Cannon Fodder Strategy

The stepmother’s hatred in the apocalypse (3)

Lin Xue is studying in a residential school. She studies very hard. She is about to enter junior high school now. In order to get into a key school to bring honor to her mother, she must have been working very hard recently, because the mother and daughter have always been dependent on each other. The reason is that Lin Jianya married another woman and the two mothers and daughters were not seen in the light. Lin Xue did not become cynical because of this. On the contrary, she felt very sorry for her mother and became more and more determined to fight for her mother. In this way, the relationship between the two mother and daughter was very good, so what happened to Lin Xue later made Li Baihe very resentful of Lin Xun's methods. After all, for Li Baihe, destroying her daughter was more embarrassing than destroying her world. She felt distressed.

Lin Jianya rarely comes here. At this time, he is divorcing Wang Peizhi. Although he has controlled most of the power of the Wang family and has already ignored the Wang family, this person is very face-conscious and has not made things clear. Before, it was impossible for him to be caught with the slightest clue. He hadn't been here for half a month. In the plot, Lily Li couldn't hold back her anger. Later, when her daughter came back, she couldn't help but scolded Lin Xun and her daughter, This made Lin Xue hate Wang Peizhi and her daughter who had never met even more. This was the reason why when the two sisters went to the same school together, Lin Xue gave Lin Xun troubles at every turn.

But at this moment, Lily didn't mind at all whether Lin Jianya came or not. Her martial arts hadn't fallen behind in a week, and soon she seemed to be in much better spirits than before. Because you get married early and have children early, although your daughter is already twelve, Li Baihe is only less than thirty this year. This is just because she had too many things in her heart before and she was too resentful towards Wang Peizhi. Her complexion looked very bad, and there was a gloomy look between her eyebrows. Now that Lily came, the acrimony on her face due to the unsatisfactory life quickly turned into indifference and indifference.

"Mom, I'm back." A clear girl's voice rang, and with the sound of the key opening the door, a smile appeared on Lily's lips involuntarily when she opened her eyes, and a slender girl in uniform entered the room. When he saw Lily, he threw away his schoolbag. He quickly threw himself into his mother's arms: "Mom, I miss you."

Lily's heart softened and she patted her back: "Are you tired from studying? You've finally come back. Let's buy some vegetables in the evening. Mom will make delicious food for you, okay?" Lily asked her daughter with a smile. At this time, Lin Xun had been reborn. Seeing that her daughter looked very rosy and healthy, she couldn't help but feel relieved.

She was afraid that Lin Xun would be crazy enough to take action in advance. It seemed that he hadn't yet. She must be anxious to claim the space. And persuaded Wang Peizhi to ask Lin Jianya for a large sum of divorce fees, and then buy the food and store it in the space?

"Mom. Has Dad seen you when he came over?" Lin Xue glanced at Lily and frowned: "I want to call him."

I don’t know if it’s because children from single-parent families have an instinct to care for their mothers. Lin Xue is still young, but she is already sensible. Just when she was about to touch the phone, Lily reached out and held her down, shaking her head at her: "Xiaoxue. Mom wants to separate from your dad. What do you think?"

Since Lily Li’s wish does not include Lin Jianya. Lily was not prepared to have anything to do with him anymore. Anyway, the house where the mother and daughter lived was bought by Lin Jianya, and during the ten years that Lin Jianya made her his lover, he gave her a sum of money every year. In the eyes of others, It was sky-high money. In the past ten years, Lily Li had actually saved a lot, enough to support her mother and daughter.

"Did the people over there come over and say something to you?" Lin Xue's face darkened, her fists clenched, and Lily touched her head: "You have to be more careful, Lin Xun, but it's different from before. "

Lin Xue snorted coldly. Although she was smart, she was still a real twelve-year-old girl. It was not like Lin Xun who came back from the apocalypse and experienced a lot of things. She was too ruthless to say anything, and she was quick to strike, but fortunately In the plot, it will be three years before Lin Xun destroys Lin Xue. It happens to be Lin Xue's fifteenth birthday party. There are still three years left. Lily can start practicing martial arts again, and then she won't be able to manipulate anyone. , regardless of whether the plot can be changed or not, Lily still breathed a sigh of relief when she thought of this.

It was a rare time for her daughter to come back. Although she still wanted to care about her mother's condition, Lily did not say anything more about Lin Jianya. She just drove her daughter to buy vegetables and cooked a sumptuous meal for her when she came back. Mother and daughter got along happily for a weekend. When Lily sent Lin Xue to school again, she was told not to have any conflicts with Lin Xun for the time being, because she was afraid that Lin Xun would lose his patience and harm others with his wave of hands.

Lin Xue always listened to Lily Li's words. Although she was confused, she still agreed. When Lily breathed a sigh of relief, she kissed her on the face and went to school.

