Cannon fodder is a full-level boss

52. The Second Retirement World [06]

Just when Liu Ling thought she was doomed today and was going to be criticized by Captain Zhu, Captain Zhu didn't say a word.

Captain Zhu glanced at her, and then, like her before, he began to ask the patients.

However, the patients either pretended not to hear or answered in completely different channels.

Only the patient named Yan Ling was different, at least that's what Liu Ling thought at the beginning.

After all, from his performance just now, he was the patient who looked least like a patient.

The pale-faced man tilted his head, as if thinking, and his mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a hint of mystery like a black robe in the moonlight.

The man spoke.

It was obviously an ordinary voice, but Liu Ling heard an illusion of stereo surround sound.

"Mr. Police Officer, it's already dawn."

Liu Ling looked out the window with her peripheral vision following the voice, and then thought that this was the police station and she was working now, so she immediately regained her mind.

Could it be that I have been staying up late these days and my condition is too bad, otherwise why is she so easily affected today?

The man did not get a reply, but he was still talking.

"The blackest night has been swallowed up."

Liu Ling opened her eyes wide.

What the hell!

The man turned around, and his eyes fell on the big red round sun that had risen to the sky outside the window.

"The moon god representing light fell from the altar."

"Those traitors with starlight and black wings signed a new treaty, and they are about to choose a new moon god at the next unparalleled ball."

The man stood up suddenly, and a thin blue and white hospital gown was worn by him, giving the illusion of the altar priest in the game screen.

Soon, this serious and unattainable sense of holiness disappeared with the man's slight nod.

The man named Yan Ling raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, his eyes swept across Officer Zhu, and then--

fell on her.

Countless pairs of eyes in the room fell on Liu Ling.

To put it simply, Liu Ling felt a little uneasy, and the effect was almost the same as when her relatives asked her whether she had brought a partner back every New Year.

The man bent down slightly, like an elegant gentleman at a ball. He put one hand behind his back and gently stretched out the other hand, landing in front of Liu Ling.

Each nail was very clean and translucent pink.

"Miss police officer, if you are also at the next ball, you might consider being my partner."

"Let us welcome the new moon god together."

At this moment, the man's eyes seemed to be filled with starlight.

Twenty-seven-year-old Liu Ling had never encountered such a big scene. Whether she answered yes or no, it was as if she was passive.

No, no, what was she thinking.

What moon god, what traitor, what ball!

This man was talking nonsense. Could this guy have read too many novels?

Yan Ling, like a rejected and sad person, returned to his seat again, and began to be silent like other patients with empty eyes.

In the end, he even closed his eyes and leaned against the window.

Although he couldn't see, Yan Ling could see everything in the room in his brain through his extraordinary perception.

The female police officer standing at the door was talking to the psychologist passing by.

It was very quiet, and almost only the two of them could hear it.

But Yan Ling could clearly perceive every word of their conversation.

The psychologist said that it was very likely that the patient had a possibility of delusional disorder in addition to the original mania, and judging from the situation, it seemed that the disease was not light.

Yes, this was the result Yan Ling wanted.

He was judged as a mental patient, and then if nothing unexpected happened, he and these patients would enter another hospital under the coordination of the police.

When Yan Ling was sitting in the police car on the way to the police station, he was thinking about how he would face the police after arriving at the police station.

If he showed that he was not sick and was confirmed by the police, the people from the Bo family and the people from his original fiancee's side would no longer be able to send him to the mental hospital, but this was just one of the ways to deal with it. As long as Yan Ling came to the outside world, these people would appear in front of him from time to time like flies that could not be driven away.

In fact, there was no problem with all of this. In Yan Ling's opinion, the most important point was that he would have no house to live in after he got out.

The Bo family would not let him go back, and if he lived in other places and lived in the hospital for so long, he would have nothing of his own, let alone money.

On the contrary, if he chose to continue to be a patient.

Under pressure from public opinion and the face of the four major families, the Bo family would certainly not let Yan Ling not be able to afford to stay in a hospital, and the monthly medical expenses would definitely be paid in full.

In this way, it was not just living in the hospital.

Because of the previous black-hearted hospital, this batch of patients will definitely be transferred to a hospital with a good reputation. Yan Ling's requirements are not high, just a bed to sleep on and food to eat.

If you think about it carefully, isn't this the best retirement life?

On the surface, it is a hospital, but with all the functions added up, it is simply a nursing home with its own medical services.

Yan Ling said he is very satisfied with this kind of life.

It seemed that she had been persuaded by the psychiatrist. When the female police officer looked at Yan Ling, her face was full of pity.

