There are hundreds of forces of cultivating immortals in the world, and the three aristocratic families of the four immortals sect have been at the top of many forces of cultivating immortals for hundreds of years. The four immortals are qingyangshan, changlezong, xuanyangmen and yaohuagong. The three aristocratic families are Murong family, Yunjia family and zhurishan family, the host of this immortal disciple Dabi.

Zhuri mountain is located a hundred miles outside Tongyang city. Because the green mountain rises into the clouds, it has the name of sunrise mountain, so it is named Zhuri mountain. At the same time, the word "Zhuri mountain" also secretly expresses the ambition of Zhuri mountain's owner, who is unwilling to be in the middle of the three generations' family of four immortals, to climb the jiuxiao mountain and compete with Japan.

However, if Gu wanted to step on the other six gates, he might have thought about it a few decades ago, but now he can only dream.

There are many branches of the family, but the generation of the master is very few. In the past, when the family was in glory, the thirteen sons of the family's patron en could be described as crouching tigers, hidden dragons and heroes. However, in recent decades, the family's thirteen sons have been in great trouble one after another. Almost all of them are upright, and the moment when they are in prime of life suddenly falls, In the end, there is only Gu Er, a mediocre man, Gu Qi, a withdrawn man, and Gu Jiu, a glib dandy. The family's patron, Gu en, suffered a great change and died in a few years. The younger generation was still young, but Gu ER and Gu San couldn't support the big family. Gu's family had been handed over to Gu en's mother and his wife, Gu Taijun.

Sixty or seventy years ago, Xue Ruyu, the old lady of Gu, was once a rare beauty in the world. How many talented young people in various Xianmen families had bowed to her skirt, thinking that when she went to take care of the former head of her family, how many men had secretly suffered and wept! Now that Gu is nearly 90 years old, she is no longer young, but her ambition in her youth is not diminished. In today's family, where her descendants have withered and her people have long lost their ambition, she is still determined to develop her family into the head of the Xianmen family!

This Xianmen family competition is scheduled to be held in Gu's family, which is the result of Gu's efforts. During the contest, Gu laotaijun intended to let other sects and aristocratic families see that Gu's family still retains its former style, which would force Gu's family out of the three aristocratic families of the four immortals sect.

However, seven days before the big match, Gu Laotai Jun, who had always been calm, happy and angry, lost his temper.

With the dawn of the day, all the children of the family, regardless of their age, gathered in the square, which can accommodate thousands of people and is only used for important occasions. Gu Er San brothers, for example, could barely stand, while those of a lower generation could only kneel upright. On the northernmost platform of the square, Gu Tai Jun sat in a wide chair two or three times her size, holding a spirit wood crutch inlaid with blood red spirit stone, and staring at Gu Jia men on the square with sharp eyes .

From Mao hour to noon, the morning light gradually turned into the hot sun. Some of the younger generation kneeling on the ground were weak or lack of practice. They were sweating and their faces turned white. Not only they, but also the elderly women who did not practice martial arts were dizzy and disordered in breathing and breathing.

But Mr. Gu didn't open his mouth. No one dared to say anything even if he was uncomfortable.

After Shenshi, people who had been hungry for most of the day and exposed to the sun for most of the day finally saw that Mr. Gu took a sip of the tea from his servant girl. Mr. Gu raised his hand and waved back the servant with the palm fan beside him. He looked at Gu Qinghuan, the eldest grandson of Mr. Gu's family, who was kneeling at the front of the high platform, and said with a strong voice: "evil!"

Gu Qinghuan is Gu's only son who died and Gu's great grandson. Because Jin Sun lost his father and mother when he was young, Gu and his wife, who assisted Gu in managing Gu's family, loved him more than Gu Qingyan. Gu Qinghuan has never been in trouble since he was young. However, his second uncle connived at and sheltered him from both big and small mistakes. Now he is nearly 30 years old, but he is not as responsible and steady as a man should be when he was 30 years old. He is still a real disaster.

When she found out that Gu Qinghuan's son was completely crooked and couldn't break it off, she had no choice but to ask Gu Eryan to take care of him in case he broke into a big business one day. However, as a grandson of a famous family who was born with a golden spoon and thought he was arrogant and domineering, Gu Qinghuan didn't do anything to make him feel sorry The name of Bao was born out of him in today's criticism meeting that the whole family suffered.

Although Gu Qinghuan has done a lot of mischievous things from small to large, he still sticks to the bottom line, and has never killed anyone. But this time it's different. A month ago, Gu Qinghuan went through a small village called Baihe Village at the foot of the mountain day by day, and fell in love with a beautiful girl named qianyun in the village. Regardless of her engagement, she insisted on going home to be a concubine. Gu Qinghuan was born after taking care of his family, but he was born with poor aptitude and didn't work hard the day after tomorrow. At last, the villagers of Baihe Village drove him out of the village with pots and pans.

