After breakfast the next day, Zhou ziruo and Lu LiXiao parted ways and went to the woods. He listened to Lu LiXiao's advice and didn't go alone. Instead, he took big rooster and little fatty He Yu with him, and let little fatty shout a few cute new names for his position.

Although in the event of a real situation, the force value of this group of miscellaneous fish is only to be slaughtered, it can at least embolden them.

A group of people separated in groups to look for clues in the woods. After a while, several groups disappeared from each other.

The forest covers a vast area. It's estimated that it will take a whole day to find every corner. At noon, everyone got together to exchange the search results, opened the basket they brought, ate a few steamed buns and started to work.

Before I knew it, the sun sank into the west mountain, and the trees in the forest were covered densely. Originally, the light was a little darker than the outside world. At this time, there was a faint feeling.

Little fat man, they don't know which corner to go to, no sound back, the forest is particularly quiet.

Zhou ziruo leaned against the tree exhausted, touching the water bag at his waist and kicking the big rooster at his feet, "who offended you? All day with a chicken face

The rooster rolled on the ground, turned up and glared at him, "you are not loyal! I'm like a piece of paper in front of you. You're hiding something so important from me! You're not enough, man

"What do you mean to say to me? Who put me in this game? What else did I hide from you? "

In the past, when talking about this matter, the rooster hurriedly changed the topic with a guilty heart, but today he faced up to the contradiction and did not evade, "you and brother Xiao don't tell me such a big thing! If I hadn't let you in, you wouldn't have a chance to hook up with brother Xiao! "

Zhou ziruo just drank a mouthful of water and smelled that all the words came out.

The big rooster sneered: "every day in front of Laozi, I blame Laozi for his bitter hatred. In fact, you enjoy it!"

"Shut your mouth! I can't beat him. Can he resist? You think everyone's like you, man and woman, dead faggot

"Don't insult my stranger!" Big rooster was touched the bottom line, two corns inverted vertical jump to Zhou ziruo.

If Zhou ziruo was annoyed by his lethal shadowless claw, how could he be angry? How could he spray: "what's wrong with me? If the beautiful boy looks big, can you fall in love with him at first sight? Don't you see him as a man and a woman? "

"How dare you defile Laozi's admiration for the purity of strangers!"

The big rooster was furious and used his trump card. The sharp beak of the rooster poked Zhou ziruo as fast as rice. Only for a moment, Zhou ziruo was in pain like a needle prick all over his body.

"What are you crazy about?"

Zhou ziruo grabbed the chicken wings and threw out the big cock.

The rooster fell into the grass, turned over and roared sarcastically: "it's you who are crazy! You've been turned by the man instead of attacking him. You pretend you can't help it. In fact, you're happy in your heart! You have the face to call other people dead fags? You're the fag! "

Zhou ziruo rushed to pluck the chicken feathers. The rooster quickly jumped on a stone and let him pounce. Zhou ziruo was so angry that he pulled down his left shoe and smashed it: "you look at me! If I let Lu touch me again, I won't be Zhou! "

Zhou ziruo didn't want any shoes. He angrily went barefoot to Lu LiXiao's yard, forgetting to put his turban back on his face, attracting countless attention all the way.

The pebbles on the path hurt his feet, and Zhou ziruo walked more and more slowly step by step. Seeing the sun slowly sinking, I suddenly remembered that Dabie should have finished long ago, right?

The result may not be unexpected, but Lengmo is a strong opponent, and he won't do such things to anyone. Even if Lu LiXiao wins, it will take a lot of effort. Will the injury on his shoulder split

Realizing that he thought of Lu LiXiao unconsciously, big rooster's words were bombed in his ears. Zhou ziruo's anger just came up again, and his face turned green!

Pooh! Dead fat chicken himself is not serious, but also want to pull him down! Good idea!

Zhou ziruo limped back to his residence. As soon as he got to the door, the door opened from inside. Lu LiXiao strode out with his sword. When he saw him, he said, "how can I come back now?"

"What, what's the matter?" Zhou ziruo was stunned.

Lu LiXiao looked at the traces of his fight, and his eyes fell on his bare foot, "who did you fight with?"

If he said he had a fight with a chicken, I don't know if Lu LiXiao would believe him.

If Zhou ziruo is silent, Lu LiXiao doesn't ask any more. He raises his hand to pick up the two weeds in his hair, and then holds him up.


If Zhou Zi wanted to go down, Lu LiXiao took him to the bed, then turned and went out. Zhou ziruo was wondering where he was going, but he came back with a basin of water.

Lu LiXiao sat down on the edge of the bed, soaked the towel, wiped Zhou ziruo's face first, then caught his bare foot and asked: "have you found any clues?"

