Last time he helped Lengmo wash the suspected clothes, Zhou ziruo knew Lengmo's residence, and then rushed over. On the way, he passed the laundry. Zhou ziruo asked Muqi junshun to change his disciple's clothes. Muqi Junxin reluctantly changed his clothes and complained that he couldn't leave Lengmo the first impression of modesty.

They sneak to the courtyard where Lengmo lives and climb over the wall. Muqijun is stumbling over the wall and falls on the ground. Zhou ziruo steps on his back and the back of his head.

"You Muqi Jun grabs Zhou ziruo's fox tail.

Zhou ziruo looked back: "why? You didn't step on me? "

The cold light flickers in the air, and the sword Qi breaks through the air. Zhou ziruo breaks free in horror. Muqi Jun rolls out on the ground and sees Lengmo force Muqi Jun to the corner.

"Who are you?" Lengmo's sword, Xuehua, is on muqijun's neck.

Zhou ziruo's heart is so cold that he really worships Lu LiXiao as an idol. This action, this ice face and this sentence are the same.

After the surprise of seeing Lengmo for the first time, muqijun immediately "cough" twice, and put on his most romantic style. With a smile of evil spirit, he said: "young Xia Leng, I've heard so much about you. Nice to meet you!"

Unfortunately, he didn't know that he was covered with mud now, and only his white teeth were left on his whole face, which was very porous.

"Are you a disciple? Why haven't I met you? " Cold Mo looked at his clothes, sword approaching.

"I..." Mu Qi Jun swept Zhou ziruo, who was watching the play in a panic, and quickly spread out his palm, "I'm Zhou ziruo's brother!"

"Younger martial brother's elder brother?" Lengmo sees the ink blue and white Jue in his palm and recycles the sword.

Muqi Jun felt the handle of the sword and pushed it away. "I'm Muqi Jun. Some time ago, my brother sent a letter to me saying that something strange happened in Qingyang mountain. I just like to study it, so I came here! "

I've seen a lot of TV dramas. Zhou ziruo turned his lips.

Lengmo said, "are you really the elder brother of the younger martial brother?"

Muqi Jun swore to heaven, "if it's fake, it's guaranteed!"

"Why is your surname Mu and his surname Zhou?" Lengmo hit the nail on the head.

Muqi Jun did not change his face and made up a lie: "because I follow my mother's surname, if I follow my father's surname."

Leng Mo took the sword back to the scabbard suspiciously, "where's the younger martial brother?"

"He..." Mu Qi Jun's eyes floated to Zhou ziruo. Lengmo turned his head and saw a fox squatting on the ground. He didn't know Zhou ziruo.

Muqi Jun said: "if you talk about brother Xiao and Keke, great Xia Lu has been wronged. He's going to wash snow for great Xia Lu, so, so he's acting alone..."

"Why did you come to me?"

"Well, if I need your help..."

Muqi Jun tells the story of the Classics Library. Lengmo thinks about it after listening to it. He nods and says, "if you can help the fourth elder martial brother, I can take you to the Classics Library."

"Really?" Muqijun is surprised.

Cold Mo turned back to the room, "you follow me into the room to change clothes."

Come into the room???

Muqi Jun was dazed by the happiness falling from the sky. He raised his legs to keep up. When he changed his clothes, he found how miserable his proud face was. For failed to give cold Mo left a startling first sight, chagrin.

When they are ready, they step out of the yard. Lengmo looks at the fox in Muqi Jun's hand.

Muqi Jun said: "this is my favorite. It's very sharp, and it can help

Zhou ziruo climbs up along Muqi Jun's hand and bites hard across his sleeve. Muqi Jun covers his arm and is especially wronged.

The word "lingchong" comes out of the mouth of the dead fat chicken. Zhou ziruo Beier is upset. He thinks it's probably because the air field of the dead fat chicken is too weak compared with Lu LiXiao.

It was midnight when Lengmo came to the library.

Muqijun followed him, his head lowered, and he didn't dare to be seen. If Zhou ziruo shrank in his sleeve, he didn't dare to move.

"Elder martial brother Leng, come here so late?" The gatekeeper said strangely.

Lengmo nodded calmly, "I'm ordered by the leader to look up the classics. You don't have to worry about me. We'll leave after the work is done."

The gatekeeper answered and opened the door for Lengmo.

As soon as the door closed, Zhou ziruo jumped out of muqijun's sleeve and found the bookshelf of that day.

Lengmo turns her suspicious eyes to muqijun. Muqijun smiles: "ha ha What a clever fox we are

Zhou ziruo took a book from the shelf and spread it out on the ground. It was Lu LiXiao that day who looked at the book.

"Is there anything special about this book?"

Lengmo bent his knees, put the sword on the ground, picked up the book, looked at the cover and the back, and turned it. This is a book recording the events in the door. It doesn't look special at a glance, but after reading a few pages, Lengmo's brow gradually frowns.