Gu Qinghuan, who fled back to Zhuri mountain in embarrassment, was angry. However, he could not help revealing that he had been taught by a group of villagers that he had robbed the women of the people. He stole the strange medicine developed by his seventh uncle and secretly went back to Baihe Village. He poured the strange medicine into the wells where the villagers usually cook food and get water!

Gu Qi, a Gu family member, is obsessed with pharmacology. He works at home all the year round to develop some strange drugs. He thinks the drugs are more important than his own life. He is a real eccentric. When he found that his medicine was missing two bottles, Gu Qi started the whole family to search around, and let out that the medicine was a semi-finished product that had not been successfully developed. If it was improper, it might cause death!Gu Qinghuan, who originally only wanted to teach the villagers a lesson in Baihe Village, was stunned. When Gu Qi found out his head, he was stunned and recognized it. When he told the whole story, Gu's family sent people to Baihe Village, the small village where he had lived and worked was already gloomy.

Six villagers died in Baihe Village, including qianyun, the girl Gu Qinghuan fell in love with.

Gu's family is one of the seven forces in the right path. It's not ironic that such a scandal has happened.

When Gu was young, he was also a heroine who hated evil. Gu Qinghuan's behavior made her furious, but she was even more afraid that it would be caught by other immortal families as a pigtail, which would make Gu's family never turn over. Therefore, no matter how angry and sad she was, she could only let Gu Er find a way to put things down.

Gu Er cleans Gu Qinghuan's buttocks. Gu's family doesn't have any trouble. But Gu Taijun is very disappointed with his eldest grandson. Although Gu Qinghuan was the one who made the mistake this time, old lady Gu could see clearly that the younger generation of Gu family rarely had the grace of their parents. Many of them only relied on the identity of Gu family members to be proud of themselves. Since most of their thirteen sons died with their customers, Gu er's generation became content with the status quo, adhered to the doctrine of the mean, and had no ambition! If she closes her eyes and kicks her legs one day, what future will she have if she gives care of her family to these people?

Through Gu Qinghuan's basket, Gu Taijun beat and whipped all the Gu family members. Although she was old and her skeleton was only two-thirds as high as before, her angry face and shrill voice still made all the younger generation feel guilty and frightened and keep their heads down!

Gu Qinghuan kneels and crawls under the stage, weeping all over his face. When Gu laotaijun scolds him for breathing heavily, he kneels on the stage, hugs laotaijun's leg and admits his mistake.

Gu Qinghuan is indeed a scum, but after all, he is the eldest grandson of Gu's generation. He touched the top of his grandson's head, sighed deeply, and was angry.

Seeing that the old prince's anger seemed to vent a lot, the family caring children under the stage were relieved. Although those who should stand still could only stand in situ, and those who were kneeling did not dare to get up, gradually, the crowd began to sound a murmur, especially among those who were not calm enough.

"Well! Gu Qinghuan has made such a big fortune. It's his own business whether he should kill someone or think about it behind closed doors. Why did great grandmother pull us all here to kneel down in the early morning? "

"Yes. I was rushed here before I woke up. I haven't drunk a mouthful of water since morning. My throat is very dry! This Gu Qinghuan is really harmful! Qingyan, are you right? "

Gu Qingyan, who is still kneeling straight, looks to the stage. Through the gap of the crowd in front of him, he sees Gu Qinghuan holding Gu's leg and swearing in tears, while his father Gu Erzheng stands on the side and helps Gu Qinghuan speak to Gu.


Next to him, Gu Qingyan dropped his eyes and said nothing.

"Great grandmother is really partial to Gu Qinghuan. If we get killed, it's not impossible for us to be expelled from the wall! Gu Qinghuan just holds his great grandmother's leg and cries twice to make an oath. Even his second uncle is helping him! " One of them was jealous and said to Gu Qingyan, "Qingyan, second uncle is your father. I remember when you were young, you just escaped half a day's martial arts class. Second uncle punished you for kneeling for half a month. He didn't listen to our plea! Now what do you think of Gu Qinghuan? Are you not angry that he loves Gu Qinghuan more than you? "

The two children of the same generation also wanted to urge Gu Qingyan to express his opinions. At this time, someone in front of him turned back and said, "Qinghuan's parents died when he was young. The second brother cherished him. Don't you two say a few words, or you'll fall into Grandma's ears and make her unhappy. "

Deliberately low voice, can not hide it, as if born with the water gentle. Gu Qingyan raised his eyes and looked at the speaker. Two of his peers spoke contemptuously.

