In the dark brothel, there are people who want to be dissatisfied with the behavior of indulgence!!!

Er Although it sounds OK, Zhou ziruo thinks it's very problematic. Let's not say that his ugly face can make people soft. It's not right to press him on the door and kiss that person now!

Nima and Lu LiXiao are fighting each other. What do you mean when you need to find a woman to go whoring with him?? Besides, he is a brothel busboy, not a swineherd!!

Zhou ziruo felt that Lu LiXiao had gradually raised his head, so he raised his knee full of confidence, intending to give him a complete collapse.

Hey! Think I'm in vain? How can you enjoy the pleasure of fish and water with the hostess in the future!

Zhou ziruo's eyes are full of vicious light. However, Lu LiXiao seems to know what he is thinking between his insults. A cold look stares at him, and he becomes Zhou ziruo immediately.

Lu LiXiao holds Zhou ziruo's collar and throws him into the soft bed. He picks up the teapot on the table and points the teapot at him. The cool tea drizzles all over his face. Zhou ziruo doesn't close his eyes and feels that Lu LiXiao takes a soft cloth from somewhere and wipes it on his face. Then his signature hat is removed and his hair is scattered in the quilt.

Lu LiXiao threw away the teapot and the cloth full of pigment, covered himself and pressed down. He held Zhou ziruo's face in his hands and gently kissed him on his eyelids.

Zhou ziruo's heart choked with that gas, suddenly in this tender and overflowing move down.

Within a short distance, he looked at Lu LiXiao's handsome face. He hadn't seen it for more than half a month. He obviously found that he was thinner, which made his facial features almost sharp.

“…… What are you doing here? "

Lu LiXiao said, "I have been looking for you for many days before I found you here."

Zhou ziruo silently admires Lu LiXiao's ability to find people. If he paints this ghost image, Lu LiXiao can still find out that he has sneaked into yunlanxuan. It must be that he has forgotten to eat and sleep.


Lu LiXiao found him to find their own thin, his heart to Lu LiXiao added a point, but face must continue to high cold.

"What do you want from me?"

"The fox that I've been raising for so long has run away without saying a word. It's not too bad for me not to find it back."

"What!!" Zhou ziruo's Gao Leng fan'er explodes. When he touches Lu LiXiao's joking smile, he finds that he has been used again and turns away from him.

Lu LiXiao put out his hand to pick his hair on his cheek. Zhou ziruo opened his hand. "Don't touch it. I have nothing to do with you." The two of them collapsed on the bed so that this sentence was not convincing, so he added a special angry Lu LiXiao sentence, "give our family Damu to see that he is going to be jealous!"

Lu LiXiao didn't show the essence of vinegar king this time. Instead, he talked about something irrelevant: "younger martial brother Leng is in a gloomy mood these days. Your words on that day really hit him."

Zhou ziruo's fault with Lengmo on that day was just a case of accusing others. He had regretted it for a long time. Although he really didn't agree with Lengmo's torturing Muqi Jun, after all, they were willing to fight each other and suffer each other. Maybe that was their taste.

He felt guilty, but he was still adamant: "am I wrong? Our Damu is hot! If he doesn't like it, just make it clear to him. Don't influence others by hanging on him all the time. Regard Damu as the pursuit of true love! "

"Regard Mu as true love? Do you know? " Lu LiXiao has a tiny detail.

Zhou ziruo was angry: "if you step on the horse, you will find a second vacancy to be true love???"

"Two deficiencies?" Lu LiXiao probably guessed the meaning of these two words, looking at him, "how impossible? Don't I just look for you? "

Zhou ziruo was so angry that he was about to make an earthshaking attack. He suddenly responded, "you What did you say just now True love? Me

Lu LiXiao curved his lips and laughed: "who else is there?"

"What about Bai and Bai Lianhua?" Zhou ziruo said.

Lu LiXiao was puzzled, "white girl? What does it have to do with her? "

"Why doesn't it matter? You've got her sword ears, and you can't leave them! " Although Zhou ziruo vaguely knew that he had misunderstood Lu LiXiao and Bai Lianhua, this incident always made him feel sorry.

Lu LiXiao sighed helplessly and said: "the sword spike is chosen by Miss Bai for her master, but her Sabre is too delicate, so she borrowed it to try the effect."

“…… That's it? "

"What else do you think?"

If Zhou Zi thought about it, he really couldn't do anything about it. So many days of pressure in the heart of depression suddenly dissipated, he complained: "that day you did not tell me clearly, but also stopped me from touching her hand..."

"Because I'm jealous." Lu LiXiao said bluntly, "even though I know you and Mr. Mu won't have anything to do, I still envy you for being close to others, for there are many secrets between you that won't tell me. So I did it on purpose, so that you could have a taste of it. "

Zhou ziruo:!!!

Who said it was the most poisonous woman?? Man's heart is the same, seafloor needle is very poisonous, OK!!!But Lu LiXiao's jealous behavior, Zhou ziruo, is not angry. Instead, he feels very emotional

ORZ…… He can't be saved

Lu LiXiao straightened his face and looked into his eyes with his black eyes. "What you said that day, I've thought about it many times these days. I've never looked down on you, and I've never thought of trampling your heart You are the one I love, the only one who has been with me all my life. "

This is not the most disgusting words Zhou ziruo has ever heard in his life, but it is absolutely the words that make his heart shake. Because the person who said these words was Lu LiXiao, who he also loved.