Zhou ziruo shook his head. He and the dead fat chicken didn't even find any hair. As for the little fat people, their identity as an NPC is even worse."And you? "What's the result?" Zhou ziruo asked.

"I won." Lu LiXiao's tone was like saying what he had for dinner.

Even if this is the established result, Zhou ziruo is still very surprised: "big than winning?"

"Well." Lu LiXiao made a bow.


Lu LiXiao let go of his feet and took out a piece of exquisitely carved Mo Yujue from his skirt. "I promise to give you mo Qinghua Jue. I won't cheat you."

"Ink blue and white Jue!" If Zhou ziruo is overjoyed, he reaches for it, but Lu LiXiao escapes with a raise of his hand. Zhou ziruo is stunned, grabs again, and Lu LiXiao dodges again.

If Zhou ziruo is a little hairy, he pours on him. This time Lu LiXiao doesn't hide. He pours on his bed. Zhou ziruo's eyes were only ink blue and white Jue. Before he reached there, Lu LiXiao suddenly turned over and pressed him under his body.

The vision is full of Lu LiXiao's face, with a bright and handsome outline, which is more profound. The dark eyes are like two ancient wells, which is a kind of soul catching charm.

If Zhou ziruo was staring at him like this, his momentum was greatly reduced, and even his voice was much smaller: "you have agreed to give me..."

Lu LiXiao's eyes turned into a faint smile and said to him, "well. Here you are Then he hung his head to cover his lips, hot tongue straight in, rolled his tongue, extremely lingering tease winding.

Damn it! That's a foul!!

Zhou ziruo's heart beat heavily and lost in this burning kiss. Lu LiXiao's hand went deep into his clothes, pressed close to his skin, slowly kneaded and moved, and ignited clusters of flames. Suffocation feeling pressure in the heart, his brain has become blank, the body is more and more hot, restless in the body.

If it was in the past, under such intense stimulation, Zhou ziruo might have fallen into the enemy's hands. But just now, he had a fight with the rooster about this matter, and the rooster's sarcastic words sounded in his ears without warning.

He regained some sense, pushed Lu LiXiao on his shoulder and said, "let me go..."

Lu LiXiao only thought that this was the desire when he was in love. He didn't care about it until Zhou ziruo pushed him away.

If Zhou ziruo shrinks back to the corner of the bed and keeps away from him, Lu LiXiao seems to find that his refusal is true.

The air in the room gradually cooled down, and Lu LiXiao's eyes gradually faded.

Zhou ziruo thinks that although Lu LiXiao was the first one to make moves, as a spirit pet, he resisted his master. The master would be very shameless. He should say something to save his self-esteem, "brother Xiao..."

Lu LiXiao looks at him, Zhou ziruo's words suddenly can't be said.

In the afternoon, he expressed his attitude in front of the dead fat chicken. He decided to completely solve the problem, "brother Xiao, I'm not a fox now..."

Lu LiXiao said, "do you think I can't see it?"

I can see that you are still careless!!

"I I don't mean that... " Zhou ziruo pulled his hair irritably, "I, I don't like men..."

"Don't like men?"

Lu LiXiao lightly raised his eyebrows and pulled him over. Zhou ziruo's words turned into a voice trembling as soon as he resisted. He almost wanted to poison himself.

He doesn't believe it! This is not him! He can't make such a shameless voice!!! What a shame! What's more shameful is that he has such a feeling under a man!!

Just when Zhou ziruo's body was already numb and soft, and he was almost defeated, Lu LiXiao took back his hand and said, "so, you just don't like me."

The low and cold voice instantly extinguishes the burning flame. Zhou ziruo looks at Lu LiXiao's indifferent face again, and suddenly rises with uncontrollable confusion.

"Lord, master Brother Xiao... " He wanted to pull out a decent smile and coax him as usual.

Lu LiXiao got up, opened the wardrobe, took a pair of Zhou ziruo's shoes and threw them at the bedside, "you go out."

"Brother Xiao..."

"Get out." Lu LiXiao road.

Zhou ziruo opened his mouth and couldn't make a sound. Finally, he put on his shoes in silence and left the courtyard with the idea of "go out and go out".

The room was quiet. A few moments later, Lu LiXiao picked up a sword leaning against the bed.

He just asked Zhou ziruo to go to the outer room. Unexpectedly, the two goods even went out of the yard. The night has risen, and the door is not peaceful recently. How can you wander outside alone.

Lu LiXiao quickly steps into the courtyard. Suddenly, the wind blows up, the shadow of the moon shakes, and the sharp edge of his sword breaks like ice, forcing him to the vest!

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