[Ding! The branch task "Sujin's disease" has been started. Will the user accept it? 】

there are branch lines on the way to Duan Peng's hometown, so they are right? Zhou ziruo looks at the "female ghost" who is still trying to climb outside the tree cave, Su Jin's disease If it's illness, it's not hell.

[do users accept regional tasks? 】The system urged.

Zhou ziruo was angry: "no! I haven't given you the reward for completing the branch line last time! "

【…… 】

[the user automatically gives up the branch mission, the "perfect nine beauty" achievement is determined to fail, and the counter attack degree bonus item is lost 】

"I'll take it! Can't I take it!! Don't mention that pit father's counter attack degree to me any more, peat! " Zhou ziruo roared.

Just now Mu Qi Jun was just shocked and uttered nonsense. Now he saw that there was a man in the tree cave. He was very embarrassed. He quickly came forward and caught the man's hand: "sorry, sorry! I'll help you out! "

Only when you pull someone out of the tree hole can you see that this is a girl about 15 or 16 years old. She should have the most beautiful years, but she is full of gray hair, shabby clothes and ugly dark birthmark on her face. Although not female ghost, but if you meet in the evening, it is estimated that the effect is almost the same as female ghost.

"Girl, where are you from? Why are you here alone? " Muqijun asked.

The girl kept her head down from looking at them.

"She should be from Daohe village at the foot of the mountain." Cold road.

Muqi Jun then said to the girl, "we are going to Daohe village. Although it's sunny now, it's hard to avoid meeting wild animals and bandits in the mountains. Girl, come with us?"

The girl is noncommittal, when three people have a good rest and go on the road again, she follows in silence.

Muqijun mistook the girl for a ghost. He felt that it was impolite. He took care of the girl all the way, but she kept silent. Her messy hair covered her face, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Although the girl is young, she seems to be used to the mountain road and has good physical strength. At dusk, four people and a fox came to Daohe village at the foot of the mountain.

In front of them, there are several children who are chasing and beating. They squat down, pick up the stones on the ground, throw them at the girl and scold: "monster!"

"The monster is back!"

Muqi Jun quickly pulled the girl behind him and scolded the children. They were afraid of strangers and ran back to the village. While running, they turned back and cried, "the ugly monster has come back with the mountain monster!"

Muqi Jun was very angry, but the girl was indifferent.

The middle-aged woman at the entrance of the village, who was collecting clothes by the clothes rack, saw several people and was stunned. She asked, "are you..."

Lu LiXiao clasped his fists politely and said, "I'm going to your village. It's getting late. I want to stay in the village."

The middle-aged woman saw that several people were born with Zhou Zheng. She didn't look like a villain, so she said, "if you want to stay, you need to ask the village head. You just follow Jin. She's the village head's daughter. " Then she reproached the girl, "Jin girl, did you wander in the mountains again? Your father has been looking for you in the village several times! "

Girl smell speech to go up a path, Lu LiXiao several people look at each other, to the woman humanity Xie, lift step to follow. The woman was still nagging behind her: "I don't know what the village head did wrong. How could he have a daughter like you! I don't help your father with village affairs, wash clothes and cook meals, and go to the mountains all day Your mother died early, and your father refused to continue for you. You have to be filial to your father, anyway... "

The girl turned a deaf ear, but Muqi Jun was forced to understand other people's family affairs, and his face was uncomfortable. Even Lengmo frowned, but Lu LiXiao was calm as usual, just like he didn't hear.

Not far away, a middle-aged man with a national face and a linen blue robe rushed to the girl and said, "jin'er, where have you been this afternoon? Why don't you go home? "

Lu LiXiao said, "are you the girl's father, the head of Daohe village?"

The middle-aged man looked up and down at Lu LiXiao and said, "exactly. How many of you are... "

Lu LiXiao hugged his fist and said, "we are the disciples of Qingyang mountain."

The middle-aged man's face changed slightly when he heard the word "Qingyang mountain": "you are brother Duan's..."

"It turns out that the village head knows martial uncle Duan Peng." Lu LiXiao road.

Middle aged humanist: "there are only a few families in Daohe village. No one knows each other. Brother Duan and I were playmates in our childhood, so we know each other. How have you been these years, brother Duan? Why didn't he come back in person? "

It seems that Duan Peng's death has not been conveyed back to Daohe village.

Lu LiXiao said: "martial uncle Duan is too busy to come back. It happened that the three of us were ordered to go down the mountain by the leader this time. Martial uncle Duan was worried about his two elders and the villagers, so he asked us to take a look for him. "

The middle-aged man sighed: "brother Duan returned to his hometown once 30 years ago, but he never came back. I don't know that the second elder of Duan family I passed away in a flash flood a few years ago! Time really flies, and in two days it will be the death day of their second elder! "

Duan Peng's parents have passed away. Where can I get to know Duan Peng in detail? This is tricky.Seeing that Lu LiXiao was silent, the middle-aged man only said that they were worried about how to reply to Duan Peng and comforted them.

