The cabin was empty, and Zhou ziruo, who had been tied to the pillars, had disappeared.

"What about younger martial brother? Third Elder martial brother, do you remember anything wrong? " Qiu Cailing asked.

"No way. It can't be wrong... " Liu nanqin said to himself, suddenly thought of something, "is it?"

"It was martial uncle Du who took ziruo away."

Lu LiXiao's unquestionable words rang out clearly in the room.

Wei Heng said: "Uncle Du Is the real killer uncle Du

"What did he do with his younger martial brother? Will he kill him? " Qiu Cailing exclaimed.

Lu LiXiao only looks at Liu nanqin. Liu nanqin's brow gradually frowns, and finally sighs deeply.

On the path halfway up the mountain, Muqi Jun, who was out of breath, fell to the ground. Lengmo runs in front of him. Looking back, he immediately turns back to help him up. Muqi Jun gasps and waves his hand to him: "don't, don't care about me You go first I'll catch up after a rest... "

"You look like the one who lacks practice. You have a good skeleton, but you are so weak." Ouyang Yi came back and stroked his beard, which he couldn't stand.

Muqi Jun gave him a feeble smile: "if you come back to the door, elder Ouyang is willing to practice. I promise to cook delicious food for you every day."

"Well! How many dishes do you want to teach me? If you don't let me give you a yard today, I will punish you severely if you dare to pry into my private affairs! " Ouyang Yi blows his beard.

Muqijun secretly exchanged a look with Lengmo and said to Ouyang Yi, "Zhujun is a strong friend when I went out when I was young. Her orphan and widowed mother took her children to work, so I helped them settle down in Qingyang mountain and take care of them occasionally." It's getting more and more unbelievable.

"I'll carry you." Cold Mo set up Mu Qi Jun an arm.

This sentence didn't know to stab to Mu Qi Jun which point, he pressed down half dead appearance straight up: "you're kidding!"

Cold Mo don't understand what he suddenly gas, see Mu Qi Jun stride forward. He two steps to catch up, take down the waist water bag to pass in the past, "drink it."

Muqi Jun took a big mouthful, and his Qi was more smooth.

Ouyang Yi couldn't help asking them: "what you said is true? Is elder martial brother's death really related to the third elder brother

"According to the information we've searched so far, yes. At that time, he gave a piece of a thousand year old pagoda wood to Duan Peng's ex fiancee, senior Ouyang and senior Du, who looked like a fairyland person. Is it possible that they were related to the evil way in private? " Muqi Jun asked.

Ouyang Yi didn't immediately stare round and scold him for guessing. Instead, his expression became more complicated. Half a moment later, he said in a low voice, "it's not impossible After all, he was quite close to that man

"The man?" Muqi Jun is curious.

Cold Mo way: "Ouyang teacher uncle said that person, but Jiangyue Palace's palace Master Department qinjiangyue?"

Ouyang Yi was surprised at first, then he thought of Lengmo's experience and sighed: "although the man was a little lonely when he was still in Qingyang mountain, he was not a big traitor. No one thought that he would become such a crazy devil in the future!"

"Yes? It's easy to change the country, but hard to change the nature. When he was in Qingyang mountain, he began to study the evil ways. It can be seen that he was born close to the evil things, and then all kinds of things were just liberating his nature and obeying the ID! " Cold Mo cold voice way, Mu Qi Jun can't help caressing him, don't feel because of anger and shaking shoulder.

Lengmo's words made many young people and things appear in Ouyang Yi's mind, and his eyes were a bit distant. "It's not unreasonable to say that. He was born in a remote place of a different race. It's said that many mysterious, ancient and bloody secrets have been handed down in his family since ancient times. Sometimes the so-called nature, in fact, only the environment edification! After he joined Qingyang mountain, he was included in the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China because of his outstanding strength. However, most of his classmates kept away from him because of his unique behavior I think the invisible estrangement at that time also hurt him a lot Although he never showed it on his face.... "

"At that time, master Du did not exclude him, so their relationship was better than ordinary people?" Muqijun interface.

Ouyang Yi shook his head. "Lao San has more contact with him than we have, but I don't think he really put Lao San in his heart. He that person, clearly stand in front of you smile, but you never know what he is thinking. In fact, he probably didn't mean to be close to us. In the whole school, the only one who is close to him is Lao Si. "

Mu Qijun tried to recall who was the fourth in the class of the first disciples 30 years ago. Ouyang Yi repeated to himself, "yes Only old four. Old four brought him back from a remote area, and his eyes on old four were totally different from ours.... "

Lengmo opens his mouth to ask something else. At this time, a small colorful bird comes from the sky and stops on his shoulder. It turns into a roll of paper. Cold Mo will open a note to see, the face is drastic change!

"Uncle Du has captured my younger martial brother!"

"What? What does he catch? "

"I don't know! The fourth elder martial brother only said so much! "Muqijun and Lengmo look at Ouyang Yi. Ouyang Yi smoothes a wisp of beard on his chin and frowns. "Yesterday, I met the third elder brother at the headmaster's senior brother's place. He asked for leave for a few days and said that he was going out If he had just taken nephew Zhou, he would not have stayed in the door... "

Muqi Jun waited for him full of expectation, and then he vomited out: "so where will he go?"

"I don't need to tell you the psychological process of asking questions!"

Muqi Jun jumped in a hurry. Ouyang Yi really felt guilty and waved to him: "let me think about it quietly Quiet? Quiet? Quiet pool

"Where is that? Will martial uncle Du go there? " Lengmo asks, holding the talisman in his hand, ready to send it to Lu LiXiao at any time.

