"What's the situation this time? Let's talk about it in detail." After a long time, leader Qiu waved his sleeve to Zhou ziruo.

Zhou ziruozi recounts what happened in Liunan piano house, but when he comes to chasing into the woods, he hesitates to say what happened when he saw Feng Jing beheaded by the black cloaked man.

It was not a cold and dark forest here, but a warm and bright Yunqing hall, which made him feel that everything was a dream.

Say it or not? Say it or not?

How to explain the disappearance of blood? Just go to the woods to check, and you can overturn his words!

If not, what if it's true? If it's true, Feng Jing has been killed now!

In Zhou ziruo's mind, there was no result in the battle between heaven and man. At this time, Qi Yunpeng took two disciples into Yunqing hall. The two disciples carried a wooden stretcher covered with white cloth.

The stretcher was placed under the steps, and the two disciples stepped down. Zhou ziruo suddenly remembered that when he found liunanqin, there seemed to be something around him. He saw that Qi Yunpeng came forward to uncover the white cloth, and a human trunk without limbs and head was exposed.

Zhou ziruo felt a feeling of nausea and vomiting from his stomach.

"It was found next to the Third Elder martial brother. It has been confirmed that this part of the trunk belongs to a man." Qi Yunpeng said.

Headmaster Qiu frowned and looked at the lonely human body with complicated colors. He looked sideways and waved his hand. Then Qi Yunpeng covered the white cloth back.

"Go down, all of you. Don't spread the news about tonight in the door." Headmaster Qiu seems to be very upset by this series of events. He orders the disciples to step down and then turns to walk into the secret door behind the screen.

If Zhou ziruo didn't want to stay in the same space with the incomplete human body, he would jump up and run to the door if he was granted amnesty. Lu LiXiao strode forward and hugged his waist from behind. "You are very uncomfortable."

He uses declarative sentences, not interrogative ones.

Zhou ziruo first shook his head and then nodded.

Seeing that he didn't mean to elaborate for the time being, Lu LiXiao didn't get to the bottom of the matter and said, "I'm going to visit the Third Elder martial brother now. Are you coming?"

Zhou ziruo was also worried about Liu nanqin, so he went together.

Fortunately, the incident happened at night and did not disturb many disciples. Liu nanqin's yard was very clean. When Lu LiXiao and Zhou ziruo arrived, they heard Liu nanqin in his bedroom smile at Wei Heng and say, "in fact, it's OK. Last time I hurt you badly, you were always sorry. Today, I'm in bed, too, and I feel relaxed... "

"What nonsense!" Wei Heng angrily scolds, Liu Nan Qin then has no sound, probably is secretly shrugging the shoulder to spit out the tongue.

"Second elder martial brother, Third Elder martial brother." Lu LiXiao pushes open the door of the dormitory.

Liu nanqin said with a smile: "come here so late?"

"Just came out of Yunqing hall, worried about elder martial brother's injury, so I came to have a look." Lu LiXiao road.

Liu nanqin's injury is not as serious as Wei Heng's, plus the timely treatment, there is little to worry about. After a few words, Liu nanqin suddenly said, "listen to the second elder martial brother This time, we found the incomplete human body? "

Lu LiXiao said: "it's the trunk part."

"Trunk?" Wei Heng is a little surprised. He has been here for a long time. He only knows some scattered news about the event tonight.

Liu nanqin slowly raised her eyes, "the first time is the arms, the second time is the legs, this time is the trunk..."

"Only one head is missing, and it's a complete human body."

Lu LiXiao's peaceful interface.

The author has something to say: today's college entrance examination, we all have this time. Looking back in a few years, we won't think it's too important to relax~

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