Cannon fodder is a full-level boss

54. The Second Retirement World [08]

He and Yan Ling live in the same ward, so their "illness" is the same.

Yan Ling's illness was fake, but Yan Ling's patients were really sick.

Yes, the patient numbered 166 suffered from real delusional disorder, and he was also a severe patient. He was not transferred from the same hospital as Yan Ling before, but was originally treated in this hospital. I heard that I have lived here for several years.

Unlike Yan Ling, who is alone in his family, this patient will be visited every few days, and this computer is given to the patient by the visitors to pass the time. Although the patient does not have much conscious time, so most of the time This computer is for display.

But will it still be a decoration in Yan Ling's hands?

Naturally it is impossible.

But after all, this is someone else's thing. Yan Ling, who thinks he has good morals, will not take it without asking.

Just when Yan Ling was thinking about how to get the right to use the computer.

Patient No. 166 opposite seemed to notice the look in Yan Ling's eyes, and chuckled twice, then tilted his head, his face suddenly changed, he jumped onto the hospital bed with a very nervous expression, covered himself with the quilt, and opened his mouth. Zhong was mumbling hesitantly.

"Crocodile egg, crocodile egg, I am a crocodile egg! Keep the wind and rain away from me, I want to turn into a big crocodile, eat it all up, and become my mother's good baby..."

Yan Ling: I am really ill.

Obviously, Yan Ling has forgotten that many of the materials he used to pretend to be patients came from his fellow patient.

Patient No. 166 jumped to the ground again not long after, began to dig into the ground, and sang the Yellow River Cantata impassionedly.

Don't tell me, the tune is pretty accurate.

Yan Ling sometimes suspected that his fellow patient might have been an artist before he became ill.

Yan Ling sat cross-legged on the hospital bed, supporting his chin with his right hand. In his sight was the simple and sweaty figure of the patient. Yan Ling looked at it, and suddenly thought of the scene where he almost collapsed after controlling several people. , I also broke out in a sweat at that time, but it was just a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he was taken away from the hospital by the police and recovered after a few days of good rest.

However, because of this incident, Yan Ling discovered something.

His mental power is suppressed in this world, so his body can only use a little mental power now. If he forces himself to use more mental power, it will burden his body, just like last time.

He originally thought that if his mental power was suppressed by the world, it would be suppressed, but in fact it was not.

‌ If he compared all his mental power to a piece of sea water, when he first came to this world, all he could use was a basin of water. But after recovering again, Yan Ling found that the basin filled with water was bigger than the sea water. The original water storage capacity has increased, even if it is only a slight change.

Yan Ling was extremely happy.

Da, who is used to strong mental power, actually really doesn't like the feeling of being restrained. Although it does not affect his life, it is like an ordinary person walking on the road, with both eyes having about 500 degrees of myopia.

In short, the comfort is extremely poor!

Yan Ling's movements on the hospital bed remained unchanged, and he slowly closed his eyes.

The released mental power floats around like tentacles, like a small fish in another sea, floating back and forth with infinite curiosity.

After a few seconds, he seemed to see delicious food again, and he went straight to the target excitedly.

Speaking of spiritual power, in fact everyone has it, but with the qualifications of people in this world, it is estimated that it will take hundreds of years of practice to achieve some success. In addition, spiritual power in the world is rare, so basically everyone only has a little bit of spiritual power. Basically, there is no power at all.

However, not being powerful does not mean that the mental power will not be damaged. Yan Ling controlled his mental power and carefully explored the body of Patient 166. Yan Ling felt that the mental power of Patient 166 was at an extreme level at this time. In a manic state.

Yan Ling used his mental power to slowly appease it. At the beginning, Patient 166's mental power wanted to resist, but because Yan Ling's mental power was too strong for it, direct resistance was ineffective.

After that, Patient No. 166's mental energy was like that of a cat after being soothed, and his mania gradually decreased.

In the real world, Patient No. 166's body suddenly stopped its original excited movements, then hit a Hatch, returned to bed and fell asleep.

As for Yan Ling, he collapsed again.

Yan Ling woke up to a noise.

Yan Ling first checked his mental strength. It was very good. It was better than last time.

Yan Ling was very satisfied.

The voice in his ears seemed to be getting louder and louder. It was a man's voice, and Yan Ling felt familiar for some reason.

Yan Ling raised his head and saw Patient No. 166, who was originally sleeping, standing at the door of the ward, talking to the doctor in a very intense mood.

Yan Ling poked his head curiously.

"Doctor, I'm really not sick. I have to go back quickly to prepare for the concert, otherwise my manager will scold me to death."

"You go back to the room first. Trust me, your agent won't scold you." The doctor's face remained calm, with a tone that was expertly coaxing a child.

Patient No. 166 was even more anxious, "Doctor, please don't leave. I'm sure I'm not sick. I don't have a mobile phone now. Please help me contact my agent. It's the end of November now. I've been rehearsing for a long time for the concert on December 1st. I can't miss it."

The doctor sighed, "You said it's November now?"