Unconsciously, Lu LiXiao slightly bent his head and kissed his lips. If Zhou Zi didn't refuse, his hand on Lu LiXiao's chest climbed up and encircled his neck.

In the quiet room, Lu LiXiao's hand caressing Zhou ziruo's cheek slides down, unties his lapel and probes into his warm body. Zhou ziruo is unwilling to lose and pulls Lu LiXiao's clothes until his two hot bodies are entangled together

Zhou ziruo accepted all of Lu LiXiao. This time, he was different from the past. In addition to the pleasure of eroding his bones, he also had great spiritual satisfaction. The unspeakable happiness and happiness produced by the complete combination of spirit and flesh is incomparable to any experience in the world! Just like the boundless ocean, people just want to indulge in it, how to want is not enough, just want to have each other deeper and longer, never go ashore

The deep dream is replaced by the cold darkness.

Zhou ziruo's consciousness became clear, so clear that he was sure that he was in a dream.

He knew that in his dream, he was lying alone on the bed in a room of yunlanxuan. Not far from the bed, a few steps away was the delicate mahogany dressing table. In his dream, he opened his eyes and was immediately startled by the scene in front of him.

In front of the mahogany dressing table, there is a woman in white sitting on a round stool, facing the rhombic glasses on the dressing table, combing her long hair and waist slowly. She combed, combed, combed from the top to the end, and then repeated the process.

This picture is really creepy, but it's probably a ghost. After the initial panic, Zhou ziruo calmed down. Anyway, I'm in a dream. I'll be fine when I wake up. Besides, this female ghost is still an old friend.

This is the female ghost elder sister who guides Zhou ziruo's clues to solve the case.

Female ghost sister this cos character is a bit like the mother of Zhenzi zhijinzi in the midnight bell, I don't know what kind of message she wants to convey.

"Sister ghost," Zhou ziruo opened his mouth and found that he could speak in his dream, so he asked, "why do you come to help me every time? Are you a bug of the game or a program that provides ideas? By the way, what do you call it? "

Female ghost comb hair action pause, obviously heard his words, originally in the dream can talk. But the ghost did not respond, and suddenly disappeared in the original place.

"Wait..." Zhou ziruo got up from the bed, and just then, he woke up.

Lu LiXiao's face was just above, and the backlight was a little deep. He patted Zhou ziruo's cheek, "what? Have you had a nightmare? "

Zhou ziruo was stunned for a while and shook his head. The window sashes of the room were wide open, and the moon was still outside. He asked, "when is it?"

"Three quarters of the time." Lu Li said with a smile.

"No! I have to go back to Zijin right away! " Zhou ziruo turns over with a carp, but Lu LiXiao pushes him back.

"What are you doing back to him? I'll take care of this room. You can have a good night's rest and come with me tomorrow morning. " Lu LiXiao kisses him on the cheek.

If Zhou ziruo wants to push him away, "Zijin must think I'm missing, he'll be worried..."

"I'll take you to say hello to him tomorrow morning. Do you really think of yourself as his little boy?"

"Not because of this..."

"What's that for?" Lu LiXiao stops making love and looks at him.

If Zhou ziruo understood, Lu LiXiao found that he was investigating Zhuohua's case.

In fact, now his heart knot with Lu LiXiao has been opened and his relationship has become closer. There is nothing that can't be said. But he didn't know how to tell Lu LiXiao, in order to reduce the shock and entanglement that he knew that he and his relatives and friends were just game characters.

They are a bunch of data generated, their fate, their joys and sorrows It's all decided by the writer's pen!

If this kind of thing happened to Zhou ziruo, he would never believe it. If someone says this to him, either he thinks that person is crazy, or he himself is crazy

Lu LiXiao doesn't believe in fate. How can he accept it? How dare Zhou ziruo speak these words in such a casual situation?

After deliberation, Zhou ziruo seriously said to Lu LiXiao, "I have plenty of important reasons to investigate Zhuohua's case, but But I can't tell you now! You give me some time. It won't be long. I'll tell you everything. There's absolutely nothing to hide! "

Lu LiXiao examines him for half a moment, and finally raises his hand and rubs his head in Zhou ziruo's tense gaze, and prints a kiss on his forehead."I see. Let's talk about it when you want to."

If Zhou ziruo could hardly believe that it would be done so easily? It's true that men have just satisfied their desires. Are they in a good mood??

Obviously, Lu LiXiao was in a good mood. He didn't get to the bottom of it, but also asked him, "what can I do for you?"

Zhou ziruo turned his mind back: "this I can't think of it for the moment. In a word, you should pay attention outside and let me know if you have any news Oh, by the way, there was a dead man who was Zheng Yu, the nephew of magistrate Zheng Qingtian. There may be some clues in the Yamen. Can you help me get them? "

Lu LiXiao nodded carelessly and agreed. His fingers slid along Zhou ziruo's delicate clavicle. His voice was low: "you stay in yunlanxuan. I want to see you. Isn't it very troublesome?"

If Zhou ziruo is right, he can't let Lu LiXiao spend money every night. So he suggested, "or Do you disguise yourself as a relative

Lu LiXiao's fingers instead grabbed Zhou ziruo's face and said in a cold voice, "my relatives have been buried for a long time. Who are they hiding? Do you know? "

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