"What's your business? Do you have to be a good elder here? "

"Grandma, too? Do you really think you're a housekeeper? It's just a wild... "

"Qingfeng, qingce, shut up

Two young people were severely stopped, unwilling to whisper: "yes, uncle nine."

Gu Jiu glared at the two young people, and immediately changed his kind smile to Gu Jue: "ah Jue, don't have the same opinion with these young people. Later, I will tell the second brother to let him punish them well."

Gu Jue said with a smile: "thank you for your support, but you don't have to punish me. How can I care about the kid's jokes?"

Two younger generation secretly exchanged a disdainful look, lips wriggle, silent scold a sentence: "wild seed."

Gu Qi, who was not far away, cast an uninterested look on this side and turned back bored to the extreme.

After the meeting, Gu Qingfeng and Gu qingce followed Gu Qingyan from left to right, cursing about the long-lasting family discipline meeting. After cursing Gu Qinghuan, they started cursing Gu Jue. Gu Qingyan walked in front of them and suddenly looked back at them.

Gu Qingfeng and Gu qingce were stunned, and the word "wild seed" stopped saying, "what's the matter?"Gu Qingyan said in a serious and cold voice: "Gu Jue is our fourteenth uncle, which was confirmed by great grandfather and great grandparent! If you continue to criticize him behind his back in the future, don't follow me all day. I don't want any gossip to get into my great grandmother's ears! "

Gu Jue's identity has always been an awkward existence in Gu's family. There are many people in the family who talk about him. However, Gu Qingyan is Gu er's only son, and Gu Er is now the right-hand man who helps him run his family. To put it bluntly, Gu's family is likely to be handed over to Gu in the future. However, compared with Gu Qi and Gu Jiu, who are both blind and devoted to pharmacology, Gu Jue is young and promising, intelligent and courageous. However, he is also very much like the former owner of the family. In addition, he is the same generation as Gu Er, threatening Gu Er to take over the family.

The thirteen sons of the Gu family were all born to the son of old prince Gu, but Gu Jue was the grandson of the former head of the family and other women. Gu Jue is a thorn in Gu's heart, but Gu is very generous to him, and has no different words for his family. Anyone in Gu's family can talk about Gu Jue behind his back, but Gu Er can't, and neither can Gu Qingyan, Gu er's son. Otherwise, it will be the grandson of the former head of Gu's family and other women!

Gu Qingfeng and Gu qingce look at each other, the joint is clear in the heart, then obediently shut up.

The day of immortal disciple Dabi is coming. Recently, people from other immortal families will arrive at Gu's family one after another. Gu Qingyan and his three have just arrived near the vestibule. When they heard that there were guests coming, they consciously went to meet them.

But as soon as they arrived at the iron gate, they heard a commotion outside. Gu Qingyan steps out and sees Gu Qinghuan push a thin boy out. The boy's feet are empty, and he is about to roll down the long steps. Gu Qingyan immediately flies to him and holds him in his arms.

"Are you OK, younger martial brother?" Gu Qingyan took the boy two steps to stand firm. He looked down, and his eyes immediately stagnated on the seven pure and three enchanting faces of the man in his arms.

However, Zhou ziruo didn't give a soft and lovely response that was in line with this male fox's face. Instead, he broke away Gu Qingyan, pulled out the silver chain around his waist and cleaved to Gu Qinghuan.

"NIMA pushed me? I'll do justice for heaven today, you idiot! "

The author has something to say: I didn't have time to update yesterday. I wanted to write more in this chapter today, but I'm afraid that if there are too many contents, we will not be able to distinguish the complicated relationship within the family. I want to draw a table to explain it at a glance, but the app can't see the picture, so I'll explain it again in words

Gu laotaijun and Gu's former owner are husband and wife. Gu en, Gu's son, is the owner of Gu's family. Gu EN has 13 sons (not born of the same woman). Ten of them died, and now there are only three, Gu Er, Gu Qi and Gu Jiu, Gu en's eldest son, Gu Dayou This is Gu Qinghuan, the eldest grandson of the Gu family. Gu Qingyan is Gu er's son. The children of other brothers will be explained in the plot. After ten of Gu en's 13 sons died, they died of depression.

These are the descendants of Mr. Gu, but Mr. Gu's husband, the former head of the family, also has a woman whom he knows from outside. This woman gave birth to a son for him. That son is Gu en's brother, who is dead, but has an orphan, Gu Jue. According to the seniority, Gu Jue should call Gu laotaijun his grandmother, but in fact he has no blood relationship with Gu laotaijun.

Have I made myself clear? ╮(╯_ ╰)╭

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