Patient No. 166 was sure, "You're talking nonsense. It's November 2016. Last month in October, I celebrated my birthday with my fans. By the way, doctor, don't you know me? I'm Sun Xiaozhou. I used to perform sketches, and later became a full-time singer. Logically, I have also guest-starred in several A well-known variety show, it shouldn't be so passerby. "

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, my fans are almost all around 20 years old, maybe there is a generation gap between you and them, and the stars you like are other seniors in the entertainment industry, but it doesn't matter, even if you are a little old, you can still come to my concert. Meeting is fate, wait for my agent to come, I will ask him to send you one, no, two tickets to the concert, then the doctor can come with your children or your wife. "

His patient is still as talkative as before, and he can talk a few paragraphs in a row.

As a bystander, Yan Ling felt as if he was watching an interesting skit show.

But the doctor standing in front of patient No. 166 was not in a particularly good mood.

Generation gap? Old age? Send him two tickets?

Although it is said that when facing patients with illness, we should try to tolerate them, forgive them, and help and guide them with patience and love, but sometimes when we encounter patients who really don't accept reality and make unreasonable demands, and the above methods have been used but are still ineffective, we have to choose to adapt to the situation.

The male doctor who is not married yet, has no sons or daughters, and has hereditary baldness smiled coldly.

The doctor paid attention to the distance between himself and the patient, and then said to patient No. 166, "Look at your clothes first."

"Did you find anything different?"

"It's summer now, and the concert has ended successfully for half a year, so Mr. Sun Xiaozhou, you don't have to worry about the concert anymore."

The doctor thought about it and still didn't tell him that he didn't appear in the concert because of his illness.

As the attending doctor of patient No. 166, the male doctor felt that he was really too kind. Even if the patient had such an inhumane mental attack on him, he could still tell such a white lie with the attitude of caring for the patient.

Unfortunately, patient No. 166 did not appreciate it.

"No! Impossible! I have no memory of this period of time. How could the concert end?"

Patient No. 166 rushed out while the doctor was not paying attention.

At this time, the huge electronic clock hanging in the hall outside attracted the attention of Patient No. 166.

"July 21, 2020!"

He stood there blankly.

"Fuck, I must have traveled through time!"

Patient No. 166 Sun Xiaozhou felt dizzy!


After Sun Xiaozhou strongly stated that he was not sick, the hospital also invited Sun Xiaozhou's family and Sun Xiaozhou's good brother, who was Sun Xiaozhou's agent, Sun Xiaozhou had a comprehensive physical and mental examination.

To everyone's surprise, the test results showed that--

Sun Xiaozhou was in very good health and had no disease at all.

It's just that he had forgotten all his memories from the onset of the disease to this examination in the past few years, and his memory stayed at the end of November 2016.

On that day, Sun Xiaozhou was ready to be discharged from the hospital.

In the ward, Sun Xiaozhou was putting his things away, although he felt that there was nothing to put away.

The company that Sun Xiaozhou signed with was owned by his relatives, so there was no question of whether to terminate the contract. Sun Xiaozhou's agent said that after he left the hospital and adapted to the outside world, he could make a comeback if he wanted.

The agent was waiting for Sun Xiaozhou downstairs.

There were only Sun Xiaozhou and Yan Ling in the ward.

Sun Xiaozhou had lost his memory, so he didn't remember Yan Ling at all, but for some reason, Sun Xiaozhou wanted to get close to this patient from the bottom of his heart.

For a moment, Sun Xiaozhou thought if he had encountered the legendary love at first sight?

Pah pah pah!

He, Sun Xiaozhou, is a good young man of the new generation with a good family background.

Sun Xiaozhou looked towards his bed.

Except for the unbreakable ceramic cup beside the bed, which was convenient to hold and could be kept as a souvenir, the rest was completely useless.

Yan Ling was resting with his eyes closed to recover his mental strength, but he didn't expect Sun Xiaozhou to come over suddenly.

"Hello, brother!"

Yan Ling looked up at him and said nothing.

"Brother, I'm leaving soon. Although I don't remember the past, it's fate for us to live in the same ward."

Sun Xiaozhou didn't care whether the other party understood or not. He pointed to the fruit basket on the table and the computer in the corner and said, "I guess I won't come back in the future. I don't have anything valuable on me now. I'll give you all these things in the ward."

"Finally, I hope you can get better soon."

After Sun Xiaozhou finished speaking, he left not long after.

So Yan Ling was the only one left in the ward.


After the room returned to silence, Yan Ling came to the computer.

Looking at the computer in front of him, Yan Ling didn't expect that he would get it in this way.

And the patient who was discharged from the hospital...

If his judgment is correct, it is probably because of his mental power that the patient named Sun Xiaozhou suddenly got better, as for the missing memory.

Yan Ling suddenly thought of when he used his mental power to sort out and soothe Sun Xiaozhou's mental power, he found that in Sun Xiaozhou's internal consciousness, there was a small part of mental power that was black, and when Yan Ling's mental power passed by, the small part of mental power with abnormal color quickly shattered like dirt.

Yan Ling didn't take it to heart at the time, and now think about it, it is probably because of this reason that Sun Xiaozhou lost a part of his memory.

But no matter what, Sun Xiaozhou's condition was unexpectedly cured by accident, which is also a good thing.

In addition, he finally found a way to make money.


Yan Ling turned on the computer and typed the four words "station".

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