No, the process should be done. After Yan Ling and other patients had breakfast, they got into the police car again. Their destination was a large hospital in the city, also known as the Department of Psychiatry and Psychology. ‌A well-known hospital.

After all the patients were taken to the hospital for examination by the police in the morning, Officer Zhu and Liu Ling went to see another person.

There was a woman sitting in the police station's interrogation room.

The woman seemed to have just woken up and was taken to the police station by the police officers. Her face looked very embarrassed, but I have to say that even so, the woman's face looked very beautiful.

"Fu Mengxuan, do you want to make any excuse for these feelings?"

There was a sense of weakness all over the woman's body, as if the two people standing in front of her were vicious murderers.

Fu Mengxuan's eyes soon filled with tears.

However, in front of the well-known police officer Zhu, who is known as the Living King of Hell, and Liu Ling, who is also a woman, it has no effect at all.

Because the evidence is conclusive, and the police officers' income and expenditure records also confirmed that Fu Mengxuan did have an expenditure record of the same price that day, Fu Mengxuan did not admit it even though he kept crying on his face. However, through this evidence, Fu Mengxuan committed the crime. The crime he committed is absolutely certain, and he will be jailed for several years. The police are not bad either. This is Fu Mengxuan's motive for doing this.

After hearing that he would go to jail, Fu Mengxuan panicked.

"I can't go to jail, I can't go to jail. My family is the Fu family, and my parents will never let me go to jail."

Liu Ling looked at the woman in front of her who seemed to be confused about the situation, "As long as a crime is committed, no matter who it is, they must be tried by the law, even if they are members of the Fu family."

The Fu family is also one of the four major aristocratic families, but what's the use? The so-called four major aristocratic families are just what they say. It is true that these four families are top-notch in everything in the capital city, but all In front of the country, these are not worth mentioning.

"I...I did these things, but what the heck, isn't Bao Ling still alive and well?"

Even after changing her name, Fu Mengxuan was still called by this name most of the time.

Fu Mengxuan abandoned her previous weakness, and resentment began to flash in her eyes.

From the moment she was born, she was tied to Bo Ling. Every birthday, the Bo family and the Fu family always asked them to sit together. No one knew that she was actually resisting in her heart.

She didn't like Bo Ling, even though her friends said that Bo Ling looked like a prince in a fairy tale.

But even so, Fu Mengxuan didn't like it. Bo Ling was like a piece of wood. He would never please her like other people. Other people's boyfriends would prepare surprises for their girlfriends every day, and every time she When she called Bo Ling, she was either studying or later working. In a year, the only times she and Bo Ling met were at their birthday parties and some important festivals.

Bo Ling didn't like her at all, but Bo Ling was like an outsider, occupying the title of her fiancé.

Because of Bo Ling's existence, her parents did not allow her to be with her senior when she was in college. They said that she would be the wife of the Bo family in the future. The next day, the senior dropped out of school. She knew that she was His parents did it, but Fu Mengxuan put all her hatred on Bo Ling.

If it weren't for Bo Ling, her parents would never stop her love.

So after Bo Ling was kicked out of the Bo family, Fu Mengxuan came up with an idea. She wanted to make Bo Ling feel the pain she had suffered.

To live on the last breath, but not to die.

But in the eyes of others, she was an extremely affectionate person who cared about Bo Ling, and after making such a commotion, she had an excuse to ask her parents to stop talking to her and several people from other families. The thought of meeting and going on a blind date, so that when the person from Bo Ling completely fades out of everyone's heart, she can be with...


Now everything is ruined!

When Fu Mengxuan was putting on the handcuffs, the cold feeling made her whole back tremble.

She looked out the door, not knowing what she was thinking in her eyes.

Finally, she lowered her head and followed the officers away.

Officer Zhu and Liu Ling were the only two people left in the interrogation room.

"What do you think of this patient named Yan Ling?" Officer Zhu suddenly changed the subject.

Liu Ling was stunned for a moment, but she quickly reacted.

Surprise flashed in her eyes, "Captain Zhu means that he is suspicious of this patient."

Liu Ling thought of what happened before, "Could it be that everything he just did in front of us was just acting!" Liu Ling exclaimed.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Officer Zhu said.

But it didn't take long for this suspicion to be broken.

The test results from the hospital have come out. The conditions of those patients are all true. The only difference is the patient named Yan Ling.

For some reason, his mania seemed to improve in a short period of time, but doctors discovered that he was now suffering from severe delusions.

The doctor's opinion was that he needed to stay in the hospital for treatment, otherwise he might develop a disease.

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