After thinking about it, Lu LiXiao asked the middle-aged man, "when we come back for martial uncle Duan Peng, we should pay homage to the second elder instead of him. Can you trouble the village head to let us stay in the village until the death of the second elder?"

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "if you want to stay The village is full of poor farmers, and there are no extra houses. If you don't mind that brother Duan's family has two old spirit cards, I can arrange for you to live in one person, and the rest two people can live in my home. "

Lu LiXiao agreed. It was getting late. The middle-aged man took three people back to his home for dinner.

There is a saying in the village that the memorial tablet of the dead is dedicated to the room where he lived, and the soul of the dead will come back to see it from time to time. There are two rooms in Duan Peng's family. The second old man's room is dedicated to the throne of the second old man. He is afraid to let people live in Huiling, so only Duan Peng's room can live in. After a brief discussion, Lu LiXiao decided to live in Duan Peng's former room, while Mu Qijun and Lengmo lived in the two empty rooms of the village head's house, which were the rooms of the two brothers of the village head who were away from home.

The village head's name is Su Zhongfan. The girl is his only daughter, Su Jin. At the dinner table, Lu LiXiao chats with village head Su Jin. Su Jin eats her own meal with a bowl in her arms and says nothing, as if it doesn't exist.

Zhou ziruo sits on Lu LiXiao's leg and gnaws at the meat that Lu LiXiao gives him from his bowl. He observes Su Jin and wonders what disease "disease" means. Su Jin seems to remove the lonely and gloomy is not like sick, is it gray hair and the mark on the face? Isn't that ShaoBaiTou and birthmark? I don't know if I can ask Lu LiXiao for a elixir from Qingyang mountain to explain the task of the branch line.

After dinner, village head Su Jin ordered Su Jin to collect the table, wash the dishes and clean up the two rooms for the guests. He personally led the landing to Duan Peng's house.

There is no one in Duan's family, and the key has been in the hands of village head Su in recent years. The house that has been empty for several years has accumulated a lot of dust. Village head Su prepares to help Lu LiXiao clean up the room first, but Lu LiXiao politely refuses.

Before Su village head left, he looked at the fox in Lu LiXiao's arms and told him, "Lu Shaoxia, although the second elder's room is locked, please take care of your fox to avoid collision."

Lu LiXiao should come down and send village head Su out.

Although Duan Peng's room is not big, Lu LiXiao cleaned it three times. He put on the dry mattress and lay on the bed with his head in one hand. Zhou ziruo was lying in his arms, thinking about Su Jin's branch line.

"What are you thinking?" Lu LiXiao kneaded Zhou ziruo's ears.

Zhou ziruo said tentatively: "brother Xiao, do you think Su Jin's little girl is sick to become like that?"

Lu LiXiao stopped, "do you care about her? You've been looking at her in the afternoon and at the dinner table

Zhou Ziruo make complaints about the screen in his mind.

I'll go to the master. In the afternoon, aren't you discussing things with the American youth? Aren't you setting up information with village head Su at the dinner table? How do you know everything?? Have you installed a monitor on me?? Besides, what is "always" looking at her? I'm just peeping at her every now and then! What's more, what kind of person do you think I am?? Sujin that girl is a junior high school student, even if she doesn't grow up like that, I can't have the idea of playing with children!!

"I was just curious, so I took a look That girl is still so small. If she is sick, how pitiful she will become like that

Lu LiXiao didn't know whether to believe it or not: "if you are curious, ask about it in the village tomorrow."

"Brother Xiao, uncle Duan Peng's parents have passed away. What shall we do next?" Zhou ziruo asked.

"Take a step at a time to see if there is anyone else in the village who knows about martial uncle Duan Peng." Lu LiXiao gently scratched Zhou ziruo's ear twice. "It's late. Let's have a rest tonight."

Zhou ziruo "Oh" a voice, side a body pillow in Lu LiXiao strong arm, after a while he opened his eyes to find Lu LiXiao or that posture side lying, is focusing on looking at him.

Zhou ziruo realized that he was holding Lu LiXiao's hand, which made him unable to sleep. He wanted to move it away, but when he came into contact with Lu LiXiao's eyes, he jumped on Lu LiXiao's arms and legs and hugged Lu LiXiao's neck.

Lu LiXiao's chest vibrated twice, and he turned over and lay on his back. Zhou ziruo felt his warm breath, his ears trembled, and raised his head to lick his lips. Lu LiXiao looked at his pair of black fox eyes, rubbed his hairy head and pressed him in his arms.

In the middle of the night, Zhou ziruo slipped down from Lu LiXiao in his deep sleep. He half narrowed his eyes to climb back, when he heard a clear -


Half awake, he felt that Youdao's vision was fixed on him like a nail. He turned his head and saw that his vision came from the direction of the door, but the door of Duan Peng's room was locked by Lu LiXiao before he went to bed.

Zhou ziruo tried to focus on the past in the dark. He vaguely saw a gap on the old wooden door. For a moment, he felt that behind the door there was a bloodshot eye looking at him through the gap.

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