Ouyang Yi said: "when we were young, five of our martial brothers were punished, and then we thought about our mistakes. We happened to find a pool of water in the valley. Because it's very quiet near the pool, we call it the quiet pool! Jingtan is surrounded by dense ancient trees and many blinding boulders. It's so rare that he's probably there! "

In the deep valley behind Qingyang mountain, a wide pool of water reflects the bright moon, and the night wind blows, and the water is crystal clear. The cool feeling of the cold water splashing on the skin awakens Zhou ziruo from his coma. His dizzy eyes open. The first thing that comes into his eyes is the bright stars, which makes him almost unable to distinguish the dream from the reality.

He sat up and found himself in a boat. Just now he got up and almost overturned the boat. He quickly hugged the boat and let it slowly return to its balance.

The boat floated in the center of the pool, dozens of feet away from the shore. Zhou ziruo rowed several times with his hand as a paddle, but the boat did not move. It's not that he didn't want to jump down and swim on the bank, but the water is freezing. It's estimated that he will be frozen to death within half of the swim. It seems that the people who left him here know that he can't run away without binding him.

Zhou ziruo vaguely remembered what happened in his mind.

In the cabin, after Liu nanqin left, another man came. He fainted and woke up here.

Now Zhou ziruo is sure that Liu nanqin is not the murderer of this case.

Although he was confused by Liu nanqin's statements at first, he found the contradiction after thinking about it. Why did the black cloak man let him see the scene on the night of Feng Jing's death. If Liu nanqin and Feng Jing collude to commit a crime in order to win a big contest, Feng Jing can't pretend to be a black cloak man and let him see himself beheaded. So the black cloak man that night was not Feng Jing at all, but the real murderer!

Lu LiXiao once said that the black cloaked man might do this to convey some information through his mouth and then achieve a certain purpose. This purpose emerged in Zhou ziruo's mind after Liu nanqin admitted all the charges, that is to create an unbreakable alibi for Liu nanqin.

Liunanqin came by the pseudonym of Jiang Yan, who killed his brother and threw his body 16 years ago. Once the secret is revealed, people will connect him with Feng Jingzhi's death through the connection between this case and the case 30 years ago. So before that time, the black cloak man made preparations for this, and asked Zhou ziruo to stay in liunanqin's bedroom accompanied by Wei Heng and elder Yunluo of Shanyi hall Seeing Feng Jing beheaded! However, if Zhou Zi didn't tell the story, the black cloak man, like Lu LiXiao's guess, made an unplanned action, that is to blame Lu LiXiao and let Liu nanqin completely worry about it.

So far, Liu nanqin's interpretation of the case has been overturned.

However, there is a certain degree of authenticity, that is, motivation.

The motive of killing Feng Jing is probably that Feng Jing threatened him with Liu nanqin's past as Jiang Yan. This matter is known by someone, and then there are a series of things. Liu nanqin didn't take part in this incident as early as possible. It was more like he found something in the middle and was unable to stop it. Finally, he had to take all the charges on himself. The evidence is that when Wei Heng was attacked, he asked Zhou ziruo to go to the ancestral hall. At that time, if Wei Heng's situation was discovered two minutes later, he would be dead!

In Qingyang Mountain Club, there is only one person who can protect liunanqin like this, Du Hanfeng, liunanqin's mentor!

If it was Du Hanfeng who met Liu Mei in Yiyang City 30 years ago, and his only son Jiang Yan knew that Liu Mei had loved him for more than ten years, Jiang Yan would come to Qingyang mountain to join Duan Peng without receiving Liu Mei's handwriting! Of course, thanks to the original impersonation of Duan Peng's Du Hanfeng door!

Because of Du Hanfeng's great powers, he could have killed Feng Jing quietly without being investigated by anyone. He deliberately made such a big move, and imitated the case 30 years ago. What's his intention?

Zhou ziruo's brain suddenly confused, because he found another doubt. In the case 30 years ago, only one Duan Peng died. In this case, besides Feng Jing, a nameless corpse died. How did Du Hanfeng do that? Why didn't he completely copy the crime he committed this time?

After Liu nanqin's explanation was denied, the case itself returned to the origin.

How does the chamber of Secrets Work? Why is there no blood on the scene after beheading? Why does the wound on Feng Jing's neck match with inseparable?

Zhou ziruo could not help holding his head in his arms and closing his eyes tightly, trying to recall the scenes of the case.

Arms, legs, trunk, headAnonymous's arms, legs, trunk, Feng Jing's head


In the first two cases, witnesses could not see Feng Jing's shoulder below

The arm in the first case had the same scar as Feng Jing's

No Name Surname

In this case, does this anonymous really exist?!

Zhou ziruo suddenly came up with a bold hypothesis. Although common sense told him that he could not do it, his thoughts ran in that direction like a runaway wild horse!

At this time, the calm water in front of the current whirling, slowly turned out a no small whirlpool. Du Hanfeng flies out of the whirlpool leisurely. At the moment when Zhou ziruo sees the "thing" behind him, he finally knows that he has guessed right.

At the same time, the cold smile on Du Hanfeng's face made his heart sink to the bottom.

The author has something to say: so far, all the clues of this case have been given out, and the key points have been drawn out through the analysis of the roles. Finally, the author gives an idea that the title of the volume is the biggest spoiler. Don't forget that the case is an immortal background, and you can try to explain it in an unreasonable way. All right ~

that's it

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