After sending her daughter away, Lily began her life of practicing martial arts. When she bought ingredients, she always bought them in the simplest and large quantities. Except for the two mothers and daughters who would eat delicious food when her daughter came back on Saturdays and weekends, the rest of the time she would She spent all her time practicing Kung Fu. During the summer vacation, when Lin Xue went to a summer camp for two months after graduating from elementary school, she focused entirely on practicing Kung Fu.

The opponent in the mission this time was more troublesome. He was ruthless and had room for supernatural powers. She did not dare to be careless at all, fearing that if she accidentally failed to protect Lin Xue, the mission would naturally not be completed.

Half a year later, Lin Jianya successfully divorced, but he only came to see Lily twice, and left in a hurry before he could say anything to Lily. Without thinking, he should know that all this was Lin Xun's method, but Lily She didn't mind either, she didn't have time to deal with Lin Jianya at the moment, Lin Xun's move was just what she wanted. It's just that Lin Jianya may still have feelings for her at this moment. Three months later, he took her back to the Lin family mansion and officially gave her a title, although it didn't happen again like in the plot. A grand wedding, but it was enough to make Lin Xun feel cold toward Lily.

Living under the same roof, I wonder if it was because Lin Xun was preparing to buy things and trying to get money at this time. Lily did not meet Lin Xun as quickly as expected, but Lin Jianya accidentally got a few The peerless beauty was both gentle and considerate. She stayed in a gentle place for a while and refused to come out. When she mentioned this, Lily couldn't help but want to laugh.

The Dragon King looked cool and handsome, and Lin Xun was also very charming, with a hint of feminine charm mixed with coldness and innocence. In fact, Lin Xun was only eleven years old at this time, and it was because of her experience that she People ignore her age, and it is inevitable for an eleven-year-old girl to look immature. If that Dragon King is not a pedophile, he must have a mental problem!

But no matter how many followers Lin Xun had, Lily had done so many missions, and the thing she was not afraid of the most was problems. She took advantage of Lin Jianya's time hanging out with other women, and devoted herself to practicing her martial arts at home for three years. As time passed, Lin Xue and Lin Xun continued to have small conflicts, but Lin Xue always remembered her mother Lily's instructions not to have a direct conflict with Lin Xun. She just had to remember to be patient when something happened again.

Although she didn't know why Lily asked her like this, Lin Xue was raised by her mother alone. She knew how hard her mother worked and how much she had to pay for herself. Therefore, no matter what she thought in her heart, she listened to Lily's words very much. It was precisely because With her attitude, Lin Xun never found a chance to deal with her. Although most people in the school knew under Lin Xun's conscious guidance that Lin Xue was just a child born by a third party, who had stolen his father from Lin Xun. But no matter what others said, she held it all in and only read her own books. After three years, people in the school took the fact that Lin Xue was the daughter of an outsider much more lightly than before, and even Some people still think that Lin Xue is a little pitiful.

Because of this, Lin Xun's first plan to isolate Lin Xue failed to come true, and she couldn't help but sneer in her heart.

It has been more than three years since she came back from the apocalypse. Lin Xun has been preparing for these four years. Her wood ability was activated three years ago. Now after her hard practice, it is almost there. The peak of level one superpower. Although it is good to have the support of space, she does not have the crystal core of zombies, so her superpower does not upgrade quickly. However, this superpower is extremely powerful when used against ordinary people, not to mention the help of space. , She is not afraid of even the toughest people!

Once her plan failed, she tried another plan, planning to teach Lin Xun an unforgettable lesson on her fifteenth birthday! She had already discussed with Long Yi that she would destroy Lin Xun, just like she destroyed herself in her previous life, so that she would end up worse than death!

Lin Xue's fifteenth birthday is coming soon. Lin Jianya is now much colder towards Lily and his daughter. On the contrary, he is enthusiastic about his daughter Lin Xun who can often find all kinds of beauties for him. After getting up, at Lin Xun's invitation, Lin Jianya held Lin Xue's fifteenth birthday party. Now that he had plenty of money, he just told his secretary that as long as his precious daughter liked it, he would fulfill Lin Xun's wish. , not to mention that Lin Xun did this for the sake of his other daughter. When Lin Jianya saw the two daughters being so affectionate, he actually cared.

Lily, who had seldom put down her martial arts skills in the past three years, naturally came forward at such a time. Lin Xun had someone send him clothes. Lily and her daughter arranged their lives, made decisions for them on things that she shouldn't have decided in the first place, and acted like masters, as if Lily and her daughter were just relying on others. This move may be harmful to the original owner, but it doesn't matter to Lily at all. Lin Xun has experienced the apocalypse, so she has a strong desire to control, as if many things are not under her control, and she has no sense of security. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: The second update~~~ The little fan vote is 145 for an additional update. . . There are only a few days left before the double monthly ticket is coming. I am so afraid that climbing to second place is to prepare for the third one. . .


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