"Strange What's recorded here are some unusual events. For example, fifty years ago, a group of disciples secretly went to Houshan in the middle of the night, but all of them disappeared, and there was no more news! Also, a female disciple committed suicide in the room, and someone saw her the next day... ""The records of the supernatural events in Qingyang mountain!" Muqi Jun concluded.

Lengmo said: "the supernatural event?"

"It's just freaking out! What does this book mean

Is Lu LiXiao suggesting that this series of events are related to ghosts? Zhou ziruo thinks it's not impossible. Every time it's a secret room, no one can do it except ghosts.

Lengmo continued to turn the book page by page. When he turned to the last few pages, his eyes changed and his hand stopped. If Zhou ziruo got close to him, what was recorded on this page was what happened to Dabi, a disciple of that class 30 years ago. He was stunned by the name of one of them.

Si Qin Jiang Yue.

Red moon? Red Moon Palace?

Zhou ziruo suddenly noticed Lengmo's icy look beside him, and a sentence that he heard from Bagua brother on the day of the entrance came to his mind -

Lengmo came to Qingyang mountain six years ago, and it is said that his family was destroyed by the evil way. The atmosphere changed subtly, but Muqi Jun didn't feel it. Looking at the record on that page, he read: "in June of the year of Jihai, Gengshen, Dabi decided to be the best of the eight, followed by his first disciple Duan Peng, his second disciple Qiu Xigui, his third disciple Du Hanfeng, his fourth disciple Lu Chenzhou, his fifth disciple Ou Yangyi, his sixth disciple Si qinjiangyue, his seventh disciple Yun Hao, and his eighth disciple Meng Ruoying. In the competition of the top four, Si qinjiangyue defeated Duan Peng with devious ways. Duan Peng disappeared that day. A few days later, except for Si qinjiangyue, the remaining six disciples were attacked and comatose to varying degrees. Duan Peng's arms, legs, trunk and head appeared next to the person who was attacked. The scene of the attack was closed with doors and windows! oh Thirty years ago, as like as two peas! No wonder the headmaster saw that Feng Jing had won Lu Daxia's promotion. Instead, he asked him to compete again. He must have seen Feng Jing's moves and remembered what happened 30 years ago

Zhou ziruo quickly covered Muqi Jun's mouth and yelled angrily in a low voice: "silly you! You lied to him that he just came to Qingyang mountain today! How can you know the day when brother Xiao was kicked out of power by Feng Jing! "

Two people turn to cold Mo to see past, cold Mo seem to have not heard Mu Qi Jun's words, two eyes stare at the words on the book, as if to use eyes to burn a hole in the paper.

"Young Xia Leng?" Mu Qi Jun carefully called out.

After a full two minutes, Lengmo regained his calm and said, "this should be the message that the fourth elder martial brother wants to convey. This incident is not so simple. I'm afraid it has something to do with the headless case 30 years ago. "

Headless case? Recorded in this book, which is regarded as a collection of supernatural events, it is estimated that the real murderer 30 years ago has not been found, so it can only be regarded as a headless case.

"What did you say later?"

Muqijun turns to the next page, which only records the ending of the event briefly. Si qinjiangyue was identified as the murderer in the sect. However, if the murderer was killed, there was no conclusive evidence in the sect. Finally, he was expelled from the sect on the ground that he was practicing evil.

There are so many records of the whole event, less than 300 words, but it is full of information.

Cold Mo Book revenue lapel, stood up: "go back, there should be no clue here."

After leaving the library, Lengmo suddenly said, "the ring hall is over there, and the fourth elder martial brother is being locked in now. The death of the first elder martial brother, and the injuries of the second and third elder martial brothers, up to now, the fourth elder martial brother has been killed, all these All thanks to the man who made waves behind his back! "

The Lengmo who said this was cold and awe inspiring, which made Muqi Jun very worried.

Cold Mo turns round and says clearly: "I want to pursue the murderer with you."

Muqi Jun said: "are you sure?"

Cold Mo serious firm point a head.

Muqi Jun was not overjoyed. Instead, he wiped his hair and sighed: "that's the trouble!"

"What's the trouble?" Cold Mo cold voice way.

Muqi Jun said: "you must have some reservation with your personal emotion. Maybe you will miss things like this."


"Then tell me, what's the relationship between you and the people in that incident 30 years ago?" Muqi Jun said keenly.

Cold Mo surprised to see him, but did not say a word.

Mu Qi Jun shrugged and showed his hand, "that's it."

Lengmo said: "my secret has nothing to do with the case 30 years ago and this time. I can guarantee it."

"Can you confess why you went to his room when Feng Jing's arm appeared?" Muqi Jun asked, and added, "if you told me everything about Qingyang mountain in the biography."

When it comes to Zhou ziruo, he subconsciously looks back. He doesn't know when to look. He is scared. The fox who has been following just now has disappeared!

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